Name These Star Wars Characters To Reveal Each Fans' All-Time Favorite Villain

Star Wars has been part of American pop culture for what seems like forever now. Since A New Hope released in 1977, fans worldwide have been following the franchise closely with each following installment.

It's hard not to become addicted to this series. George Lucas paid special attention to creating each of the Star Wars Universe's many planets, weapons, starships, and its characters. The incredible part of it all is that Lucas only had his imagination to work with when he created the original trilogy; there was no state of the art camera technology or post-production CGI available to him; it was just him with a pen and pencil and a lot of imagination.

As with any story, what makes Star Wars resonate with audiences the most is its characters. From the brave and independent Princess Leia, the smart-mouth and crafty Han Solo, to the adventurous, impulsive and ultimately wise Luke Skywalker, the series heroes grew into viewers hearts and helped the franchise blossom. Of course, no good story comes without its antagonists and Star Wars is no exception; Darth Vader remains one of filmmaking's most iconic villains throughout the ages. No wonder fans are torn when it comes to choosing a favorite character.

Name These Star Wars Characters To Reveal Fans' All-Time Favorite Villain.


Question 1

What's this character's name?

From driving the Falcon without problem on her first try, handling a lightsaber like a Jedi master, to easily defeating the leader of the First Order during their first fight, she seems too good to be true. What's this character's name?

Question 2

What's this character's name?

She's one of the franchise's most beloved characters. Introduced in "A New Hope," this rebel leader is fearless and faces the Empire relentless until the Rebel Alliance obtains victory. In the new trilogy she continues her leadership as a general. What's this character's name?

Question 3

What's this character's name?

He's first introduced as a pilot who joins Luke Skywalker and his friends on their mission to save the rebel princess of Alderaan. He ultimately proves to be one of the Rebel Alliance's most powerful allies. What's this character's name?

Question 4

What's this character's name?

This character starts as part of The First Order but quickly changes his allegiance during his first battle. When he meets a pilot from the Rebel Alliance, he joins the fight to help restore balance to the Force. What's this character's name?

Question 5

What's this character's name?

This character is the newest astromech droid addition to the Star Wars Universe. Just like his predecessor from the original trilogy, this droid is extremely handy in battle to the Rebel Alliance and helps them locate Luke Skywalker. What's this character's name?

Question 6

What's this character's name?

This character starts his journey on Tatooine building podracers as a hobby. His Jedi potential is seen by a Jedi Master and he becomes trained in the ways of the Force. Unfortunately, he becomes brainwashed into joining the Dark Side. What's this character's name?

Question 7

What's this character's name?

This character is the very first Sith apprentice to Emperor Papaltine. In his time working for him, he chases the Jedi protecting the Naboo Queen throughout the entire galaxy and manages to lethally strike one down in battle. What's this character's name?

Question 8

What's this character's name?

This bounty hunter is the genetic basis for the clone army. During the army's production on Kamino, he faces off against the Jedi Master investigating the assassination attempts against the Senator. He meets his fate against another powerful Jedi Master during the Battle of Geonosis. What's this character's name?

Question 9

What's this character's name?

This character is the main villain of the original trilogy. He begins his journey as a Senator for the Republic and slowly ascends to Chancellor, ultimately becoming the evil ruler of the galaxy by corrupting one Jedi Knight. What's this character's name?

Question 10

What's this character's name?

This character begins her journey at a young age as the Queen of Naboo. After her term ends, she assumes the role of the Republic's Senator and lives out an ill-fated love with a Jedi knight. What's this character's name?

Question 11

What's this character's name?

This character is one of the leading heroines in the Star Wars standalone installments. Her character begins as a childhood friend/love-interest to the series' most iconic pilot and joins the villains in order to escape her home planet, Corelia. What's this character's name?

Question 12

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in the prequels. He first comes across the two Jedi knights on a mission to rescue the Queen of Naboo and eventually joins them in their quest. As a reward, he's appointed a member of the Senate until its downfall. What's this character's name?

Question 13

What's this character's name?

This character is the most celebrated droids in Star Wars history. It makes its first appearance in "The Phantom Menace" and alongside with his protocol companion, he's been in every sequel since. Best known for its last-minute way of saving the day, what's this droid's name?

Question 14

What's this character's name?

This character is in every installment of the original trilogy and the prequels. He begins as a Jedi apprentice in "The Phantom Menace," and is then appointed the task of training the Jedi knight that ultimately betrays the Republic. What's this character's name?

Question 15

What's this character's name?

This character is Darth Vader's primary advisor in "A New Hope". He's given the role of overseer of the first Death Star and uses it to destroy Alderaan, home of the rebel princess. Unfortunately for him, he's onboard The Death Star when Luke Skywalker destroys it. What's this character's name?

Question 16

What's this character's name?

This character is the right-hand to the leader of The First Order. Despite having to work together with him, this character heavily dislikes his superior to the point where he contemplates destroying him in "The Last Jedi". What's this character's name?

Question 17

What's this character's name?

This character is a Wookie from the planet Kashyyyk who initially aids the Jedi during the Clone Wars. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, he fights alongside the rebels to bring balance back to the Force. What's this character's name?

Question 18

What's this character's name?

This character is the leader of the Hutts. He makes his first appearance in "A New Hope" and continues on as the most notorious gangster on Tatooine. In "Return of the Jedi", he meets his fate at the hands of the rebel leader he's enslaved. What's this character's name?

Question 19

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in "The Phantom Menace." Alongside his Jedi apprentice, he goes on a mission throughout the galaxy to rescue the Queen of Naboo. He ultimately meets his demise at the hands of a powerful Sith apprentice. What's this character's name?

Question 20

What's this character's name?

This character is the leader of The First Order. He initially trains to become a Jedi under the guidance of Luke Skywalker, but in the process contemplates the powers of the dark side and betrays him. What's this character's name?

Question 21

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in a "New Hope" and seen again in "A Phantom Menace" when Anakin works on his podracer and introduces Jar Jar to his friends. He eventually meets his fate years later at the hands of Han Solo. What's this character's name?

Question 22

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in "The Empire Strikes Back" and is in every movie afterward with the exception of "The Force Awakens." Best-known as the exiled leader of the Jedi Council who trains Luke to become a Jedi, what's this character's name?

Question 23

What's this character's name?

This character first appears in "The Phantom Menace" as one of the highest-ranking members of the Jedi Council. In the following sequels, he plays a bigger role in the series when he takes to action in the battle field. What's this character's name?

Question 24

What's this character's name?

This character takes command in "The Last Jedi" when the resistance's general is temporarily put out of commission. She meets opposition by some of members, but proves herself a hero through an act of self-sacrifice against Snoke's fleet. What's this character's name?

Question 25

What's this character's name?

This ill-fated character lives her short life during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She later becomes the leader of the Rogue One crew that deliver the first Death Star's plans to The Rebel Alliance. What's this character's name?

Question 26

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in "The Empire Strikes Back" when Luke's friends seek refuge in Cloud City. He unwillingly betrays them due to threats from The Empire and makes amends by joining the Rebel Alliance in their final battle. What's this character's name?

Question 27

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in "The Empire Strikes Back" as the bounty hunter charged with taking one of Luke's friends back to Tatooine. In "Return of the Jedi", he meets his untimely end by calling into the sarlacc pit. What's this character's name?

Question 28

What's this character's name?

This character is the commander of The First Order Stormtrooper army whose main mission is leading her soldiers to the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker. When one of them deserts the army to join the Rebel Alliance, she vows to make them pay. What's this character's name?

Question 29

What's this character's name?

This character's origins are briefly explained in "Attack of the Clones". After the fall of the Galactic Republic, he and his wife take in Luke Skywalker to raise as their newphew. They ultimately meet their demise at the hands of stormtroopers by Vader's command. What's this character's name?

Question 30

What's this character's name?

This character is in every Star Wars (aside from the standalones) since "A New Hope". He's built by Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and he joins him on his journey during the events of "Attack of the Clones". What's this character's name?

Question 31

What's this character's name?

These characters are the soldiers used by the Galactic Empire and later The First Order. Their prototype is originally used by the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars, but when the Galactic Empire takes over they're reprogrammed to serve it. What are these characters names?

Question 32

What's this character's name?

This character is first seen in "Attack of the Clones" as the Sith apprentice behind the assasination attempts against the Senator. Though he manages to escape from the Jedi, who meets his demise in "Revenge of the Sith". What's the character's name?

Question 33

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in the "Clone Wars" cartoon show. It "Revenge of the Sith" leads the army that kidnaps the Chancellor and ultimately meets his fate at the hands of a powerful Jedi Master. What's this character's name?

Question 34

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in "The Phantom Menace" as Anakin's owner who bets against a Jedi for his liberty. In "Attack of the Clones" he's seen for the last time when Anakin asks about his mother's whereabouts. What's this character's name?

Question 35

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in "The Phantom Menace" as a slave owned by Watto. She's destroyed by the Sand People and though her appearance is brief, she makes a huge impact on Anakin's turning to Dark Side. What's this character's name?

Question 36

What's this character's name?

This character is one of the newer characters in the series. First introduced in "The Force Awakens", this junk boss is known to rip-off scavengers. He also unsuccessfully tries to bargain the price of the droid containing Luke Skywalker's whereabouts. What's this character's name?

Question 37

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced as the leader of the First Order in "The Force Awakens." He's responsible for Luke Skywalker's exile and along with his Sith apprentice searches the galaxy to find him. In "The Last Jedi", he meets his demise when he apprentice betrays him. What's this character's name?

Question 38

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in "The Phantom Menace" as the leader of the Gungans. Though he's initially unsympathetic to the ordeal between the Senate and The Trade Federation, he ultimately lends his army to help the Queen liberate Naboo. What's this character's name?

Question 39

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced and last seen in "The Phantom Menace". Known for his uncanny and ruthless practices on the racing field, he faces-off against Anakin Skywalker in a podracing competition and loses despite his cheating. What's this character's name?

Question 40

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in "The Force Awakens" as a pilot to the Resistance. As the battle against the First Order continues, he grows impatient with the defense stance of the Resistance and takes actions into his own hands. What's this character's name?

Question 41

What's this character's name?

This character makes a brief appearance in "Attack of the Clones." She's a bounty hunter originally hired by Jango Fett to destroy the Senator, but she's intercepted by the Jedi knights protecting her and soon after disposed of by Jango Fett himself. What's this character's name?

Question 42

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in "Attack of the Clones" as one of the politicians directly involved in protecting the Senator. In "Revenge of the Sith", he remains one of the few supporters of the Galactic Republic that survive the overthrow by the Sith. What's this character's name?

Question 43

What's this character's name?

This character is first introduced in "The Last Jedi" as a mechanic and the sister of a fallen Resistance pilot. She joins some of her team members in their plot to destroy the First Order's tracking device on the Resistance. What's this character's name?

Question 44

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in "The Last Jedi" as the cellmate of the Resistance members seeking to deactivate The First Order's tracking device. Though he helps them break into Snoke's fleet, he betrays them amidst the conflict's chaos. What's this character's name?

Question 45

What's this character's name?

This character is introduced in "The Phantom Menace" as the Queen's decoy who switches places with her when the Trade Federalists invade Naboo. She maintains this cover up until the Queen reveals herself before the Gungans". What's this character's name?

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