Only A Real Charmed Fan Remembers All These Demons!

Hey Charmed Fans! Are you guys out there?

Yes!? No?! Are you a true Charmed fan? Are you one who knows every detail that's happened throughout the entire series?

How about those pesky demons the sisters keep needing to vanquish in order to keep their family, along with the world safe?

Did you ever want to be a part of the witch family and use your magic for the greater good Or maybe, you wanted to turn to the dark side and be on top of the underworld? Go on! Go to the attic and grab your Book of Shadows! Open it up and start learning about those pesky Demons who will try and interfere with your daily life.

The more you know, the safer this world will be...or even the faster you can take over the underworld.

Out of all the fans, only the Charmed Sisters will be able to identify all these demons and be able to go and vanquish them.

Are you ready to prove us wrong? Get your potions ready and your powers charged, and see if you can identify the main Demons this show has seen.

Question 1

Identify this Demon

We met this demon back when Prue worked at the Art Gallery. She is the self-proclaimed queen of the Underworld and only comes to the real world every 200 years. She comes back to find a wealthy man who she tries to create a demonic Spawn with. She is the first upper-level demon the Charmed Sisters have dealt with. In her human form she is a tall, blonde woman with blue eyes. In her demonic form, she has wrinkly woman with lumps over her body. She has black horns on her forehead and she has red eyes.

Question 2

Identify this Demon

He is known as the Demon of Fear. He is found in several episodes throughout the seasons. He is able to read what other's biggest fear is and he uses it against them. He returns once every 1300 years on a Friday the 13th and stays in the world for 24 hours. Within the 24 hours he is on the earth he needs to kill 13 unmarried female witches. If he does he will be able to walk the earth for eternity.

Question 3

Identify this Demon

This demon was from Ancient Egypt. He was so powerful that nobody from Ancient Egypt was able to vanquish him. His capability was trapping souls by mummifying the body and was able to transfer their souls into witches' bodies. He fell in love with an evil witch (Isis) but she was killed by witch hunters in their time. He was able to retain her soul through mummification. He spent his life trying to find the perfect witch to transfer her soul into, but they were too weak to hold her, resulting in a trail of dead witches through the years.

Question 4

Identify this Demon

This next one is a powerful one. She is known as a Soul Collector. She helps ghosts and spirits with unfinished business get their revenge. But, she does not do this for cheap. In return they have to pay her in good witches' souls. Once she gets the souls she ferries the souls to hell for an eternity of damnation. Her active powers are; Flaming, Soul Containment, Cloaking (hiding oneself from others), Floating, Necrokinesis (cause instant death without any apparent cause) and Sensing.

Question 5

Identify this Demon

She is a demon. She is also the mother of one of the other high-profiled Demons in the series. She gave birth to her son in 1885. Her husband was a California state assemblyman named Benjamin. She then realized that her husband was a demon 3 years following the birth of her son. She ended up vanquishing him with an Energy Ball (which was witnessed by Phoebe Halliwell in a premonition). Her magical powers include, Shimmering, Energy Balls and Sensing.

Question 6

Identify this Demon

This demon is the primary source of evil and the most powerful of them all in the underworld. The main line that this Demon used in the series was, "…Once I take on a new body that I will use to finally destroy the Charmed Ones. There is no legitimate physical characteristic of this demon as it merges into other demons every time it gets vanquished. This demon has far too many powers, as when the demon it merged into gets vanquished their original powers remain.

Question 7

Identify these Demons

These demons are known for the low-levelness. They are also known for their high vicious temper. They are a pair of brothers who have been experimented on by other demons. Their occupation are assassins for the more powerful demons. They have lesser powers but are known for their shimmering, fireballs and sensing. Later on in the seasons, they are captured by Leo Wyatt. He brings them to be used in Magic School. The Brothers eventually broke free and took revenge against the students who tortured them in Magic School. Pator and Rondok fall into the category of this sort of demon.

Question 8

Identify this Demon

This demon is a lower-level demon who died in the Halliwell Manor. He is known as, "The Spirit of Rage." He was able to enrage others by magnifying their anger and in the extreme they were able to commit random acts of violence. This quote explains his past, "The Spirit of Rage has used his abilities to incite wars that lasted for decades and redefined continents." His active powers include; Rage Projection, Possession (control living beings actions by entering their body), Shimmering and Sensing.

Question 9

Identify these Demons

They were once among the most powerful demons creating a cult. They were considered to be the most powerful over all but their leader was vanquished. They believed that Piper and Leo's son Wyatt Halliwell was their leader who was reincarnated. The sisters got distracted at some point and these demons were able to get a hold of Wyatt and used a special wand to reverse his morality. When the sisters realized what was going on Wyatt had turned to the dark side and protected these Demons.

Question 10

Identify this Demon

Like many demons. This demon has a mortal side and a demon side. His mortal name is Kevin Casey. He is an upper-level half-demon who wants to become fully demonic. How does he do this? He needs to go and kill every mortal relative who is alive once they were all gone his mortal ties would be cut and he would be a full demon. As well, each kill will give him a new power that will make him evolve.

Question 11

Identify this Demon

There is not much information about this type of demon available. They are low-level demons and are known mostly for when one tried to kill Kyra. Kyra is a demonic Seer who was under the protection of the Charmed Sisters after she betrayed the underworld. This demon is the one who wanted to release Zankou from his prison but was immediately vanquished. The active powers that these demons have are; Shimmering (A demonic form of teleportation) and Fireballs (the ability to throw spheres of fire).

Question 12

Identify this Demon

This is a demon that had a mysterious feel. He was a personal messenger and used by one of the main demons Cole Turner. The most famous line to give you a hint on who this demon is, comes from Cole himself. It is; "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you going? We agreed no more triad reports, not until my plan succeeds. I can't be associated with anymore failed attempts." This Demon has two main powers/abilities. The first one is Shadow Manipulation and the second one is Telepathy.

Question 13

Identify this Demon

This demon is known as a shapeshifter. He is associated with two other demons including Cynda and Mashall. All together, like many other demons, they were out to steal the Book of Shadows and use it for evil. This demon has several magical powers. These powers include; Shapeshifting, Voice Manipulation (alter ones voice to sound like someone else) and Super Strength. This demon was able to use it to knock down the Charmed Sisters attic door.

Question 14

Identify this Demon

One of the most famous quotes from this Demon is; Cole: "Who's this?" Demon: "Who I always am, baby. Whoever you want me to be." Cole: "I want Phoebe, understand me? It's the only damn reason I went through all of this." This demon works for Cole and in an alternate world he had a relationship. Cole used this Demon as a desperate attempt to get Phoebe back. Her demon form looks more like a human. She has blond hair and brown eyes.

Question 15

Identify this Demon

This Demon is seen in many of the episodes. He fell in love with one of the sisters. His comment to one of the sisters was, "I was dead before I met you, I was born the day you loved me, and my love for you will keep my alive, forever." This demon has many powers including; Dusting (teleporting), Sensing (locating a person alive), Mediumship (communicate with ghosts), Invisibility, Telekinesis, Suggestion (plant subliminal thoughts in someone's mind), Intangibility (Alter one's molecule structure to move through physical matter).

Question 16

Identify this Demon

Another romancer. He came into play in one of the final seasons. He was formerly known as the Mercury Demon. However, he completed a deal to become human for a year but he had to give up his mortality. Shortly after, this formerly known Demon fell in love with Phoebe. He then died in Magic School in 2005. Before he died, it was revealed that he was sent by Cole Turner, Phoebe's former love in order to get herself to open up and love again.

Question 17

Identify this Demon

This is not your average type of demon. They trade magical powers. When they have extra and need to store them, they will use mortals. When they do this, it doesn't usually turn into anything good. Using mortals bodies' to store demonic powers has been known to cause confusion and paranoia in said mortal. And, eventually, would likely lead to illness or death. These demons have several magical powers including; Power Granting, Power Extracting, Power Containment, Smoking, Electrokinesis and Energy Balls.

Question 18

Identify this Demon

Dr. Griffiths made a very small appearance in the show. However, his line was the key to recognizing this Demon. Dr. Griffiths: "What are you?" Demon: "The End." And those were his final words. This Demon was known as the sources assassin as well, he was a powerful upper-level demon. How powerful? He killed the oldest sister, Prue Halliwell. This demon was later vanquished by the new reconstituted Charmed Ones (when Paige came into the picture). He had several strong active powers including; Aerokinesis, whirling, super strength, sensing, lightning teleportation.

Question 19

Identify this Demon

This demon got into a whole lot of trouble but it was very hard for the Charmed Ones to vanquish because Phoebe fell in love with him...his human form to be precise. Before Cole became the source of all evil, he was known as another demon. Cole Turner was his human form, and this is what he looked like in his Demon form. He was hired by the triad to kill the Charmed Ones. And at one point, he almost got vanquished when he was mistaken for a look-alike demon.

Question 20

Identify this Demon

This Demon was so powerful, even his own kind feared him. He was able to understand human nature and how society worked and was able to use that to his advantage and weaken his enemies. He was known to be one of the hardest Demons the Charmed Ones would ever have to face. He was so evil and feared that the underworld decided to lock him up. He was eventually vanquished in the Halliwell manor when there was destruction with the Nexus.

Question 21

Identify this Demon

These demons are a rare breed. They have distinctive physical characteristics. This includes long white hair and a high-pitched scream. The scream is so powerful it can even kill. How does one become end up becoming this demon? Those witches who are going through a hard time will fall into the cursed and end up becoming one. In one episode during the earlier seasons, the charmed ones were forced to go track a Banshee. In this episode Prue turned into a dog so she would be able to track it down.

Question 22

Identify this Demon

This quote will easily be able to identify this next demon. "You know how powerful my visions are. More so even than the Oracle's were and more accurate." Did it help? If not, keep reading. She was thousands of years old. She served as the primary advisor to the Source. She is a manipulative woman with her own wicked plans. She kept trying to push Phoebe and Cole together, as she had a vision that those two would conceive a powerful heir.

Question 23

Identify this Demon

This demon is powerful for his own kind. They go and kill magical gypsies to obtain their powers. The same reference could be used like Warlocks are hunting witches. This particular demon has two inactive powers including; high resistance and immunity (Immune to certain spells/potions). Some of the active powers include; Fading, Energy Beam (fire a beam of energy from ones hands) and Levitation (rising in the air). This demon only appeared in one episode throughout the entire series and that was in Season 5.

Question 24

Identify these Demons

These collective upper-level Demons are the reason that Belthazor originally went after the Charmed Ones. "You get useful knowledge of the Charmed Ones, now you must gain their trust. Others have failed." Cole Turner even vanquished this group of demons the first time after attacking the sisters. These collective demons have been the reason for most of the attacks the Charmed Ones have encountered. Combined they have a massive amount of active powers Including; Banishing, Energy Balls, Pyrokinesis, Resurrection, Temporal Stasis, Hypnosis, Dream Leaping and so many more.

Question 25

Identify this Demon

This Demon was the one that killed the Mother of the Charmed Sisters. This demon is composed entirely of water. Some history to this demon, it killed several children at Camp Skylark. When the sisters mom (Patty) was still around she figured out the best way to vanquish the demon. Patty's whitelighter/boyfriend Sam tried to get her not to use her way as she has the kids to worry about. With this distraction the demon should up and was unaffected Patty's power and ended up killing her.

Question 26

Identify these Demons

The main phrase is one that will give a key hint as to who the next Demons are. Paige Matthews: "Strict orders from whom?" Leo Wyatt: "It's a council made up of Elders and Demons to monitor magic, to make sure nobody ever finds out about its use." Basically together they are use their force to make sure the magic is never revealed to the outside world. They were found when Wyatt accidentally used his magic and created disaster in the outside world.

Question 27

Identify this Demon

This Demon is a powerful demon. He is there to grant youth, beauty and health for the return of the person's soul. The Charmed Ones were onto him when he was trying to help some elderly people (Penny's old coven) become young and beautiful again. When he realized the Charmed ones were after him, he turned them into a pile of dust. His active powers are; Age Shifting, Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Molecular Immobilization (slow down molecules until things appear frozen in time) and premonition.

Question 28

Identify this Demon

This powerful Demon was sent by the underworld to help Belthazor (Cole) to help kill the Charmed Ones. His main power is invisibility. His message to Cole was, "You had your chances, Belthazor. Don't screw up mine again. I strike tomorrow night, you better not be there." This Demon first appeared when he tried to smother Prue while she was sleeping. She managed to wakeup and then chase him off. When this Demon went after Cole, Cole was able to use a fire extinguisher to make this demon appear.

Question 29

Identify this Demon

"Well, this is ridiculous. We have to figure out when the demon's gonna attack next and fast." Prue mentioned this Demon right before the demon attacked. This demon is electric and moves through outlets throughout the house. This demon attacked when Prue had to make dinner for her work family and was unable to use the appliances. So instead she had to go to Piper's restaurant to be able to feed her guests. This Demon can only be vanquished with the power of three spell.

Question 30

Identify this Demon

This next demon has more than one in it's pack and they come from a hive. They are known as the distant relatives of the Kazi Demons along with Vampires. In order to kill this demon, you need to vanquish the King. And in order to do that the charmed ones will need to use the Power of Three spell. Some of the powers they carry are; Fireballs, Genesis (King only), Life Link (King), Shimmering and Sensing. Inactive powers include; High Resistance and Immortality.

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