It Would Take A Real Llama To Flunk This Emperor's New Groove Quiz

The Emperor's New Groove is Disney's 40th animated film. Originally, this story was meant to be created and released as a musical. However, there was a decision made to give the film a more comedic feel. This choice delayed the release of the film for quite some time due to a complete overhaul of the creative process. This choice panned out well for Disney, as there was much success in this light hearted family comedy that can be enjoyed by all ages.

The characters in this film are probably the most praised aspect of the film. Fresh characters such as Pacha and Yzma give contrast to some of the more cliché characters such as Kronk. Two of the voice actors from this film have been nominated for the 28th Annie Awards for their performance in this film. Eartha Kitt won the award for Individual Achievement in Voice Acting for her work as Yzma. Her costar, Patrick Warburton, was nominated for the same award for his work as the voice behind Kronk. It is the emphasis on characters that resulted in multiple spin off series for the film. There was a Disney channel spin off series titled The Emperor's New School, which featured many beloved characters from the original film. There is also a spinoff titled Kronk's New Groove, as well as a video game.

Question 1

Which is the best word to describe Kuzco in the beginning of the film?

The beginning of the film is dedicated towards establishing Kuzco as a character. It shows some of the back history in which Kuzco was a baby, and was constantly fawned over and given everything he ever wanted. In one scene, a baby Kuzco cries and too many hands to count pop out holding up a stuffed toy to comfort the child. This attitude transferred over to his adult work and personal life. Kuzco's sense of entitlement causes him to wreak havoc onto people.

Question 2

Who pops out of the cake during the song in the beginning of the film?

There is only one song in this film. The song takes place in the beginning of film. It is a comically grand and over the top musical number, just like how Kuzco's character is presented. There are numerous dance scenes and colorful presentations. For no seemingly presented reason, out wheels a large cake near Kuzco's thrown. In a true extravagant nature, there is a scene during which a person pops out of the top of the cake. But who is given the honor of entering the scene via a cake?

Question 3

What is this character's name?

Despite his heartless and selfish attitudes, Kuzco is not the villain of the film. He may not be a kind hearted individual, at least not when the film begins, but he is not evil in comparison to this lovely lady. She is the true mastermind and villain behind the film. Just like everyone else in the castle, and in all the land, she too tries to stay on Kuzco's good side, at least at first. But after being disrespected by Kuzco one too many times, she snaps.

Question 4

Why does Emperor Kuzco have an old man thrown out of a window?

So, Kuzco may not be the main villain, but he is not a saint by any definition of the word. During the musical number, Kuzco pauses the entire number to have a man thrown out of a window and barred from the castle. What is even more surprising, is that no one is surprised by this act, and the order is followed without question. It does not take much for Kuzco to lose his temper with other people, he is easily angered.

Question 5

What role does Yzma play in the castle?

Yzma has outlandish looks, that are frequently made fun of by Kuzco. She stands out in the castle, specifically for not wearing the colors of the kingdom, which seem to be red and yellow according to Kuzco's attire. Normally, people that seem to rub Kuzco the wrong way, tend to get kicked out of the castle. Yzma is an employee that works for Kuzco, she has a unique role as she is put in a position in which she is meant to tell Kuzco what to do, which he hates.

Question 6

What is the name of the summer getaway Kuzco is planning?

Kuzco has summoned Pacha, the peasant that lives on the hills with his wonderful family, to the castle. When Pacha arrives, Kuzco begins to ask for his advice on where the sun shines the brightest on the side mountain. Pacha quickly realizes that Kuzco will take over the hill, and likely evict anyone else that lives on or near that specific mountain. Pacha is not pleased with this plan, as he recognizes that how it will negatively impact the families that live on the hill.

Question 7

Whose house is Kuzco planning on tearing down to put up his summer getaway?

When Kuzco has come to the conclusion that he wants something, more often than not, he gets it. So, when he has decided that he has found the perfect spot for Kuzcotopia, his summer getaway, there is little anyone can do to change his mind. The decision of where to build Kuzcotopia is the event that sparks the remainder of the film. With the grand nature of the castle Kuzco is already living in, having a second home seems like an unnecessary extravagance.

Question 8

How do Kronk and Yzma get to the secret lair?

Kronk and Yzma have a secret lair in the castle. This lair is filled with secret potions and concoctions for Yzma to use as she wishes. However, this is definitely the type of activity that Emperor Kuzco would not have approved of if he had known. Therefore, Yzma creates an entirely elaborate way to get to and from the lair so that it is never found. Only Kronk and Yzma are aware of the whereabouts of the entryway to the lair.

Question 9

What does Yzma say after Kronk pulls the lever to the lair?

The scene of Yzma and Kronk attempting to enter the lair, with Kronk messing up the pulling lever entrance became a trope for the spin off show The Emperors New School. Part of the show would be Yzma and Kronk attempting to enter the lair, but Kronk, being the muscular dimwitted character that he is, continuously messes up the lever pull. Each time, where the secret trap door that Yzma falls through leads her someplace new, and fans looked forward to seeing where she would end up next.

Question 10

How many characters have a shoulder angel and devil duo?

The continuous film and television trope of having an angel appear on one shoulder and a devil appear on the other is often used during times of trouble when the character in question is facing a, usually difficult, decision. In the picture, Kronk is torn about whether or not to go through with the plan that Yzma came up with in order to have Kuzco out of the way, indefinitely. This type of plan is not sitting right with Kronk.

Question 11

What causes Kronk to drop the bag with Kuzco in it?

Yzma trusts Kronk to carry Kuzco, who has been turned into a llama, in a bag, and take him far away and finish the job. Kuzco turns into a llama after drinking the beverage tainted by Yzma, but he was going to go and tell everyone what Yzma had done to him. Yzma could not have that, so she hit Kuzco with a plate from dinner, and ordered Kronk to carry him away. However, Kronk is not the most focused individual.

Question 12

T/F Kuzco does NOT like to be touched

Kuzco, growing up spoiled, has certain attitudes about how he deserves to be treated by other people. Kuzco is always used to getting his way, in regards to absolutely everything. This even extends to physical contact. Once Kuzco is accidentally transformed into a llama, in the beginning, he refuses to change his attitudes and lifestyle that he has always known. Kuzco the llama makes many demands, and he has a hard time adapting to life without being given everything he wants no questions asked.

Question 13

Who does Kuzco accuse of changing him into a llama?

Kuzco is knocked out before being placed into a bag and transported outside of the city. While Kuzco is in the bag, he is frequently dropped and hurt and it takes a long time before Kuzco wakes up in the bag. Even then, when he wakes up, he has no idea that he is a llama and takes his time to adjusting to his new reality. Kuzco lost his memory on his unfortunate trip outside of the palace, so when he wakes up, who does he assume had him turned into a llama?

Question 14

What do Kuzco and Yzma refer to people outside the palace area?

Both Kuzco and Yzma have a very negative attitude towards people that live outside the palace. One of the famous lines from the film comes from Yzma when someone comes to her in the palace and says that their family is struggling and that they do not have enough food to go around, and Yzma responds saying "you should have thought of that before you became...". Finish this quote to have the answer to the question of what Kuzco and Yzma refer to people.

Question 15

What animal originally scares Kuzco in the jungle?

When Kuzco wakes up, the first person he sees is Pacha, and he assumes that Pacha has turned him into a llama because he threatened to take away his home to build his summer getaway house. Kuzco does not trust Pacha, and he runs away into the jungle. Kuzco is confident he will be able to find his way back to the palace and he will be able to explain that he is not a llama, but that he is Emperor Kuzco.

Question 16

Who saves Kuzco from the jaguars?

Kuzco does not last long in the jungle on his own. He is so used to having everything done for him, that when he is forced to survive on his own, he does not know how to provide for himself. It is not long before he picks a fight with a chipmunk, and winds up angering a sleeping group of jaguars. Obviously, it would not be a family friendly movie if the run in with the jaguar came to a sad end. Who saves Kuzco?

Question 17

What does Pacha demand in return for returning Kuzco safely to the Palace?

Pacha, as a peasant, knows the jungle better than Kuzco ever could when he has spent his whole life growing up in a Palace. Pacha also has a large heart, and he could not allow himself to let Kuzco travel unattended in the jungle. However, Pacha also knows that there is something he needs from Kuzco in order to support his family and ensure that his family will have a bright future. What does Pacha ask Kuzco for in return for escorting him back to the Palace?

Question 18

What is Pacha's green shirt made out of?

Pacha's green shall has become an iconic piece to the character's outfit and in potential costumes of Pacha. At one point during a cold night, Kuzco is shivering in his sleep and Pacha notices. To be kind, Pacha takes off his warm green shall and uses it as a blanket to cover Kuzco. When Kuzco wakes up and realizes the kind act Pacha has done for him, he is sweet and gives the shall back. The two sit and discuss what material the shall is made out of, and what makes it so warm.

Question 19

T/F Kuzco was planning on having Pacha put away in jail

Kuzco and Pacha have a complicated relationship throughout the course of the film. They have many ups and downs and it is unclear for most of the movie whether or not the two actually like or trust each other. At first, Kuzco believes that Pacha had kidnapped him and turned him into a llama for revenge. But, the more the two spend time together, the more Kuzco is able to see that Pacha has a big heart and is helping him, not hurting him.

Question 20

What is Pacha trying to prove throughout the film?

Pacha is easily described as the moral compass in the film. Kuzco has many ups and downs throughout the film. Kuzco is able to have moments of showing his softer side during his journey with Pacha. However, he frequently resorts back to his attitudes made clear when he was living in the Palace. Pacha can see how Kuzco has multiple sides to his personality, and he takes it upon himself to prove a point. What point is he trying to prove?

Question 21

Who can speak to squirrels?

Oddly, this squirrel plays a relatively large role in the film. Kuzco is mean to this squirrel when they are both wanting an acorn found in the jungle. The squirrel, who is familiar with the jungle, knows how to get Kuzco into trouble with the jaguars. Then, later on in the film, Kronk and Yzma turn to the squirrel to find information about the location of Kuzco in the jungle. Which one of the following characters can speak fluently to squirrels?

Question 22

How do Pacha and Kuzco escape from the restaurant?

Kronk and Yzma are pursuing Kuzco in the jungle to make sure he never finds his way back to the Palace. Kuzco and Pacha are trying desperately to get back to the Palace before Yzma and Kronk can find them. Somehow, all characters end up at the same restaurant. Kuzco is in a disguise, because a llama likely would not be allowed to dine in the restaurant. Pacha notices Kronk and Yzma and tries to form a plan to escape without getting caught.

Question 23

Who narrates the film?

This film has an interesting narration tactic. It is an animated film that attempts to break the fourth wall. Breaking the fourth wall is a term used to describe a cinematic experience that calls attention to the fact that they are in a film. This film does that by having a narrator that pauses the frame to draw on the frame or provide their own commentary. This is unique for animated films, as they rarely attempt to break the fourth wall.

Question 24

T/F Pacha and his kids distract Yzma and Kronk at his house so that Kuzco can get a head start

After the restaurant, Pacha and Kuzco end up back at Pacha's home with his wife and his kids. When they arrive, they are shocked to see that Kronk and Yzma are already in the house playing with Pacha's children. This is alarming considering they are not kind people, they are the villains and being in close proximity to Pacha's family is scary. The family has to hide Kuzco from Yzma and Kronk, how do they go about protecting and hiding him?

Question 25

How do Yzma and Kronk get to the Palace before Pacha and Kuzco?

Kuzco and Pacha have a head start because Pacha's wife and children are able to distract Yzma and Kronk so that they can escape to the Palace. However, when Kuzco and Pacha arrive at the Palace and make their way down to the secret lab where Yzma keeps the potions, they realize that they are not alone. It is revealed that Kronk and Yzma are already in their secret lab, and they have taken the potion that Kuzco needs to become a human.

Question 26

Who is publicly framed for the disappearance of Kuzco?

Yzma takes it upon herself to announce herself as the new ruler in Kuzco's absense. She selects Kronk as her right hand man. When Yzma is the ruler, it is her responsibility to create a story as to why Kuzco is no longer the Emperor, and is no longer present. Yzma is under the impression that Kuzco is out of the way permanently when she makes this announcement. But, her entire story is in jeoprady when she realizes Kuzco may return.

Question 27

Which of the following animals is Kuzco NOT transformed into when he is trying out various potions?

The potion that is designed to turn Kuzco back into a human looks the same as all the other potions. The potions are all mixed together and as Kuzco and Pacha are attempting to run away from Kronk, Yzma, and the Palace guards, Kuzco has to try out the potions as he runs. This results in a comical scene during which Kuzco is transformed into various animals before finding the correct potion resulting in him turning back into a human.

Question 28

What is Yzma transformed into?

Yzma ends up taking a potion that she created, and it does not turn out how she may have previously planned. After turning herself into an animal, she quickly realizes that there is only one potion capable of returning her to her human self. However, the only potion currently created is in the hands of Kuzco and Pacha who want to use the potion to Kuzco back to a human. This results in a fight over the one potion they both need.

Question 29

Why does Kuzco claim he cannot build Kuzcotopia on Pacha's hill?

Luckily, Kuzco is restored to his human self once again. He is also able to take back his role as Emperor. In the past, Kuzco had revealed his desire to kick Pacha's family out of their home to create his own summer home as well as put Pacha in jail for turning him into a llama and for his kidnapping. However, after everything the pair had been through together, Kuzco informs Pacha he will not be tearing down his house to put up a summer home.

Question 30

Who gets their own spinoff movie?

The Emperor's New Groove was a very successful film that created many popular characters. Fans became very attached to multiple characters from this film. The film even had its own Disney channel television show spin off. It was called Emperor's New School and it included characters such as Kronk, Yzma, and of course, Kuzco. The show is not the only spin off that this film receives. There is also a spinoff movie, called ____'s New Groove. Which of the following character is the starring character?

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