Take This Quiz And We'll Tell You If People Find You Attractive

The feeling of believing that people find us attractive is one that can do wonders for our personal life. There isn't a person in this world who enjoys feeling unattractive, and even the subtlest hint of someone expressing interest in us can put us on cloud nine for the rest of the day. We have all experienced this at some point, though there are those people who completely miss the chance to seize a golden opportunity. Inexperienced people can often find themselves going on about their day without realizing that someone was flirting with them.

For most of us, there are a number of things that we do in our daily lives to help boost our appearance and appeal, and these actions can open the door for meeting new people. Others, however, are completely content with how they are, and they still manage to find a semblance of interest. Love can be fleeting, but the opportunities that arise are ones we must take hold of, and confidence is key in this. Knowing that people find us attractive makes this process much easier.

So, how do you know if other people find you attractive? Well, don't worry, because we've got you covered. This quiz will reveal if other people are attracted to you!

Question 1

Do People Ask Your Friends About You?

Many of us are guilty of doing this, and people who are interested have probably resorted to this childish act to get information on the sly. If you have a person hitting up your friends about you, then you should consider yourself flattered. Now go out there and make your move!

Question 2

Do Random People Flirt With You?

This has probably happened so many times without you even realizing it, and unless you open your eyes and actually pay attention, you will continue to miss this happening. People flirt all the time whether they mean to or not, and yes, people have flirted with you. Hard to believe, I know.

Question 3

Are You Well Groomed?

No, we aren’t saying that you need to dress like you’re attending a film premiere and get your hair fixed every single day, but there is something to be said about a person who always makes sure that they look their best before walking out the door. It makes for a great first impression.

Question 4

Are You Well Dressed?

Not unlike keeping yourself looking good, dressing in appropriate clothing can make a world of difference. You don’t need a tuxedo to look good. Wearing clothes that fit appropriately and that aren’t tattered and stained can help your appearance. There are far too many people who dress like they just woke up.

Question 5

Are You Adventurous?

Being adventurous can inject an incredible amount of excitement into anyone’s life, but the reality is that most of us function like house cats. We prefer to be indoors and comfortable. But, nothing ventured, nothing learned. If you aren’t willing to get out there and explore, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Question 6

Do People Smile At You?

This is one of the subtler things on this quiz that you should keep your eyes peeled for. Unattractive people hardly ever find a stranger that shoots them even the faintest smile. Attractive people, on the other hand, are accustomed to seeing complete strangers flash their pearly whites at them.

Question 7

Do People Make Conversation With You?

When you are out and about, do you find that people approach you to speak, even for a brief moment? For some of us, this happens far more often than we would like, and it is a sign of attractiveness. People who are attractive are far more likely to have a stranger speak to them.

Question 8

Are You A Confident Person?

Confidence is a trait that is possessed by all attractive people, and if you are lacking in this department, you are going to have a rough go of things. People respond to confident individuals, and it can make a person exponentially more attractive. We sure hope that you are a confident person.

Question 9

Do People Make Eye Contact With You?

Not unlike finding people who smile at you, this is an incredibly minor detail that people often miss. Making eye contact may be considered a formality to some, but other people fail to do this on an all too regular basis. If people aren’t making eye contact with you, they are either rude or find you to be unattractive.

Question 10

Do People Find You Annoying?

There are few things worse than annoying the heck out of people, but not realizing that people find you annoying is certainly up there. No one likes to spend their time around someone who makes them cringe whenever they open their mouth. Do the people in your life find you to be unbearable?

Question 11

Do People Give You Their Full Attention?

Noticing that people aren’t actually paying attention to us when we speak can make any person feel completely insignificant and damage their confidence. If people aren’t giving you their full attention, then you’re either unattractive and boring or they are insanely rude. Others, like Dwight Schrute give attention that few can handle.

Question 12

Are People Adjusting Themselves Around You?

We'll go ahead and give you a moment or two to take your mind out of the gutter before proceeding with this question. By adjusting themselves, we mean people who are fixing their personal appearance while they are around you. They could be making sure they look good for you, or just getting hair out of their face. Dealer’s choice.

Question 13

Do You Receive Physical Contact?

There are clear and obvious lines that should never be crossed by anyone, and clearly, we aren’t speaking about anything over that line. Nevertheless, subtle physical contact is one of the biggest signs that someone finds you attractive. This contact should come in a playful manner, nothing creepy or inappropriate.

Question 14

Do You Get Frequent Interaction On Social Media?

In this day and age, virtually everything is online, and more importantly, it is on social media. Nearly every person we know uses social media, and there can be little ways to detect if someone finds you attractive on social media. Just pay attention to the same people that interact with your posts, excluding your mother, of course.

Question 15

Do People Try To Make You Laugh?

It always feels good to make other people laugh and surrounding ourselves with humorous people can make just about any situation fun. But, have you noticed certain people who are constantly trying to get you to laugh? This could be a sign that they find you attractive or that they need an ego boost.

Question 16

Do People Get Excited To Have You Around?

There is something to be said about people wanting to have you around. For many, there are going to be times in your life where it seems like people couldn’t care less if you are around. Enjoy the moments in which people do want you around and pay attention to the person most interested in your presence.

Question 17

Do People Laugh At Your Jokes?

Getting a group of people to laugh is an incredible feeling, though the times that we try too hard to be funny can lead to us cracking some awful jokes. However, there will still be people who laugh at just about everything you say. This is a pretty good sign that they find you attractive and interesting.

Question 18

When Was The Last Time You Had A Date?

Once you are single, getting that elusive first date over with can be an arduous task that may require some patience. Some people in general find it hard to land a date, and the lack of dates can be both a good and a bad thing. Can you remember the last time you took this plunge?

Question 19

Do Other People Contact You First

Establishing contact with a person is a two-way street that can give you a pretty good idea about the way someone feels about you. If the other person is hitting you up first, then there is a good chance that they are interested and find you attractive. If you do it first, then we have some terrible news for you.

Question 20

Have You Been Rejected Recently?

Talk about the ultimate knife to the heart. Being rejected is easily one of the worst feelings that we will experience in our personal lives, but it is something we all must go through. Attractive people find this happening far less frequently than others. So, have you been rejected by someone recently?

Question 21

Are You Ignored In Group Setting?

It can be easy to get lost in the shuffle, and in a group setting, being largely ignored by people is never a good sign. Drawing attention to yourself by having a flair for the dramatics is a poor idea, but if you notice that people pay you no attention, your biggest fears may be coming true.

Question 22

Do People Look At You While Walking Down The Street?

While we are walking around, we are usually too caught up in our own thoughts without fully paying attention to what is going on around us. For those people who are attractive, they will notice other people looking at them while they are walking down the street. If this doesn’t happen to you, well, prepare for bad news.

Question 23

Are You Good With Kids?

Whether you want kids or not, being good with children is something that people find incredibly attractive. If you have a significant other or are with someone that you’re interested in, showing that you are good with children has a knack for making you far more attractive to others. Sounds crazy, but it’s true.

Question 24

Do People Find You Intelligent?

Intelligence in such an attractive quality for a person to have, and it’s a shame that smart kids are often bullied growing up. As adults, no one likes to surround themselves with a dumb person. Being intelligent makes you a lot more attractive to other people, while being dumb can have people thinking less of you.

Question 25

Are You True To Yourself?

Most people have the ability to see right through a person who is pretending to be something that they are not, and this is incredibly unattractive. Being yourself is always the best route to take when putting yourself out there. You will find something real by being yourself as opposed to putting up a front.

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