It'll Take A Pretty High IQ To Ace This 20th Century Pop Culture Quiz

The last century was filled with all kinds of amazing events, and even though we're well into the 21st century, we still have a long way to go if we want to match the amazing things that happened in the 1900s. It's crazy to think that there are 18-year-olds today who were born after the turn of the millennium. Frankly, it's making the rest of us feel very old indeed. But there's one positive note when it comes to experiencing some of the best moments of the last century - we'll be able to ace this quiz without much of a problem.

This quiz will test you on all of the most memorable things that happened between 1900 and 1999, whether they be historical events, pop culture moments, or famous people. But don't worry, you don't have to be a history buff in order to ace this quiz. All you really need is plenty of years under your belt, because the typical millennial will not be able to get a good score on this. Only the well-cultured individual will be able to get 100%. So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now to find out how well you know the 20th century...

Question 1

Napster Was A Software Known For...

For those of who grew up in the 90s and the first, heavily unregulated days of the internet will surely remember a piece of software named Napster. Obviously, Napster is no longer up and running, and it was the subject of numerous court cases and news stories. Many of us will admit to using this piece of software, although those who are young enough won't know what on Earth we're talking about here. But do you know what Napster was known for?

Question 2

Complete The Iconic Line From ‘Terminator.’ “I’ll Be _________

And if we're going to talk about 80s movies, we just can't leave this one out either. 'Terminator' was one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's earliest breakout roles, and this movie really helped make his career. The 80s were also very kind to this actor, and he starred in countless action movies after this one. We will never forget this 80s classic, and there were plenty of amazing one-liners to come out of it. But can you complete this famous line from the movie?

Question 3

Which American Group Of People Won The Right To Vote In 1920?

Now let's rewind the years way back to the year 1920. History buffs will know that this was a very significant year for a certain group of people in the United States, and it's something that is taught in schools at a very young age. This group of people were previously seen as second class citizens, and before this date they weren't even allowed to vote. This is a great year and one we should remember. But which group of people won the right to vote?

Question 4

Before Facebook, There Was…

Nowadays, the talk of the town is Facebook, and it's a story that's been popping up a lot on the news these days. People are trying to imagine a world without this social media giant, and truth be told it's pretty hard. But internet veterans will know that there was something very similar which actually came BEFORE Facebook, and tons of us had accounts on this early form of social media. But do you know what this Facebook predecessor was called?

Question 5

What Was Used To Divide East And West Berlin During The Cold War?

Back in the day, the cold war was still raging hard and there were some interesting affects on Berlin. After the second world war, the city was effectively split in two, with one side being in control of the Soviets, and the other side being in control of the Allies. People were split from their families, and sneaking across from one side to the other was a very common occurrence. But do you know what they actually used to divide the city?

Question 6

Buzz Aldrin And Neil Armstrong Did What In 1969?

Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are two name that you've probably heard over the years. If not you really SHOULD have heard about them by now. These two Americans made history after doing something that humankind had only dreamed about since they started looking up at the stars. In 1969, these men wrote their names in the history books, and we're probably going to be learning about them for the rest of history. But do you know what they actually did?

Question 7

Which Classic 80’s Movie Was Recently Rebooted With An All-Female Cast?

The 80s were a great decade for movies, with tons of classics coming out of that era. Most people will say that movies back then seemed to be much better and more entertaining than the movies today, even with better production values and better special effects which we see today. There was a kind of charm that movies of the 80s had which is sadly gone from today's films. Recently, an 80s classic was rebooted with an all-female cast. What movie was this?

Question 8

Name This Singer

While the previous music group was no doubt one of the top-selling groups, they still don't really compare the lasting success of this solo artist. She has endured throughout plenty of decades, not just the 90s. She got big in the 80s, and still held on to the spotlight later on in life, coming out with some huge hits. She famously kissed Britney Spears on stage one time, but that was hardly the only scandalous thing she did. But can you name her?

Question 9

What Was Pixar’s First Ever Full-Length Film?

Today, Pixar is known as the king of animated films, and it's hard to imagine cartoons ever retaking their place as the focal point of animated films. Ever since Pixar revolutionized this genre, people have been hooked on this unique and advanced way of telling stories. But the first story they ever told was a bit of a risk, and people weren't sure if audiences would like it. However, all doubts were thrown aside when this classic came out. Which movie was it?

Question 10

Which US President Was Impeached In 1998?

In many ways, the nineties were a completely different time, with tons of cultural and political differences. But in many other ways, it was exactly the same. America still had a very similar cultural identity, and its Presidents were still getting into all kinds of scandals. In fact, in 1998 a scandal got so bad that the acting US President was actually impeached. We won't go into detail, but it was about something that happened in the oval office. Which president was it?

Question 11

Beanie Babies Were Popular In Which Decade?

If you were a young kid growing up in a certain decade, you probably remember Beanie Babies. And who knows, maybe you even had one. Some of you might have had dozens of these cute little stuffed animals, and to say that some of us became obsessed would be a massive understatement. Beanie Babies were probably one of the biggest crazes of that decade, and they've come to symbolize that era. But in which decade were Beanie Babies actually popular?

Question 12

The Wright Brothers Were The First To…

Now let's turn back time several decades to the very beginning of the 20th century, when two Brothers were being called madmen for trying something which had never been done before in history. In many ways, these two gentlemen set the groundwork for what Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong would later accomplish, and as such their names should be right there in the history books alongside the famous astronauts. But do you know what the Wright brothers did before anyone else?

Question 13

True Or False, MTV Was Launched In The 80s

MTV is so huge today that we can hardly imagine a world without the legendary, massive music television channel. They've accomplished so much since their inception, and now it's definitely one of the most entertaining channels in the world. In their first few years, they pretty much just showed music videos, but now they're famous for a wide range of programs, including reality TV shows which are world famous. But is it true that MTV was actually started in the 80s?

Question 14

Who Is Considered To Be The “King Of Pop?”

Right around the time when MTV was getting off its feet, another legendary figure in music was making a real name for himself. In fact, he was cementing his reputation as the "King Of Pop." Even today, there are not many people that will say this title is not well-deserved. As well as making catchy, amazing music, this man was also a born entertainer, with incredible dance moves on the stage and in music videos. But do you know his name?

Question 15

Albert Einstein Was Famous For The Theory Of…

Few humans have ever reached such intellectual heights as Albert Einstein. His theories made us rethink the entire world around us, and it was thanks to his many equations and theories that we were able to develop some amazing things. He also set us on a path to understanding even more about the world around us, and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. But he was most famous for one particular theory. Do you know what this theory was?

Question 16

True Or False, The First Star Wars Movie Was Released In The 70s

With all the Star Wars hype we see these days, it's hard to imagine a time when this amazing franchise wasn't front and center in the science fiction world. But there was indeed a time such as this, and when the first ever Star Wars movie came out, people were convinced it was going to be a flop. These people included some of the actors who had worked on the film. They were obviously wrong. But do you know if it came out in the 70s?

Question 17

The King Of Rock ‘N Roll Is Considered To Be…

It's also hard to imagine a time without rock music. But believe it or not, before this genre was created, everyone was fine with just country music and other more traditional genres. When rock music first started to gain popularity, there were genuine concerns that it was subverting the youth, with some even linking it to satanism. One man bore more of these attacks than any other musicians, and he is also considered the king of Rock. But do you know his name?

Question 18

Martin Luther King’s Most Famous Speech Was “I Have A…”

Another famous figure of the twentieth century was Martin Luther King. Along with Malcolm X, he was among the most influential African American figures in American history, contributing his life work towards making sure that his people were given fair treatment in the country they lived in. Sadly, he was assassinated just as he seemed to be making real strides into getting things done. He will be forever remembered for one particular speech. But do you know what this speech is called?

Question 19

The Band ‘Nirvana’ Was Popular In The…

Nirvana was a huge phenomenon in music history, and they gave us some amazing songs to play again and again even to this day. Part of their appeal is the timelessness of their music. Their songs are deceptively simple, and the band's members admitted that some of their inspiration came from simple children's lullabies. Sadly, their music stopped when the lead singer seemingly committed suicide. It was a huge shock for everyone alive at the time. But do you know when they were popular?

Question 20

Name This Movie From The Screenshot

Quentin Tarantino is still making amazing movies to this day, but some will argue that his best work was done many years ago. This screenshot is from what is arguably his best ever film, and it seems to have a charm that has persisted to this day. Countless pop culture references continue to be made about this film's many iconic scenes. It's definitely not a movie you can easily forget. But can you actually match the movie to this screenshot?

Question 21

Which English Band Was Insanely Popular In The 60s?

While Nirvana may have been the most popular band in the 90s, another band holds the honor for being the most popular band that ever existed in history. This band was from England, and they used to put women into a fanatical craze whenever they would come near. To this day, their songs remain some of the most popular choices for young people to put on their iPods, and they've left a strong impact. But do you know the name of this band?

Question 22

Who Was The First Man In Space?

In the west, we often hear a lot about the first men on the moon, but the first man in space is a subject that is curiously glossed over. Perhaps it has something to with the fact that this man was not American... Whatever the case, putting a man in space successfully was a huge accomplishment for the entire human race, and the name of the brave man who pulled it off should be remembered. But do you know who this was?

Question 23

Who Played Han Solo?

Han Solo is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe. His character and charm made the first movies very enjoyable, and the actor who played this role went down in history as a result. When Han Solo's character was recently killed off in the new Disney version of Star Wars, fans were understandably distraught and crushed. But he's left us with some great memories and moments. Do you know which actor actually played the role of Han Solo?

Question 24

Gandhi Was Famous For Which Kind Of Revolution?

Another important historical figure of the 20th century was Gandhi. His struggle for the rights of his people became a shining example for others fighting similar battles across the world. What he accomplished was impressive, but it was the manner in which he achieved these accomplishments that was really impressive. This man from India fought a war of a very unique kind against the imperialist presence of the British army in his homeland. But what kind of revolution was Gandhi famous for?

Question 25

True or False: The Lord of The Rings trilogy began in the 1990's.

Many would say that the greatest achievement in film during the entire 20th century was the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. This 3 part epic told the familiar tale of Tolkien's legendary books, and no one could have hoped for a more loyal interpretation of the story. There were parts of this movie that really stretched our imagination and understanding of what was possible in movies. These movies were directed by a truly talented filmmaker. But do you know his name?

Question 26

Babe Ruth Was Famous For Playing Which Sport?

You have to go back many years, but Babe Ruth was a legendary figure of the 20th century. His achievements were not in the field of politics, music, or film, but in sports. Most Americans know full well which sport he played, but others might have some trouble. He has become a legendary American hero and figure, and he is still celebrated to this day. He held records in his sport for over 35 years. But do you know which sport this was?

Question 27

Who Was Prime Minister Of Britain During The Second World War?

Many people credit the survival of Britain in the second world war to the quality of their leadership. Their Prime Minister during this time was perfect for a wartime position, and he spurred his people on to never give up, and never surrender. He began his career as a young and promising soldier in the British Army. Time will remember him as the man that saved Britain, and they came very close to being conquered. But do you know his name?

Question 28

Who Played ‘Tony Montana’ In ‘Scarface?’

Another man who liked his cigars was none other than Tony Montana, the fictional character in the hit 80s crime, movie, Scarface. This film definitely went down as one of the most iconic films of the 80s, and it perfectly captured the feeling of Miami during this time. Tony Montana was played by a very skilled and incredible actor, and he has done many other roles since and before this one. But do you remember the actual name if this actor?

Question 29

True Or False, People Thought That All Computers Would Shut Down On The Strike Of Midnight On New Year's Day, 1999

Younger folk may not remember it, but new years day on 1999 was probably the craziest new years of recent history. That's because it was of course the turn of the millennium, with us moving from 1999 to the year 2000. But there was also all kinds of crazy predictions of what would happen when the clocks struck midnight. Some had religious prophecies that they were sure would come true. But is it true that people thought all computers would shut down?

Question 30

True Or False, The Titanic Was Hit With A Torpedo

The sinking of the Titanic was another major event in the 20th century, and one that many know very well. This is perhaps one of the more widely known events that happened over 100 years ago, thanks to a certain movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. However, the sinking of this "unsinkable" ship really did happen, and many lives were lost as a result. Most people know the cause of this terrible tragedy. But is it true that the ship was hit by a torpedo?

Question 31

True Or False, Computers Used To Be As Big As Entire Rooms

Today, the advancement of the computer chip has resulted in a computer big enough to quite literally fit in the palm of our hand. But what were computers like at the beginning of this technological marvel? Few remember the days when computers were not the same as the ones that fit neatly on our desktops and even in our laps. The truth it that computers have come a very long way since their initial development. But is it true they once were as big as rooms?

Question 32

True Or False, You Used To Be Able To Smoke On Airplanes

Air travel is another part of our lives that has changed quite a bit over the years. Since the Wright Brothers' first successful flight, we have changed our planes to become safer and more comfortable for the general person. Howard Hughes was one individual who revolutionized air travel, flying at higher altitudes to reduce turbulence. As everyone knows, you can't smoke in airplanes, and doing so will get you in big trouble. But is it true that you were once able to smoke on planes?

Question 33

Who Played The Character ‘Ace Ventura?’

There were plenty of amazing movies in the 90s, but one standout film was the Ace Ventura series. This movie blended comedy with a strange mixture of animal rights and detective intrigue, and people loved it. But it would not have been a success without its leading man, who was the perfect actor for the job. His comedic skill was displayed in many other movies, but this one is a movie that many remember him for. Which actor is this?

Question 34

Name This Band

If you were alive in the 90s, it's almost impossible for you NOT to know who this band is. They hold the honor of being the highest-grossing girl band in history, and they were some of the biggest names in music at the time. They came out with countless amazing tunes, and some of them are still stuck in our heads to this very day! They were a a huge part of music history. But can you name this band?

Question 35

Match The Movie To The Screenshot

We've mentioned a few 80s movies so far in this quiz, but we just can't end things without quizzing you on this classic. As you can see, that is indeed Eddie Murphy, legendary comedian and actor. The 80s were a very successful few years for the actor, but this was perhaps his greatest ever accomplishment. This movie spawned a number of sequels. Rumor has it that they'll be rebooting this movie as well. But can you identify the movie based on the screenshot?

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