Only The Next Einstein Can Ace This Science Quiz

Who is ready to stretch their brains and test their science skills? That's right- we have put together a quiz that only the next Einstein would be able to comfortably pass! It is time to find out who paid attention in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. Who belongs in the cast of the Big Bang Theory and who is more comfortable hanging out in the locker room with the rest of the jocks? Science is not a call that is fit for everyone- and many people find that their heads are swimming when flooded with complex Physics equations and explanations of how cells operate, but others are totally in their glory!

Who falls into the second camp? If facts and figures get the brain totally excited and ready to show off, this is the quiz to take! These questions are not for the faint of heart and nobody will be able to fake their way through. This is the real deal; science questions that will have everyone scratching their heads and digging deep to tap into their tenth-grade final exam notes. Who is ready to showcase some serious science knowledge? Nerds line up! It is time to shine! Let's go.

Question 1

What do we call the lowest temperature theoretically possible?

Temperatures can fluctuate in extreme ways. When we think about it, humans can only live and thrive at a handful of temperatures- and certainly not at this one that we're referring to, which is the coldest temperature that is theoretically possible. It has only been created in labs and anyone coming in contact with it would freeze instantly. Who knows the scientific term for this temperature? Tell us what the lowest temperature that is theoretically possible is called. Choose below!

Question 2

Which country put the first person into space?

Anyone who knows their history remembers that there was an important space race to see who could break through to the stars quicker! Nations all over the world have since begun building, testing, and regularly using technology that relies on our ability to get into space. Even private citizens are starting to get in on the action with people like Richard Branson and Elon Musk looking to invest in space tourism. But which nation was actually first to get up there?

Question 3

There are two liquid elements at room temperature. One is bromine. What is the other?

This question goes back to high school Chemistry class where we got to play with all sorts of awesome substances and sometimes get really cool reactions! Of all of the elements on the periodic table, there are two that are naturally liquid at room temperature. One of them is called bromine, and the other is this substance that has been blamed for bouts of insanity in olden times and once was the liquid inside thermometers! Who can guess the right answer?

Question 4

What is the turning effect of a force called?

Who remembers their Physics? Anyone who was not snoozing during high school science class should be able to dig into their brains and pull out the correct term for the turning effect of force. This turning effect has a specific term that is unique only to it and can help explain some of the more sophisticated concepts of Physics! Who remembers the name of this special turning effect? Give us the very best guess from the four choices listed below.

Question 5

Which of these is a way cells reproduce?

We are all made up of billions of cells. Every part of our body is comprised of cells, but how do these miraculous bits of human biology reproduce? Anyone who remembers Biology class should be able to dig deep into their minds and pull out this answer. Who is a science whiz? It is time to prove it by choosing the correct answer from the four options below. How do our bodies cells reproduce? Select the right answer and tell us.

Question 6

Is weight different in space?

Space does funny things to our bodies and weight is no exception- or is it? Without the power of gravity does our weight fluctuate once we are up amongst the stars? We do not have to be aspiring astronauts to know the answer to this question. There are ways to weigh oneself on different planets simulated at science museums all over the world. Who has gotten on the outer space scale to check their weight? Select the correct answer below.

Question 7

Lightning is considered precipitation?

When the rain comes and thunder shakes the Earth we can all count on one thing that will happen- a spectacular light show in the form of lightning! Lightning is one of the most magnificent natural spectacles that occur all over the world, but what is this electric show classified as? Is it, like the rain that comes with it, considered to be precipitation? Who knows about nature's light show? Tell us whether lightning is considered precipitation by answering below.

Question 8

Are Hurricanes and Typhoons the same thing?

Check out the picture that accompanies this question. That is a massive storm bearing down on our planet! Hurricanes and typhoons have seasons and can wreak havoc on communities, especially those whose infrastructure is not the best. These mega storms sure cause a lot of problems, but are they actually two names for the same exact thing? Are hurricanes and typhoons interchangeable, or are they different types of storms entirely? Show us some smarts and choose the best answer below.

Question 9

What is the center of the Earth made out of?

We live on a ball hurtling through space that is composed of many different layers. We live on the crust, which is mostly made up of water, but below the crust, there are plenty of other parts of our globe! At the very center, there is the core of the Earth, and this particular part is made of an incredible substance. Who knows what the center of the Earth is made out of? Choose the best answer from the four below.

Question 10

What is the substance in our bones called?

Let's go from the center of the planet to the center of our bones! Our bones are what make our bodies operate the way that they do. Without them, we couldn't stand up properly or accomplish different types of tasks. Our bones are very hard on the outside, but inside it is a little bit of a different story. Who knows what the substance inside of our bones is called? Choose the correct answer below and prove some science smarts.

Question 11

Who are our closest animal relatives?

Check out the picture of this cute primate. Although we do not look too much alike, this is an image of our closest animal relative! These creatures share an astonishingly similar DNA makeup with people and are extremely intelligent. At the animal and human kingdom family reunion we would have a table right next to this large mammal, but what is its proper name? Who knows who this creature is? Tell us the correct answer by selecting the right choice below.

Question 12

How much of the Earth is covered by water?

Anyone who has seen pictures from space knows that our planet is made up of a ton of water. There is just as much, or more blue, than there is land! We don't need to be astronauts or scientists to appreciate the fact that we live on a very watery planet- but just how much water is on the rock we call home? How much of the Earth is actually covered in water? Who knows the right answer? Choose below.

Question 13

What is it called when the moon passes in front of the sun?

Once in a while the sun and the moon do funny things in the sky, and all of us Earthlings love to watch in awe. There are times when the sun passes in front of the moon and even rarer times when the moon passes in front of the sun! We just recently had one of these epic events, but who knows what the proper name for it is? Choose the correct answer from the four options we have listed below.

Question 14

What is the largest organ of our bodies?

This is a little bit of a tricky question, but anyone who thinks it through will probably get it! Even those who don't guess properly will have an "oh yeah!" moment once the answer is actually revealed. Our bodies are made up of tons of different organs, each of which helps us function at a maximum level. Of all of these different organs, what is the largest one called? Who remembers their human biology? Show off some science smarts below.

Question 15

Which planet was recently demoted to a dwarf planet?

This poor former planet enjoyed its status as being a galactic hero when we were children but recently was demoted to a mere dwarf planet. There are some who think that it should regain its original classification and others who think that being called a dwarf planet is suitable for this particular heavenly body. Whatever side of the fence one comes down on, we are looking for the name of this former planet and current dwarf planet. Check out the answers and choose below.

Question 16

What is a caterpillar called before it becomes a butterfly?

Everyone loves a beautiful butterfly, but all of these colorful and pretty creatures started off as lowly caterpillars. Caterpillars reach maturity, head into their cocoons and emerge as lovely butterflies after a certain period of time. Who knows what a caterpillar is called during this crucial middle stage? When it is neither a caterpillar or a butterfly, what is the cocooned insect referred to? Give us the proper name for this important stage and prove who paid attention in Biology class!

Question 17

What do bees take from flowers?

Wherever there are a lot of beautiful flowers there are probably tons of honeybees buzzing around. These little guys might sting, but they're not looking to inflict pain on humans. They buzz around flowers for a different reason and trust us- unless one interrupts their job they are highly unlikely to attack a passing person. Bees are on a mission when they swarm around flowerbeds, but who knows what they are actually doing? Tell us why bees buzz around flowers below.

Question 18

What is another word for the energy we get from food?

When we are looking to lose weight this word is something that we really, really want to watch when planning out our meals. It is the other word for the energy that we get from food, and if our bodies do not use it up it winds up on our stomachs, arms, or legs as fat! Who knows the name of these energy components that make up all of the food that we consume? Give us the answer from the choices below.

Question 19

What is another name for a tsunami?

There is really nothing scarier than a tsunami. One minute we're relaxing at the beach and catching some rays. The next minute we are running for our lives because a giant wall of water is barreling towards us! Most countries with seaside cities have tsunami protocol in place so people are not caught off guard when these massive waves come crashing over the shore, sometimes going several meters inland before receeding! What is another word for these gigantic monster waves?

Question 20

Where did Charles Darwin come up with the idea of Natural Selection?

Charles Darwin is one of the most famous scientists that ever existed. His Theory Of Evolution revolutionalized the way that we looking at the human and animal kingdoms. The Theory Of Evolution didn't come out of thin air, and one of the biggest components of his breakthrough was the concept of Natural Selection, where animals evolve into more efficient and powerful creatures over the span of many years. He had his breakthrough at a very special place on Earth. Where was it?

Question 21

What is the ancestor of chemistry?

This is a very tricky one and only true science geniuses will get it right! Chemistry is that fun science where we get to make cool combinations of ingredients and see how things work in the laboratory, but before the modern branch of science that we call Chemistry, there was something else that relied on the scientific understanding of the day- but that we would find totally archaic if someone practiced it now! What is the name of Chemistry's ancestor?

Question 22

What is the smallest bird in the world?

The world is a wonderful place full of all sorts of incredible creatures, including these adorable and tiny little birds that are in the running for the cutest members of the animal kingdom. These incredible creatures could fly delightfully around us and we would barely notice unless we were specifically on the lookout for them! They are actually just that minuscule! What is the name of the smallest bird that lives on planet Earth? Give us a great guess below!

Question 23

Where do scientists find the most fossils?

Who does not love dinosaurs? These massive creatures roamed the planet centuries before humans ever came around, so nobody has been able to observe a live on in their natural environment- but we do have their bones! Since Jurassic Park is just a movie (for now!) we have to piece together dinosaur stories from what they've left us in the form of fossils. There are plenty of fossils all over the planet, but where do scientists find the majority of them?

Question 24

What do we call animals who only eat vegetables?

Check out these adorable cows. They are an example of a type of animal that only eats vegetables. That is right! All four stomachs that belong to these mighty bovines will only be filled with vegetables. Maybe that is why we love these gentle giants so much! There is a special name for animals, like cows, whose diet is strictly vegetarian. Who knows what it is? Tell us what we call animals who only eat vegetables. Choose the right answer below!

Question 25

What do we call an something that is in danger of going extinct?

Unfortunately there are many animals and other plants that are in danger of no longer existing. We've already seen many creatures, like the dodo, go extinct. There are plenty that are right on the cusp like polar bears and rhinos. Whether it is because of disappearing habitats or human poaching, plenty of animals are vulnerable to extinction. What do we call this particularly vulnerable class of creatures? Who knows what they are considered? Choose the right answer from the four below.

Question 26

What is the largest planet in our solar system?

All planets are massive- even the dwarf ones (we love ya Pluto!) There is one Mac Daddy of planets in our solar system. This huge guy is way bigger than Earth and has a ton of moons orbiting it. In displays of the solar system, this planet always towers above all of the others. Who knows how it would compete in other galaxies, but in ours, there is nothing that quite matches the size of this amazing planet. What is it?

Question 27

What do we call the deep ditches in the ocean?

There are people who can look at this picture without getting nervous. We are not among them! Deepwater inspires a special kind of fear and uncertainty so there is really nothing scarier on the planet than those wide and deep undersea ditches that exist in our oceans. These babies go way down into the Earth's crust and even cut under entire continents! We haven't explored the majority of these ditches because they are totally inhospitable to humans. What are they called?

Question 28

What substance helps plants go through photosynthesis?

Without plants and other types of flora, humans would die. We live in harmony with these living green entities. They provide us with our oxygen, beautiful our planet and give us a valuable food source. Plants are incredibly industrious machines that generate their own food and use the sun to grow. What substance do these green plants make? Who knows the scientific name of the thing that plants produce to make them grow? Choose the right answer from the four options below.

Question 29

What galaxy is our solar system in?

Look up in the sky! There are so many planets and stars and all of them are far far away! It is easy to get lost in how vast our universe is, but it is only one solar system of many in our giant galaxy. To that note, our galaxy is one of many in the vastness that is space! It's all getting a little overwhelming, but we invite everyone to come on back to Earth and tell us what galaxy our solar system is in.

Question 30

True or False, During the Summer, the Sun never sets in the North Pole

Let's head on up to the North Pole. As adults, we are not looking for Santa Claus and his menagerie of cheap labor and reindeer. We are going up for scientific purposes! The North Pole sits right up at the top of our planet which means that the days and nights are a little different than other places on Earth, but are there actually times during the summer where there is absolutely no night? Does the sun shine 24/7 at the top of the world?

Question 31

The three states of matter are gas, liquid and .....

Matter makes up everything around us. Our bodies, everything around us and the food we eat are all made out of matter. Matter comes in three distinct states that pretty much determine how it will interact with other elements around it. These states are gas, liquid and one other composition. We have given out the first two states (aren't we generous!) and are just looking for what the third one is. Who remembers their basic science? Choose the right answer below!

Question 32

What is Nitrous Oxide also known as?

There are tons of different kinds of gases that make up our world, but there is only one gas like Nitrous Oxide! This gas has the power to invoke a specific reaction in humans. We think everything is just hilarious and delightful! Nitrous Oxide was once used by dentists all across the country and has been sucked down by all sorts of different people who want to inject a little laughter into their lives. What is it commonly known as?

Question 33

What stops us from being flung into space?

It is amazing that we stay put while existing on a huge ball of rock that is hurtling through outer space! There is one major reason why we do not simply float up and disappear into the air. This property of our planet keeps us safe and sound right on the ground. Who knows what this is known as? Think back to basic science lessons and were learned in middle school and high school and let us know the right answer.

Question 34

What are the tiny sacs in our lungs called?

This one is a really tough question so do not feel bad if there is a little bit of a struggle to remember what the tiny sacs in our lungs are called. These small pockets allow us to be able to breathe properly and if they are damaged they have huge health repercussions! It is a good idea to take care of our lungs and these small pouches that help us breathe properly. What are they called? Who playing remembers?

Question 35

Who was the first astronaut to set foot on the moon?

Let's end on a high note with one of the greatest explorers of our time! During the 60s, getting to the moon was a huge deal. The United States and Russia were deep in the Cold War and the space race was a huge point of pride for both countries. There is one astronaut who embodied the statement "small step for man, giant leap for mankind" by setting foot on the moon before everyone else. What was the name of this astronaut?

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