This Quiz Will Tell You Which Male Actor Will Fall For You

A lot of the way that things are marketed to us these days, especially within the film industry, is based on the concept that you could one day be with the sort of person that they're showing you on the big screen. It's as if the advertising wants to convince you that, even though you're not with them yet, that doesn't mean you couldn't have them at any point, even though you will probably never meet them. However, that doesn't mean we can't buy into the fantasy now and then does it? You've got to have a dream man after all!

We thought it'd be good to throw together a quiz that allows you all to buy into that fantasy for a few minutes, answering questions about yourself to see which male actor is the one that will one day be getting you pregnant. To do this, you're going to have to let us know a couple of things about you. We think that by taking in your information, we'll be able to show you which handsome male actor is going to get you pregnant. That doesn't mean you'll get the answer that you're hoping for though!

So, are you ready to find out which male actor is going to end up getting you pregnant? Think it's time you got to grips with who it is that will be putting a child inside your belly?! Well then, let's get started!

Question 1

How Would You Describe Yourself?

You can tell a lot about someone just by asking them how they'd describe themselves, as a lot of their sense of self will come from the sort of person they are. If they have a negative opinion of themselves, they'll probably have a negative opinion of you.

Question 2

How Would You Describe Your Perfect Man?

How you see your perfect man can be a real insight into yourself as well, depending on whether you want someone like you or you think opposites attract. It's that sort of ying and yang that many people forget about when they enter into a relationship.

Question 3

Pick A Hobby

Isn't it weird to think that so many of us created hobbies and passions when we were younger, not knowing they could come to define our lives in so many ways? There's so much that we do on a daily basis that started when we were children.

Question 4

How Many Ex's Do You Have?

Look, we've all got some skeletons in our closet, but we think it's important that we know how many serious relationships you've been in if you want us to know what sort of man is going to go for you. It matters a lot to some men, whether it should or not.

Question 5

What's Your Best Feature?

Don't let anybody tell you what sort of thing you should or shouldn't like about yourself. There's too many people out there who spend their lives trying to bring others down, but it really doesn't have to be that way!

Question 6

What's Your Dream Date?

We know that there's nothing worse than somebody constantly asking you what you want to do and never giving you an indication of what they'd like to do, but sometimes we all have that dream idea. We should start to say those ideas more.

Question 7

How Do You Like To Flirt?

Flirting is a difficult one. There are a lot of styles out there and you don't know which one is going to work for a particular person. You've got to spend some time with them before you start to see what it is that they're interested in.

Question 8

What Sort Of Hair Do You Like On A Man?

For women, it's mostly believed that hair is best when it's left long and down, but with men, there is so much you can choose from. Seriously, what sort of thing should you go for if you're not part of the fairer sex?

Question 9

What Sort Of Hair Do You Have?

Okay, so if we're going to allow you the chance to talk about the sort of hair you want on a man, we think it's only fair that we ask you what you've got going on. What sort of hair do you have? Do you think it's any good or do you not like it?

Question 10

What Color Hair Do You Like?

These questions might seem pretty shallow, but let's be honest, our love for celebrities is entirely shallow anyway. We don't actually know these people so the only thing we're going off is what we're being shown of their faces and bodies.

Question 11

What Sort Of Music Do You Like?

It actually mattered to us a lot more when we were younger what music our significant other listened to. Now we're a lot more open to the concept of learning to find new things from the people we're with, rather than them liking all the same things.

Question 12

Pick A Pet

We find it insane that there are some people out there that have never enjoyed the brilliant life of having a pet. They will never know what it feels like to have a wonderful and fluffy companion waiting for them when they get home.

Question 13

How Do You End A First Date?

If you're not sure how a date is going, then it can be hard to gauge what sort of thing you should do once you get to the end of it. If you're looking for something serious, your behavior will change from when you're just trying to seal the deal.

Question 14

How Do You Dress On A First Date?

This sort of thing is important as how you look will be the first thing that your date takes in, looking you over to see exactly how you've decided to look for them. We know it sounds shallow, but you know you're doing exactly the same thing.

Question 15

What Is Most Important In A Man?

Sure, we all might have a type, but there are definitely some things that all people know their significant other needs if they're going to get along with them. It's important that they tick these boxes straight away before you get to know them better.

Question 16

If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself, What Would It Be?

We actually like to tell people that they shouldn't want to change things about themselves, although we know that pretty much everyone knows this already. That doesn't mean you don't have these thoughts anyway.

Question 17

What Would You Buy If You Won The Lottery?

The concept of winning the lottery is something that we can't even imagine. That sort of money will change your life in ways that you can't even think of. Seriously, that sort of thing will totally mess with your head.

Question 18

Do You Like Makeup?

Makeup is something that still divides society in the west, as it offers people a chance to look how they want, but also comes with the concept that women should try and make themselves look different from how they look normally.

Question 19

How Do You Feel About Tattoos?

We don't understand what the whole problem with tattoos is if we're being honest. Sure, more people get them now, but people have always got them throughout history. There are old people alive now that don't regret getting them.

Question 20

How Many Guys Have You Been With?

We know that this is a personal question, but we promise you that we don't judge here. We think that people can do whatever they want to do with their body! There should be no judgment on that sort of stuff if you ask us.

Question 21

How Do You Feel About Piercings?

Sure, having a lot of them all over your face rarely looks too good, but that doesn't mean you can't look good with a few of them on your body. That being said, you do whatever you want to do because it's your body and who are we to judge?!

Question 22

How Tall Are You?

While there are some people out there who really don't care how tall or short their partner is, we all know that for most of us, it really does matter. Whether this is right or wrong, it doesn't stop it from being as true now as it always has been.

Question 23

How Do You Feel About Exercise?

We've never been able in our lives to come up with a form of exercise that we actually enjoy doing, but that doesn't stop us from having to go out swimming as much as possible. Human bodies need to work on this sort of stuff.

Question 24

Are You An Extrovert Or An Introvert?

It's not until you're older that you start to realize there are a whole host of people out there. When you're young, everyone seems the same to you, but little do we know that there's actually an insane amount of different personality types.

Question 25

True Or False - I Am A Real Catch

Honestly, we think it's important to have a good level of confidence. Sure, you don't want to go too far with it, but we all secretly know that there are things people like about you and thinks that people don't. That's just how it is! So do you think you're a real catch?

Question 26

Are You Religious?

Religion is one of those things that you really have to sort out with your significant other before it goes anywhere serious as it's a concept that will follow you both throughout your entire lives. That sort of things can end things disastrously.

Question 27

Are You An Early Riser?

There's nothing wrong with you and your partner disagreeing on this concept, as long as the person who gets up early leaves the one they love to sleep as much as they want. If you poke and prod at them, you'll find them getting very angry!

Question 28

Are You A Patient Person?

We actually think that you can have a relationship with one person that struggles with a temper and one that is totally calm. You can have two calm people together as well, but there's no way two people with a temper will ever succeed...

Question 29

Do You Believe In Ghosts?

People do manage to have relationships with people who believe in ghosts when they themselves do not, but we don't understand it. It would drive us absolutely insane to know that the person we're with believes in that sort of nonsense.

Question 30

Pick Your Favorite Season

While we don't really care what season it is, we know that everyone else seems to have their favorite, to the point where their entire life is brought down a notch if it's a season that they don't like. That's pretty hard to deal with if you ask us.

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