Middle-Earth, Hogwarts, Or Narnia? This Quiz Will Pick Where You Should Live!

With so many fantasy stories being created with vast worlds and rich history, many times do we ache to live in those places. When a world is crafted down to the smallest details and almost nothing is left to the imagination, it creates a sense of longing as we feel that it's a real place.

This has occurred several times in literature, with some of the most popular ones being Middle-Earth from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series, and Narnia from The Chronicles of Narnia (the last one less so than the other two). These three worlds were created with different ideas, rules, and goals. The end result is universes that are vastly unique and well-crafted.

The stories have been captivating audiences for decades, but it's time to put your stake in the ground and discover where you would like to live if you had to choose one. Would you find yourself at home in the elegant and war-torn Middle-Earth? What about the gentle yet mysterious realm of Hogwarts? Maybe you'd rather build a home in the ever-growing ever-changing land of Narnia.

Wherever you'd end up, we're going to find out. Where would you live?

Question 1

Which weapon would you use?

Each fictional realm abides by its own set of rules. This includes the weapons that the various characters use. Likewise, you would have to take up your own equipment to face any and all danger that could come your way.

Question 2

What is your favorite season?

Some of these worlds are put together so elegantly that even the various seasons hold significant meaning. Phenomena such as Winters Without Christmas haunt the very pages of these stories, leading to the characters (and yourself) longing for one season over another.

Question 3

Who is your favorite protagonist?

What good is a story and new world without a relatable protagonist to follow the entire way? As you can imagine, this is an area where each of three worlds excels. Whether you prefer the quiet and somber attitude of Bilbo or the rebellious and tortured persona of Harry, they're great characters.

Question 4

Which would you eat?

The authors of these stories paid so much attention to their worlds that there are even subtle differences in the kind of food they eat. If you would rather have unnaturally filling pieces of bread or something a little closer to home, we guarantee that there's a universe out there for you.

Question 5

Which battle would you fight in?

Without conflict, many of these worlds wouldn't be very interesting. Thankfully, each story is packed with it, even crafting entire arcs around it. The sweeping armies of Middle-Earth and the political charge of the Wizarding World are just two small examples.

Question 6

Pick a book

It's crazy to think that each of these massive worlds started out as one simple book with a simple idea. The Hobbit was merely the tale of revenge against a dragon. The Magician's Nephew was little more than an introduction to a new world.

Question 7

What's Your Favorite Narnia Movie?

It's clear that Hollywood wanted to turn The Chronicles of Narnia into a similar pop culture phenomenon of The Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, the films lessened in quality as time went on, leaving the franchise in a state of limbo.

Question 8

Pick a wizard

Say what you will about one world being better than the other- they all use a lot of the same ideas. For example, Middle-Earth, Hogwarts, and Narnia all have a few wizards and pieces of magic that are fairly consistent relating to their roles in their respective stories.

Question 9

What's your favorite hobby?

Fictional worlds are more than just drama and war. The people within them have hobbies and activities they do in their spare time. These activities include eating strange candy until you get sick and playing with magical fireworks.

Question 10

What's the best way to travel?

Because each world functions on a set of rules and guidelines, that bleeds over into how the characters travel. Some have to use a horse to get around, while others might be lucky enough to get a flying beast to carry them.

Question 11

Who is your favorite author?

In the fandoms that represent these fictional worlds, it's easy to forget that there were simple people who created them in the first place. Each of them had different ideas and different goals with their stories, but their outcomes were still massive in the literature world.

Question 12

Pick a creature

Trolls, goblins, and fauns are just a few of the creatures you'll encounter in these fictional worlds. While some of them are reminiscent of classic folklore, others are entirely original beasts that either inspire the imagination or instill fear.

Question 13

What type of jewelry would you wear?

Jewelry seems like an arbitrary inclusion in these worlds, but it helps the audience to see the culture that goes behind each location. As a matter of fact, one these worlds has a powerful piece of jewelry that could potentially cause its own destruction.

Question 14

Pick a color

When these stories were adapted into films, the directors had to use a certain color palette to keep the tone and settings consistent. This leads to an overall mental image of color that we think of when discussing these franchises.

Question 15

How many friends do you have?

The stories that take place in these worlds all drive home the point that the war cannot be won alone. Whether you're struggling to get to Mount Doom or trying to uncover a sinister plot, there's strength in the friends you have that is absent when you go it alone.

Question 16

Pick an iffy movie

Unfortunately, as these worlds and franchises grow in popularity, there's going to be a dud somewhere down the road. Often times, this is a result of studios wanting to squeeze more money out of a series. Clearly, there have been some textbook examples of this in the movie industry.

Question 17

Would you like to talk to animals?

Talking animals is not a foreign concept. Even outside these three worlds, there are numerous stories where creatures of the wild start articulating. Some people find it very endearing while others think it's a little creepy. It just depends on your perspective.

Question 18

How many movies are you willing to marathon?

As these worlds get adapted on the big screen, we are given major series of DVDs and Blu-Rays. As such, many people marathon the entire story in one sitting. Anyone who has attempted such a feat knows that it's way more fun on paper than in practice.

Question 19

Are there video games based on your favorite movie/book?

With any popular franchise, it's only a matter of time before video game developers get licenses to make their own versions of the tale. This can either lead to amazing interactive experiences that add to the stories everyone loves or be an utter disgrace to everything that made those stories great.

Question 20

What's your opinion of Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones is a newer fantasy story to have hit pop culture. Not leaving anything to the imagination, it's one of those stories that you'll either watch fervently or stay away from entirely. It all depends on how much you're willing to handle in terms of graphic content.

Question 21

What is your favorite genre?

Within fiction, there are several different genres that a story can take. The difference between fantasy and high fantasy, for example, is that fantasy includes new worlds and creatures while still setting it on the Earth we know. High fantasy, on the other hand, takes place entirely in a unique setting far away from our world.

Question 22

Which adjective describes your personality?

If a story was put together without distinct characters, it would never hold an audience's attention. Thankfully, each of these worlds is full of interesting characters with dynamic personalities. When considering how different they are, where do you fit in?

Question 23

What kind of animal friend would you want to have?

Whether they talk or not, animals are always major players in fantasy stories. Characters will either have an animal companion or some sort of mount that they've bonded with for the adventure. Perhaps you relate to this with your own pets.

Question 24

Do you have siblings?

Sometimes your friends don't give you much help in the journey of life. That's when you turn to your own siblings for advice and assistance. Many times, siblings are brought into fantasy stories to give our main character some support. Other times, they have to get support elsewhere.

Question 25

Who is your most despised villain?

With every great fantasy story comes a wicked villain. These powerful foes challenge our heroes like nothing that has ever come before them. They might be lacking in depth sometimes, but they certainly make up for it in the fear they create.

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