Kitty Lovers It's Time To Test How Well You Know Your Feline Friends!


If you’ve clicked on this quiz, then there’s a good chance that you already agree that cats are far superior to dogs. Thanks to the internet, cats are finally getting the credit they deserve after decades of having to listen to people gush over how their canines love them unconditionally. And it’s true -- if you want an animal who’s always excited to play catch and go for a car ride then maybe a dog is the right fit for you. But if you want an animal who has a sassy and distinct personality, that makes you earn every little bit of their affection without ever coming across as needy, then a cat is definitely the way to go.

While the debate rages on over which animal is smarter, it’s been scientifically proven that cat people have higher IQs than those who favor dogs. Cat people are also more introverted and less likely to jump to rash decisions, which makes an indoor cat the perfect companion if you feel like shutting yourself off from the world for a day or two. Another upside to cats is that they’re largely self-reliant; while many enjoy sitting on your lap or falling asleep at your feet, they don’t demand constant attention and can be left alone for a few days at a time.

But since you’re a cat person, we’re sure you already know all this. So let’s see what else you know about your feline friends!

Question 1

What type of cat is considered bad luck in the United States?

If you see this kind of cat walk across your path, you may want to consider forgoing your trip to the amusement park or rethinking your plans to go sky diving later that day. While there is, of course, no scientific evidence to prove that these types of cats actually bring bad luck, the idea of bad omens or superstition surrounding cats dates back for centuries, with many people burning them alive during the American witch trials just over three hundred years ago.

Question 2

How many toes do cats usually have on their front paws?

Unlike dogs, who are known for releasing heat from their bodies through panting, cats actually sweat from their paw pads when they’re overheated or in the middle of a stressful situation. You also might not have known that cats can have dominate paws, with most males being righties and most females lefties. You’ve probably marveled over the bottom of your feline’s feet before, probably much to the disapproval of your pet. But do you remember how many toes the average cat actually has on their front paws?

Question 3

This type of cat is usually referred to by its fur pattern.

Often confused with a specific breed, this type of cat is known by its fur pattern that consists of distinctive stripes about the body and an M-like marking on their forehead. However, this type of cat can exhibit less common patterns as well, which consists of dots, swirls or a “salt-and-pepper” like appearance. Since this fur pattern can be displayed in various cat breeds, especially mixed breeds, this type of cat is one of the most popular throughout the world.

Question 4

In what ancient civilization were cats used as divine symbols?

Throughout history, cats have been perceived in extremely different lights depending on the time and place. While they are still considered to be an acceptable food in many parts of the world, it’s considered borderline murder to kill a cat and eat it for dinner in America. The cat has also been synonymous with witchcraft and evil at various times throughout history as well. But before they were gods of the Internet, cats were most famously thought of as divine beings by this ancient culture.

Question 5

How many claws does the average cat have?

To this day, declawing your cat still remains a bit of a controversial issue in the United States, as most European countries already consider the process inhumane. But of course, having a cat declawed needs to be judged on an individual basis. Before you put your cat through the procedure, consider that the cat’s claws are not the same as a human’s fingernails. The process even involves removing a small piece of bone from the cat’s paw that prevents the nail from growing back, and most vets today consider the procedure a last resort.

Question 6

Despite popular belief, cats probably shouldn’t drink this substance.

You’ve probably set out a fresh bowl of water on more than a few occasions just to have your furry feline give you a long blank stare before inevitable turning around and walking the other way. For some reason, cats just seem to enjoy drinking out of bathtubs and kitchen sinks! Or sometimes you’ll find them dipping a paw in and licking it clean as if the bowl was unfit for them. While cats inevitable need lots of water, there is one drink that people too often give their cats despite the animals's intolerance.

Question 7

What is the colloquial name for the plant cats like to play with?

Nothing sets a cat off quite like this plant, known scientifically as Nepeta cataria. This plant doesn’t just affect house cats, but pretty much every type of feline in the animal kingdom. However, roughly one-third of house cats aren’t affected by this plant, meaning that the reaction is largely hereditary. And believe it or not, this plant is somehow not addictive to your cat, no matter how crazy it makes them seem. In fact, the effects of the plant only last for about 10 minutes, at which time olfactory fatigue will set in.

Question 8

What do a cat's whiskers do?

Your cat's whiskers aren’t like a man’s mustache, meaning that they’re not just like another elongated piece of fur on the cat’s body. They’re actually extremely sensitive, as they’re rooted deeper in the cat's skin, and excessive force around the stem or even on the tips could cause your cat pain, so keep that in mind the next time you’re petting their head. For this reason, you should never cut their whiskers, and it’s also not a bad idea to make sure their bowl is wide enough to accompany their whiskers too.

Question 9

What type of cat is this?

Another breed that's great for most homeowners, this cat is very social and active, making it a good fit for families and households with other pets. However, be sure not to leave this cat alone for too long, as they can grow exceedingly lonely if they don’t get the attention that they seek. Born almost completely white, these cats don’t develop the signature color around their faces and legs until later in life, along with a short and soft coat of fur that produces little to moderate shedding.

Question 10

This type of cat originated in the Middle East.

This elegant looking cat has been around for a long, long time, first appearing in what is now modern day Iran. While it’s not recommended to judge a book by its cover, we must admit that this particular breed of cat acts exactly how it looks. It’s self-righteous, not particularly welcoming to kids or strangers, and its fluffy coat of fur requires its fair share of pampering. However, it will definitely enjoy lounging in its owner's lap, possibly making this breed fit for an older owner or a less chaotic household.

Question 11

How long did the oldest known cat live to be?

It doesn’t take long after falling in love with your brand new kitten before you start wondering just how long you’re going to have with your furry feline. While many stray cats only have a life expectancy of 3 to 5 years, the average house cat can live well into their teens, with many of the healthiest ones making it to the age of 20. But of course, there are always extreme examples where a cat appears to have more than just nine lives. Can you guess how long Creme Puff, the oldest cat ever, lived to be?

Question 12

Everyone knows Grumpy Cat, but do you know this cat’s actual name?

Easily the most recognizable cat in the world, this seemingly upset feline first rose to popularity after a Reddit post went viral. Since then, the cat has been the subject of numerous memes and has even been given its own Facebook page, website, and even a Christmas themed movie! The cat's unique appearance comes from feline dwarfism couples with an underbite. Since everyone knows this animal as Grumpy Cat, do you happen to know what its owner originally named her?

Question 13

These are one of the largest breeds of domestic cat.

From nose to tail these massive cats can be over a yard long and weigh up to 20 pounds, making them one of the largest domesticated cat breeds in the world. Originating in the United States, this cat is known for actually being on of the easiest cats to care for, as they are relatively affectionate to their owners, but are far from needy and are also able to entertain themselves. Their only possible downside is the amount at which they need to be groomed and their shyness when it comes to strangers.

Question 14

What do you call a cat that has extra toes?

Cats with this trait are born with a congenital abnormality that is passed down by their parents. While most cats have five toes on each front paw and four toes on each back for a total of 18, cats with this abnormality can have up to eight toes on each paw! However, to date the most toes a cat with this condition has ever had is 28 — but still, that’s an awfully lot of extra appendages. Cats like this are more often found on the east coast of America and in the southern half of the United Kingdom.

Question 15

This type of cat is like a Persian without all the grooming maintenance.

Persians are often ranked as the best cat for most homeowners because they’re laid back, loving, with long and soft fur that makes them excellent to cuddle with. But they have a serious downside: their fur needs to be groomed on a weekly, if not daily, basis. So if you want an even lower maintenance cat, this breed may be just the thing for you. Snoopy, one of the most popular cats on the Internet, who has new pictures uploaded daily, is also a member of this favorable breed.

Question 16

How long should you wait to separate a kitten from its mother?

One of the biggest and most common mistakes that cat owners make is separating the kitten from their mother far too soon. Whether this be because the owner simply has too many cats crowding their house, or because a possible owner is a little too eager to get their hands on a new kitten, it's important to wait the correct amount of time before snatching the kittens away. This period not only helps the mother adjust but gives the kittens the right amount of time to learn how to socialize with their brothers and sisters.

Question 17

Which type of flavor can cats not taste?

Before you continue wishing that you could turn into a house cat (which inevitably happens every morning when you’re forced to leave for work while your cat is still cozy in bed), you might want to consider that there are a few downsides to being a cat as well. For one, cats do not have the same spectrum of taste as humans. While most mammals have all five kinds of taste buds, cats seemed to have developed a genetic mutation, which has left them craving meat above all else.

Question 18

This cat's distinctive spotted pattern should help you identify its breed?

Since this cat takes its name from a wild feline, it’s no mistake that this breed is extremely active, agile and muscular, making it look like it belongs out in the jungle. Despite its wild appearance, this cat is still an ideal house cat so long as it's given the attention it deserves. These cats love to play and will get along great with children and other animals. They also have a tendency to grow quite large in size, with an adult male reaching an average of 15 pounds.

Question 19

What is the name of this famous lasagna eating feline?

Before Grumpy Cat was popping up all over the Internet, this humorous feline was making people laugh all the way back to the 1970s. While today, many people don’t pick up a physical copy of the paper, there’s still a good chance you’ve seen this character before -- especially considering it actually holds the Guinness World Record for the most widely syndicated comic strip in the world. Plus, there’s always the chance that you’ve seen one of the animated movies where this cat is voiced by none other than Bill Murray.

Question 20

Despite their name, this breed of cats is always gray in color.

One of the most common breeds in America, this cat is known for its slate color, which is often complete with a set of beautiful blue or green eyes. These felines are known to be affectionate with their owners, but won’t necessarily be friendly with strangers or with children who don’t know how to treat an animal with care. Though their hair is usually relatively short, these cats still need to be groomed on a weekly basis to remove any dead hairs from their thick coat.

Question 21

Humans have 6 muscles in their outer ear, but how many do cats have?

Dogs often get all the credit for their supersonic hearing, but did you know that cats actually have far better hearing than dogs? When it comes to low pitched sounds, cats and dogs are pretty much on an equal playing field, but cats can distinguish far more sounds with higher frequencies. The ears of a cat also help the animal balance and can be telling sign of your cat's current mood. You’ll probably be surprised just how many muscles they have in a single ear.

Question 22

What is the average number of kittens in a litter?

In case you failed to heed Bob Barker’s words from The Price Is Right and refused to get you animal spayed or neutered to help control the animal population, you may have discovered one day that your female cat was looking a little big in the belly. A cat that’s free to breed could easily go through three pregnancies each year, which would quickly result in way too many kittens for even the craziest cat lady in town. But do you know how many kittens there are in a litter?

Question 23

This type of cat is almost totally hairless?

If you’re tired of leaving the house covered in cat hair, then this peculiar breed of feline may be just the thing for you! Mistakenly thought of as totally hairless, this breed of cat is in fact covered with extremely short hair, though shedding is hardly a probably at all. Even still, these cats need to be groomed and washed regularly, and they enjoy sleeping under the covers with their human to stay warm. This breed is also extremely social, so be sure to get it a friend if you spend a decent amount of time out of the house.

Question 24

What’s the name for when a cat rubs its head on something?

Have you ever found that your cats rubs its head on an unusually large array of objects? Be it your leg, your face, the bed frame, the couch corner, or the dog that’s trying to take a nap. But as it turns out, this isn’t just a sign of affection. Cats have numerous scent glands located on their heads, particularly around their mouths, which help them mark an area as “their territory.” Male cats tend to mark objects more often, and they will also specifically rub their heads on areas that have already been scented by other cats.

Question 25

What vegetable should you never feed your cats?

Pretty much everyone knows that you can’t give a dog chocolate since it contains theobromine, a toxic agent that dogs can barely digest. While chocolate can also prove to be lethal for cats, felines tend to have a much pickier appetite, and won’t scarf down anything that is thrown their way like a dog. Though cats probably wouldn’t eat this vegetable on their own either, it is of the utmost importance that you prevent your cat from eating it should they express any interest.

Question 26

What percentage of their lives do cats sleep?

There’s a reason that it’s called a “cat nap” as opposed to a “dog nap,” because on average, felines spend a far greater amount of time catching some shut eye. The reasons cats are believed to sleep so much is because if they were out in the wild, they would naturally need the extra rest after spending a day chasing down their food. Their high protein diets also mean that they don’t have to spend as much time feeding as other animals, giving them even more time to doze off.

Question 27

What type of fur pattern does this cat have?

These types of cats have fur that comes in patches of orange, white, and black that can all vary in size and intensity, meaning no two will look exactly a like. These types of cats are almost always female, and a male cat with this color pattern may very well prove to be sterile — but don’t let that stop you from getting him fixed! Cats without any white or very little white are more often referred to as tortoiseshell, so we’ll leave that option out of the mix to avoid any confusion.

Question 28

How many pet cats are there in America alone?

They say that dogs are a man’s best friend, but did you know that cats are actually the most common pet in America? That’s right, even though cats get a bad rap for being smug and self-righteous, more Americans have chosen them over dogs. What the felines may lack in unconditional love, they make up for in low maintenance, since many can be kept inside 100% of the time and never have to be walked. There are about 69 million pet dogs in America, so can you guess how many pet cats there are?

Question 29

How many teeth does an adult cat have?

While you’re much more likely to get scratched playing with a cat, felines still possess an impressive amount of fairly sharp teeth. In fact, cats have very few molars due to the fact that their diets are mostly carnivorous and their teeth must be used to kill and chew up their prey in the wild. After birth, kittens develop a small set of 26 teeth, but after just 6 months of life, these are replaced with a full adult set, which consists of exactly how many teeth?

Question 30

What is the average length of a cats pregnancy?

Unless you're a vet, you probably don’t know how long most animal pregnancies last. We're so used to hearing the typical nine months that go along with human pregnancies that we forget just how short so many animal pregnancies actually are. For instance, the gestation period for a hamster can be as short as just 16 days! While most dog pregnancies last between 58 and 68 days, do you know how long it takes before a cat gives birth to its litter?

Question 31

What is a common nickname for a male cat?

Though male cats can be referred to as a gib if they’re neutered, in general, they go by a far more common name that we’re sure you can guess if you just give it a moment’s thought. Male cats are known to be slightly more aggressive than their female counterparts, with a higher tendency to spray urine, get into fights, and wander away from home. But the difference is so slight that it certainly shouldn't dissuade you from avoiding male cats altogether.

Question 32

What is a group of cats called?

Everyone’s heard of a gaggle of geese and a murder of crows before, but do you know what specific word describes a gathering of cats? The world is probably less known because it's not often that you stumble upon a group of cats just hanging out, as felines are largely solitary animals. And if you do find a group of cats together there’s a good chance they’ll be kittens, which are collectively referred to as a kindle. How cute is that?

Question 33

Why does a cat purr?

There’s nothing more soothing than cuddling with your cat and having them start to softly purr by your side. But does a cat only purr for one specific reason? Depending on your breed, many cats vocalize in many different ways. While some will purr and meow all day long, others will remain exceedingly quiet at all times of the day. In fact, did you also know that adult cats only meow to communicate with their owners? That’s right, they really ARE talking to you!

Question 34

What iconic American author’s house in Key West is famously overrun by cats?

This famous American author, who penned The Old Man and the Sea and A Farewell To Arms, was gifted a cat with six toes on each paw by a sea captain. Though the author has long died, his estate in Key West remains open to the public, serving as a museum on the iconic author. However, the place has actually been overrun with wild cats, who are actual descendants of Snow White, the original cat, who passed on her six-toed trait to her offspring.

Question 35

This kind of cat doesn’t even have a tail!

If you've stumbled upon this particular breed of cat, you may have at thought at first that it had been involved in a horrific accident. However, the lack of a tail is actually the result of a genetic mutation, which became more prevalent when the felines breed on the remote Isle of Man, which is located just off the coast of England. Though these cats are fairly affectionate to their owners, they don’t always do well with kids or other animals, so choose your next pet accordingly.

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