If You've Never Had A Baby, You Will Fail This Quiz

Having a child is no small undertaking. It requires you to become somewhat of an expert in a relatively small period of time by learning the ins and outs of pregnancy and all that comes with taking care of a newborn baby. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a reliable partner, good doctors, and a supportive family by your side, it will ultimately be you who is carrying the baby through the entire nine months of pregnancy.

Because of this, there is a clear distinction between those who have had babies and those you haven’t. Sure, maybe you’ve watched Knocked Up half a dozen times and you got straight A’s in all your health and science classes, but until you’ve actually gone through an entire pregnancy of your own, there’s still probably a lot about the process that you’ve never committed to memory.

Since starting a family is such a massive and often terrifying undertaking, new mothers (and even fathers) will find some peace in absorbing as much information as they can when it comes to what to expect when they're expecting. So let’s see if you’ve actually been through this entire process before and find out if you’ve ever had a baby.

Question 1

How long does a trimester last?

Let’s start with one of the most basic concepts involving pregnancy: the trimester. Much like its name implies, a trimester lasts about three months, with the first including the actual conception and implantation of the egg, and the last ending with labor and actual childbirth. Furthermore, after you make it through the first trimester the chances of losing the pregnancy drop significantly. So if you know how long a typical human pregnancy last, after some simple division, knowing the answer to this question should be a piece of cake.

Question 2

How many weeks does a pregnancy last?

So you’ve no doubt heard home many months the average human pregnancy can last, but when it actually comes to being pregnant and later raising a newborn baby, you’re going to have to get used to counting things in weeks for a while. Since changes can take place quite quickly during these parts of life, it’s important to start measuring things on smaller scales. But while human pregnancies may seem to take a long time, other species have way longer gestation periods — like the elephant, who can be pregnant for well over 600 days!

Question 3

What is a “due date”?

Aside from being that name of a 2010 comedy starring Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jr. and The Hangover’s Zach Galifianakis, a “due date” is a term thrown around a lot by women who are expecting. But what exactly does it mean? If you’ve had at least one child, then you know doubt know the answer to this question, and even if you haven’t, you’ll certainly deduce that it deals with actually going into labor? But is prediction the date of the childbirth really that exact?

Question 4

What is usually the first sign that you’re pregnant?

Even if you’re not trying to get pregnant, if you’re a female who is sexually active it’s still important to know what the first signs of pregnancy will actually look like. Pregnancy as a whole will involve dozens upon dozens of body and hormonal changes, but only a handful of them will appear within the first few weeks or month following conception. That being said, every woman is different, and many may show few signs at all that they have actually conceived. But if you are indeed pregnant, there’s at least one thing that should definitely occur.

Question 5

How many lines appear on a positive pregnancy test?

Whether you’ve have or haven’t been trying to get pregnant, the process of taking a pregnancy test is always riddled with anxiety. It usually begins with you not wanting to run into anybody you may know at the pharmacy, and then hoping that the cashier doesn’t give you a funny look or start asking questions when you check out. And then comes the actual waiting for the results after you’ve peed on the test strip. So if you are indeed pregnant, how many strips can you expect to see?

Question 6

Can you still exercise when pregnant?

Being pregnant is basically a long list of things you cannot do. Some of them are extremely obvious, like smoking and drinking. But other things are a little bit more obscure, like not being able to eat certain kinds of meat or fish. That being said, you won’t have to change your lifestyle around 100%. For instance, most pregnant women can work almost right up until they actually go into labor — depending on what their job is of course.

Question 7

How many additional calories does a pregnant woman have to consume daily?

Maybe one of the best aspects of being pregnant is that you know longer have to tell yourself that you’re watching your figure. After all, you are eating for two and the increase in hormones can make many pregnant women crave bizarre foods that they will insist they need to eat right away — like pickles with a side of vanilla ice cream. But that also doesn’t mean you can have an all-out feeding frenzy at the local buffet. So around how many extra calories do you actually need?

Question 8

When is the soonest you can feel the baby kick?

Your stomach is starting to swell, you’re experiencing morning sickness every day without fail, but you have yet to feel the baby kick? But while you know that it must take quite a long time for the fetus to grow to a significant size, the first time that the baby begins to kick may occur sooner than you realize. In fact, many women don’t realize this at first, dismissing the movements as either gas or cramping until they get a little further along in their pregnancy.

Question 9

How long into a pregnancy is it considered safe to spread the news?

If you’ve been trying to have a baby for some time and you finally receive a positive pregnancy test, then you probably can’t wait to tell your loved ones the exciting news. But while it may be tempting to spread the word via social media, there is a recommended amount of time that newly pregnant women should wait. This is because you are far more likely to lose the pregnancy the early it occurs. In fact, many women often lose pregnancies without ever knowing they were even pregnant to being with.

Question 10

What is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks called?

While losing a pregnancy at any time can be a traumatic event for a anyone, it’s actually quite a common occurrence to lose a pregnancy during the first few weeks after conception. In fact, many pregnancies will terminate themselves so early that women will mistake this event as just an abnormal period, never suspecting that they were even pregnant in the first place. So what is this event specifically called when it occurs within the first 20 weeks of gestation?

Question 11

What position should you sleep in when you’re pregnant?

As if getting a good nights sleep wasn’t already hard enough, now you may have to switch around your entire nightly routine to accompany the baby growing in your womb. While this might not make much of a difference during the first few weeks, you’ll definitely want to follow the doctor’s recommendation while your pregnancy gets further along. For your sake, we hope you’re already fairly comfortable while lying in this position because once you have the baby, you still won’t be getting the best sleep either.

Question 12

How far into a pregnancy before the doctor can tell you the baby’s gender?

While some chose to wait until childbirth to learn the sex of their child, many women prefer to know ahead of time, which will often occur during their mid-pregnancy ultrasound. However, the baby’s sex begins to develop much earlier before a technician can actually detect it. In fact, there’s even the chance that the technician will not be able to tell you if the baby is in a position where they cannot view the sex organs. In which case, it could also be determined through a noninvasive blood test.

Question 13

What does OB-GYN stand for?

Most women are familiar with the gynecologist, which is a doctor who specializes in women’s reproductive health, sometimes more commonly referred to as a “gyno.” It is recommended that most women should have a pelvic exam at least once a year. But when you become pregnant, you’ll have to take far more trips to the doctors than ever before, and sometimes, you’ll need someone who is more qualified than just a gynecologist, which is when an OB-GYN can come in handy.

Question 14

What blocks your cervix while pregnant?

Every wonder why the baby doesn’t just fall out during the later stages of pregnancy? After all, when your not pregnant, your cervix is far from impenetrable when you’re not pregnant — allowing sperm and vaginal discharge to pass through it. But the female body during pregnancy is an amazing thing, and it creates a make-shift seal that helps protect the developing fetus from both inside and out during pregnancy. So do you know what this seal is actually called?

Question 15

What is it called when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus?

This condition, sometimes referred to as a tubal pregnancy, occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus, often in the Fallopian tube, in the cervix, or on the ovaries. This almost always results in the fetus being unable to survive, and will often manifest itself in the women through sharp and dull abdominal pains, as well as vaginal bleeding. It is extremely important that women who may be experiencing one of these pregnancies be seen by a doctor as soon as possible, as they usually require medical attention.

Question 16

Why shouldn’t you eat certain types of fish while pregnant?

There are plenty of foods that should be avoided or not eaten very often when pregnant, and fish is usually near the top of most of those lists. Eating certain types of fish, including shark, king mackerel, tilefish, swordfish and certain types of tuna could result in developmental delays and even possible brain damage. So knowing what types of seafood you can and can’t eat is of the utmost importance. But why do you even have to avoid these foods in the first place?

Question 17

What is the name for this line that can appear in the abdomen?

If you’re one that is easily grossed out by body stuff, then we have no idea how you have (or will) make it through a pregnancy, as your body will go through various unexpected changes. While most people known about stretch marks, which will accompany most swollen bellies, this dark vertical line that runs from down the middle of the abdomen is also a common occurrence — showing up in nearly 75% of all pregnancies. So do you know what it’s called?

Question 18

What organ connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall?

While we’re on the subject of anatomy, let’s go over a few other features that anyone who has been pregnant should be more than familiar with. For starters, let’s focus in on the organ that connects the fetus to the female’s uterine wall. This is what actually connects the developing fetus to the mother, and this organ is responsible for providing the needed oxygen and nutrients for the growing baby, while also removing any waste products from the baby’s blood.

Question 19

What is the name for the membrane that the fetus develops in?

If you already knew the name of the organ that connects the developing fetus to the mother, then you should have no problem picking out the membrane that the fetus literally grows inside. This is where the embryo begins its formation at the earliest stages of pregnancy and will be where the fetus develops until shortly before birth. There have even been videos showing newborn babies still contained within this membrane, which is both amazing and somewhat shocking to see.

Question 20

True or False: Having sex can help induce labor?

If you’ve reached your due date and labor is nowhere in sight, there are plenty of things you can do to try and naturally induce labor. Something as simple as going on a walk could encourage the baby to get into the birthing position because if you surpass your due date by a week or more, you will have to go into the hospital so the doctors can begin the induction. But can having sex really help you go into labor, or does it sound to good to be true?

Question 21

What is the name of the anesthetic giving during labor?

Needless to say, childbirth can be an extremely painful process. But luckily, we live in a time where there are plenty of options to help increase the safety and reduce the pain that comes with giving birth. There is one anesthetic, in particular, that is used more than all others, as it greatly reduces the pain the mother experiences with little to no side effects for the baby. Once it is injected into the lower back, the women will only feel pressure while still being able to bear down and push.

Question 22

At what measurement is the cervix filly dilated?

Just as there are multiple stages of a pregnancy, there are a number of stages to childbirth as well, which often correspond with how dilated the cervix becomes. Hours and sometimes days prior to giving birth, the mucus plug will begin to dissolve, allowing the cervix to open up to the child can pass through the birthing canal. Stage one of childbirth involves the cervix dilating to 3 cm, so how much further does it have to go before it reaches the final stage?

Question 23

What does C-Section stand for?

In the event that a mother cannot perform a vaginal delivery, the medical staff will have to perform what is known as a C-Section, which involves removing the newborn through an incision in the lower abdomen. Though the procedure may sound risky, it actually only requires a 6-inch incision and there is only slightly more risk for the baby and mother than a rather vaginal delivery. But considering that a C-Section is usually a last resort, it dramatically reduces any risk that would’ve been experienced through a traditional birth.

Question 24

What is it called when the baby is born feet first?

Around 3-5% of women will have a baby that is born either feet or bottom first, as opposed to the more common head-first vaginal birth. This type of birthing process comes with far more risk, as it can result in the baby becoming entangled with the umbilical cord, or the mother being able to push the baby out depending on its exact position. Because of this, most babies who are in the incorrect position will be born by C-Section, which is considered a far safer option than seeing these births through traditionally.

Question 25

Which one of these drinks can you still enjoy regularly while pregnant?

While there are far more foods that have to be avoided as opposed to drinks, you may find that you still have to give up a number of your favorite beverages when you are expecting a baby. This is because some of the drinks that make you feel the best aren’t always the greatest for your health, and whatever is negatively affecting you could end up seriously affecting your baby. So which one of these drinks do you not have to moderate?

Question 26

Which one of your organs also grows during pregnancy?

The female body really goes through some amazing and near unbelievable changes throughout the course of pregnancy, resulting in another organ getting aside from just the uterus. On top of this, you can also expect to start growing more hair in unusual places (including your face) as a result of increased hormones. And on top of the physical changes, you may even find out that your memory is weaker than it is when you’re not pregnant, which is possibly a result of being stressed and getting less sleep.

Question 27

What one of these is the most important supplement during pregnancy?

While no amount of supplements can ever replace a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, when you’re pregnant, you should definitely make sure you’re getting the additional supplements needed to ensure you’re baby will come out happy and healthy. While there is plenty of information online about which prenatal vitamins you should be taking, your OB-GYN will steer you toward the supplements that are more specific to you — as they vary in importance with increased age and other health factors.

Question 28

What period of time is most recommended for breastfeeding your baby?

Breastfeeding isn’t just beneficial to the health of your baby, but it can literally save you a few thousand dollars in the cost of what you would otherwise spend on feeding formula. Breastfeeding has also been linked to a lower rate of SIDS and will help create a stronger emotional bond between mother and child. However, some women are physically unable to breastfeed, leaving baby formula as their only reliable resource, which means you'll have to make sure the baby is getting all of the additional nutrition they require.

Question 29

What is the clinical term for the depression that can occur after childbirth?

Getting depressed after having a child can be no joke, and if you’re having trouble sleeping at night or you find yourself being constantly irritated with your family and the baby, then it may be something far more serious than a bout of the blues. Having this depression treated by a medical professional will better help new mothers get back on their feet, which is absolutely crucial when dealing with the stress of being a parent. So do you know what this specific form of depression is called?

Question 30

How many hours a day does a newborn baby typical sleep?

The best thing about having a newborn baby is that the sleep a lot more than the average adult. But the worst part is their sleeping schedule is often erratic, meaning they could be up half the end up sleeping the entire day when you have to be awake and at work anyways. Newborn babies also have the tendency to cry a lot since it’s really their only outlet to communicate, so it’s important to know if they’re getting as much shut-eye as a newborn should.

Question 31

What actually happens when your “water breaks.”

When you think about your water breaking, you may get a picture in your mind of how movies and TV shows often portray this event as an immediate and dramatic occurrence. But no two women are created equal, and while your “water breaking” might all happen at once similar to the movies, for others it could be a slow process that is barely noticeable unless you’re paying attention. However, your water breaking is usually synonymous with going into labor. So sooner or later, you’ll know it happened.

Question 32

Is it normal for newborn babies to have dry and flaky skin?

While everyone expects newborn babies to be the cutest things in the world, the fact of the matter is that they can actually look a little… weird. But before you think your baby isn’t as adorable as they should be, just imagine if that you’ve been sitting in a warm liquid for the last nine months and you’re suddenly pulled into the air? You might not look so great either. So it’s important to know what your newborn will and won’t look like during their first few weeks out in the world.

Question 33

True or False: During their first 3 months, a baby can only see things less than a foot away from their face?

While babies come out with all five senses that their parents have — sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste — they’re not all quite as in tune as everyone else’s senses. While this can be concerning to parents, it’s a real marvel when you do actually begin to see your baby’s sense come online so to speak. They will begin to turn their head to face the source of the sound and focus their eyes on the object that is most interesting to them.

Question 34

At what age is it recommended to begin potty training?

After changing over a few hundred diapers, there’s no doubt that you cannot wait to start potty training your child. But that doesn’t mean you should start training them too soon, which could result in your child having trouble going the bathroom later in life when they begin attending public school or enter other stressful situation. Instead, most professionals recommend waiting until your child is at least this old before introducing the idea of potty training, which can take a half year or longer to set in.

Question 35

What is the loss of a pregnancy after 20 weeks called?

Unfortunately, there is still a chance that an expecting mother could lose the pregnancy after 20 weeks of gestation, though the chances are significantly lower. Though there are many risk factors that could contribute to higher chances of this happening — including the mother being over 35 and the use of drugs or smoking — many of the causes remain unknown, and it is simply a complication of pregnancy. And while this isn’t as common as a miscarriage, in the U.S. there is still about one of these for every 170 births.

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