Take This Quiz, And We'll Tell You If You Have Daddy Issues

Issues. We all have them. Without issues to solve, there wouldn't be much point to life at all. We'd all just be floating around a perfectly taken-care-of world, trying not to mess anything up.

Thankfully, that's not the case. We live in an imperfect world with lots of issues: global warming issues, political issues, and daddy issues.

Did that last one catch your eye? It might have. Daddy issues aren't as problematic as environmental or political ones, but they still have their impact. After all, the kids who experience these issues eventually grow up to be the adults who run the world.

Whether a world is better run by women and men with daddy issues, we won't say here. As humble quiz messengers, that's not our place. All we're here to do is perform an initial diagnosis to see if you have daddy issues in the first place. That sounds like a good place to start.

"A start to what?" you ask? Well, it could be anything. Who knows what you'll run off and go do after you're done this quiz. One thing's for sure: you'll be going forward with the rest of your life knowing full well whether you're walking around with daddy issues. Because we know exactly what we're talking about.

Question 1

Do you often doubt your partner's love?

Women with daddy issues often have trouble receiving their partner's love, to the point where they doubt the existence of that love in the first place. No matter what the man does, the woman will never open her heart fully to him. Does that sound like you?

Question 2

Are you needy?

A woman carrying daddy issues around will often show symptoms of super needy behavior. They'll ask for more attention from their man than they're willing to give, and every extended absence (like, say, when he has to go to work) will drive her to hell and back.

Question 3

Do you chase men who turn you down?

As it goes, women with daddy issues tend to save their attention for men who seem to have no extra attention for them. When rejected, a daddy issues girl will chase after her man like a lady mountain lion chasing down a male mountain lion.

Question 4

Are you "romantically" aggressive?

Women with daddy issues don't tend to be as conservative in the bedroom as most other women. It's not because they don't value making love as a sacred thing, but their ambition to get into their partner's good graces takes the front seat.

Question 5

Do you put partners through tests before dating them?

Think about your past partnerships. Did they all involve you making the man jump through a series of hoops before you officially linked together? Women with daddy issues tend to put their men through a series of tests before they actually get together.

Question 6

Do you put partners through tests while dating them?

If you put all of your romantic partners through a series of tests both before and during your relationship, we might have some serious daddy issues on our hands. Why not just be chill and hang out together instead of making all these calculations? Maybe you agree.

Question 7

Do you turn things around on your partner?

All men who date women with daddy issues are quite familiar with this predicament. Regardless of the situation, she'll make it seem like it's completely her partner's fault, and if he isn't thinking straight, he might believe her. Do you turn things around on your partner?

Question 8

Do you baby-talk excessively?

Don't lie, you know what we mean by "excessively". Specifically, we mean that you use baby talk as your go-to communication channel 25% of the time you and your partner are speaking, or more. If that sounds like you, you might have daddy issues.

Question 9

Do you date much older men?

We're not talking a three year age difference here. Actually, we're thinking more around the range of 30. Women with daddy issues might try to treat their old wounds by conjuring up old environments. Dating a much older man might be a woman's idea of a second chance at their father's love.

Question 10

Are you super clingy?

Women with daddy issues tend to stick to their partners like glue, regardless of whether that's their partner's preference. This comes from the lack of attention and affection they received from their fathers during childhood. Does that sound like you?

Question 11

Are you overly affected by a partner's inconsistency?

While this is a more specific symptom, women with daddy issues are sometimes unsatisfied by their partner's prerequisite displays of affection - they need consistency, too. That means, if a boyfriend almost always texts his daddy issues girlfriend at lunchtime, he'd better be ready to do that every day.

Question 12

Are you flirty with other guys?

If you're flirty, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're a cheater. Flirting can be strictly fun, after all. However, if you simply can't get enough attention from other men, despite the fact that you're in a relationship, your daddy issues might be pushing your partner away.

Question 13

Are you irrational in arguments?

You know exactly what we're talking about here. It's hard to realize you're being irrational while you're still in the middle of the argument, but all becomes clear in retrospect. When you and your partners argue, do you use reason, or is your philosophy "IDGAF"?

Question 14

Do you get along with your mother?

While women with daddy issues, obviously, have an invisible wall between them and their fathers, they normally tend to get along decently well with their mothers. Parent-child dynamics and all. Think about your relationship with your mom - do you get along with her?

Question 15

Are you often paranoid of your partner cheating on you?

There's a difference between "paranoia" and "worry". With the latter, you might have a reason to be concerned about your partner's fidelity. If you're being paranoid, on the other hand, your daddy issues might simply be making you a little coo-coo. Nothing wrong with that, everyone's a little coo-coo.

Question 16

Are you often looking for validation?

People in general - let alone men or women, with or without daddy issues - are always looking for validation. We're social beasts, this is natural. However, if much of your waking, conscious mind is set on looking for compliments or blind, positive feedback, your daddy issues might be showing.

Question 17

Do you overcompensate?

Sometimes, overcompensation is good. That's one of the paths to excess, and excess is good in moderation. But, if you're always going heavy or going home, you might be trying a little too hard to prove yourself in your partner's eyes. Perform well, but remember to relax sometimes.

Question 18

What's your number?

Do you know which number we're referring to? It's not the number of socks in your drawer. It's the hanky-panky number, that's right. How many partners have you had hanky-panky time with? The number may or may not be higher for women with daddy issues.

Question 19

In general, are you more friendly toward men than women?

If a woman has daddy issues, she might show excessive friendliness toward men while her natural instinct with women might be to give them the cold shoulder. When dealing with strangers, do you often find yourself being more aloof toward women and open to men?

Question 20

Are you a people pleaser?

It's a good thing to look out for the needs of others, don't get us wrong. But, if you find you're always pleasing others at the cost of neglecting yourself, you'd be doing yourself a big disservice. When all is said and done, do you put others before yourself?

Question 21

Do you generalize men?

Do you see all men as typical boneheads who can only handle ideas as long as they're presented with them in single file? Do you equate all men to cavemen? If you do, the root of your misconception might be down to your daddy issues.

Question 22

Do you have trouble committing?

It's one thing to note the fallout in relationships happening around you, but don't take that lesson too closely to heart. Women with daddy issues often have trouble committing themselves fully to men even if they met a potential soulmate. Does that sound like you?

Question 23

Do you often misinterpret your partner's actions?

Women with daddy issues see the world - specifically as it concerns their relationships with men - through a different lens. For instance, they might see an innocent, casual action from their partner as a direct sign of their indifference, or lack of love. Do you often find yourself in these situations?

Question 24

Does it take a while to introduce your partners to your parents?

Women with daddy issues tend to want to keep their romantic partners as far away from their parents as possible. A restraining order sounds good to them, but they wouldn't dare bring it up. If that sounds like it describes you, you might have some daddy issues.

Question 25

Do you often do the deed on the first date?

The deed is great, and sometimes, it's great on the first date. All we're saying is, if hanky-panky happens on more than half of your first dates, their might be some daddy issues at play. Not that that's the worst thing. Everybody has issues, daddy or not.

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