Only A Genius Can Get All These Riddles Right!

In the mood to test brain power? What more than riddles to do it right. There's a reason why people literally get addicted to solving riddles - the high one gets on getting the right answer is unmatchable. And one does feel pretty vindicated and intelligent after acing a quiz. So here are some riddles that not everyone can solve - in fact, if someone does, they are basically geniuses. In our books, at least.

The thing with riddles is that they are not always as simple as they seem. To solve them, we have to think between the lines and outside the box else we get an incorrect answer. One cannot think just one way when it comes to solving riddles. Sometimes, the answer to the riddle may be right in front of the solver, and other times riddles often add too much knowledge to waylay the person attempting to solves them. The latter is done deliberately to obfuscate the very simple question and answer within. If the person attempting the riddle can concentrate more on what is being asked rather than how it is being asked, the answer should be easy to get. So here are some riddles that only the geniuses can get right, and that too with a strong cup of coffee at hand. Good luck...

Question 1

I'm in you...

Ever had this riddle thrown at you? It’s actually pretty easy to solve if you read it but becomes a little tricky if someone randomly asks this. The thing with solving a riddle is that you need to think a little out of the box than always in it. So can you crack this? I'm in you, But not in him, I go up, But not down, I'm in the Coliseum, But not a tower, I'm in a puzzle, But not a riddle… What is the answer?

Question 2

The distant object

The answer to this should be easy, all you need to do is look towards the distance where the sea lies yonder and you should get it. This is a thing that will always be there and yet always is out of reach – you may try to move towards it full speed but will never be able to reach it. Try it: I am always there, some distance away, somewhere between land or sea and sky I lay, you may move toward me, yet distant I'll stay. What am I?

Question 3

A little math

What number do you get when you multiply all of the numbers on a telephone's number pad? Even if you haven't seen a telephone pad, it is similar to the virtual keypad on you cell or mobile and basically houses all the single digit numbers starting from one two nine, and then the last one being a zero. So if you multiply all these numbers one by one using each number only once, the answer might just get to be one big number.

Question 4

The elephant in the room

If someone was to ask you, "I'm the size of an elephant, but I weigh nothing. What am I?" - what do you think your answer would be? Would it be a woolly mammoth? These were ancient creatures that existed in the Ice age, both the movie and for real and were just slightly larger than an elephant. But did they weight nothing? Of course not - these were as heavy, if not heavier than the largest mammals that live on land. So what could the answer be?

Question 5

What am I?

"I have forests, but no trees. I have lakes, but no water. I have roads, but no cars. I have mountains, but no height. I have buildings, but no residents. I have places, but no people. What Am I?" Seriously this riddle sounds downright eerie, it's like apocalypse happened here and now there is no one left to enjoy the beauty of its topography, and live in its homes and buildings. Sends a chill up your spine, doesn't it? So what could it be?

Question 6

A wingless black bird

Let's try this: "I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth, I am dissolved into air." Wow, seems deep, doesn't it? What is it that is dissolved the minute it is born and is black even though the father is white. It can fly but has no wings...

Question 7

Horsing around a little...

So there is a horse attached to a 24-foot chain, which is not a very kind thing done to it by its owners. This poor horse sees an apple 26 feet away. Now all horses adore apples, so this one too must be salivating over the crunch of that red, juicy fruit. But how can the horse reach the apple? It's like that adage if wishes were horses - but here the horse itself wishes so badly for that snack. How can it get it?

Question 8

What has four wings but cannot fly?

"I have four wings, but cannot fly. I never laugh and never cry; on the same spot, I'm always found, toiling away with little sound. What am I?" Interesting isn't it? What could this thing be that is soundless, stuck to one place for eternity, and has the freedom of four wings but can never ever fly. Think your brain can come up with the answer to this twisted little riddle? Try to think out of the box with this one...

Question 9

A marble dome

When one thinks of marble domes, what comes to mind is perhaps ancient buildings and the wonders of the world. Could this be it? Try it out, "In marble walls as white as milk, Lined with a skin as soft as silk, In a fountain crystal clear, A golden treasure does appear. There are no doors to this stronghold, Yet thieves break in and steal the gold." Do you think you can get this one right? It's "marble" but thieves break in all the time. What is it?

Question 10

30 white horses

The other day someone asked me, "30 white horses upon a red hill, first they start stomping, then they stand still. What are the 30 white horses?" I was stumped. 30 white horses on a red hill. First, they start stomping - so why do they start to move and all at once at that? Then they stand still; again, why do all the horses stop moving at the same time, and why do they stop in the first place. I finally did get it, can you?

Question 11

Always a different answer

Now try this, what question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct? You could ask this question to different people or the same one, but the answer will still always be different and always be correct. The differing answers are what makes it right. If you ask this question to a group of people together, all of them will give you the same answer, even if you make them write the answer down...

Question 12

The magician and the kid

A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath underwater. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under the water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how? Imagine the magician being bested by a kid...

Question 13

The name of an ancient king

You may think of this as a math riddle, and it is, but think beyond Math and number representation and you may just get the answer. Here goes, "500 at the beginning, 500 at the end, 5 in the middle is seen, The first of all letters, the first of all figures Take up their stations between, String them all together, and you will see the name of an ancient king." It may be about numbers, yes, but it is not the numbers we use, rather an ancient numeral system.

Question 14

The butcher shop clerk

Let's try solving another number-based one. So there is a clerk at the butcher shop who has been working there for ten years. His job isn't to cut up the meat, rather, he is the one who takes the customer's orders and packs it up - also wracking up the bills and being in charge of the money. He loves to eat, is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. He has a wife and 2 kids. What does he weigh?

Question 15

Little Johnny's dilemma

Now let's try one with fractions, and we bet you just sat up straighter for this! I Little Johnny is walking home. He has $300 he has to bring home to his mom. While he is walking a man stops him and gives him a chance to double his money. The man says "I'll give you $600 if you can roll 1 dice and get a 4 or above. You can roll 2 dice and get a 5 or 6 on at least one of them. Or you can roll 3 dice and get a 6 on at least on one side. So, in which case, does Little Johnny have the best chance of taking his money home?

Question 16

The unbreakable thing

Let's take a break with Math and try a word puzzle instead. "It's so strong, it does not break, It's so powerful, it penetrates a lake. Sometimes it's weak as a twig left out in the sun, It's so wonderful it gives us the power to have fun. It's so mighty it can make the stars twinkle and can be bright enough to show every flaw and wrinkle..." Do you have it in you to figure out this twister? What is it?

Question 17

The $100 question

The world moves where the money is. And it is this need and want of money that makes us join the rat race and run like mad in it, even if our dreams were something else entirely. Money may not be able to buy happiness but it can do enough - it can at least open those pathways to happiness every now and then. So let's try a money-based riddle. "Is an older one-hundred dollar bill worth more than a newer 1?"

Question 18

Is all breakfast healthy?

Let's think about the human need for food now. We all know the need to eat healthily but often skip health in favor of taste. Who wants bland oatmeal when bacon and eggs taste so much better? But the amount of calories in a greasy bacon and egg breakfast is so much more than a fruit-sweetened oatmeal. And they do so one should breakfast like a king and dine like a pauper. So what are the two things you cannot have for breakfast?

Question 19

The best jumper

Let's test your knowledge of the animal world. And there are all sorts of shapes and sizes that make the animal world - from bulky elephants to sleep leopards, tall giraffes to tiny dormice and from the ferocious lions to the darting deer. Nature is truly a marvel with each of its creations being able to do something special and marvelous. So which four-legged animal, in your opinion, can jump higher than a house? And that's a pretty tall order indeed, isn't it?

Question 20

The strange ingredient

Let's go back to the kitchen for this one. This food has to be something really strange because there seems to a be a strange way of cooking and then eating it. Try it: "You pick it, You peel the outside, You cook the inside, You eat the outside, And throw away the inside." So you pick it, but where do you pick it from? And then you peel it and cook the inside. But strangely enough, you eat the outside and throw the inside away. So what is it?

Question 21

What do men love more than life?

Let's get those cogs in the brain working again with a wordy puzzle that may take you through a philosophical walk in life. What is it that men love more than life, and fear more than death or mortal strife? What is it that the poor have and surprisingly, the rich require? And is there anything that even all contented men desire? What is the one thing that both misers spend and spendthrifts save, and the thing that all men manage to men carry to the grave?

Question 22

How did this happen?

Let's see if you can think out of the box a little while longer. There is a man who passed on in the middle of a field, with nothing and no one around him. The ground is undisturbed and there are no footprints of any sort, animal or human. There is an unopened package next to him. As the man approached the field, it was clear as day to him that he was about to pass on. And then he did. The question is, how?

Question 23

Get calculating

This riddle is a bit muddling, so read it carefully! I was going to the mall and there I met a portly man who had seven wives with him. Each of his wives was holding a wiggling jute bag with noises coming through. The man and his wives told me that each bag had a cat who had all littered six kittens. How many pairs of legs in all were going to the mall - the man, his seven wives, each wife with one mother cat and seven kittens each.

Question 24

Is he a superhero?

Picture this: A man walking along a railroad track, taking his time about it and watching in the sights. He is listening to music on his headphones when suddenly he spots a light shining in the distance. It is then that he sees a train thundering at high speed towards him. any ordinary man would immediately get off the track. But this guy did something strange. He first charged directly at the train for about ten feet and only then got off the track. Why?

Question 25

True or False?

Now let's end this one with mind-bender of sorts that has its roots in logic, and your ability to concentrate. Ready, here goes: Some cogs are tigs. All tigs are bons. Some bons are pabs. Some pabs are tigs. Therefore, cogs are definitely pabs. This question may give you a slightly Winnie the Pooh conversational feeling, but you are welcome to use real words instead if that helps you solve it better. Think your brain is up to it, and would rather have a strong cup of Joe?

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