Only A True Fan Knows If These Big Bads Are From Buffy Or Supernatural

When a person’s entire existence revolves around hunting and/or Slaying vampires, monsters, and demons of all kind, they’re bound to meet some interesting characters. Indeed, both Sam and Dean Winchester of Supernatural and Buffy Summers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer were not only wildly charismatic themselves, but they also found incredibly entertaining allies and enemies throughout the course of their respective series. Of course, friendly as the Winchesters’ allies and Buffy’s Scooby Gang are, it’s typically their rivals who enthrall fans the most, affectionately earning the name Big Bad, a phrase indirectly coined by the Slayer herself.

Collectively, more than 400 episodes and counting have been made of Buffy and Supernatural, meaning anyone considering themselves a massive fan of both series needs a whole lot of time on their hands to perfectly remember absolutely everything about them. However, a casual yet devoted fan should at least be able to recognize the monsters, demons, and vampires our heroes have to fight, and separate a Buffy rival from a threat to Sam and Dean. Even super fans of just one series should probably be able to recognize who does and doesn’t fit within their preferred universe. Anyone who fits that description should keep reading to take our quiz on whether these Big Bads are from Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural.

Question 1

Which show faced the threat of Crowley?

Dangerously ambitious and willing to sacrifice his closest allies at the drop of a dime when it means more power, Crowley has been both a Big Bad and a friend to our heroes at different points in his existence. That said, even when he’s playing nice, Crowley remains a consummate villain, only helping out to serve some vicious, ulterior motive. Of course, this shouldn’t be too surprising given the fact he happens to be the King of Hell, a throne he spent a great deal of effort ensuring he’d keep for as long as possible.

Question 2

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Angelus?

Every Big Bad has their reason for being evil, and Angelus might have the cruelest impetus of all. Simply put, the soulless demon does it because he likes it, and with several hundreds years to hone his menace, he also takes incredible pride in his work. Angelus’s modus operandi is to choose a victim, usually a young woman, and completely destroy her psychologically, ripping apart everything she cares about piece by piece before pulling the trigger physically. Should more conventional methods of torture be required as well, Angelus only sees it as a bonus.

Question 3

Did Castiel appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

Considering Castiel gradually became one of our heroes absolute closest allies, it’s hard for some fans to accept him as a former Big Bad. Even upon introduction, he clearly had positive intentions, saving a good guy from hell and aiding their return to earth. However, there have certainly been times when Castiel showed signs of darkness, most notably when he teamed with other villains to absorb the souls of Purgatory. After doing so, he deemed himself a God and demanded our heroes fealty lest he destroy them all, which wasn’t very nice.

Question 4

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Dark Willow?

For true fans, this has got to be one of the easier questions on the list, but we’re gonna play it cryptic anyway just to make it interesting. After years of facing increasingly powerful demons side by side, the last thing Willow’s best friends expected was for her to become the next biggest threat to Earth’s continued existence. Unfortunately, after the death of her girlfriend, the extremely powerful good witch completely snaps, recklessly destroying all things in her path and preparing one final doomsday spell. Luckily, the power of friendship is able to calm her down, and the world is slowly saved.

Question 5

Which show faced the threat of The Mayor?

Whenever a show posits the idea that magical demons and superheroes exist, it’s a valid question how the universe’s powers that be will react to the situation. Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the answers is that the villains had clearly infiltrated the infrastructure long ago, and one of them has even become The Mayor of the very town in which our heroes live. As if using his clout to let monsters run amok wasn’t bad enough, his plan to ascend into a full-fledged demon threatens to destroy the whole area he’s supposed to lead. Talk about corruption.

Question 6

Who challenged Lucifer, Buffy or the Winchesters?

Ultimately, it could be said our heroes would have no reason to take up arms against demon-kind were it not for Lucifer. The original fallen angel and ruler of hell, Lucifer is also responsible for creating the very idea of a demon, wanting to prove that humans were corruptible, at the same time building an army of lost souls to do his bidding. As for his goals, Lucifer wants no less than complete destruction of human-kind, forever bitter about the fact his own creator somehow chose them over him and his fellow angels.

Question 7

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Bela Talbot?

When most regular old humans stumble upon the fact their universe is filled with demons, they either react with horrible fear or the righteous indignation of a demon hunter, making it their goal to save the world. Rather than go down either of these routes, Bela Talbot realized there was money to be made in this situation, as a person with the right skills and lack of moral compass could probably make a whole lot of money helping the bad guys out with their plans.

Question 8

Did The Master appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

Having been around for longer than the written word itself, The Master has come to accept the world works in a certain way, and he intends to use this to his advantage. Leading the Order of Aurelius, this ancient demon adheres strictly to prophecy, which makes him extremely confident his evil plans will eventually pan out for him as has been foretold. This keeps him active even as a mystical force traps him hundreds of feet beneath the Earth, sending out his followers to wreck havoc in his steed until the prophecy that will set him free comes to pass.

Question 9

Which series featured the menace of Azazel?

Cryptic, mysterious, and able to change his appearance with ease through demonic possession, it’s not until after our heroes defeat Azazel for good that they even know his name. Until that point, he’s just the strange “Yellow-Eyed Demon” known for his devotion to gradually causing the Apocalypse. To this end, Azazel has a habit of feeding his own blood to babies, which causes them to slowly develop demonic abilities he naturally assumes will help the bad guys get their way when those kids grow up.

Question 10

Which show faced the threat of Spike?

Originally just a regular human who wrote poetry so bad it drove detractors to self-harm, Spike is one of the most emotional opponents our heroes would ever fight. Despite his softer leanings, once Spike becomes a demon and devotes his existence to evil, he accepts the sudden rush of power with great aplomb, soon taking pleasure in spreading fear and mayhem wherever he goes. Unlike the average Big Bad, he actually spends a good deal of time hunting down the greatest heroes around and challenging them to battle, finding extreme pride in the number of demon hunters he’s easily defeated.

Question 11

Which show faced the threat of Alastair?

Even non-believers are aware of the fact hell is a land of nonstop pain and torture, and when our heroes wind up in the underworld, it’s Alastair who explains how that reputation spread. The “Grand Torturer” to the Lake of Fire, this white-eyed demon gleefully punishes hell’s victims for decades, his greatest sense of accomplishment being when this finally breaks down good souls and gets them to join the dark side. He even seems to enjoy getting tortured himself, making it hard for the heroes to enact any sort of revenge without him enjoying it.

Question 12

Was Darla an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

Typically in a horror series, a cute, innocent looking blonde plays the part of the Big Bad’s first victim, showing just how ruthless these monsters can be. Flipping the script, this Victorian noblewoman turned modern day schoolgirl uses her disarming looks to lure in prey, sitting very near the top of a demonic empire that has allowed hell to reign on earth for centuries. Looking to ensure her legacy lasts forever, one of Darla’s greatest strengths is bringing regular day folk over to the dark side and grooming them to be demons, as well.

Question 13

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Virtually every Big Bad around attempts to enact one version of the apocalypse or another, so it was inevitable someone would eventually call upon the original Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to get the job done the old fashioned way. War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death are all constantly looming threats in and of themselves, and when their powers combined, humanity doesn’t stand much of a chance. The only plus-side is that they’re generally too busy with their day jobs to enact their ultimate goal.

Question 14

Was Lilith an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

Truly committed to letting hell reign on earth, the main goal of Lilith is to revive her demonic creator and bring him to power. Before that can happen, she manages to cause a great deal of chaos herself, thanks largely to her ability to possess people, specifically innocent looking young females. This allows her to infiltrate families and destroy them from the inside out, a side gig she clearly takes just for fun in between seeking out ways to break the 66 Seals and achieving her true goals.

Question 15

Who challenged Zachariah, Buffy or the Winchesters?

Despite an initially friendly disposition, Zachariah is quick to admit he can be a very petty person when things don’t go his way. When he wants our heroes to do something, he literally won’t take no for an answer, using his vast powers solely to change their minds by any means possible. This includes both mental and physical torture, which get progressive more damaging the longer his desires are rejected. Zachariah is also a bit questionable for the fact he seems to welcome the Apocalypse despite how many people would die, feeling the end will justify the means.

Question 16

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Adam?

Every demon has their own unique quality that makes them a unique, significant threat. Combine all of those specific abilities into one super demon that can perform them all, and the result would nearly be invincible. Leave to a mad scientist to create exactly such a being with Adam, a modern day Frankenstein’s monster composed entirely of demonic parts. As if that weren’t threatening enough, Adam is also extremely intelligent, learning more about the world in his few days of existence than many of our heroes ever knew.

Question 17

Was Glory an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

Not only was Glory arguably the single most fashionable Big Bad in television history, but she also had a major leg up over other enemies our heroes battle for the fact she wasn’t just a demon; she’s a god. Also called The Beast, she was initially banished from her own hell dimension when fellow deities decided she was getting too powerful, and now her sole mission is to return home. Unfortunately, doing so requires opening a portal that will gradually destroy humanity when her dimension bleeds into the human realm.

Question 18

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Drusilla?

Upon first encountering Drusilla, it would be understandable for our heroes to mistake her as not being much of a threat, except maybe to herself. In addition to looking like a Victorian noblewoman, there’s no hiding the fact Drusilla is absolutely mad, having been driven insane centuries ago and only getting kookier as time went on. Unfortunately, rather than serving as a weakness, Dru’s unpredictable nature is one of her greatest strengths, as not even she knows what she’ll do next. Also, she’s a bit clairvoyant, but she might be too crazy for this to really help.

Question 19

Did Meg Masters appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

Believe it or not, most demons have some sort of respect for authority, at least when it comes to acknowledging the power of a potential Big Bad. Breaking this unspoken code, Meg Masters rebels against the powers that be, and even starts working with the good guys once she has no other options. This was a bit of a surprise, considering she once possessed one of them and gleefully committed crimes with their body in an effort to turn the heroes against one another.

Question 20

Did Faith appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

Under different circumstances, Faith could be the most powerful ally our heroes ever encountered. Unfortunately, the poor young woman had a really miserable couple of years by the time they crossed paths, quickly leading her towards the dark side after she accidentally took a human life when fighting a large group of demons. Overcome with grief, Faith almost immediately sided with the first person to show her affection, despite the fact he had been the meanest Big Bad around up until that point. Suddenly, this extremely strong friend became a heated foe.

Question 21

Who challenged Raphael, Buffy or the Winchesters?

Such is the nature of life in the universe of a horror series that even an archangel can turn their back on their creator. It doesn’t help that Raphael firmly believes God is dead, or in the very least no longer interested in what happens on heaven, hell, or earth. Believing the only way to restore normalcy to it all is by bringing upon the Apocalypse, he makes the highly misguided decision of starting a civil war in heaven. More importantly, once all the chaos subsides, Raphael believes he’ll be the one to slide into power as the new God.

Question 22

Which show faced the threat of Uriel?

The mere fact someone is an angel hardly precludes them from being a monster. In fact, due to their power, a shocking number of angels hold a powerful detest for humanity, and Uriel may well despise people more powerfully than any of his brethren. He proves this right away by preparing to destroy an entire town with a chuckle, all to stop a single witch who happened to live there. Eventually, it’s revealed Uriel’s darkness goes a lot deeper than that, as he’s secretly been serving demonic interests during his entire stint in heaven.

Question 23

Did Ethan Rayne appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

Truth be told, it could be an exaggeration to call Ethan Rayne a true “Big Bad,” as his schemes rarely do more than cause a serious nuisance, never quite reaching apocalyptic levels. Nonetheless, he sure is a rascal, taking great pleasure in mucking with our heroes while supporting his one true love, chaos. He’s also a fan of theatrics, including turning a town into their Halloween costumes, reverting adults to children with magic candy, and physically morphing heroes into demons just for the laughs. Naturally, its Ethan’s love of the spotlight that always causes the plans to fail.

Question 24

Did Warren Mears appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

Compared to the demons and monsters on this list, Warren Mears is almost entirely nondescript, simply a regular guy with a penchant for robotics…and absolutely no moral center whatsoever. He’s also a rampant misogynist, having created android girlfriends to do his bidding, later graduating to actual possessions of real women. As if that weren’t horrid enough, he’s also the rare Big Bad to actually pick up a gun and shoot wildly into a crowd, unconcerned with the usual villainous flair for doing things in a mystical way and simply wanting to cause as much destruction as possible.

Question 25

Which show faced the threat of Caleb?

Don’t believe the religious façade—the only all powerful being Caleb serves is primordial evil, which has in turn blessed him with an incredibly powerful physical strength unlike anything our heroes had ever witnessed. Not only that, but Caleb’s dark devotion also gives him control of an evil army, seeking out all good in the world and eliminating it before they’re even aware of his presence. Luckily, his plan has only just begun by the time our heroes realize what he’s up to and start looking for ways to stop him.

Question 26

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Dick Roman?

In all fairness, while the real Dick Roman wasn’t a very nice guy, the true Big Bad is a monstrous Leviathan that possesses the former businessman and uses him as its vessel. That said, the human Roman’s actions did play a big role in the demon’s ultimate plans, as owning a multinational corporation can be surprisingly helpful when trying to take over mankind. Well, technically, the Leviathans aren’t looking to dominate humanity so much as they’re just trying to eat everybody, which somehow might be even worse.

Question 27

Which series featured the menace of Doctor Hess?

Theoretically speaking, any fellow demon hunters in a world overrun by evil would probably be well advised to work together. In fact, that’s the entire reason the Men of Letters was created, but as can often happen, members of the organization eventually developed different feelings for how the job should be performed. Once the corrupt Doctor Hess rises to power and becomes an Elder of the British branch, she decides to take a scorched earth policy on these disagreements, calling for all dissenters to “assimilate or be eliminated.”

Question 28

Was Asmodeus an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

How scary does a monster need to be that even the rulers of hell react to it in abject fear? The only beings that truly know the answer are the Shedim, though Asmodeus was the one demon brave enough to try and find a more specific answer. Assuming something even his fellow hellions feared could be a great weapon, Asmoedus intended to find a way to control these beasts, only for his superiors to stop him short of this plan. With or without the Shedim, he inevitably finds a way to rise to power.

Question 29

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Andrew Wells?

A rather ineffectual villain on his own, it’s hard to view Andrew Wells as a true “Big Bad.” Technically, he can summon demons and has a decent knowledge of the subject, but he rarely uses these skills in a truly destructive way. Nonetheless, he was certainly a key part of a group that made our heroes lives miserable, eventually getting held prisoner for quite some time as punishment for his past actions. During his incarceration, Andrew finally came to terms with the fact his old friends were monsters, lamenting his inability to undo the damage they had already done together.

Question 30

Was The Anointed One an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

His humanity taken from him at a very young age, The Anointed One is educated in the ways of evil from a very young age. According to demonic prophecy, it’s his role to lead an army of demons, and unlike the typical alliances between villains, subordinates will be mystically inclined to serve him without question. Even before he assumes power, it’s been foretold the child will literally lead our heroes to the gates of hell, a prediction that holds true and nearly leads to their demise.

Question 31

Who challenged Jonathan Levinson, Buffy or the Winchesters?

For years, our heroes perceived Jonathan Levinson as the furthest thing possible from a Big Bad. If anything, he was a perennial near victim, only once showing any particular flair for combat when aided by a spell. After years of being picked on and bullied, though, he teams up with a few other misunderstood geniuses and makes an active effort at becoming a super villain. While this plan ultimately backfires, he’s actually perhaps the most powerful member of his group, possessing an actual grasp of magic, but the skill is balanced out by his extreme physical weakness.

Question 32

Was Metatron an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

Being the sole being tasked with protecting the word of God is a pretty heavy handle, so it’s almost understandable that Metatron would spend an eternity in seclusion until our heroes tracked him down. It also tracks that he’d be a little annoyed when brought back into prominence, deciding to take it out on all the angels who made his time in heaven a living hell. His first job is kicking a bunch of them out of heaven and sealing it off, which also has huge ramifications for humankind and our heroes.

Question 33

Was Professor Walsh an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

For better or worse, it’s almost a given that a scientist presented with the existence of demons would naturally desire to know absolutely everything there is about them. Seeking out knowledge wherever she can find it, Professor Maggie Walsh is such a mind, intensely studying all sorts of demons and learning exactly what it is that makes them so menacing to society. Truly a mad scientist, Professor Walsh’s goal in this is to one day create an all powerful demon herself, which she technically succeeds at while it also causes her demise.

Question 34

Did the Scoobies or the Winchesters have to deal with Rowena?

The worst part about fighting an extremely powerful witch is that the good ones possess their own sort of self-revivifying powers. Rowena MacLeod certainly has experience in the matter, sometimes even walking straight into danger having prepared for her revival should things go wrong. Removed from her witchcraft, it’s clear Rowena is just a bad person in every way, having abused her only son for centuries, not showing him any respect until he became just as demonic as she was. Even then, she wasn’t above eliminating him just for fun. Answer: Supernatural

Question 35

Was Mr. Trick an enemy of the Slayer or the Winchesters?

For whatever reason, far too few male demons these days seem concerned with personal style. They also like beating around the bush before actually going for the jugular. These are just two reasons Mr. Trick is unique amongst his kind, immediately setting out to literally hunt our heroes in an elaborate tournament before they’re even aware of his existence. Though that plan doesn’t quite pan out, he’s quick to join up with another Big Bad and remain a thorn in our hero’s side in whatever way he can.

Question 36

Which show faced the threat of Eve?

Most Big Bads have control of their own small armies, yet the really powerful threats are the enemies who can create new monsters out of thin air. Having created the Alphas centuries before our heroes encountered her, this is an area in which Eve clearly excels, and her later babies like the Jefferson Starships are even more menacing. These creepy worms crawl into human ears and possess them, which is somehow a whole lot worse than the monsters who do this the old fashioned way.

Question 37

Which series featured the menace of Abaddon?

An original Knight of Hell, Abaddon has been inflicting torment for millennia, and has thus gotten pretty good at it. In fact, she’s the only Knight of Hell left, and she destroyed her former partner’s family as punishment for daring leave the fold. One of Abaddon’s biggest strengths is reading the minds of whoever she encounters, allowing her to instantly get all the information needed to cause a serious ruckus. Eventually, just being a Knight isn’t enough for her, and she starts waging war against other Big Bads to take control of all demons.

Question 38

Did The Judge appear on Buffy or Supernatural?

In worlds filled with shades of grey, it would be extremely helpful to immediately know whether a new character was good or evil. While The Judge is the one demon around capable of figuring this out simply by touch, the bad news is he’s not a good guy, and when he lays hands on someone who is, the pain for them will be overwhelming. It’s also been prophesized that “no weapon forged” can harm him, meaning our heroes need to think out of the box to find a way to win.

Question 39

Which show faced the threat of The Darkness?

As far as anyone can tell, The Darkness may well be the oldest and most powerful being our heroes have ever faced. Only through the initial rise of God and Heaven was the Darkness banished from existence, and even these forces could only keep her menace down for so long. Newly reformed as a baby named Amara, the Darkness quickly eats enough souls to mature all the way into young adulthood, at which point she’s fully prepared to enact her goal, which is to return to the state of existence when she was the only living creature.

Question 40

Which show faced the Gentlemen?

The Gentlemen were one of the most challenging foes the do-gooders in this particular show ever had to face. They took away everybody's ability to speak, greatly hindering their ability to communicate and thus figure out how to defeat them. Luckily, the main character figured out that a scream could help do the trick and saved themselves from having their heart harvested by these big bads. So, who remembers which show these guys were on? (And no, it wasn't Doctor Who.)

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