Left, Right, Or Center: Where Do You Fall On the Political Spectrum?

Politics are never a fun subject, but they've become even more divisive in the last few years. It's often said that in the United States, the country has been split into two camps... though really, it's a good deal more complex than that. Terms like "Democrat" and "Republican" mean very different things than they used to, particularly after Nixon's "Southern Strategy" in the late 1960s completely realigned the values of the GOP. However, the notion of what is "left" and what is "right" are more consistent.

Now, it's important to recognize that no person's political opinion is set in stone: no matter where you fall on the spectrum, you should always make a point to converse with others, to learn, to ask questions, and to be open to other possibilities. Nonetheless, amidst the flurry of inaccurate information, lies, and manipulation that has occurred within the political system, it's worthwhile to figure out what, exactly, your current stance is. That means looking at the issues, and asking, "What do I really think about this? Is my opinion informed?" Always research the facts from reputable sources. Don't fall prey to confirmation bias.

This quiz won't give you a concrete, final answer as to your political views, but it will help you to understand, Where Do You Fall on the Political Spectrum? 

Question 1

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Do you think healthcare is a basic human right, which society should work to provide for, or on the other hand, do you believe that it's a privilege that should be earned through hard work? In line with the above statement: as a society, do we have a duty to protect our sick, and to ensure that everyone who is sick can get proper treatment, without having to worry if they can afford it?

Question 2

The free market is the only fair way to allocate resources.

Many people believe that the only fair and just way to allocate resources is to put them up on the free market, with no government assistance, and thus allow the consumer to decide on every item's value, and to drive the costs down through competition. Do you think that this system works in reality?

Question 3

The rich should pay more in taxes.

There's no question that massive inequality between the classes, with the vast majority of wealth being made by an astonishingly low percentage of the population. Do you believe that these billionaires should pay a higher tax rate than people in the middle and working classes, in order to even things out a bit?

Question 4

The United States is a Christian nation, and should remain that way.

This sums up the belief that the United States was funded on Christian values, is a Christian nation, and should stay that way, rather than allowing these Christian beliefs and values to diminish over time, or be diluted by other religions in an attempt to achieve "political correctness."

Question 5

We all need to give a little to get a little.

Basically, this comes down to the idea that we're all in this together, and if we want to make society work, we all have to put in a little bit. That can mean taxes, or it can mean labor, or it can mean many things: the key is that every person shouldn't fend for themselves, we should all be working together.

Question 6

The only way to fix the economy is cutting taxes for the top percent.

fat cat literally

This theory is called "trickle-down economics," and it's based on the idea that if you slash taxes for the top percent of the population -- the billionaires, giant corporations, and so on -- the effects will "trickle down" to the lower classes, as these billionaires will use the extra money to create jobs, take more chances, and so on.

Question 7

Patriotism is overrated.

This isn't to say that a person isn't patriotic, because they might be: this is the belief that patriotism itself isn't such an enormously high value as it's made out to be. Namely, someone who agrees with this statement would believe that patriotism today is treated like a religion, wherein "worship" of the flag and country is demanded on principle.

Question 8

Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

What is the definition of marriage? According to some people, marriage should only be considered a true marriage if it is between a man and a woman, both legally and morally. This belief means that it should be illegal for a man to marry a man, or any other permutation. Do you agree that non-heterosexual unions should be banned?

Question 9

We should do everything we can to fight climate change.

The scientific community all agree that the biggest threat facing humanity in the present day is global climate change, caused by human activity. If massive actions aren't taken soon, the repercussions will be immense. Do you believe that we should be doing absolutely everything we can to fight climate change in the present day?

Question 10

If automation causes massive job losses, we should institute a universal base income.

One of the big ideas being talked about a lot these days is a UBI: Universal Base Income. Because of automation, a huge amount of jobs we have today will be replaced by robots. In order to make up for this, a UBI would give every citizen in the country a monthly living wage, unconditionally, so that people won't starve, become homeless, and so on. What do you think of this concept?

Question 11

English is America's official language, and people should speak it.

The dominant language in the United States has always been English, or well, America's own form of English. However, an increasing number of residents can now speak fluently in Spanish as well, and it's becoming normal for phone lines, boxes, and so on to give the option for English and Spanish speakers. Do you think that the United States should designate English as its official language, and stop catering to Spanish speakers?

Question 12

The military should be expanded.

Do you believe that the military is desperately in need of more resources, more funding, and expansion? Do you think that we should not only continue to devote the same number of resources to the military, but that we should also expand those resources, due to terror abroad and at home?

Question 13

At its core, the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

This is the belief that from the beginning, the United States was a nation founded by immigrants, constructed by immigrants, and which traditionally has welcome immigrants with open arms. Basically, for the United States to properly represent its values, it should always give people from any country or background the opportunity to come to its borders, have a fresh start, and achieve success.

Question 14

Since the beginning, the U.S.'s treatment of the Native Americans has been horrific.

Going all the way back to when European settlers first landed on the shores of North America, the native tribes have always been routinely slaughtered, stereotyped, pushed aside, and had their rights trampled on. Would you agree that this treatment of the indigenous people has been one of the darkest, most disturbing things in human history?

Question 15

The best form of gun control is having a gun on you.

The second amendment guarantees a citizen's right to bear arms, however, the U.S. has had an epidemic of gun violence over the past few decades. Do you believe that the best way to prevent more such attacks is for more regular people to carry guns on their person at all time, so that they are always ready if such an attack occurs?

Question 16

Other cultures are a threat.

This sums the belief that other cultures, religions, and perhaps races are a threat to the "status quo," and that each group should "stick to its own kind." Do you agree with that statement? Do you believe that as other cultures become more prominent in the US, they are endangering the remnants of European colonialism?

Question 17

We need to focus on renewable energy, and stop using fossil fuels.

Despite the fact that oil is running out, and that it's burning up the atmosphere, it is still a huge part of the economy. Do you believe that one of our highest priorities, at this time in history, is to focus our resources on transitioning to renewable energy sources that will be better for the planet, the environment, and ourselves, such as solar energy and electric cars?

Question 18

High school science classes should teach that evolution is a theory, not a fact.

Do you believe that public high school and/or junior high science classes should teach the theory of intelligent design -- namely, that a creator is responsible for the world? Do you think that schools today are too focused on scientific theories, proclaiming them as fact, when they should instead make a point to mention God's work?

Question 19

Diplomacy is for the weak.

Do you believe that one of the biggest problems in U.S. foreign policy is too much talking, too much being nice, too much diplomacy? Do you believe that it's better to wield force, have a lot of firepower, intimidate enemies, and strike out at anyone who gives us a bad look, in order to prevent other countries from getting any hostile ideas?

Question 20

Marijuana should be legalized.

Marijuana has had an unsavory reputation for many years, but do you believe that the time has come for weed to become legalized, both for medicinal and for recreational use? Do you think it should be made legal for anyone to use, taxed, and then sold in stores in the same way that alcohol and cigarettes are sold legally today?

Question 21

In this country, Christianity is under attack.

This describes the belief that the country has changed so much in the present day that Christian values and beliefs are constantly under attack, and the notion that some Christians feel that they are constantly being pressured, abused, told off, or undermined at every turn. Do you believe this is true?

Question 22

Black people are unfairly targeted by the police.

In the last few years, there have been a number of high profile incidents of police brutality, where black people have been stopped, beaten, and/or killed by police officers. It has become common knowledge that "stop and frisk" are often targeted at minority populations. Do you believe that such system racism is wrong, and should be stopped -- perhaps by calling attention to the problem, having police wear body cameras, and other such measures?

Question 23

LGBTQ equality is a sign of progress.

Over the last decade, one of the biggest cultural shifts within the United States has been the growing acceptance of the LGBTQ community, both in popular media and in legal matters like gay marriage. Do you believe that as the LGBTQ equality becomes more and more accepted by popular culture, this is a sign of positive, forward progress?

Question 24

The U.S. Government is responsible for some of the worst actions in history.

The dominant narrative within the United States is that the actions authorized by the government have always been heroic: that the U.S. topples dictators, frees nations from bondage, and always does the right thing. However, do you believe that the reverse is true? Do you think that the United States has been responsible for some horrific actions across the globe, and often made a worse mess of things?

Question 25

Birth control should be easily accessible to teenagers.

During their teenage years, kids will usually begin experimenting, losing their virginity, and learning their preferences. However, with a lack of information and resources, teen sex can easily lead to teen pregnancy. Do you believe that birth control, whether it's condoms or an IUD, should be easily accessible and available to all teenagers, in order to cut down on teen pregnancy and STD rates?

Question 26

Are you against football players who kneel at the National Anthem?

In 2016, football player Colin Kaepernick refused to stand and pledge allegiance the National Anthem, stating that "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color." Other players have followed his lead. Do you believe that this form of protest should be outlawed, and that football players should be fired if they do this?

Question 27

Capitalism has outlived its usefulness.

Money is the root of all evil, some say. Capitalism creates class warfare, where the rich and powerful subjugate and rule over the workers. Would you say that the time has come for people to begin moving beyond the limits of capitalism, and striving for a new system that creates better equality amongst all the classes, instead of only supporting the wealthy few?

Question 28

It's not good to disrespect authority.

Do you believe that authority should always be respected? Do you think it's important to look up to your superiors -- whether that be the government, the military, your boss, the police, or what have you -- and not to second guess them, or give them attitude, because disrespect is one of the biggest problems in society today?

Question 29

Society treats women like second-class citizens.

Feminism is based on the idea that women deserve the same treatment, respect, payment, and rights as any man. It took countless years for women to earn the right to vote, or to be allowed onto the workforce, and many still believe that much of United States culture is still heavily misogynistic. Do you believe that in this country, women are still treated like second class citizens?

Question 30

College should be free and accessible to all.

Because of tuition costs that have risen beyond anyone's ability to pay them back, an entire generation is now crippled by student debt, in a way that no generation before them ever was. Do you believe that college should be funded by the public, likely through a taxation of the wealthiest individuals, so that everyone has a chance to attend, instead of it being limited to the more privileged?

Question 31

We should always take in and protect refugees.

Refugees are individuals, often women and children, who have been displaced from their nation due to warfare, genocide, or other reasons, and are in desperate need of a home. Due to intensive screening, it is one of the hardest ways to enter the country. Do you believe that it's extremely important that we take care of these people, allowing them to enter the United States so that they can be safe?

Question 32

You believe in the death penalty.

What should be done when a person is found guilty of horrific crimes? Do you believe that it is right and just for the government to authorize the murder of this person -- whether as punishment for their crimes, or as a deterrent to people who might commit similar crimes -- through whatever lethal means are deemed acceptable?

Question 33

Workers should control the means of production, not corporations or wealthy individuals.

The vast majority of resources within the United States are owned and operated by powerful corporations, which control the interest of the government, with workers being little more than hired servants. Do you believe that this dynamic should be reversed -- that the corporations should be taken down, hierarchy should be abolished, and the resources should be owned and operated by the workers, instead?

Question 34

The descendants of slaves deserve reparations.

The history of the United States is tainted by the fact that countless individuals were stolen, separated from their families, sold, and brutalized by the institution of slavery, forced to work for no wages. The idea of "reparations" is that descendants of slaves stolen from Africa deserve some form of compensatory payment, because of the horrific injustices perpetrated upon their ancestors.

Question 35

Society needs to have a social safety net.

A "safety net" or some form of welfare system, can be funded by the government, or in anarchist systems, by the public itself: the question is, do you believe that one of the priorities and greatest functions of society is to provide a social safety net for its citizens, and thereby to protect the safety of its weakest and most vulnerable members?

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