It's Practically Impossible To Get More Than 50% On This Parenting Quiz

Ready to be a parent? For those who are mulling over the question, we have another 35 to solve. And the answers will tell all who is ready to be a parent, and who needs to brush up on their parenting quotient. Remember we are no one to judge - much like each mother has the world's most beautiful child, so does each child have the world's best parent. No one knows a child better than the pair that created and birthed it, and parent shaming should be put to eternal rest. We all should be each other's support system, for even the best of parents have plenty fails behind them.

Ultimately, we are all human beings and human being, even if they are parents, do make mistakes. Learning from mistakes and keeping oneself updated with what the medical experts and child psychologists have found out works in all our favors. If we want to be the best parents our children could have, then adding to our knowledge and our parental quotient is applaudable. So here's a quiz meant to do just that. Mind you, only those with the highest PQ can crack all of it, most of us would be lucky to get a half score. So have at it and try and crack it - what cannot break us, will make us stronger, right?

Question 1

Which of these foods is calcium rich?

Kids need a ton of calcium while they grow. Calcium is what builds strong bones and makes kids stronger from the inside out. Not consuming enough calcium can lead to weak bones prone to breakage in later life as well and also cause bone loss. Calcium is also important for muscle contraction, blood clotting and the proper release of hormones. In other words, it is an essential building block that all kids need. So what would you feed your kids for calcium?

Question 2

How many trimesters are there in a full-term pregnancy?

We know, women all over the world have been birthing babies since the very first human set foot on earth. We should be very good at it, right? But evolution doesn't work that way - childbirth is still a painful and complicated process, be it natural or surgical. While the urban areas of the world have benefited from medical science, the rural areas still have a long way to catch up. So, how many trimesters does a human pregnancy have?

Question 3

What two foods should be avoided till a baby turns 1?

Even if you do introduce solid foods between 4-6 months, not all foods are good for you baby. The golden rule is simply this, avoid anything with too strong a taste or flavor till about a year. Obviously, spicy food is a big no-no since babies have delicate digestions easy enough to go out of sorts. Anything too sugary would make her too "bouncy" while tart and citrusy fruits can also give her acidity. That said, there are two things you simply must avoid till your baby turns one. What are they?

Question 4

What is an epidural?

As we stated before, parents learn to speak a whole new language. They use words that non-parents have not even heard before. They know so many new terms when it comes to pregnancy and giving birth and afterbirth and newborn care and so on and so forth. It's not as if they are showing off, parents tend to get so involved in their kid's lives, that they know of little else of the world. But it is a phase, as kids grow, parents normalize back to earth!

Question 5

What does childproofing mean?

When you become a parent, you'll end up speaking a whole new tongue. Words will now have different meanings and you'll also have to learn to mind any foul habits you have. Basically, you want your child to soak in only the good parts of you, sieving out the bad behind. And when you hang out with more parents, you'd end up learning new things and parent-specific terms. Like childproofing. What do you think this word means, and how do you childproof?

Question 6

At what age does separation anxiety start?

So let's talk about what separation anxiety really is? This is the time when any distance from your child puts your child into a tizzy breakdown. Your baby will cry heartbrokenly even if all you are doing is having a shower behind a closed bathroom door. If she can't see you, she will get terribly hyper and cry her lungs out and only you can calm her down at the point. It starts when babies figure out that people and things exist even when they are not in front of them (called object permanence).

Question 7

When do children begin to learn speech patterns?

The earliest words of your baby will thrill you like none other. And when your baby finally stars communicating with you beyond those hand gestures and cutesy words of his own making, it makes parenting so much easier. Remember though, each milestone is important and you have to learn to enjoy every phase of your kid's life to the fullest because they grow up so fast, you wouldn't know where all that time went. So do you know when kids learn speech patterns?

Question 8

True or false? Reading stories to a baby is ridiculous because they don't understand.

How do you entertain a little baby? You can talk to him, sing songs, put up a cot mobile toy for the little one to look and giggle at. I have also seen some innovative parents tie helium balloons to the babies arms and eggs and he gleefully kicked and bobbed the balloons for long. But how about reading books to the baby? While we know that language and understanding develops later, is it really ridiculous to read to an infant from a kid's book?

Question 9

True or false? Babies can't learn to walk without shoes.

Watching your baby take his first tottering steps is a delight. They are so hilariously unsteady on their feet. And then they look at you and totter towards you as fast as they can, and there comes the gush of parental pride and a few happy tears. Kids can really delight you with their innocence and beauty. And we all want to keep our kids safe, so when they start to walk, we tend to buy them just about the whole shoe store. Right?

Question 10

Is it okay to give babies normal milk if breastfeeding is a no-go?

Frankly, there is nothing better than mommy's milk for the baby, at least for the first six months of his tiny life. In the womb, the baby got all the nutrition from mommy, and this continues after birth as well. Not only is breastmilk the most nutritious thing for a baby, but it also contains plenty of antibodies. These antibodies prevent the baby from contracting infections and diseases and strengthen the immune system for life. In case breastmilk is a no go, what kind of milk can you feed the baby?

Question 11

Why do babies move around so much in the womb?

Ask any mother and she'll have stories to tell about the time she had a tiny human living inside of her. Babies constantly move, in fact, most of the time it feels as if they are somersaulting inside the womb. While the first two trimesters pass easy, it's the third trimester in which the babies grow bigger and their movements can exhaust the mother carrying them inside her body. Twins and triplets make it worse, jostling and jousting for space. So why is it that babies move so much?

Question 12

Why do newborns smile or pout while sleeping?

Having a baby is one delightful thing indeed. And if it's your first, it's all the more wondrous simply because all you experience is a new and uncharted territory. The little human you and your partner create and now nurture is truly a beautiful little thing and everything your little one does looks unique. His first moments are an equal marvel - the first smile, the first yawn, that first cry all are adorable. But do you know why babies smile or even cry while they sleep?

Question 13

Which of these parenting styles is recommended?

We all have doubts about the kind of parents we are. Are we doing right by our kids? Are we being too strict or too lenient? Is watching TV okay? Do we need to pressurize kids for better grades? Is eating out okay? Is bringing home friends okay? How long should I breastfeed and when should solids be introduced? Thing is, there is only one ideal parent in the world and for your kids, it's you. That said, statistically speaking, these parents make for the most successful kids.

Question 14

A newborn's stomach is the size of a ...?

Newborns are tiny, adorable but demanding little things. Ask any new mother and she'll tell you how much she loves her baby, but do so with a tragic expression because the little one has exhausted her out. She can't sleep well because the baby keeps needing a feed or a change, though a lot f the stress can go away with a supportive partner or family. That said, the new baby isn't trying to torture its mom, it genuinely needs frequent feeds.

Question 15

Know the lyrics to this lullaby?

Even if you cannot hold a tune to save your life, lullabies will come naturally to you. Because when the baby is awake and cranky at odd hours in the night, you will sing to him in a tune born out of desperation. But do you remember your lullabies? Fill in the blanks here... Sleep, baby, sleep Your father tends the sheep Your mother shakes the __________ tree And from it fall sweet _______ for thee Sleep, baby, sleep Sleep, baby, sleep

Question 16

On average, children are ready for toilet training at which age?

Barely have the feeding issues and the tantrums subsided that there is a new challenge for the parents. And that is toilet training a child. Getting your little one to patiently sit and do his stuff is tough especially if a child is used to the convenience and ease of diapers. And you have to train them for both bladder and the big job, making sure they don't wet or mess the bed, or worse, their pants. So do you know at which age kids are ready to sit and produce?

Question 17

When are babies ready for solid food?

When babies are born, all the nutrition they need comes from mama's milk. However, in the case of breastmilk not being an option due to medical reasons, baby formula is what doctors would prescribe to keep the baby well fed nourished. Even though the baby will miss out on the antibodies found in breast milk, with formula the baby will get all that he needs when it comes to nutrition before he is introduced to solid foods. But at what age can babies be introduced to solid foods?

Question 18

True or false? All kids need to be parented the same way.

So no matter how many kids you have, you have to parent them all the same. Right? Well, that's for you to answer. and while you do, think about this. On one hand, your kids have many similarities. They share the same DNA, and have you as their parent. So blood is thicker than water and all that. On the other hand, they don't look the same, sound the same or behave the same, do they? So are chalk and cheese treated the same way?

Question 19

What is the first poop of a baby called?

For those of you who aren't parents yet, welcome to the world of baby poop. You will have entire discussions about what kind of poop your baby passed, and we are not exaggerating in the least. Along with how many times your baby dirtied a diaper, you would be chewing the ped's brains about is color, smell and consistency. And no, at the time, it will not sound gross at all! So, do you what the first blackish poop of a baby is called?

Question 20

Why do babies spit-up so much?

Babies are little marvels. They are tiny, helpless and completely dependent on their exhausted parents for just about everything. But they are also messy little things. They dirty their diapers and stink up a room. They spit up curdled milk and sometimes can projectile vomit right across the room. They drool and babble and lick and suck on just about anything near their vicinity. But you still love them, because they are yours and they are the sweetest little things in the world. But why do they spit up?

Question 21

Complete this nursery rhyme

One way to converse with an infant who obviously can only gaze at you is through the medium of rhymes and songs. And you will find yourself singing to your infant every now and then. See how your voice manages to calm them and coax out a smile as well. Complete this nursery rhyme: The Incy Wincy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the side out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, ___________________________________________

Question 22

Celebrities are all for attachment parenting, what is that?

Welcome to yet another parenting style. Attachment parenting. Which is frankly a ridiculous term because the parents who do not follow this style of parenting aren't unattached, detached or not attached to their kids. All parents love their kids and want the best for them. But all parents also believe in raising their kids their way - some completely in tune with their childhoods and some in a diametrically opposite way. But there is no good parent who doesn't want a happy, healthy kid...

Question 23

What is an Apgar score?

Yes, another parenting terminology you need to be aware of, simply because this one is also medical in nature. When a baby is born, be it through normal labor or through a C-section, the doctors need to test him or her to make sure everything its medically normal. They will clean up the baby, note down his or her weight and head circumference. They usually write down the Apgar score on the birth chart - what all do they check for?

Question 24

How long do newborns sleep?

Newborn babies are still developing in many ways. Their little brains are processing everything at breakneck speed and all their tiny little parts are growing. In fact, most newborns double their weight in 5 months, mostly solely on breastmilk, and/or formula. That's a lot of growth for a little thing to do and a lot of information for the tiny brain to process as well. Which is why babies need sleep. But how much sleep do newborns need in one day, everyday?

Question 25

What does the term hatching mean in human context?

When we think of hatching, we think eggs and birds. And of course, eggs and fish as well as eggs and reptiles. Most mammals unlike the duck-billed platypus and the echidna do not lay eggs. Neither do human beings. We all give birth through natural labor or medically assisted C-sections. So what do you think it means when we use the word hatching next in the context of a human baby? The birthing? The conception? Or does it mean something different?

Question 26

How many hours on an average does a 3-month-old baby cry in a day?

How long on an average do you think a 3-month-old baby cries per day? To a harried mom or an exhausted dad, it can seem like forever, right? Till the time a baby "hatches" aka starts to communicate, the main form of communication a baby has is crying. Crying doesn't always mean pain or discomfort. Sometimes it can mean that the baby wants you around, or is bored or simply wants attention. Pay attention to how much a baby cried in a day, more than usual might mean a trip to the doc.

Question 27

What is the ideal way to get a baby to sleep?

So okay, what works with one baby may not work with the other. And while establishing a sleep routine is exhausting for the already tired parents, not having one means plenty of sleeping troubles later on. As much as you love your children, having them co-sleep with you or wake you in the middle of the night does not make for a restful sleep. And it will also get in the way of your life as a couple. So make sure you know the right way to get your baby to sleep.

Question 28

Complete this nursery rhyme...

Let's go with an easy one here. As we said before, talking to your baby in a calm and soothing manner helps. You do not have to baby talk with her, reciting a few rhymes and songs would do if you run of topics to converse about with your little angel... So can you fill in the blanks here? Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full; One for the master, And one for the dame, And one for the ______ ___ Who lives down the lane.

Question 29

Name a cognitive ability babies have.

For all of us who thought that infants were nothing more than mewling, helpless creatures - we were only partly right. Infants have big and bright brains that are busily processing everything that is going around them. They watch and observe, explore and feel, and finally voice their emotions in the best way they know how to - and that is through a vociferous and ear-blasting cry. What all do you think babies are capable of? Or does all of this develop later?

Question 30

What's a no-rescue parent?

Once you've entered the world of parenting, you'll soon get to know various parenting styles. And invariably, you will become one type of parent yourself. With a first kid, most of us are overprotective, paranoid and usually completely off the mark. With the second we are cooler, more chilled out and often let the kids be. With the third and more, we are parenting veterans and the third kid usually ends up being self-raised, or sibling raised. But who would you be if you were a no-rescue mum or dad?

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