On A Scale Of 1-10 How Attractive Are You?

Can we really tell how attractive you are through the computer? Without looking at you through a video chat, that is? Well, it's time to find out!

When it comes to physical appearances, people are usually way too hard on themselves -- critiquing every little aspect of their face or body shape that the majority of people would never even notice. So, in fact, we may be able to get a better picture of how you look by just figuring out the broad strokes.

While a good majority of your looks will depend on genetics, there's still a ton of lifestyle choices that will determine your overall appearance. Having a well-balanced diet and staying in shape are not only paramount to your looks, but to your overall health as well.

But at the same time, how attractive you are to other people goes well beyond your physical appearance alone, and you can also have an attractive personality by being smart, interesting, and just an overall joy to be around. In fact, preoccupying yourself with your looks will only decrease your self-confidence -- which is definitely not attractive.

So let's take a look at some of your daily habits and see where you land on the scale of attractiveness!

Question 1

How often do you hit the gym?

While some people can motivate themselves to work out around the house, the majority of people actually need to suit up and head out to a public gym in order to muster up the motivation to break a sweat. So how often do you find yourself making it there?

Question 2

How would you describe your overall style?

While everyone should try to find an individual style that works for them, there’s a good chance that you’re going to end up falling into a broader category by default. So do you have a bold style that stands out? Or do you dress in pretty standard apparel?

Question 3

Looks-wise, how did you compare to your most recent boyfriend/ girlfriend?

Though looks alone won’t make any relationship last for very long, by and large, people usually end up with someone who’s on the same attractiveness level of them. But if you had to choose, who had the slight advantage over the other in your most recent relationship?

Question 4

How often do you bathe?

Believe it or not, most dermatologists actually don’t recommend bathing yourself every single day. But while it may be bad for your skin, freshening up every morning is something that your co-workers and loved ones will sincerely thank you for.

Question 5

What’s your preferred form of exercise?

Few people actually enjoy working out. But it’s just another thing you should add to your schedule because it’s better for you in the long run, rather than because you outright enjoy doing it. But which way do you prefer to break a sweat?

Question 6

What products do you use to make yourself smell better?

While you definitely don’t want to be someone who walks around with arm pits smelling like week old chicken noodle soup, you also don’t want to be someone who goes way overboard with the perfume or Axe body spray. So what’s your go-to product?

Question 7

How often do you clean your ears?

We’ve all been there — sitting next to someone and getting a quick peak in their ears to find them filled with yellow flakes or amber wax. So even if the rest of your body is immaculately cleaned, please don’t forget to give your ears a good once over.

Question 8

Did you ever have braces?

While it may certainly knock you down a few pegs on the attractiveness scale for the few years that you do have braces, if you can put up the adolescent embarrassment you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of your adult life with perfectly straight teeth.

Question 9

Are you currently dating someone?

If you’re currently married to someone or have a boyfriend/ girlfriend, then it goes to show that at least one person on the planet can tolerate your looks! Then again, the more attractive you are, the less desire you may have to settle down so quickly.

Question 10

Smell your breath right now. What’s the verdict?

You could be the most beautiful person in the world, but if your breath smells like a dead fish, then nobody’s ever going to want to get within a few feet of you. So go ahead and cup a hand in front of your face and tell us the outcome?

Question 11

The average man is 5 foot 10 inches tall. The average woman is 5 foot 5 inches. Where do you stand?

When it comes to height, there’s not much a guy can do to look taller. But as far as women go, they can always put on a pair of high heels — though it’s not much of a stigma if a woman comes in a few inches below the average height anyway.

Question 12

What do think when you look at yourself in the mirror?

Some people love looking at themselves in the mirror. Other people dread it. And while it’s important to make sure your hair isn’t sticking up straight or you don’t have something in your teeth, we should all agree that staring at yourself non-stop isn’t very healthy.

Question 13

Where do you purchase most of your clothes?

Someone’s entire lives revolve around going shopping and trying on new clothes that they can't wait to show off during a night out. But other people utterly hate clothes shopping. Thankful, those people can now order clothes from the comfort of their own couches.

Question 14

Do you moisturize your skin?

Some guys may think that moisturizing there skin is too ladylike for them. But if you want to prevent getting wrinkles and sunspots, there’s nothing wrong with giving your body a full pass as soon as you step out of the shower and dry yourself off.

Question 15

Which one of these female celebrities would you rather hang out with?

Two distinctly talented women in their own rights, both Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy starred alongside each other as two very different law enforcement officers in the 2013 hit comedy The Heat. But between these two actresses, which one would you rather kill time with?

Question 16

What do you like most about the way you look?

The fact of the matter is that there’s only so much you can do to alter your appearance without going overboard or become obsessed with it. So when you look at yourself in the mirror, what are you most happy about?

Question 17

What do you like least?

We know what it’s like to stare in the mirror and be annoyed with your own face. But unfortunately, there’s not too much you can about that. Plus, there’s always a good chance that you’re being way too hard on yourself.

Question 18

What’s your diet like?

While you may think it’s working out that keeps people in shape, a person’s diet actually plays an infinitely bigger role in the way you look. After all, even a strenuous workout only lasts about an hour, when eating takes place multiple times throughout every single day.

Question 19

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

If it only takes you 15 minutes to get ready in the morning, you certainly get points for being thrifty, but we can’t help but wonder if your looks are suffering as a result. Meanwhile, taking over an hour can mean you’re trying way too hard to be attractive.

Question 20

Which one of these male celebrities would rather hang out with?

You can tell a lot about someone just by the kind of people they would rather be around. So do you only try to hang out with physically attractive individuals in an attempt to make yourself look better? Or do you only care how interesting/ entertaining someone is?

Question 21

How often do people compliment your clothes?

Do you dress to impress? Or do you hunt out awesome t-shirts and sweaters that you’ve never seen anybody else wear? Or do could you not care less about close — wearing the most boring, run of the mill attire that no one ever gives a second glance?

Question 22

Are you the most attractive person in your friend group?

Chances are, you didn’t end up picking your friends because of how attractive they are. But it you’re always hanging out with people who are way better looking than you, you may have found it hard to stand out when it comes to trying to impress the opposite sex.

Question 23

How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

Making sure you stay well hydrated won’t just make you feel better and keep you healthy, it will also have a positive impact on your appearance. For instance, your hair and skin won’t as easily dry out, and you’ll have more energy to get in a better workout.

Question 24

How do you deal with stress?

Prolonged periods of stress can definitely start taking a toll on your appearance. You’ll start looking tired and worn out and you have a higher chance of developing wrinkles and grey hair before you otherwise should. Therefore, it's best to find a healthy way to deal with it.

Question 25

What’s your favorite beverage?

If you find yourself downing a huge bottle of soda every day, then the extra calories will no doubt start to take a toll on your appearance. Not to mention your health. But there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a warm mug of coffee or tea a couple times a day.

Question 26

Do you have a hard time getting a first date?

Do you think your appearance prevents you from landing a date? While many people often like to think that this is their problem, it’s more likely that they’re overly obsessing about their looks, instead of confidently searching for someone who shares the same interests as them.

Question 27

What’s your go-to snack food?

If you’ve been trying to eat healthier as a part of your New Year’s resolution, then you may have quickly discovered it’s not all that hard to cook a meal that caters to your new diet. It’s finding a healthy snack you actually enjoy that’s nearly impossible.

Question 28

If you were invited to a wedding right now, you…

You may have fairly nice day-to-day clothes, but the older you get, the more you should be prepared for special occasions with a few suits or dresses. So are you ready to look your best at the drop of a hat? Or would you need to hit the mall first?

Question 29

How do you usually spend your weekends?

For many of us, weekends are the only time that you really have to get things done that you actually want to do. But when they roll around, do you actually have the energy to follow through? Or do you spend both days vegging out?

Question 30

What do your fingernails look like right now?

Letting your fingernails go too long without giving them a cut is just another sign that you probably let other aspects of your appearance slide. So don’t skimp out on keeping your nails nicely groomed, even though it's a task that quickly becomes repetitive.

Question 31

Have you ever undergone plastic surgery?

Unless you’ve been the subject of some kind of injury or birth defect, then plastic surgery is something that you may want to think long and hard about before you decide to alter your appearance. Especially if you're concerned about an issue that is fairly common.

Question 32

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

Even if you’re not someone who completely obsesses over how they look, there’s bound to be a couple things you wish you could change about yourself. So which one of these items would be at the top of your list?

Question 33

Do you always make sure to wear sunscreen?

You might look great with a glowing tan now, but people who avoid using sunscreen will end up having more wrinkles and sun spots in the future. Not to mention that simply putting on sunscreen can prevent skin cancer. So don’t go without it!

Question 34

Describe your nose.

One of the most common forms of plastic surgery is rhinoplasty, AKA a nose job. Many women often end up thinking their nose is too big or not straight enough. But is a slightly larger than average nose really something to lose sleep over?

Question 35

Do you keep your eyebrows, nose, and ear hairs under control?

Less of a problem for women as it is for men, there’s nothing that’s going to turn someone off faster than a unibrow or a bristle of hairs sticking out of your nostrils. You don’t have to go overboard, just pull out them tweezers every couple of weeks.

Question 36

Do you keep your hair groomed… elsewhere?

Of course, whatever you chose to do with the hair on the rest of your body is totally up to you. But by and large, people don’t want to be greeted with an unruly forest of hair when you whip off your shirt or remove your clothes south of the boarder.

Question 37

Did you play sports in school/ college?

If you started getting active at a young age, then there’s a good chance that you know how to stay in shape the older you get. Then again, there were many athletes who peaked in high school who have only gone downhill since.

Question 38

Do you care what other people think of you?

Obviously, not ever caring what anyone thinks of you isn’t going to get you very far in life. Therefore, you should only care what other people think of you in areas that really matter, like how good of a friend you are. Not whether or not you’re a perfect ten.

Question 39

Do you preoccupy yourself with your appearance?

It’s hard to know when you’re spending too much time caring about your appearance. While it’s fine if you turn these concerns into positive actions — like working out and eating healthy — you probably have an unhealthy obsession if all of your thoughts have a negative impact.

Question 40

And last, but not least, how’s your self-confidence?

Believe it or not, you can still be attractive to others on personality alone! Even if you’re not doing amazing in the looks department, just being a thoroughly interesting and good-natured person will get you way further than flawless skin or an impeccable wardrobe.

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