Only 1/20 TV Fans Can Pass This CW Shows Quiz

When we take a look at what sort of stuff divides generations, a lot of it usually comes down to a change in technology and how we use these changes to create new forms of entertainment. Seriously, this sort of thing makes a real difference when you get down to it. Can you think of a world where television wasn't as widespread as it is now? There's nobody without a television these days and there now entire generations of people who have grown up watching television become the main source of entertainment for so many people out there.

We have decided to put together a quiz that includes some of the most famous television shows out there, all of which originally appeared on The CW network. This will narrow down your selection somewhat while also giving us a chance to try and get a little bit weird with it. Seriously, we don't think you'll be able to get all of these right, no matter how much television you watch.

So, are you ready to take a look at some of the television shows that were originally shown on The CW? Think that you'll be able to get most of these right? Well, we want to find out how many of you watch too much television, so let's get started.

Question 1

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

If we're being honest, we've not been swept up in the sort of hysteria that seems to have taken over everyone else, the comic book universe seemingly taking over all media and turning everyone out there into a comic book lover, despite the fact that we're not sure those lovers were out there beforehand. We love comic books, but we don't think that a lot of these television shows and movies actually do a lot to preserve the same sort of vibe.

Question 2

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

We love it when a comedian decides to bring out a movie or a television show. Sure, it's a chance for them to let us down, but the good stand ups will often surprise us, throwing out something that makes us laugh just as much as their work on stage does. Not only that, but often they will surprise and offer you something that actually makes you think and pushes the medium forwards as an art form while doing it.

Question 3

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

There are a lot of shows out there that you know are made for specific audience without even watching a single episode, which can be a pretty brave move on the parts of the writers and the marketers. While you know that you're almost guaranteed a certain number of people will tune in as they fit within a certain demographic, you're also chancing turning some people away by doing this if they don't think they're what the show is looking for.

Question 4

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Depictions of marriage and weddings in television rarely show off what it can be like in real life. Unless they're going for a realistic portrayal, possibly something in a more gritty drama, then they're likely to leave out most of the negatives in favor of the more positive aspects that come with legally binding yourself to someone for the rest of your life. Either that, or the problem is so ridiculously extreme that it's unlikely to happen to many people in the real world.

Question 5

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

As you can see by the image provided, there will always be certain elements in entertainment media that will always sell, meaning that writers and marketers will always push these elements if they can. They're a safe bet in a lot of ways and it allows the people in charge of making the show a bit of an easy time if they play it right. You have to do a lot to ruin a show that already has people hooked with gore.

Question 6

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

While some shows continue to stick with the tired formula, there are writers out there who want to take the established norms and turn them on their head somewhat, allowing them the chance to make a point or say something new with a format that has already been set in place by other shows. This is a really good way for writers to stop television becoming stale. It shows that people are still thinking about what people would enjoy watching.

Question 7

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

By throwing together a larger cast, writers give themselves more options and allow the show to grow in a way that it wouldn't if they were forced to only writer for a couple of characters. That being said, there is an argument for keeping things concise and small, so that you don't turn your show into something sloppy and bloated, in dire need of a clean up that can't happen if you just throw in people whenever you think the show is getting boring.

Question 8

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

You'll often find that if a television show wants to find widespread popularity, they'll take a handful of young characters and then place them in either a dramatic or comedic context. This is because they know that show like this will appeal to both the young people watching, and the older members of the audience who relate to the nostalgic feeling that comes from watching people they used to be like. It's a little bleak when you set it out but it's still true.

Question 9

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Honestly, beyond Friends, we never found ourselves getting interested in any show that featured a bunch of kids, whether they were in high school or trying to navigate their twenties, because the writing seemed to get pretty stale, pretty quickly. There's a chance that a lot of you will have a lot of nostalgia for these sorts of shows, but it's just not something that ever appealed to us in any sort of major way, so it always managed to pass us by.

Question 10

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

The use of women as sex objects, sadly, hasn't seen much of a decrease in the Western world, despite the fact that we're all aware of the problems that can arise when you spend this much time and effort turning women into nothing other than objects to be leered at by men. You would think that, after all this time, we would've come to an understanding that women can literally do everything that a man can do and are worth more than their bodies.

Question 11

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Another trope that is seemingly everywhere in television is the concept that pretty much everyone out there is astonishingly beautiful. Why don't any of these popular shows ever have an ugly person? Not being horrible, but nobody looks like this. These people don't show the world what society truly looks like. If you're a particularly attractive person, you'll know that nobody looks like you. In fact, it would be harder for you to gather up a group of people that look like you than not.

Question 12

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

While it's true that we consider reality television to be a real problem, something that seems to bring out the absolute worst in pretty much every single human being that attempts to engage with it, we do have to admit that it has also thrown up some truly brilliant shows, shows that highlight some fantastic talent that would've otherwise gone unnoticed. If television isn't either informing or entertaining, it should at least be giving a platform to under appreciated people with a fantastic talent.

Question 13

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

For a modern audience, it seems pretty crazy that somebody would be drawn into watching a show like this one just because it includes women who will likely be wearing very few clothes while the cameras are turned on, as if this actually makes any major difference to the amount of entertainment you can get from it. Honestly, we think shows like this should be consigned to a time in human history when people were just a lot more ignorant.

Question 14

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

We're not huge fans of the current trend in Hollywood that seems to argue you can't make anything worthwhile these days unless you're just throwing a more modern aesthetic onto a property that has already existed for years, but that doesn't mean it can't be done right. When it's not just a shameless grab for cash, the concept of a fresh new take on an old property can actually be really appealing and bring new light or drama to something long forgotten.

Question 15

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

The politics of beauty in the real world, especially when it comes to gender, is actually something that can be written about and explored in an interesting way, which is what makes it all the more annoying when people seem to want to constantly boil it down to the most shallow levels possible. This isn't only the fault of television, but we think that the entertainment media has a hell of a lot to do with it when you start to take a look.

Question 16

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

If you're currently trying to create a show or get a script up and running and you want to add an injection of drama, we would suggest that you include an entire narrative arc about somebody coming to terms with something they know about, that they shouldn't. Having a character discover something while they're sleuthing is a fantastic way to add narrative drama while also increasing the tension between two characters. We all know what it's like to be sat on information that nobody else can know.

Question 17

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Seriously, we know we keep talking about it, but how can television shows cast people who only look this good?! Why do they think that people across the world have problems with how they look when they're constantly shown images like this on television, images that supposedly give us an insight into what people usually look like. These two are ridiculously attractive, to the point where it should seem ludicrous to anybody living in the real world and seeing real people on a regular basis.

Question 18

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Over the past decade, there has definitely been more of a swing to a dark and gothic atmosphere, a vibe that first seemed to come along after the huge amount of popularity that got thrown at the Twilight saga. Not wanting to be left behind by a winning trend, television and other movie franchises quickly started popping up with a much darker visual aesthetic, even if the writing decided to keep it fairly upbeat and not resort to the same tricks as the visuals.

Question 19

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

While some would argue that it's not a great thing, reality television has made it so that any facet of the real world can be taken seriously by a television audience. You might not understand why people would want to watch it, but reality television dictates that if you can make it seem real and attempt to inject a sense of drama into the proceedings, there will be people out there who will tune in to watch whatever you've come up with this time.

Question 20

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Without wanting to give away the answer, the fact that this show exists seems absolutely ridiculous to us. How they were able to find a group of people who were willing to watch something like this is lost on us. If you're the sort of person who watches this show, we would genuinely like to meet you to see what you are like because we don't believe that there is anyone in our life that does watch this sort of thing.

Question 21

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

As we've talked about before, there's still a long way to go when it comes to how women are portrayed in entertainment media, as it would seem that most female characters are still used to help prove stereotypes rather than fight them. As we all know, pretty much everything that television teaches us about what women are like in the real world is entirely untrue, but that doesn't mean people aren't picking up on these ridiculous vibes and dragging them into our real world.

Question 22

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

We've got to a point in television where there is literally nothing that people won't watch, meaning there's nothing that writers and producers can't attempt to make a show out of. We have entire shows now based around the concept of a high school glee club! People always say that there's nothing that hasn't already been done, but it feels as if people behind television want to try and disprove this concept every single time they bring out something new.

Question 23

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

It's only once you start to take an interest in animation that you notice the serious change in atmosphere that can be created purely by the way that the show has been drawn and animated. At first, a cartoon just looks like a cartoon, but we have a real love and appreciation for great art, especially when it's put in motion. You can really tell the difference once you start to take a look at what can be achieved in the medium.

Question 24

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

We have a huge appreciation for a lot of the work that is being done in modern animation, but we also have a soft spot for the stuff that came along in the last couple of decades, the stuff that allowed animators a chance to show off a darker side to cartoons and cartoon character. You only have to look at this image to see that it has a darker aesthetic to many of the other cartoons created during that time.

Question 25

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

It has got to a point now where certain famous cartoon characters have been rebooted or given their own spin offs that it's impossible to truly remember where they started if you aren't a proper lover of cartoons or have been watching them for decades since the characters were first invented. This isn't really a bad thing as it has offered younger audiences a chance to get involved with the cartoon character that the generations before them also fell in love with.

Question 26

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

While we know there's a side of the spin-off culture that should be championed in art and collaboration, we do think that it says something if a franchise has to be rebooted or receive a franchise more than once. If you start getting into the territory of rebooting something every time it's not as popular as you want it to be, it's probably time you accept that maybe it's best to come up with something new that will get people interested again.

Question 27

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

In a world where the internet is something that most people, especially in the Western world, spend pretty much every single day trawling through, images and memes can become iconic. However, that doesn't mean you actually have any idea where the image has come from. I recognize every single one of these men and the characters that they're playing, but don't know the character's name or what show they're a part of unless somebody explicitly tells me that information. Even then I'd forget it pretty quickly...

Question 28

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

Lasting female relationships based on love and trust are few and far between in popular entertainment media, as they're usually played off each other or given shallow relationships that seemingly don't go beyond casual female stereotypes. Thankfully, we have seen a change in this over the past couple of decades, with television and movies showing that they can grow up and give us an honest look into what it's like to be a human being on this planet, no matter what our gender.

Question 29

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

The concept of fantasy television isn't something that always appealed to us, but we've grown to understand it more as we've got older. The want to escape through some form of entertainment is brought to its logical conclusion when you start to throw in elements or characters that couldn't possibly exist in the real world. It's no surprise that some of the more fanatical members of the audience end up becoming obsessed with the worlds that these shows offer as they're always more interesting than real life.

Question 30

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

While it's true that we've definitely seen a move away from the concept that cartoons are only for children over the past couple of decades or so, that doesn't stop many people out there from creating animation that is very clearly aimed at children. We're not saying that adults can't watch these and get enjoyment out of them, but we know that if you asked the creators, they would say that they definitely intended to the show to be watched by children and not adults.

Question 31

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

If you're a fan, then you're going to immediately know which show this is, but if you've never seen it or don't have a knowledge of the comic book world, then this once could be a little bit tricky for you. It's funny how even iconic characters can be difficult to identify once you take them out of their context. It really starts to separate the people who really know the character from those that are obsessed with the character.

Question 32

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

One of the smartest things that comic books decided on at an early point in their design is to make sure that their characters are easily identifiable, whether that's because of their character design or their own specific logos. This way, you can build an audience for a specific hero and have people get excited from the mere sight of a logo or character design. Other forms of media do this as well, but it has been best used by comic books if you ask us.

Question 33

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

As we've already said, the love of comic book heroes in different forms of media hasn't swept us up in the same way that it has others, but even we have to admit that we like the fact that it's giving lesser known heroes the chance to find an audience that only used to consist of total nerds and die hard fans. People who are resistant to that clearly don't love their beloved hero enough to let them get exposure.

Question 34

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

There was once a time when television personality meant that you were someone who played regular characters or had managed to find your way into the public consciousness because it seemed like you were everywhere, performing on numerous shows at once. However, now it usually means that you appear on television as yourself. We can thank the rise and subsequent love of reality television for this one. It has managed to turn that little box into an actual view into people's lives.

Question 35

Which CW Show Is This Image From?

A lot of entertainment media will try to pull you in by showing you a world that you already know, a more extreme version of your own life or a life that you once lived. However, others will go another way with it, presenting you with characters that are relatable in a setting that just makes no sense to you. Even if the characters aren't relatable, as long as they're believable, then you've got your hands on a possible winner.

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