If You Can't Get 100% On This Parenting Quiz, It's Time For A Nanny

Parenting is the hardest job in the whole world, no doubt. You are raising a human, one that could be a doctor, serial killer, or president of his given country. It's not something that should be taken lightly. I mean, you have to keep them alive, and that in itself is difficult. Which is exactly why you're here, to see if you have what it takes to be the best parent there is or if you are in need of some professional assistance.

Parents are their kids' first love, first laugh, first smile, and first disappointment. There are ups and downs that every parent and child go through and it's a total roller coaster. Sometimes it feels like 18-years is never enough while other times it can't get there fast enough. You'll learn so many names of silly kid's shows, so many diaper brands, and so many ways you can really parent wrong through the years. If you're lucky, you'll end up with a well-balanced kid who is not emotionally scarred or missing a limb.

If you think that you can pass this parenting test, then good for you, have at it! But beware, serious quiz-takers only, because you might not like the answer if you don't pass!

Question 1

At what age are children taken out of booster seats?

A booster seat is a seat that children ride in in the car in order to secure their safety. They elevate the body and make the child more secure. Before being put into one, children are in your baby car seat. Cars aren't safe, but with a booster seat, their chances of making it through a crash are increased greatly, though it varies slightly by state, what is the average age that they are allowed to ride like an adult?

Question 2

What show are these pups from?

Marshal the fire pup, Rocky the eco pup, Chase the police pup, and Skye the flying pup. Do these names sound familiar? To your kids they are legends that they will never forget. Knowing the most popular kids shows is crucial in learning how to parent. You can say that you don't let your kids watch much TV but if you didn't then you wouldn't be online taking a quiz right now. Which show are these puppies who save the world from?

Question 3

When can your baby start eating solids?

Breast milk or formula is easy to digest, so it's suggested that the child drink only that for some time. It has all calories and nutrients needed for them. But there comes a time, when they are allowed to start trying new foods. At this stage, it's also good to introduce them to common allergens, with the guidance of a doctor of course. At what age, is a good age to begin introducing solid foods into your baby's diet? This is in general.

Question 4

How should a newborn sleep?

While there are health concerns no matter what, there is always a best option. You will always make sure their bed is firm and that no loose blankets are around for them to smother themselves with. You should also not let them around smokers (who are smoking at the moment) when they sleep in any case, even if it's a parent. But more than that, there is a sleeping position superior to all others. From birth to three months, how should you lay your baby down in bed?

Question 5

Which of these is NOT a word for pacifier?

These words (especially pacifier) are ones that you'll hear over and over again for months after the baby is born. You give it to them when they are sleeping, when they are crying, and whenever they are bored. It's an everyday tool that is incredibly useful to parents. If you find one they like, they'll never use any other kind. Which of these words is not a word for that little thing you shove in their mouth to care for them?

Question 6

What is another name for diaper rash ointment?

Although Super Duper Diaper Doo is a great option, there's another that is even more common in most regions. While it is used for acne, cold sores, and other rashes, it is most common for diaper rashes as that was the original intent. The product was created in the 1970s by George Boudreaux while he was working as an intern pharmacist. It rose to fame in the 2000s, and is a hit with moms. Which of these is a common diaper rash cream?

Question 7

Which of these is not harmful?

While most skin conditions can hurt or pain your child, this one will not. It is a "common ailment among infants that is formally called infantile seborrheic dermatitis. It primarily appears on the baby's head or scalp area, but it can also be present on the face, back, upper, body, and anywhere that has oil glands, or sebaceous glands." This is purely cosmetic. Which of these are we referring to that is nothing to worry about and the baby doesn't mind?

Question 8

What is the number one thing that parents fight about?

While parents will fight about many things, there can only be one thing that wins the number one spot. With lack of sleep, a new life, and a new addition to the family, things are bound to get interesting. You are finally forced to agree on something. Which of these do parents fight about more than anything? Remember that this is regarding the kid, as in only things that are more or less, caused, due to the decision to get pregnant with the child.

Question 9

When your kids fight, how should you resolve it?

When your kids fight, it can be frustrating. To prevent future fights, there's only one thing that should be done. For example, you walk into the room and hear them screaming at each other (maybe even a little bit of hitting going on). Assuming you don't allow fighting between your kids, you'll want them to not fight ever again. They are a team and you need to keep it that way. So you walk in, pull them apart, and what do you do?

Question 10

What's the best way to prevent substance abuse?

Over 10 million people over the age of 12 have fallen victim to substance abuse. The number is frightening and hardly getting any lower over the years. Everyone has different thoughts about drinking and marijuana, but in general, everyone thinks the same about smoking and doing hard drugs. Let's say there is something that you don't want your kid to do (even if it's drinking irresponsibly). What is the best way to prevent them from abusing said substances and ruining their life?

Question 11

Finish this sentence, "Sleep is..."

This might not seem relevant, but it's important to know exactly how much sleep means to you. In college, you might not get a lot of sleep due to partying or studying, but as a kid you did what you wanted. The older we get, the more difficult it becomes. Add kids to the mix and it's incredibly minimal and you know why. As if you were creating the sentence yourself, which of these would you say sleep means to you?

Question 12

Post toddlerhood, how often should your kid go for a checkup?

As a baby, your kid should go to the doctor every few weeks and should be closely monitored. But as they get older, there's less of a chance that anything is wrong with them and they are allowed to wait a little longer. As an adult, you should still go when needed, but not many do. No one likes the doctor's office. From ages 2 to 12, about how often should your kid go for a standard checkup without being sick?

Question 13

When should you feed your child Cheetos, soda, and candy?

candy baby

As an adult, you likely eat junk food on a regular basis. But when it comes to kids, you want them to be healthy. You start feeding them fruits and veggies early on. Followed by oatmeal and baby cereal. But those are good for them and recommended by a doctor. The junk food has a different age than the other food. About what age should you start feeding your child food that is in no way nutritional or beneficial to their body?

Question 14

How often should you say "I love you"?

While saying, "I'm proud of you," and, "I'm sorry" are both common phrases that parents wonder how often they should say, "I love you" is most talked about. Some believe that you should never tell them as it's coddling while others can't go ten minutes in fear that they will forget. But is there a happy medium, or are one of these two the correct answer? How often do you believe you should tell your child that you loved them?

Question 15

Where is the best place to put a carseat for a newborn?

This one is very important and every parent should know it, and it changes depending on the child's age. That's why we're talking about newborns only, as they are the most crucial for they have no control over themselves. Whenever you get your baby out of the hospital, you'll be told where to put them in the car by someone who knows what they are talking about. Where is the best place to put a car seat of a newborn baby?

Question 16

Graco makes great what?

In fact, Graco invented this item for babies in the 1940s but didn't get the patent until 1955. It happened when a man noticed that his wife needed a certain thing that she was creating manually. It ended up being a hit and nearly every mother buys some for her children at one point in their babyhood. Mothers everywhere are thanking Graco to this day. Which of these items is Graco known for having top-notch versions of and have invented?

Question 17

Before a baby can talk, what should you do when he misbehaves?

This one is a biggie between parents, as not everyone can agree on what to do. But as a baby, there is only one best way to discipline him, and no other way (that is in the answers) is acceptable. Whether or not he understands words like milk, hello, and night-night is irrelevant at this point. Which of these is an acceptable and progressive way to discipline a child that us under a year old (or under the talking age)?

Question 18

Finish this line, "Daddy finger, daddy finger..."

Nursery rhymes aren't necessary for parenting, but kids do enjoy them, and they are great teachers. That's why everyone knows who jumped over the moon and who ran away with the spoon. That one is a classic that no one will soon forget unless they also forget what a twinkling star looks like according to the nursery rhyme. But what about this extremely popular one that has spread through YouTube like wildfire. Finish the first line of this song. Daddy finger, daddy finger..."?

Question 19

What is this funny looking thing for?

Parenting can be tricky. There are tons of things that you must memorize and many brands that you have to recognize. It's all rather difficult and it's no wonder so many women read the book on babies, or why so many make millions writing about it. Hopefully, you have this one down pat because it's pretty basic. This little blue guy is one of the few things they give you when you leave the hospital. What is this syringe most commonly used for?

Question 20

Which is most important?

Everyone has different goals in their lives, and kids are no exception. While all of these are important to some extent, everyone has different priorities when raising their children. There's nothing wrong with that, but we need to know yours. In general, what would you say is most important to you as a parent? Answer as honestly as possible for best results, try to look into your heart and tell us which one is true for you and your kids.

Question 21

Your child asks to play outside, what do you do?

Let's say that your six-year-old asks you if they can go outside and play. They don't have schoolwork and they don't have chores to do. So neither of those are something to consider here. Also, it's a good time to do whatever you want as it's not too early or too late. The house and surroundings are only semi-relevant so just pretend they are average. Which of these are you most likely to do if your kid asks you if they can play outside?

Question 22

How do kids make you feel?

It's true that all of these are emotions that you will have when around kids. But only one of them can be the strongest and most consistent. While having kids makes a difference and so does being around kids that aren't yours, let's just say any kids. It doesn't matter if they are yours or someone else's, well-behaved or bratty, this is just in general. Which of these do you feel the most when you are around kids of any age?

Question 23

What would you do with a sick child?

Let's pretend that your kid has caught a bug (virus). You take them to the doctor and the doctor says that they'll heal without you doing much, but they will feel really bad for a couple of weeks. He doesn't even give them any antibiotics or recommendations. They are fine, a million kids have survived it this year, but don't let them go to school or anything until it passes. Which of these are you likely to do when your kid is sick?

Question 24

Which of these should be the closest to the truth?

Do you even remember your own teacher's name when you were their age? In theory, it is believed that moms and dads should know everything there is to know about their child. Not that this is true, we're just saying. Pretending your child is in grade school (whether they are or not) let us know how much you know about important (according to them) names in their life. Which of these facts is closest to the truth regarding you and names?

Question 25

When is a temperature (f) considered a fever?

Though you don't need to worry for a couple of degrees, when given orally, this is the temperature that is considered a fever by doctors. Adults can be more picky as they can handle a lot more than kids can. But when the kids temperature is this high, you can given them the appropriate over-the-counter medication or have them rest if they are not getting sick. When should you start paying attention to your kid's temperature? Which of these is an official fever?

Question 26

If someone pukes on you, what do you do?

Stan vomiting on Wendy

Whether you've been at a party with drunks or helped a friend recover from a virus, you've likely been thrown up on. If it hasn't happened yet, thank your lucky stars, but know that unless you're antisocial, it's going to happen eventually. Hopefully, there are no large chunks because those can land on your mouth and it's hard not to lick them up. In these situations, whether it's a little or a lot, how do you generally deal with it?

Question 27

Your 4-year-old starts cussing, what do you do?

Kids say the darnedest things! Almost every kid will pick up and inappropriate expletive at least once in their lives. Some parents think it's no problem while others think it's the end of the world. When your four-year-old says that dirty one for the first time ever, there's an important decision that you have to make so plan it now. When that toddler says a PG-13 word, how will you react? Or rather, what will be your very first reaction?

Question 28

How would you react to your kid making you something?

Let's say that your young child (not a teen) has created you a rather poorly done piece of art in art class. There is glue everywhere and glitter in the worst places. Nevertheless, you know that they tried really hard and are proud of themselves. Their eyes are gleaming and they could hardly wait to show you what they made especially for you, their parent. How are you most likely to react to them bringing in the mess of an art piece?

Question 29

Who should you love the most?

dursley family photo

You'd be surprised how often parents ask themselves this, and you'd be surprised that there is a right answer. While you should love everyone, we're talking about the love you have for those closest to you. There are scientific reasons for this. There's not a sane man or woman that does not love his spouse or his child. But it's much deeper than that and you already know the answer deep down. According to experts, who should you love the most?

Question 30

At what age do kids start potty training?

Every kid is different, but a large percentage of kids start potty training at the same age. Your job is to find out which age that is. While it does vary, it's always important to encourage your kid without frightening them. Being punished for going in your training pants is never a good idea. Rewards are a better bet when they are young. At what age are kids generally ready to start thinking like this and using the reward system?

Question 31

How many hours of sleep should grade school kids get?

An hour of sleep can mean a lot! Just imagine waking up and hour alter each morning, what a dream! The impact is even greater for kids. It’s hard to decide if they are getting enough sleep or not because their minds aren’t aware of what they need. To be safe, how many hours of sleep should your child get each night? This is a grade school kid, not a toddler or a teenager, as those ages vary from other kids.

Question 32

Which of these is a sign of a learning disability?

Learning disabilities are serious problems, but when you are aware, then it's easier to understand your child. Paying attention to the signs is a great way to save money and learn something new about your kid. You don't want to discipline them if they literally cannot help themselves with something. Kids with disabilities are different, but when you're aware there is a problem, then you can rest at ease and work through it. Which of these is a sign of a hidden learning disability?

Question 33

When should you cover your baby's head?

We're speaking of newborns here that are less than six weeks old, not toddlers. As they get older, they become more resilient, but as a newborn, there are specific times when they need to wear a hat. It doesn't matter if they are a boy, girl, or where you live. There's only one thing that matters, although unlisted exceptions do exist. When should newborns either wear a hat or have a blanket over their head (while leaving room to breathe)?

Question 34

Which of these can cause mental health issues?

Though it really does depend on the child, in general, there is an adverse effect that most parents choose to ignore. Kids who were absent of this were much calmer, levelheaded individuals who abide by the law and have higher IQs. Though this isn't true with every kid, statistics say that it is the majority of the time. Which of these is proven to cause the child to be more aggressive, more likely to be delinquent and to have mental health problems?

Question 35

Finally, do you love your kids?

Love is such a deep and meaningful word. It's not one you give away easily or without regarding it. We've already talked about how often you say I love you, but here we have something even more important. Do you enjoy spending time with them? Are they your world? Do they annoy you, but you still love them when they are behaving? There are so many options, but real parents only have one truthful answer. Do you really love your kids?

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