People Who Fail This Quiz Have No Common Sense

Common sense is probably one of the most under-appreciated forms of intelligence. It's not something that will win you awards or help you make history, but it does help immensely, perhaps more so than any other type of intelligence. It's probably the most useful form of intelligence when it comes to simply surviving, which is very important. Animals and primitive humans without common sense died off frequently, unable to pass on their genes, and ensuring that the next generation did not inherit their idiocy. Let's be grateful that nobody around today is stupid enough to walk into the jaws of a lion.

But is that really true? There seems to be a lot of people out there who are incredibly lacking when it comes to common sense. Even the most basic of problems and obstacles seem to leave them completely stumped. And this begs the question: Can common sense be learned? Or is it just something you're either born with or without? What about you? Do you think you have enough common sense to make it in the world? There's only one way to find out... Take the quiz and see if have common sense, or you're a shoe-in for the Darwin awards...

Question 1

What Has Hands But Can’t Clap?

Clapping is an ancient way of showing appreciation for something. It is often referred to as an applause, and usually follows some kind of performance, or a noteworthy action by one or many individuals. It can also be done in a sarcastic manner, to indicate one's disapproval or dislike for a certain action or individual. Clapping is prominent all over the world. But there is one riddle that might just stump you. What has hand but can't clap? Can you figure it out?

Question 2

What Is The Capital Of China?

China is fast becoming one of the major superpowers in the world, and some even theorize that it might become THE superpower in the near future. Despite this fact, not many people know too much about China. There's always been a slight sense of mystery about this Eastern country, and not many westerners actually visit this nation. The country has one of the largest populations on Earth, and has many cities. But do you know which city is the capital?

Question 3

A Farmer Had 400 Sheep And Shot Them All With One Shot. How Did He Do It?

Farming is one of the most essential jobs a person can undertake, even if it's not the most glamorous. Almost everyone on Earth relies on high level industrial farming to eat and survive, and without farmers we would starve very quickly. One of the most popular animals for farmers to raise is sheep. These animals can provide not only wool, but also meat, making them quite versatile. But here's a riddle that might stump you. Can you figure this one out?

Question 4

True Or False, You Can Safely Thaw And Then Refreeze Foods

The ability to freeze food was a major human accomplishment, and within the last century or so, it has become something first world countries rely on heavily when it comes to food storage. Before freezing, salt was used to preserve meat. Roman legionnaires were actually paid in salt, because it was considered one of the most valuable things on Earth. But freezing food also comes with some notable restrictions. For instance, is it safe to dethaw and then refreeze foods?

Question 5

What Is At The End Of A Rainbow?

Rainbows have always fascinated human beings, and countless myths and stories have been told about these unique weather formations. There is definitely something quite mystical and amazing about rainbows, and seeing one is always a pleasure. The Irish people even invented a story involving a leprechaun and a pot of gold when it comes to rainbows. But what is the truth when it comes to rainbows? What is actually at the end of rainbows? The answer might actually surprise you...

Question 6

True Or False, You Would Starve To Death Before You Died Of Thirst

Survival is one of the hardest skills to learn, but it's also potentially one of the most useful. Despite this fact, not many people know how to survive, and wouldn't last long out in the wilderness without food or water. This is perhaps one of the negative side-effects of living in a city, where vital resources are immediately available. There are those who know how to survive, and for them this question will be easy. Do you think you can figure it out?

Question 7

Imagine You Are Locked In A Room Full Of Live Grenades. How Would You Survive?

Grenades are some of the most potent weapons on today's battlefield. The use of gunpowder in Ancient China was only used for fireworks, but soon these became powerful weapons of war. Explosives have gone through many changes over the years, and there are undoubtedly more powerful explosive weapons than the humble hand grenade. But there's also something very practical about this portable yet powerful weapon, and in the right hands it can be lethal. But what would you do in this situation?

Question 8

There Are 7 Rats All But 2 Drown In A Flood. How Many Remain?

The old story of the pied piper is still strongly etched into the memories of many people today. It's a common tale, and one that many people can identify with. A piper comes to town and rids an entire town of rats. But when he is not paid, he takes revenge on the town and all its people. There is no doubt that rats are a huge menace and a carrier of disease. But can you solve this simple riddle?

Question 9

Why Does Ice Float On Water?

There are a lot of things we take for granted in this world, and one of them is the fact that ice floats. Why is this? After all, ice and water are technically the same substance. So why is it that when you put an ice cube in a glass of water, it floats? Ice actually has a lot more going on inside of it than just its buoyancy. If you're on vacation, you need to be careful of things like hepatitis. But why does ice float?

Question 10

Where Does The Salt In The Ocean Come From?

Another mystery involves the sea. We all know and love the sea, and these bodies of water provide us with so many benefits. First of all, the sea actually does an amazing job of cleaning our air of things like CO2. Second, the ocean provides us with a bountiful food source in the form of fish. It's no wonder why so many ancient cultures worshiped the sea. But did you ever wonder where the salt in the ocean actually comes from?

Question 11

Some Months Have 30 Days. Some Have 31. But How Many Have 28?

We often think that our calendar system is extremely accurate, but that's not exactly true. Many different cultures have tried to create the best system of recording and tracking time, to varying degrees of success. Our calendar has actually evolved a lot over time, and even now it's still not really that accurate or efficient. The ancient Mayans actually devised a calendar which was extremely efficient and accurate - more so than our calendar today. But how many months have 28 days?

Question 12

If A Rooster Laid An Egg In Mid April, In Which Month Would It Hatch?

Eggs are another amazing food source that comes from farms. Eggs are incredible because the farmer does not actually have to kill the animal to obtain this food source. Eggs are moderately high in protein, and as such they can be used as a meat substitute. Therefore, farmers can eat well even though they aren't actually slaughtering any of their livestock, which is both humane and efficient. People with farm knowledge will be able to answer this question. But will you?

Question 13

Is It Legal To Marry Your Widow’s Sister In California?

Losing a loved one is never a nice feeling, and that's especially true if your married. Moving on after your spouse dies is one of the hardest things to do in life, and many people never actually succeed in doing so. But for some, finding a new partner is part of their healthy grieving process, and they eventually learn to love again. But what about the legality of such a situation? Is it legal to marry your widow's sister in California?

Question 14

True Or False, It Is Legal To Wave A Nazi Flag In The US

The Nazi party in Germany was a relatively short-lived regime, and it was ultimately defeated by the allies in WW2. Nazi is actually an acronym for National Socialist Party, and this political movement became incredibly popular in Germany because of its economic policies and the return of Germany to its power before WW1. There are still those today who sympathize with this movement, and even wave Nazi flags in public. But according to America's first amendment laws, is this legal?

Question 15

An Electric Train Is Moving At Top Speed Through A Valley, Going East. Which Way Does The Smoke Blow?

Train transportation was the main vehicle of travel for many years, and in many circumstances it's still the fastest and most efficient way to get from point A to B. This vehicle has been around for hundreds of years, and has come a long way since the days of the wild west and the industrial revolution. Today, modern trains sometimes even operate by magnetic levitation technology. But what about this scenario? Can you figure out which direction the smoke would blow?

Question 16

True Or False, Most Magnets Are Made Of Iron

Magnets might be a mystery to some, but they are a huge part of how our world works. Almost every electronic item you use has a magnet of some kind within it, and these magnets are used for a huge variety of purposes. There are also magnets deep in the Earth's core (one big one to be exact.) Our planet is protected from solar radiation by means of a large electromagnetic field. But is it true that most magnets are made out of Iron?

Question 17

Who Was The First Man In Space?

We tend to forget even the most basic historical moments in human history, and this is a worrying development. Today, children and young people are unable to name even the most basic names, dates, and facts when it comes to the most integral moments of our history. What happens when everyone forgets about humanity's past? Take space exploration, for example. Can you name the first man who ever reached outer space? A surprisingly large amount of people will fail at this...

Question 18

True Or False, Outer Space Has A Distinctive Smell

People who have been to space say that it's quite the experience. Seeing Earth from space is supposed to be a life-changing experience, on par with a massive epiphany and understanding of the universe. But space travel itself is not actually that pleasant. The space suits astronauts wear are very clunky and cumbersome, and trying to maneuver in space is very difficult, tiring, and frustrating. Despite this, many astronauts love going to space. But is it true that there is a distinctive smell in outer space?

Question 19

How Much Dirt Is There In A Hole 6 Feet Wide, 4 Feet High, And 7 Inches Deep?

Since the beginning of time, humanity has been digging holes. Digging holes may be done for a variety of different reasons. For example, someone might dig a hole in order to build a well. They might also dig a hole to build a tunnel. And yes, they also dig holes to construct graves. Today, we are beginning to dig more and more holes to excavate ancient ruins and find fossils. But can you figure out how much dirt is in this hole?

Question 20

True Or False, When Dying Of Thirst, Eating Snow Is Generally Not A Good Idea

At first glance, surviving in a winter environment might seem like it would be much easier than surviving in a drier climate such as a desert. After all, there's more water, as snow is often covering the ground. But it's actually not as easy as it might seem. You don't have the problem of freezing to death in a drier climate, and there's usually more wildlife around to hunt. But when it comes to water, is it a good idea to eat snow for hydration?

Question 21

How Long Can The Average Person Go Without Air?

Although mammals actually originated on land, all life originally came from the water. Before the very first animal set foot on land, the oceans were the only place where complicated life forms lived and thrived. So in many ways, living in the water is in humanity's evolutionary history. But a quick dip in the water today will confirm that we are no longer adapted to living under the sea. The main reason for this is because we can't breath underwater. But how long can the average person hold their breath?

Question 22

What Starts with T, is filled with T, And Ends With T?

T is a sound that has been used extensively in the English alphabet for some time. But you may not know that all letters and our language as a whole originated from Latin. This language was spoken by the ancient Romans. But Latin itself is derived from Ancient Greek, which in turn has an even older ancestor. If you want to go back to the very beginnings of language, you would have to visit ancient Sumer and witness the birth of a writing system called cuneiform. But even then, there is probably an older language. Can you solve this riddle?

Question 23

You Walk Into A Dark Room With A Match, A Lamp, A Candle, And A Fireplace. Which Do You Light First?

Fire is definitely one of the most important things that helped us back when we were still very primitive hunter gatherers. Humanity's ability to tame fire allowed us to scare away much larger beasts, cook our food, and keep warm during colder temperature. The ancient Greeks have a myth which involves a god, Prometheus, bringing down fire from the heavens and secretly sharing it with mortal men, against the wishes of Zeus. But put yourself in this situation. Which would you light first?

Question 24

True Or False, If You Get Stabbed With A Sharp Object, You Should Pull It Out Immediately

Stab wounds aren't something the average person has to deal with very often these days, but this wasn't always the case. In the ancient times, humanity was constantly at war, and the primary weapon of destruction were sharp stabbing weapons like spears, arrows, and of course swords. While our medical knowledge was undoubtedly limited back them, we did understand the basics of how to deal with a stab wound. Is it true that you should pull out the object if you get stabbed?

Question 25

Which Ways More, A Pound Of Feathers, Or A Pound Of Bricks?

Ah, the age old question. Now obviously, a feather weighs much more than a brick. That's just obvious. But what happens when you have a pound of bricks, and a pound of feathers. Which one is actually heavier? This question was explored on a very famous video that went viral, and it was pretty hilarious. In it, a man tries to find the answer to this question. But you already know which is heavier... Right? Try to answer this one...

Question 26

True Or False, Most Airplane Crashes Happen Shortly After Take Off Or Before Landing

Being in a plane crash is something that almost everyone thinks about when they travel. Although these accidents aren't exactly common, it's still a risk. But you've probably heard this statistic before: You're much more likely to get hit by a car crossing the road than you are to get in a plane accident. Well as it turns out, there are certain times where you are more likely to get in a plane crash during the flight. Is this statement true?

Question 27

Death By Fire Is Usually Caused By…

Fires are one of the most dangerous things someone can face, and they can happen in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes cooking can cause fires which get out of control. Sometimes electrical fires cause your entire house to burn down. Other times, wildfires spread by wind and hot temperatures threaten to wipe out entire neighborhoods. But what about the effects on the human body? As you might expect, they are quite severe. But out of fire deaths, what's the most common cause of death?

Question 28

What Has A Head And Tails But No Body?

We're approaching the end of the quiz, and this question is actually very similar to the first question in the quiz. It's another challenging question, and this one will really get your mind working. With these kinds of questions, it's always important to think outside of the box. Don't always assume the obvious. That's what this entire quiz is about, and that's why this quiz especially is testing your common sense more than anything. But can you solve this brain teaser?

Question 29

A Cowboy Rides Into Town On Friday, Stays For Three Days, And Then Rides Out Of Town On Friday. How Did He Do It?

Back in the wild west, things were very different. Some people even compare this time to a period of essentially anarchy. Laws were not very well-enforced, and the authorities were spread extremely thin across the lands. This gave bandits free reign over the land, and if they had a fast enough horse then no one could ever stop or catch them. But one still had to stop by a town every once in a while for supplies. But how is the above scenario possible?

Question 30

Before Mount Everest Was Discovered, What Was The Tallest Mountain In The World?

Everest is one mountain that everyone talks about. Everyone knows that this mountain was the tallest in the world, but for a long time it wasn't really known to the general global population. But soon enough, the local people found it, and these individuals adopted an almost religious relationship with the mountain and its "spirit." But before this day, most westerners had no idea about the existence of this mountain. Before this time, what was considered to be the largest mountain in the world?

Question 31

True Or False, Feeding Bread To Ducks Causes Harm To Them

Everyone loves to feed ducks at the pond. In fact, it's one of the most popular pastimes for people who visit their local park. For ages young and old, there's nothing more satisfying that sitting at the edge of a pond, chucking breadcrumbs into the water, and listening to the calming noises of quacking ducks. It might be the closest thing a lot of people get to peace and quiet. But is it true that feeding bread to ducks harms them?

Question 32

Do Antibiotics Affect Viruses Or Bacteria?

Antibiotics are definitely one of the most important parts of our medical arsenal when it comes to fighting a wide rang of illnesses and ailments. Chances are, you've been on antibiotics at some point or other, and the effects are usually quite noticeable. Within a few weeks the antibiotics usually deal with most if not all of the symptoms associated with whatever is causing you discomfort or harm. But do you know if antibiotics affect viruses, or do they actually effect bacteria?

Question 33

If There Are 5 Pears And You Take Away Three, How Many Pears Do You Then Have?

Pears are undoubtedly one of the most delicious types of fruit. These lovely fruits grow in many different climates, and they also have all kinds of nutrients associated with them. Like other fruits, you can also use pears to make all kinds of desserts and snacks. And there are even pear flavored jelly beans, which are probably one of the best flavors out there. But what about this seemingly simple problem? How many pears would you have after this scenario?

Question 34

What’s Full Of Holes But Still Holds Water?

Flooding has been a major problem throughout humanity's existence. Back in Ancient Egypt, the flooding of the Nile was one of the civilization's worst calamities. And then there is the biblical "great deluge," the flood that supposedly wiped out all of humanity except for Noah and his ark. Today, floods pose a major risk, with Hurricanes hitting the states and other parts of the world in full force during 2017. But do you know what is full of holes but still holds water?

Question 35

Which Is The Passing Lane In The US, Right Or Left?

Driving is definitely one of the most dangerous things in the world to do, and car crashes still account for a huge portion of accidental deaths. Even though there is very strict rules when it comes to driving a car, and people must go through a lot of testing when getting their license, people still seem to make the most elementary of mistakes. For example, not many people actually know which is the passing lane. Is it right or left?

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