Pick Or Pass On These Superpowers To Receive A Superhero Name!

Superheroes have come and gone over the years, and there are very few that have been able to stick around and remain relevant with newer audiences. Those that have transcended time and have reached the heights reserved for few will always rope in new fans, and their stories will live on until the end of time. Considering the difficulty in developing a new hero and having them stick around for the long haul, many companies will choose to hang their hat on their prized possessions, and this can be both a good and bad thing moving forward.

The thing is, few heroes are able to remain relevant due to the powers that they posses. At the end of the day, fans are interested in seeing heroes that pack a punch and are able to do things that blow their minds. Because of this, many fans have dreamed of having their own powers and becoming their own character! Well, today, we are giving fans the opportunity of a lifetime.

We are going to present some of the most popular superpowers that people will find in the world of fiction. After choosing the powers that they would prefer to have and utilize, we are going to bestow their very own superhero name!

Question 1

Pick Or Pass on Superhuman Strength

Having a wide array of powers is beneficial when trying to save the world, and there are few that would pass on the opportunity to have superhuman strength. It allows a person to pull off some feats that would leave their foes speechless. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 2

Pick Or Pass on Superhuman Speed

Superhuman speed would give someone the opportunity to leave their opponents in the dust and cover an incredible amount of ground in a short period of time. Speed could be helpful in in a variety of ways. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 3

Pick Or Pass on Telepathy

Telepathy is a power that few heroes have, but the ones that do have demonstrated an incredible amount of power over the years. They can do things that others could only dream of, though this can lead them to making some selfish decisions. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 4

Pick Or Pass on Flying

So many people dream of having the ability to fly at their leisure and, while this power would be great while taking on evil, it would save a ton of money while traveling. A decision here is for something that is practical and powerful. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 5

Pick Or Pass on Teleportation

Teleportation is a power that people with huge imaginations would love to have. People with this power can take themselves to wherever their mind can dream of, and it provides them with a fantastic defensive strategy as well. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 6

Pick Or Pass on a Healing Factor

Having a healing factor would make any person live an incredibly long life, but those with wanton disregard for their health could use this power for nothing more than getting popular on the internet. It is something that can come in handy when things pop off. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 7

Pick Or Pass on Invisibility

With the ability to be invisible, people would be able to use an incredible strategic benefit to their advantage. We have, however, seen this power backfire and be used in ways that lead to failure in the past, so it will require some honing. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 8

Pick Or Pass on Shapeshifting

Shapeshifting is one power that can be used in incredible ways should a person need to infiltrate an area. Typically, the people that have this ability are able to trick people into believing impossible truths. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 9

Pick Or Pass on Time Travel

Things could get messy in a hurry for a person that decides to use this power, and we have seen plenty of documentation of this over the years. It can be a treat for people looking to catch an old, famous show, but messing things up can alter the future. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 10

Pick Or Pass on Immortality

The repercussions of this choice are something that many people won’t take into consideration, and many will gladly choose it in a heartbeat. But, those with this power will live through many lifetimes and watch the ones they love fall by the wayside. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 11

Pick Or Pass on Psychokinesis

Psychokinesis means that a person has the ability to move things with their mind, and this would make many people incredibly lazy once they master the power. It can be used for good, sure, but many people will gladly use this to never life a finger while cleaning again. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 12

Pick Or Pass on Magic

Magic may not seem like a power at first, but anyone that has spent time reading Constantine or Zatanna will gladly say that this is a power that anyone would be lucky to have. The thing is, this power will require a ton of practice before being able to use it effectively. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 13

Pick Or Pass on Empathy

Empathy is a gift that few people have and use as a power, and we have seen what it can do play out on the big screen. Yes, a person with this power will feel everything that another feels, but empaths can also pull off some tremendous feats. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 14

Pick Or Pass on X-Ray Vision

X-ray vision is just one of the many powers that Superman has, and we have seen him use it effectively over the years. People with this power would be instrumental in situations that involve diagnosing a medical situation on the fly. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 15

Pick Or Pass on Frost Breath

People that have a dislike for all things freezing cold may want to stay away from this power here. It can be helpful while taking on evildoers, and it can make any opponent think twice before heading out their door. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 16

Pick Or Pass on Heat Vision

Now, while many people may choose to stay away from frost breath, we are willing to guess that others may be inclined to take advantage of this power. This, of course, is assuming that they can keep it under control without the use of glasses. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 17

Pick Or Pass on Weather Modification

Weather modification is a power that people with an ironclad will can take advantage of without caving into temptation. Having this ability at your disposal can drastically alter the course of a battle for the rest of the heroes standing up against evil. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 18

Pick Or Pass on Psionics

At its most basic level, this power would allow a person to use psychic powers and, though it may take an incredible amount of practice, this power would be incredibly useful. People with this power will need to be mindful about how they use it. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 19

Pick Or Pass on Levitation

Levitation may not give its wielder the same type of effect as someone that is able to fly, but it can be useful while scouting out an area and while trying to pump fear into an opponent. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 20

Pick Or Pass on Fire Manipulation

Admittedly, fire manipulation is one of the coolest powers that a person can have, and it can come in use in a variety of situations. There aren’t too many people with this ability, and the ones that have it work hard at perfecting it. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 21

Pick Or Pass on Metal Manipulation

Metal manipulation is a power that needs to be controlled by someone that has a great will. After all, the things that a person could do with this power in our modern world could cause a ton of destruction. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 22

Pick Or Pass on Astral Projection

Astral projection is a power that isn’t too common with popular heroes, but the ones that are able to use it can do some tremendous things. It may leave a person exposed, but enough planning will make this act a total success. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 23

Pick Or Pass on Clairvoyance

While this power may not let its user predict the future entirely, it can give its user access to knowledge that can be handy when devising a strategy. A person with this power can be an integral member of a team. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 24

Pick Or Pass on Omniscience

It may seem like a pretty handy thing to have, but those with omniscience carry the weight of the world in their minds. Having the knowledge of everything can be an incredibly exhausting thing to deal with on a daily basis. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 25

Pick Or Pass on Omnipresence

Not unlike having the wealth of knowledge of existence at all times, omnipresence can be exhausting as well. This power allows its user to be any and everywhere at any given moment. It can be useful, but it can wear a person down. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 26

Pick Or Pass on a Power Ring

Many people will quickly say that this isn’t technically a power, but in reality, it is. The will a person needs drives this device, sure, but those with this ring are capable of conjuring up the most fantastical things in their mind. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 27

Pick Or Pass on Fire Breath

This power is a novelty that can be found at any traveling circus, but this requires someone that needs some outside factors to help out. With this power, a person can use this to their advantage whenever they need, with no help required. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 28

Pick Or Pass on Invulnerability

Invulnerability means that a person will be able to withstand just about anything that comes their way, so it goes without saying that this is going to be a popular choice. Many heroes would do just about anything to have this power. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 29

Pick Or Pass on the Power Cosmic

People willing to debate the Power Ring and its function as a power will be vocal about this entry as well. Nevertheless, those that posses the Power Cosmic means that a person will be in touch with every living thing at once. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 30

Pick Or Pass on Mind Control

Any person that is willing to take the plunge and assume the duties of this power are going to need to demonstrate a level of restraint that is reserved for very few. Having this ability can get a person anything, but it can also cost them everything. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 31

Pick Or Pass on Atomic Manipulation

The ability to manipulate atoms is so far advanced for most hero’s mental capacities, that many would never dare touch this power. Manipulating atomic matter is something that would be an immense challenge for any person. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 32

Pick Or Pass on Web Slinging

There isn’t a whole lot of explaining that needs to go into this particular power as it is associated with one of the most popular characters ever made. Any person with this power will be capable of traveling around in the most entertaining way possible. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 33

Pick Or Pass on Force-Field Projection

If any person is interested in this power, then they certainly have the protection of loved ones in mind. A force-field projector can do some tremendous things for people nearby, and they can be instrumental in saving the day. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 34

Pick Or Pass on Reality Warping

Of all of the powers that we have included on this quiz, this one is perhaps the most dangerous. Shifting around reality may seem like it can come in handy, but things can get out of hand quite quickly and unexpectedly. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 35

Pick Or Pass on Unstoppable Momentum

Unstoppable momentum gives people the opportunity to let nothing stand in their way. Of course, once a person truly gets going for the very first time, they may find themselves in some serious need of assistance until they finally get it down. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 36

Pick Or Pass on Power Absorption

Even if it only a temporary thing, having the ability to absorb the powers of others is something that would give someone a taste of everything the world has to offer. It can also be destructive if it is left unchecked. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 37

Pick Or Pass on Water Manipulation

While this power may not have the same effect as frost breath, many would argue that this one is far superior. Manipulating water would leave any opposition wishing that they had chosen another path in life when used correctly. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 38

Pick Or Pass on Phasing

Having the ability of phasing would please many people. People would have the ability to walk through anything that gets in their way, but this is a power that will need to be monitored unless a person wants to end up like Ghost. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 39

Pick Or Pass on Time Stopping

The ability to travel through time is one thing, but being able to temporarily freeze it has got to be a tempting proposition. People with this power could do some tremendous things if they are given the opportunity. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 40

Pick Or Pass on Sonic Scream

People with the ability to produce this type of scream have to be incredibly careful so that they don’t cause a wave of destruction. Those with this power in full effect usually prefer to write things down instead of speaking them aloud. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 41

Pick Or Pass on Self-Multiplication

Having the ability to multiply at any given moment sure would make getting things done around the house significantly easier. Enemies would hardly know where to start, and the person with this power would be nearly unstoppable. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 42

Pick Or Pass on Size Shifting

Being able to pull this off with regularity is quite the impressive feat, considering how taxing it is physically. People with this power will have to work harder for respect, but once it’s earned, they are good to go. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 43

Pick Or Pass on Energy Blasts

Even though many think that this power can be a bit underwhelming depending on the power level, it is worthy of inclusion on this quiz. Even if the power of the blast is relatively low, it can leave enemies hesitant to move forward. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 44

Pick Or Pass on Data Manipulation

People with this power can manipulate any information that is being relayed by groups of people. They can also take objects and turn them into data, with the reverse being applicable as well. There aren’t too many people with this ability. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 45

Pick Or Pass on Liquification

Liquification means that just about any situation is one that a person can get out of. This power isn’t too popular in the grand scheme of things, but it can come in handy especially for those that declined phasing as a power. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 46

Pick Or Pass on Plant Control

Such a simple power, but it is so effective. Having the ability to control plants is something that people with knowledge of botany can use to their advantage. It can be something that people can do tremendous things with. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 47

Pick Or Pass on Sharpshooting

Some people are so inaccurate that it hurts to watch, but those with this power will never have to worry about missing the mark again. It may not be the power that people will line up to get, but it can be effective. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 48

Pick Or Pass on Chi

Tapping into this power is something that few heroes are able to do, but the ones that can are able to do some impressive things. It is a force that can be beneficial in developing powers and sharpening skills. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 49

Pick Or Pass on Persuasion

Now, there is a fine difference between this power and controlling someone’s mind, so the people wanting to take this one on should be warned in advance. People with persuasion can have a huge advantage when it comes to talking their way out of a situation. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

Question 50

Pick Or Pass on Psionic Blast

A psionic blast can come from out of nowhere to make a huge impact against enemies, so this is certainly one to think about. People with this power can deliver devastating blows whenever they need to, and from a great distance. This power could go a long way in making someone a formidable and powerful hero.

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