It's Practically Impossible To Get Over 80% On This Animal Trivia Quiz. Wanna Try?

There is something about human nature that allows us to pack-bond with any and everything. Ever come across someone who has a tendency to be fond of incredibly unusual things? As if those mundane items have huge importance to their lives? Surprisingly enough, it's very common. In fact, almost everyone has done this, either consciously or unconsciously. A pair of shoes that they bought once upon a time and are rather fond of, or a maybe a jacket, or maybe even a video game. These are merely examples of a very innate human trait: empathy.

Empathy towards animals is one of the most sincere traits a human being can have. Psychologists often use this specific trait to check if a person is capable of empathy at all, and if they are capable of watching an animal get hurt without any kind of emotion at all, then odds are, they are unable to feel empathy towards other humans. As such, since a lot of people in the world are incredibly human, they absolutely love animals. Dinosaurs too, so if you're the kind of person who absolutely loves animals and knows a whole bunch of things about them, then see if you can ace this quiz.

Question 1

What is the average lifespan of an African Elephant?

Though the African Elephant only lives in Africa (hence the name), it is a popular animal and is practically viewable in almost every zoo. It has a very large nose called the trunk as well as two large tusks coming from either side of its mouth. The elephant is a very large animal and can weigh between three to seven thousand kilograms! Being so massive, the elephant does require large amounts of nutrition, albeit most of its diet is mostly vegetation.

Question 2

What is the scientific name of the Zebra Longwing?

The Zebra longwing is a very beautiful butterfly. The butterfly's wings are similar in design to that of a Zebra's stripes. Though the insect tends to be larger than other ordinary butterflies, they still travel in groups to ward off predators. They usually do this during feeding times and unlike most butterflies, they also eat pollen. This is another defense mechanism, as it makes them poisonous. The Zebra Longwing resides in South America but during warmer climates, they migrate to North America.

Question 3

What do sea lions eat?

Sea lions are rubbery animals and are portrayed in movies as lazy. Though this isn't necessarily untrue, the main reason for this is to protect their territory. That's right, every time you hear them go "Arf", is their way of telling people to leave. These animals are as heavy as they look, most weighing around 300kg though some can go up to 700kg. And despite the fact they are very heavy, underwater they are capable of traveling almost 30 knots. That's 55 kilometers!

Question 4

Where is the Pipevine Swallowtail usually found?

This pretty butterfly is known as the Pipevine Swallowtail, though it is more commonly referred to as the blue swallowtail. It is a very beautiful insect with a lovely shade of black and blue on its wings. Under the wings, there are seven orange spots. Like most butterflies, the blue swallowtail drinks nectar from flowers albeit from a much larger variety. They also secrete acid from the flowers they eat in order to defend themselves from any predators that may attack.

Question 5

How long do cats sleep everyday?

Cats are adorable creatures. There is a reason why these cute animals have dominated the internet and most households. Though sometimes they tend to act as if they don't care, when they do show their affection, it is a blissful moment. Cats bathe by licking themselves clean because their tongue is rough and dry. They also show their fondness by licking, which feels quite ticklish. The most common type of feline in a household is the Persian cat. They are considered the most kind.

Question 6

What are the other names for a puma?

Pumas, though being the same species as the internet dominating cats, is significantly less popular. Mostly due to the fact that common households do not keep nature's powerful predators as pets. The pumas are almost large as the lions and tend to stalk their prey much like panthers. This is known as an ambush predator. Most of them have brown skin as it helps them camoflauge when hunting. Like leopards, they can run very fast roughly around 64 to 80 kilometers.

Question 7

The Bald Eagle is the national emblem of which country?

Surprisingly enough, a bird called bald eagle is not, in fact, bald. Its head and neck are covered in beautiful white feathers while the rest of the bird's body is enveloped in black feathers. Though the body itself may make it look small, the bald eagle is honestly a large animal if you include the wings which can go up to 8ft! Also when the bald eagle looks for a mate it does a wide variety of tricks like cartwheeling, flight, chases etc.

Question 8

What's a common feed for the Goldfinch?

The Goldfinch is a very small bird, smaller than a parrot. Due to its small size, it weighs a meager 20g. Though that also makes it very light on its feet. The Goldfinch tends to migrate during different seasons. During the winter, it lives in Mexico, otherwise, it dwells in the warm regions of North Calorina. It also molts most of its feathers when the seasons change. The Goldfinch also seems to be a vegetarian and is very strict about it.

Question 9

What's the incubation period for a common Gallinule egg?

The common Gallinule looks similar to a black duck, although without the webbed feet. It instead has long thin legs quite similar to an eagle. Despite not having webbed feet, it is still an excellent swimmer even though most of its diet doesn't include fish but instead has mollusks. Also due to its feet, it can walk on light vegetation which is floating on water despite weighing around 300 grams. It usually makes its nests in dense vegetation and will fight to protect their territory.

Question 10

How long do jellyfish live?

Jellyfish are soft and as the name suggests, jelly-like creatures. They have a soft, jiggly, umbrella-shaped top and multitude of tentacles from the bottom. These tentacles are the jellyfish's defense mechanism as it stings anyone who touches it. This is shown in the movie Finding Nemo when Dory and Marlin decide to play a game where you're not allowed to touch the tentacles. The tentacles aren't just used to defend against predators but also to immobilize prey. They eat other small fish and even other jellyfish.

Question 11

Which of the following can't peafowls do?

Peafowls or more commonly known as peacocks are beautiful birds that have huge tails. This tail is usually multiple colors with an eye-spotted design. They have a duck-like body but chicken-like feet. The peafowls are also not picky eaters, eating anything they can fit inside their beak. This includes a wide variety of insects and plant life. Many peacocks can be found in zoos as they are quite the catch. They also extend their tail when they are attempting to court other peacocks.

Question 12

How much does an adult Scarlet Macaw weigh?

The Scarlet Macaw is a red parrot (hence the name), with colorful blue, green and yellow feathers. Amazingly enough, it is considered very sassy even among other parrots. It is filled with energy and has a fantastic personality, making it a good choice for first-time bird owners. The Scarlet Macaw can mimic human speech which can lead to relatively hilarious results. It's a big bird, almost a meter tall with a curved shaped beak which it uses to break open nuts and other shelled foods.

Question 13

How much can a wolf eat in a single meal?

The ancestors of a man's best friend are the formidable wolves, and they are ferocious creatures. They are significantly more rugged, aggressive and a hundred times more threatening. Though wolves are generally wilder, there are some people who keep them as pets. Mostly to hunt other animals and some are even used to hunt criminals, just like dogs. Wolves do indeed howl at the moon just like on television though sadly nobody transforms during it. The reason is simply to inform their pack.

Question 14

How much can a tiger weigh?

Tigers are orange colored animals with black stripes. They are as big as a lion and almost as strong too. Though they do not bounce using their tail, (thanks Tigger), they do have an exceptional amount of agility despite being relatively heavy. Unlike many other animals, tigers hunt alone. This has helped them get a slight edge over other predators as they do all of the work. Tigers mostly eat other wild animals, though injured or old tigers may attack humans or domesticated cattle.

Question 15

Where is the Scarlet Ibis most commonly found?

Part of the bird family, the Scarlet Ibis is a gorgeous red feathered bird. It has a long beak which it uses to eat mostly shrimp and other small insects like beetles. The Scarlet Ibises are usually found in flocks and tend to be kind to their peers. They are considered very sociable, somewhat affectionate and are also considered good parents. As when the Ibises mate, the male and female share responsibilities in both feeding, raising and caring for their young.

Question 16

Other than human, which animal preys on porpoises?

Porpoises or more specifically, the orcas are the largest type of whales on the planet. And everything smaller is practically their food source. They also hunt in packs quite similarly to wolves making them even more dangerous. Despite being so massive and intimidating the porpoise is a very calm creature and over the years there have been only a handful of cases where it attacked humans. Orcas are as huge as seen on television, roughly five-to-six humans in length make up a single orca.

Question 17

What do hornets typically prey on?

Hornets are significantly active and aggressive insects. They are considered the largest type of wasp and are very alarming. Almost every type of hornet tends to fight anything that comes near its nest. The only calm hornet is the European type, to the point that even if you come near its nest, it does not attack. Hornets have stingers in which most of them are poisonous. Though it's not life-threatening, it is still considered very dangerous. Most of their eating habits include nectar and sugary flowers.

Question 18

What are the alternate names for a chug?

The chug is the crossbreed between a pug and a chihuahua. Since these two animals are quite different, the offspring can widely vary from each other. Though it is a crossbreed, the animal is still a dog and very much acts like one. Amusingly, it seems to be more friendly towards cats than human children. Chugs are great household pets because even though it may have the problems of both the pug and the chihuahua, they also have twice the fun..

Question 19

How long have alligators been around on Earth?

The alligator, which is easily mistaken for a crocodile, is a large and scaly animal. It has a huge U-shaped mouth which the animal uses to hunt its prey. Along with its keen senses and extraordinary patience, this animal can stalk prey for days.It is a carnivore and is able to eat all kinds of meat. As children, they are found in large numbers but fully grown alligators are very territorial and solitary animals. This animal is also an amphibian meaning that it can live on both land and sea.

Question 20

What is the Latin name of a Sunbittern?

A bright and wonderful bird known as the Sunbittern, s a colorful bird with feathers like a duck and a very pointy beak which it uses to hunt its prey. This includes most small invertebrates likes crabs or shrimps. When the Sunbittern feels threatened it will spread its wings to reveal beautiful orange spots. Since the bird enjoys a warmer climate (Hence the name) it can be natively found near the equator of South America. More specifically between Guatemala and Brazil.

Question 21

Is Salmon a freshwater fish or a saltwater fish?

Definitely a more popular fish for both fishermen and our stomachs. It is a very slippery and oily creature which helps protect against predators including humans. The adult salmon is usually around 2-3 inches long and they eat all kinds of fish as well as plant life. These include plankton, shrimp and other smaller aquatic animals etc. Salmons also carry a parasite on their flesh but according to specialists, these parasites are not harmful to any warm-blooded mammal which includes humans.

Question 22

How many hearts do octopi have?

The Octopus is a very strange creature. Having eight tentacles, hence the octo prefix, where each tentacle has a multitude of suction cups on the bottom, they have different terms that can be used for a group of them including Octopodes, Octopuses, and Octopi. They are quite similar to squids in both their movement and physical features with the exception of the head, which is more spherical for the Octopuses and the legs, which are more thicker. Most of their diet includes smaller fish and mollusks.

Question 23

What is an alternate name for a guinea pig?

Cute, tiny and adorable animals. These guinea pigs are very common pets as they are small and somewhat easier to handle than other household pets like cats or dogs. Though they do not perform any sort of spy missions. or call themselves G-Force, they do however look absolutely adorable Despite their stature, guinea pigs can memorize complexes mazes for months provided that it leads them to food. Though most of their diet includes grass, they also eat vegetation like carrots, apple etc.

Question 24

What are chihuahuas known for?

Cute and cuddly animals, the chihuahuas are somewhat common household pet. They are quite friendly and lovable dogs albeit they are not so good with children, since they can be provoked if pushed to a certain point. Like many other dogs, the chihuahua is a carnivore and prefers meat over plant life. There aren't any wild chihuahuas since they are domesticated animals, like sheep. There are some chihuahuas who have either lost their way or have gone feral, most do remain pets.

Question 25

Which of the following is true for storks?

Sadly these baby carrying creatures do not carry any babies. In fact, storks are exclusively carnivores so they don't go to cabbage fields either. Any vegetation eaten by storks is most likely to have been on accident. Their intentional diet consists of insects, fish, reptiles and other small invertebrates. Though most birds use their ears and sight, the yellow-billed storks use their beak to detect any movement. Storks can be found almost all around the world with the exception of the poles and North America.

Question 26

Where are red pandas found?

Despite the name, these animals don't look like your typical black and white, martial art expert panda. They look similar to raccoons and foxes due to the red fur and small size. Unlike either, the red panda is a solitary animal meaning that it usually hunts and lives alone and not in packs. The red panda are not found in zoos because they are endangered. There are only 10,000 of these animals left in the world. It mostly feeds on bamboo.

Question 27

What is the average territory of a meerkat?

The first time most of us saw a meerkat was from the Lion King and the iconic Timon. Though meerkats do not talk to lions or start a friendship with warthogs, they do indeed dig tunnels. Mostly, meerkats use other animal-dug tunnels like mongooses and ground squirrels and are even willing to share the space. These animals eat insects but are also known to eat other animals like lizards, snakes and sometimes even bird eggs. They also eat plants and fungi.

Question 28

What's the scientific name of the Horned Owl?

Despite the name, these owls have no horns on any part of their body. The name is given due to the tuffs of hair located on their forehead. Like many other owls, these birds are nocturnal which means that they sleep during the day and are awake during the night. They can see well in the dark and this is especially useful and advantageous when they are hunting prey. The horned owl usually eats anything that it can overtake which includes mice and lizards.

Question 29

Which of the following best defines Border Collies?

Like many other dogs, the border collie is a friendly and adorable little puppy. Like many other dogs, it is intelligent while being extremely energetic. This particular breed is of medium size and has thick fur. Due to their excitability, they require more physical and mental stimulation than other breeds. They are also quite good at dog competitions, excelling in obedience, showmanship, flyball, tracking etc. The border collie, though a working dog, is getting more and more common as a simple companion.

Question 30

Which part of a squirrel never stops growing?

There are many different types of squirrels. Some which can fly, others climb trees and even dig holes. In fact, a chipmunk is also a type of squirrel, albeit they don't sing or turn into international sensations as Alvin and the Chipmunks had led me to believe. Squirrels tend to mate once or twice a year and their children are born hairless, toothless and even blind. Despite these shortcomings, the mother cares for her offspring until they're entirely capable.

Question 31

What kind of dietary habits does a raccoon have?

Raccoons are small furry animals with dark colored eyes, a ringed tail and are capable of climbing trees due to their dexterous paws. They are nocturnal meaning that they are asleep during the day and awake during the night. In spite of their small size, raccoons are shown to be very intelligent and can remember a solution for three whole years! Unlike most animals that rely on their sense of smell or their hearing, raccoons use their heightened sense of touch.

Question 32

Which of the following facts about lobsters is true?

Lobsters have five pairs of legs in which the front pair double as large claws. This is a trait that it shares with other crustaceans, like crabs. Unlike crabs, however, lobsters are much larger and longer. They also have muscular tails and do not walk sideways. Lobsters can be found in crevices or under rocks all over the ocean. They are omnivores and eat mostly fish, worms and plant life. These crustaceans are also known to shed their skin and eat it.

Question 33

What is the cruising speed of a Great Eget during flight?

The Great Egret is a bird which looks quite similar to the storks. Especially because of the white feathers, yellow beak and long legs. Unlike the storks, however, it is quite a deal larger and during flight, the Egret retracts its neck creating a z shape from its beak to its body. The Great Egret prefers warmer climates and builds its nest near shallow water. Most of their daily diet includes fish, frogs, small mammals and insects, simply because they live in that kind of environment.

Question 34

Where do Blue Herons live?

The Blue Heron is quite similar to the Great Edget and the stork. It very much alike in terms of color, beak shape and it even shares the same legs as the storks. Unlike the Great Edget though the blue heron does not retract its neck during flight. This bird is also quite a bit larger, in fact, it is the largest living heron in the world. Due to the heron's long and thin neck, it is able to maneuver in many different angles.

Question 35

How large can an Aldabra Giant Tortoise grow?

Not only is this creature slow and steady it is also in fact very heavy and incredibly large. The Aldabra Giant Tortoise is literally the largest tortoise in the world. These animals are not only rare but were once believed to be extinct in 1840. Now only some can be found on the island of Aldabra, hence the name. They have scaly legs to support their massive body and also have a long neck that makes it easier for them to eat hard to reach foods.

Question 36

What sets Squirrel Monkeys aside from other monkeys?

Squirrel monkeys are a subspecies of monkey, and they're rather playful and cute looking. They're also called Saimiris and they're a form of New World animals, which means they're found in Central and South America. Despite their rather tame appearance, they do not vary from one another very much, with the most difference being that of the colour of their fur. These animals are rather small in size, being as little as 25cm from the tips of their heads to the ends of their tails.

Question 37

What are alternate names for rabbits?

Though no real rabbits have a cool catchphrase and share a house with a duck, they are cute and cuddly in their own right. They don't even eat carrots as it is a root vegetable, therefore high in sugar. Although rabbits do nibble on fruits and vegetables, their eating habits mostly include hay and grass. This adorable animal is quite similar to the hare. The major difference is that hares have larger and longer ears and hind legs. Most confuse the two together.

Question 38

Which of the following is true for lions?

With a simple glance, it's easy to understand why lions are considered the kings of the jungle. Big, muscular and significantly intimidating, however, despite their appearance lions are very sociable. They live in groups which are called a pride. Most prides include several females, up to four male lions as well their children. Amusingly enough the lioness does not tolerate female lions outside of their pride. Lions are carnivores and have a large prey spectrum. Due to this, they are considered both apex and keystone predators.

Question 39

What are alternative names for a Goldendoodle?

The goldendoodle is a cross breed between a golden retriever and a poodle. Like many other crossbreeds, it shares both animals character traits. The goldendoodle has inherited the poodle's intelligence and the golden retrievers' ease of training. They are also very affectionate towards their owners and patient towards children as well as strangers. Because of these characteristics, this animal is not only a popular household pet but also a search and rescue dog. The goldendoodle is known to shed its fur quite often.

Question 40

Where is the black bear native to?

Bears are naturally huge and heavy animals and the black bear is no exception. They are around four to seven feet long and weigh about 200kg. Not only that, but the black bears are also highly dexterous and can open jars and door with relative ease! They are also omnivores and despite their massive size, most of their food is vegetation. Even if it eats living things, it's usually insects like bees and ants. Black bears also feed on honey just like how you see on TV.

Question 41

What caused snow leopards to become endangered?

This particular animal is obviously extremely similar to the leopard. Specifically its agility, dexterity, speed and their inability to get along well with other leopards. Both are also carnivores but due to their location, their prey is different. The leopards share very similar traits, the major difference is the difference in fur as well as the snow leopards are crepuscular while the leopards are nocturnal. This animal is also, surprisingly, unable to roar and instead communicates through hisses and growls.

Question 42

What do polar bears usually eat?

Although the Polar bear is indeed an omnivore, it is also considered a hypercarnivore. This is because their diet includes more than 70% meat! Most of it being sea creatures like fish, seals, sea lions and even each other. Due to the polar bear's large dependence on sea creatures, it is the only bear that is considered a marine mammal like dolphins or whales. Because the polar bear is native to the Arctic, it has thick fur to keep itself warm and camouflaged.

Question 43

What is a limpkin's primary prey?

Flying, hunting, wailing, and swimming may not be necessary to be considered a bird but for the limpkin, these are all qualities it has obtained. In fact, the limpkin in comparison to other birds can actually fly significantly better. Its physical features as well are relatively similar to those of a crane, specifically their skeletal structure and pointy beak. The limpkin prefer mollusks, though mostly snails, and any other kind of food is considered secondary to the point the limpkins will move to find a more snail filled location.

Question 44

How fast can a falcon fly?

The falcon is one of the more well-known birds of the world. This is mostly because they are quite common, not just one specific region but all around the world, with the exception of Antarctica. Falcons are predators but most of their prey include other birds. Smaller prey like pigeons or bats might even be eaten during flight. They dive at a significant speed, over 200km/h. Falcons also use their razor sharp claws to make sure that their prey doesn't escape.

Question 45

What kind of dietary habits does a bearded dragon have?

Reptiles are often hard to take care of. They have specific needs that cannot catered to in captivity. This is not true for the bearded dragon. These reptiles are considered one of the easiest to take care of as they have a hardy nature compared to other reptiles. The pogona are called bearded dragons due to the underside of the throat. It similar to a beard and can even change color if the situation calls for it. They are found mostly in Australia.

Question 46

How many rows of teeth do sharks have?

Most people's first experience with sharks came from the movie Jaws. People believe that sharks will attack humans wherever and whenever possible. This is simply not true. Sharks are aggressive creatures but they will most likely not attack until they are provoked. In fact, humans are more of a danger to sharks than sharks are to humans. Millions of sharks are preyed upon each year for commercial and recreational fishing and while there are eighty attacks done by sharks each year, there are only six casualties.

Question 47

What kind of dietary habits does a prairie dog have?

Despite having dog in its name, this little critter is actually a rodent. It looks similar to a hamster with its brown fur, small mouth, and adorable eyes. They are tough animals. They live in dangerous areas prone to blizzards floods, etc. To defend themselves, prairie dog builds burrows 5-10 meters deep. Their burrows also have a tunnel system that can channel water to prevent erosion. These critters are extremely social. They live in large colonies big enough to be called a town which can have around 20 families.

Question 48

Where are Kookaburra commonly found?

The kookaburra is part of the Kingfisher family because it has a small compact body, large head, and a big pointed beak. Despite being part of the kingfisher family, they are not closely associated with water. The kookaburra are carnivorous and will eat mice, snakes and even other smaller birds. Though some can be hand fed, it is not recommended. The kookaburra, oddly enough, has a laughter that sounds surprisingly close to human Because of the similarity, they are often used in movies.

Question 49

What kind of dietary habits does a Golden Hamster have?

Being a rodent usually means being small, furry and cute, at the cost of having short lifespans. This is also true for the golden hamster. Like most hamsters, they are massive hoarders and have cheek pouches, which they use to temporarily store food and transport it to their burrows. That's how they got the name "saddlebags" in Arabic cultures. Golden hamsters are considered endangered but only in the wild. They are often used in experiments relating to both biology and animal psychology.

Question 50

When do Barred Owls nest?

There is a comon misconception about owls. The fact that they're purely nocturnal. The barred owls do have the features most owls have, which good hearing and exceptional sight. Because of this, they crepuscular, which means they're awake during the day. They mostly eat other small mammals but they are known to hunt for small reptiles and amphibians. Barred owls have a bald shaped head, small body. They are, covered in feathers and have pure black eyes. They also have talons and a yellow beak.

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