It Would Take A Vampire To Know If These Things Happened In Twilight Or The Vampire Diaries

Twilight and The Vampire Diaries are two of the most popular adaptations of vampire fiction – one in film form and the other as a TV series. For the most part, each series adopts their own perspective of vampires. Not following the stereotypes often found with vampires in literature where they are unable to be photographed, avoid garlic at all costs, and get fried in the sunlight. Well, at least in one of the series vampires are not hurt by the sun. In addition to the immortal vampire protagonist of both the show and the film series, werewolves make an appearance as well. For the most part, they share similarities including travelling in packs and not wanting anything to do with vampires. However, their ability to transform into wolves and their choice to turn is drastically different. With all of these differences in the way vampires and werewolves function in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, it can be troubling at times to decipher what happens in each series – for example, from which series vampires are able to eat or sleep, or which one has a sacred (and secret) vampire government that rules over them all. Do you consider yourself a fan of all things vampire? Take this quiz to see if you’re up for the challenge.

Question 1

In what series did the main protagonist fall in love with two vampire brothers?

There are very prominent love triangles in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries - at least for a good chunk of the beginning of the series there is. With one of the series its between two vampire brothers who are infatuated with the same human girl, and risk their lives time and again to save her. The second is between a vampire and a werewolf - one the best friend and one the boyfriend.

Question 2

In what series do the vampires have special powers like mind reading or seeing the future?

While the vampires in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries share the same qualities such as fast healing, super strength, super speed and the most obvious ability to live forever, one of the series has broadened the vampire abilities to include some incredible skills. This includes harnessing the elements such as water and fire, reading minds, being able to foresee the future and creating manipulations in the mind.

Question 3

In what series does a vampire have to crush a werewolf to kill it?

In both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, there is an undergoing feud between vampires and werewolves - something that had been going on for centuries. To be fair, in the beginning of The Vampire Diaries, it was believed that werewolves were actually an old legend or perhaps extinct until they started popping up in Mystic Falls. The Cullen family were well aware of the existence of werewolves because their family and the tribe had an ongoing treaty.

Question 4

In what series were all vampires created from one family?

In both series the existence of vampires had gone back hundred and hundreds of years, however in one series the creation of such an immortal creature is explained while it is left open ended in another. Throughout time these beings had lived among humans, most of them attempting to live as closely with them as possible so they wouldn't draw any attention to themselves.

Question 5

In what series are all vampires able to walk in the sun?

There have been many stereotypes associated with vampires in the history of fiction. One of those stereotypes include being able to walk freely in the sunlight without causing any harm or death to themselves. This is partly where they get the nickname of being "Children of the Night" is because of not being able to be outside in the daylight. However, one series in particular neglects to adopt this sunlight stereotype.

Question 6

In what series is there a law about not turning immortal children?

Vampires are quite unnatural creatures its a wonder how there can be any real rules or laws to abide by, especially considering that the first vampires in The Vampire Diaries were created using magic. However, without order there would only be chaos among the vampires so it only seems fitting that there be exceptions to immortality. One of those exceptions include having children who are vampires because of their inability to control themselves.

Question 7

In what series is there hybrids between vampires/werewolves, and vampires/witches?

As if there weren't enough supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires and even witches - they had to go and make hybrids of them. Hybrids, whether it be the vampire/werewolf or vampire/witch are even more powerful than just a regular supernatural creature. For example, the werewolf/vampire hybrid has the ability to transform at will but also has the speed and strength of a vampire, making it all the more difficult to kill.

Question 8

In what series does a newly turned vampire need human blood to complete the transformation?

The way a person becomes a vampire is very different in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. For one of the series, vampires have what they call "venom" and a single bite from them is what begins the transformation. It is extremely painful, however can be stopped before the venom reaches the persons heart. In the second series its much more different, where a vampire is transformed after the person is killed while having vampire blood in their system.

Question 9

In what series does a human punching a werewolf result in a broken hand?

The question of which supernatural being is more strong than the other is more or less left unanswered in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. There are so many different factors that contribute to a vampire or werewolf's strength that you can't really say which is more powerful. For example, a werewolf would have no problem hunting down a vampire that is considered a "vegetarian."

Question 10

In what series are vampires able to turn off their humanity if their emotions overwhelm them?

Many of the vampires in both series don't like to consider or associate themselves with humans for the sole fact that they view themselves as monsters. However, many of them still embody human traits that allow them to pass as humans in society. For example, attending high school despite the fact that they're centuries old and have learned the same curriculum over and over again. They also feel love, sadness, anger and jealousy the same any regular person would.

Question 11

In what series is there a vampire named Rosalie?

Throughout both series, the audience is introduced to a number of different vampires. In Twilight, we not only get to meet the Cullen family in the first films, but as the series progresses new vampires are born for Victoria's army; the Volturi make an appearance, and of course all of the Cullen's relatives and old family friends arrive in the final movie as witnesses for Bella and Edward's child. In The Vampire Diaries, new vampires are created left, right, and center.

Question 12

In what series do the werewolves “imprint” on another person – whether it be another werewolf or vampire?

For the most part, the behavior and group mentality remains the same for werewolves in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. In Twilight, they all consist of men (and some women to their surprise) associated with the Quileute tribe who have lived on their land for centuries. The werewolves in The Vampire Diaries are much more spread out but still harness the essence of the pack where they all stick together and protect one another.

Question 13

In what series were vampires experimented on to make them only feed on vampire blood?

In Both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries the stereotypes associated with vampires are for the most part thrown out the window and the producers adopt new ways to make vampires more dangerous or more creepy than they already were. In one of the series in particular, it is revealed that an association had been experimenting on vampires with the hope to study their ability to heal, but more importantly have them turn on each other one by one.

Question 14

In what series do a group of teenage vampires go off to college?

As it was mentioned before, in both series most of the main characters attend high school in the beginning of the series because they are just trying to pass off as regular high school students, and what better way to do that than attend high school? Each of the male protagonists are very familiar with the high school lifestyle because they'be been doing it for centuries, and have the graduation caps to prove it.

Question 15

In what series do the main vampires all live together under one roof as an “adoptive” family?

For both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, most of the people that are considered a "clan" or a "family" aren't necessarily blood related - apart from the Salvatore brothers of course. But they become a vampire because they are in the immortal journey together, and it is easier to pretend to be a family than just be a bunch of strangers constantly together and living with each other.

Question 16

In what series have vampires come back to life after being killed?

The way a vampire dies is very different in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. For one of the series, death is only brought on by dismemberment and setting fire to the remains, where the other one there are multiple ways a vampire can die. Being staked in the heart with something wood is the most obvious, but also taking out someone's heart. If you're an original family, its not as easy but can still be done.

Question 17

In what series is there a werewolf named Sam?

While both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries are strictly about the vampire characters, there are werewolves present in both of them because well, they're natural sworn enemies and it would be a little dull to not have another supernatural being in the movie. That being said, werewolves follow their own set of "rules" for their kind - the most obvious being that they have an alpha leader which they loyally follow.

Question 18

In what series can vampires make people forget/do what they say just by looking them in the eye?

It is safe to say that there are some special perks and privileges that comes with being a vampire in both series. One of the strange ones in Twilight is the fact that becoming a vampire supposedly enhances your beauty which is a strange concept to say the very least. One of the more useful privileges that the vampires in one of these series is the ability to manipulate humans to do what they want, but also to make them forget things.

Question 19

In what series do the vampire’s eyes change color depending on what type of blood they feed on?

The eye color change is present in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. However, they have different means depending on the series. For one of them, their eyes only really change color moments before they are about to feed someone. In the other series, their eye color all depends on their diet - red means they feed on humans, golden means they feed on animals, and black means they are hungry.

Question 20

In what series are vampires unable to sleep?

The concept of sleep is very different in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. In one of the series, the vampires still consider themselves to be still in touch with some parts of their humanity which allows them to be able to sleep at night like a regular person. Additionally, if they maintain a healthy diet of blood they can also consume regular human food as well.

Question 21

In what series is there a poison to vampires which burns them if it comes in contact with them?

As it was mentioned before, for some of the vampires in these series there isn't much that can bring harm to them. If you're up against an original vampire, then it really is difficult to kill them permanently. A part from the sunlight for most vampires in this series, there is another particular poison that can bring them temporary harm, which is used mostly as a defense mechanism by humans.

Question 22

In what series is there a known cure for vampirism?

Becoming a vampire is considered to be mostly an eternal damnation to most of them. While yes it definitely has its perks and not being fragile and able to die is something magical, but it also means you have to live for eternity. Unless otherwise killed by a stake or being set on fire. A lot of the protagonists of this show view their soul being damaged and believe they'll never know peace, which is one of the reasons why Edward refused to change Bella for so long.

Question 23

In what series is a werewolf able to transform on command regardless if there is a full moon?

As it was mentioned before, werewolves are very much present in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries despite being labelled as a vampire show/movie. There are ongoing fights with the vampire and werewolves, especially in The Vampire Diaries because the werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire and the only cure belonged to the original hybrid. One of the major differences between both series though is that in one of them they change every full moon against their will, and in the other they have the right to choose.

Question 24

In what series is a vampire created after a human dies with vampire blood in their system?

The process in becoming a vampire is different in both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. In TVD, the transformation seems to be more accessible or easier likely because of how often it actually happens. The only "new" permanent vampires that stay within the Twilight series is Bella and that isn't until the end of the series. The entire new born army is killed off by the Cullen clan and the werewolves before they can do any more damage.

Question 25

In what series do werewolves turn after they come across the scent of a vampire?

While this quiz has mentioned a fair amount about the process of becoming a vampire, similar difficulties can be said about how one becomes a werewolf. For starters, the biggest difference between the werewolves in Twilight versus the werewolves in The Vampire Diaries is that the werewolves in Twilight are mostly made up of the tribe men, where Leah is the only female that becomes a member of the pack. In TVD, there are an equal number between male and females.

Question 26

In what series are the bodies of vampires considered indestructible by any human weapon?

While it has been said that killing a vampire in both of these series is easier said than done, it doesn't mean that harm cannot still be brought upon them in terms of torture or just trying to slow them down. There has been countless neck breaking among the vampires in TVD as an attempt to get a head start on their opponent.

Question 27

In what series does a vampire physically change moments before they feed?

Feeding is much different for the vampires in Twilight as it is for those in The Vampire Diaries. For starters, most of the vampires that have the most screen time in Twilight is the Cullen clan and they are very much "vegetarians" so they have a strict animal only diet. The vampires in TVD are far more careless when it comes to consuming blood - for while they might not kill people on the street they do steal from blood banks to get their food source.

Question 28

In what series is there a “vampire government” that enforces rules and laws among all of the vampires in the world?

It would be difficult to try and have an official ruling government over a species that is meant to be hidden from the rest of the world, however in one of these series there are a group of vampires that are considered to be superior to the rest. They are some of the oldest, most powerful vampires and are in charge of the very few laws that vampires must abide by - including exposing themselves to humans.

Question 29

In what series is it considered an intimate act to share blood between vampires?

The entire concept of blood is rather different for both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. As it was said earlier, some enjoy a little bite and ditch with innocent people they stumble upon, others have a hard time controlling themselves with human blood so resort to animal blood, and some have a healthy balance of both. For Twilight, the only time blood bags are used are for Bella when she is pregnant with her hybrid human/vampire child.

Question 30

In what series is there such thing as a sire bond that makes the vampire or werewolf transformed loyal to the one who turned them?

The "Sire Bond" is present in one of these series and basically binds the person who transformed the other. Essentially, the one sired becomes incredibly loyal to their Sire in which they do everything they say and "agree" with everything they do to the point that they almost become robotic. It is difficult to break the bond between the sire and the sired, but it is possible.

Question 31

In what series are newly transformed vampires considered stronger than older vampires?

There is an entire debate about which vampire would be considered stronger - but for the most part they are opposing in both series. One of them believes that the longer you've been a vampire the stronger your ability to harness your strength and agility is, which makes you more of a threat. For the other series, becoming a new vampire makes you stronger because you're just coming into tune with everything.

Question 32

In what series is the werewolf curse triggered by killing someone, whether intentional or accidental?

As it was mentioned before, becoming a werewolf is not necessarily a matter of choice but a matter of when. Even in the series where becoming an actual wolf is a decision you get to make and don't have to turn every full moon, the fact of the matter is you're still a werewolf. They all come from the lineage where the gene is passed down through generations.

Question 33

In what series is the female protagonist transformed after giving birth to a vampire-human hybrid?

One of the things that is universal between vampires in both series is the fact that female vampires are unable to bear children. This upsets some of the characters that had dreams of settling down, starting a family and growing old with their spouse, now trapped in an eternity of living one age for forever. However, circumstances change when the impossible happens to a human who somehow gives birth to a human/vampire hybrid.

Question 34

In what series was one of the main characters a vampire doctor who turned those in his coven in order to save their life?

While for most of the vampires in the show/movies they do not "change" completely who they are just from becoming a vampire, there are certain qualities that they inherently adapt. Like being able to stomach the fact that you will inevitably kill someone one day. But for some vampires their will power and humanity is more intact than others, granting them the ability to still have empathy and the desire to want to be good, including still saving peoples lives.

Question 35

In what series do vampires who have uncontrollable bloodlust are called Rippers?

While some vampires have the ability to control their desire for human blood, others loose control the moment they get another taste. This is why there are some vampires in each of these series that choose to live a vegetarian lifestyle, not simply because they believe it to be the right thing to do, but because they hate what they become when they feed on human blood.

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