People Who Pass This PLL Quiz Totally Belong On The A-Team

When most people watched Pretty Little Liars, they thought about which of the liars they would most want to be or be friends with or maybe which of the totally gorgeous guys on the show they would want to date. But have you ever thought about whether or not you have what it takes to be on The A-Team?

The members of The A-Team spent a long time tormenting Alison and the liars and throughout the series, viewers were constantly left guessing as to who the identity of Uber A and all of their employees might be. Who could hate the liars so much that they would go to such intense, dedicated, and often terrifying lengths to torment them the way The A-Team did? Luckily, we all found out who Uber A was at the end of the series and it was just as creepy as we expected.

Would you be able to be a member of The A-Team? Or would you be one of the liars and be on the receiving end of their gifts and messages? Take this quiz to find out if you belong with A.D. and the rest of The A-Team or if you would be one of the liars!

Question 1

Your friend forgot to do her homework and asks to copy yours. What do you do?

Everyone has had one of those moments where they totally forgot to do their homework or just didn't have time to finish it, right? Imagine that you're in school and your friend comes up to you to ask if she can copy yours because she's having one of those days. How do you react?

Question 2

Do you work better by yourself or on a team?

An important part of being on The A-Team is, well, working as a team. The A-Team had to work together to coordinate all those messages and gifts to the liars, so in order to be with them, it's important to be good at working with others while still being independent. Are you better on your own or as part of a team?

Question 3

Are you competitive?

Some people are naturally really competitive. For them, winning is everything and they won't let anything get between them and the prize they're after. Other people prefer to just have fun and not worry about who wins or loses. Which type of person are you?

Question 4

What's one thing you refuse to leave the house without?

As nice as it would be to have no responsibilities and stay at home all the time, life doesn't work that way for most of us. And when we leave home, we totally have to take the essentials with us whether we're going on a road trip or just to run errands. What's something you always take with you when you go places?

Question 5

How well do you remember things about people you know?

Some people have the best memories. They can remember everything that a person tells them without a problem. Meanwhile, other people can barely remember someone's name after they first meet a person. What kind of person are you? Do you remember every story and secret someone tells you or do you struggle to remember their names?

Question 6

If you were on The A-Team, how would you send the liars a message?

When it comes to sending a message to the liars, The A-Team had a ton of options and they really got creative. There were dozens of messages to each of the liars throughout the series, ranging from slightly confusing to just plain terrifying. If you were on The A-Team, what would be your chosen method of sending the liars a message?

Question 7

Have you ever done something you regret and not told anyone?

As we all know, a huge part of Pretty Little Liars was keeping secrets and telling people lies. There are some things that, no matter how badly you might want to, you just can't tell people! Some secrets are better left hidden. But, we all do things we regret and sometimes, coming clean about it can really help ease your conscience. Have you ever done something you really ended up regretting but didn't tell anyone about?

Question 8

You find out your friend's boyfriend or girlfriend has been lying to them about something huge. What do you do?

Yikes! Imagine that you just found out somehow that the guy or girl your best friend is dating has been lying to them about something pretty serious. Now, you have to figure out if you want to confront them, tell your friend, or handle it in another way. What do you do?

Question 9

Who knows your worst secrets?

Before Alison's disappearance, the liars told her everything. Every little thing that happened in their life went right into her ears. That's what friends are for, right? Unfortunately, they find out that they knew very little about Alison and someone begins using those secrets against them. Who do you tell your secrets to?

Question 10

Have you ever hurt someone on purpose?

Being on The A-Team means you have to be ready to be pretty brutal, even to people that you care about. It was a huge deal when people like Mona and Toby were exposed for being on The A-Team because they were so close to the liars! Being on The A-Team meant they had done some pretty awful things to people they cared about. Have you ever hurt someone on purpose?

Question 11

Do you like surprises?

Pretty Little Liars was full of surprises, both for the viewer and for the characters on it. It seemed like every episode had a big twist or a reveal that left us seriously shocked to witness and we never knew what to expect! How do you feel about surprises in your everyday life?

Question 12

Which of these PLL ships was your favorite?

Pretty Little Liars had a lot of really awesome couples throughout the course of the show. Some of them stayed together through the end and, sadly, others didn't meet such a happy ending. Of these four couples involving one of the liars, which was your favorite?

Question 13

Which of these messages from The A-Team was your favorite?

Throughout the course of the series, there were a ton of messages to each of the liars from The A-Team. They came in all forms from gifts to text messages to written notes that appeared in various places for them to find. Some of them were really creepy but they were all super clever. Which of these was your favorite?

Question 14

Which high school superlative would you be most likely to receive?

Superlatives generally go into a high school yearbook after they're voted on and have categories like "Best Dressed," "Most Likely to Win the Lottery," or "Most Likely to Become Famous." If you were going to be the winner of one of the following superlatives in a yearbook, which one do you think you would win?

Question 15

Have you ever stolen something?

Just like lying and telling secrets, stealing was a pretty big part of Pretty Little Liars. The series started off with Hanna shoplifting and as it went on, The A-Team even got in on it and stole from the liars. It was so creepy knowing they were so close! Have you ever stolen anything?

Question 16

Which of these colors would you be most likely to wear?

Everyone has a favorite color, right? And everyone has colors that they prefer to wear, including the members of The A-Team and Uber A. Who could forget the color of their iconic matching hoodies or the jacket that the liars repeatedly saw a mysterious figure walking around in? Which of these colors would you be most likely to wear?

Question 17

Which character would you most want to play on Pretty Little Liars?

Unfortunately, playing one of the characters on Pretty Little Liars is obviously not an option. But, if you had the choice to go back in time and audition for the role of one of the characters, who would you pick? Would it be one of the liars, a side character that is somehow connected to them, a member of The A-Team, or their leader, Uber A?

Question 18

How do you like to spend your free time?

We know that life can get pretty busy and hectic, but that doesn't mean that it's not still really important to take time off and remember to do focus on things like self care. Taking some time to just relax and enjoy yourself is always a good thing. How do you like to spend your free time?

Question 19

Which liar would you want to be BFFs with?

Being on The A-Team obviously doesn't mean that you can't still be friends with the liars. Even Spencer, one of the liars herself, was a member for a short period of time for her own reasons! If you could be friends with any of the liars, which one would you choose?

Question 20

Be honest, did you guess the identity of Uber A before the finale?

Throughout the course of the series, there were a ton of people who it seemed like might have been working for The A-Team. While some of them were revealed to really be working for them, the identity of Uber A or A.D. was a mystery until the end of the series. A lot of fans had guesses as to who it might be and some were even on the right track! Did you?

Question 21

Which town would you prefer to visit?

There are a ton of fictional places in Pretty Little Liars. It's mainly set in Rosewood, but some episodes also either take place in or reference other places like Ravenswood, the home of the short-lived spin-off series, Cape May where Alison met Board Shorts, and Brookhaven, the town where Alison used to visit when she was disguised as Vivian Darkbloom.

Question 22

What's your drink of choice?

It's always important to stay hydrated and we know that thinking about what to eat or drink is probably the last thing on your mind if you're a character on Pretty Little Liars, but you still need to. So, when you get thirsty while you're running from The A-Team or tormenting the liars, which of these are you most likely to reach for?

Question 23

How did you feel about the Halloween episodes of Pretty Little Liars?

The special Halloween episodes of Pretty Little Liars were often fun. This is despite the fact that they usually had some bizarre plot point that was never mentioned again like Alison's story about the murderous twins or the time Ashley Marin saw the ghost of one of those twins. Because of their weird, seemingly non-canon events, some people didn't love them. Did you?

Question 24

Pick a superpower.

Fortunately for the liars, no one on The A-Team had any sort of supernatural abilities or superpowers. Can you imagine how hard that would have made fighting back against them? Aside from that time Ashley Marin might have seen a ghost, the show had no real supernatural elements. But, if you could have one of these superpowers, what would you pick?

Question 25

What are your favorite hobbies?

Unfortunately for the liars, constantly being hounded by The A-Team didn't leave them a ton of time for hobbies. Oops! They still had some like Spencer and her academics, Hanna and her love of shopping, and Emily with her swimming, but it was pretty complicated. What's your favorite hobby?

Question 26

Have you ever dated someone you shouldn't have?

The liars were no strangers to being in a taboo relationship during the course of Pretty Little Liars. It's no secret that some of their relationships like Ezra and Aria, Spencer and Wren, and Jason and Charlotte were definitely taboo and some of them totally wouldn't have gone over so well in real life. Have you ever dated someone you definitely shouldn't have?

Question 27

How do you react when a friend tells you a secret?

Like Alison said, secrets keep friends close. Unfortunately for the liars, they told Alison everything and she told them next to nothing. If a friend tells you a secret the way the liars told theirs to Alison, what do you do? Do you keep it between the two of you or immediately tell everyone?

Question 28

A mysterious package arrives at your doorstep with no clues to who it's from. What do you do?

During Pretty Little Liars, the liars had several mysterious gifts show up at their homes. Since they were gifts from The A-Team, they were often ominous and related back to a secret that they were keeping or a problem they were having. Ugh, talk about creepy! What would you do if you got a strange package that you weren't expecting?

Question 29

Have you ever broken the law?

Considering the amount of horrible things that The A-Team managed to do in Rosewood over the course of the series, we're pretty shocked that the FBI didn't make a trip over to Pennsylvania to see what was going on. Seriously, they should've been arrested so early in the series! But, we're glad they weren't so that the series could continue on. Have you ever been arrested?

Question 30

If you were one of the liars, how would you handle getting a message from A?

The liars had some seriously tough decisions when it came to how to handle the messages they were getting. They had to figure out who could be trusted and who they needed to avoid telling because those messages falling into the wrong hands could be seriously dangerous. What would you do if you were one of the liars and got a message from A?

Question 31

Did you ever suspect Aria might be on The A-Team?

Throughout the series, there were a lot of clues toward who Uber A and the member of The A-Team could have been. Some of them ended up being real while others were just red herrings designed to throw us off. One person fans thought all these clues might have been pointing toward was Aria! Did you ever believe those theories?

Question 32

Have you ever snuck out of the house?

Being on The A-Team means you need to be seriously sneaky. You have to be ready to sneak in and out of the liars' houses and leave them messages, gifts, and even steal their things. Yikes! This is so much pressure. Have you ever snuck out of the house for anything?

Question 33

Have you ever slept through your alarm?

Even though none of us actually have to deal with The A-Team tormenting us, life can be pretty stressful. Falling asleep isn't always easy when you're feeling stressed and waking up when your alarm goes off in the morning is often even harder. Have you ever slept through your alarm?

Question 34

Have you ever helped your BFF cyber-stalk someone?

Admit it, most of us have cyber-stalked a person at least once. Whether it's a crush, an ex, or the person your ex is dating now, it's hard not to scroll through their Instagram and read their comments to see what's going on. Maybe you're suspicious that they're up to no good or maybe you're just nosy. Have you ever cyber-stalked someone yourself or helped a BFF do it?

Question 35

Which of these would you say is your biggest flaw?

Although we all try our best to be a good person and not have any major flaws, it's not realistic to have literally none. Having a few flaws is what makes us human and it's more important to recognize that we have them and try to work through them than anything. Of these, which would you say is your biggest flaw?

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