If You've Done At Least 50% Of These Things You're Definitely A Mom

There are some things that only moms do and that only moms will understand. Once you have children you are pretty much inducted into the "moms club". Once you are a member you are a member for life, even when your children are all grown up and have their own lives and children. Being a mom will be one of the hardest jobs that you will ever have in your life but it will also be one of the most rewarding and fun jobs that you will ever be gifted with. With all of this being said there are certain things that you will do as a mom that you have never imagined you would. When you were younger and saw someone wipe their kids boogers with their finger you probably cringed and swore up and down that you would never do that.

All of that changes once you became a mom and did anything to make the day go by smoother and keep everyone happy. We compiled a list of things that only mothers do. If you have done just half of these things then you definitely have a little one or ones who call you "mom".

Question 1

Used Your Hand As A Tissue

When you are a mother there are some things that you do that you never imagined you would do before. Before you had kids and you saw someone wipe their kids boogers with their hand you may have cringed and gagged but now its just a normal occurrence to you. Sometimes you don't have a tissue handy and others it's just the quicker way to resolve a situation and get on with your day. So have you ever done this?

Question 2

Wore The Same Clothes For A Few Days

When you have kids, especially in the beginning, or if you have more than one, all of your personal hygiene goes out the door. Forget the nights where you did a six step skin treatment and laid out your clothes for the next day. Once you have children you just grab whatever you can find that looks semi clean and run to catch the bus or make some school lunches. So have you ever worn the same outfit for a few days?

Question 3

Let Your Laundry Pile Up To The Ceiling

Doing laundry becomes a whole lot harder when you have little ones who require your constant attention and care. You can try to squeeze in a load or two of laundry while they are at school or napping but it is not easy. Eventually, you will probably fall behind and end up with a ton of laundry that not only needs to be washed but also folded and put away in the right spot. So have you ever let your laundry pile up to the ceiling?

Question 4

Smelt Something To See What It Was

There are a few things scarier than seeing something brown on the floor and not knowing whether it is smeared chocolate or actual poop! If you are a mom and have been for a few years then you have probably done the sniff test on a few different things. After all, you do need to know whether or not it's ok for your child to keep wearing the pants or if it's time for the fifth outfit change of the day.

Question 5

Wore You're Hair In A Messy Bun For Days

Doing your hair is a luxury that many mothers can't afford. You barley have enough time in the morning to get your kids fed, dressed and their hair done for school before the bus comes. Taking the time to do your own hair is out of the question, especially when you have a couple of little ones. So have you ever worn your hair in the same messy bun for a couple of days because of lack of time or energy?

Question 6

Cleaned A Child's Face With Your Thumb

Have you ever swiped your thumb across a child's face in order to clean off some leftover lunch or dirt that they someone managed to get on their face? If you have then you're definitely a mother because most of those who aren't will get completely disgusted by the thought of this. But as a mother you may find yourself without a baby wipe or napkin and you may not want to make a fifth trip back to the house.

Question 7

Been Forced To Stay Awake All Night

Staying awake all night is something that a lot of young kids and teenagers do just for fun. But have you ever been forced to stay awake all night because your baby just refuses to sleep or your toddler is not feeling well? Maybe it's because your teen missed their curfew and your worried that something happened to them. Either way your kids were the reason that you missed out on some precious zzz's and had to pay for it the next day.

Question 8

Took 1,000 Pictures Of The Same Thing

As a parent there will be so many milestones and big events that your kids will have that it will be difficult to control yourself when you are let loose at a Kindergarten graduation or a little league game. So have you ever been guilty of taking 1,000 pictures of the same exact thing? During a family trip to Disney World did you snap a million shots of your son meeting Mickey Mouse or your daughter meeting a princess?

Question 9

Stayed Up Doing Someone Else's Project

When kids get older you would think that things get easier, well that's not the whole truth. Things get a lot more complicated when your little ones enter school and start coming home with not only homework but school projects! These projects and book reports will literally haunt you in your sleep and no matter how many times you vow you would never you will find yourself up in the middle of the night doing your kids book report or diorama.

Question 10

Gone To Bed Before 8 p.m.

Staying up late to hang out with friends or watch TV was fun when you didn't really have anything to wake up to in the morning. But once you have little kids who want you out of bed and entertaining them at the crack of dawn, sleep is a commodity that you will do pretty much anything to achieve. So when you are lucky enough to get your little ones to sleep before 8 p.m. you should take advantage and get some rest too.

Question 11

Never Have Matching Socks

When you were younger you may have went out of your way to match your socks and may have even color coordinated them with whatever outfit you were wearing that day. But once you have kids just finding two socks that are similar in style will be a home run! So when you're getting ready every morning do you always make sure that you have matching socks or are they something only of myths and legends for you and your family?

Question 12

Worn The Same Makeup For Days

Every single makeup artist or dermatologist will read you off the list of reasons why it is so bad for your skin to not remove your makeup every single night. Once you have a couple of kids you may find yourself so tired that at the end of the day you don't even have enough energy to change in pajamas never mind dragging yourself to the bathroom to start the process of taking your makeup off. Anyway today's eye liner is tomorrow smokey eye right?

Question 13

Let "No Shave November" Carry On All Year

"No Shave November" has a very long and important history that most people don't even know about. But the gist of it is that you don't shave for the month of November in order to raise awareness and sometimes money for cancer. If you are young being clean and hairless may top your list of priorities. Once you have kids just being able to take a peaceful shower for a few minutes will be enough to keep you happy, never mind shaving.

Question 14

Been Thrown Up On

Throw up is pretty disgusting whether it's coming from an adult, a child or a baby. When you are a parent, especially of a little one, throw up will probably be part of your normal, everyday routine. Being around someone who is throwing up and actually being thrown up on are two very different things. You may have been thrown up on at a bar or a club when you were younger or it may have been your sick baby.

Question 15

Had No Social Life

As a young person your social life is probably one of the most important thing in your life. You are constantly going out with friends to all of the hot spots and meeting new people. When you become a parent your world shrinks a bit and you find yourself spending more and more time at home with your family. A lot of mothers will say that they have no social life and although they may complain, they secretly love it.

Question 16

Stood In Line For A New Toy

There are new toys for kids being released every single day. You don't want your kid to be the only one in school who doesn't have the new hot toy to show off to everyone, especially if you were that kid yourself in school. Parents do crazy things for their kids all the time like stand in bizarre lines at early hours in the morning just to snag the new doll or hot wheels truck. This is especially true around the holidays.

Question 17

Used Your Shirt As A Napkin

Kids are constantly getting messy or have boogers. It is very rare that you will leave your house with your child and they will not have some sort of mishap or get into a mess while out. When you are at a park or a store a napkin may not be around so have you ever reached down and wiped something with your shirt like it was a napkin or baby wipe? This is something most moms and dads will understand.

Question 18

Used Your Saliva As Soap

Speaking of cleaning your kids face while you're out, sometimes you have to do what your have to do. This may or may not include using your saliva as "soap". It is an age old thing that you see a lot of moms and grandmas do in movies and tv shows when kids come to them with some crumbs on their face or something smudged on their cheek. So have you ever licked your finger and wiped something with it?

Question 19

Peed While Laughing

When you have kids, especially when they are delivered naturally, a lot of things about your body will change. Some things may hang a bit lower than before and you may find that you are not as youthful as before your little ones. One thing that will probably happen to you once you have kids is that you will not be able to laugh, sneeze or even cough without peeing a little bit. Does this unfortunate thing happen to you?

Question 20

Let The Dishes Pile Up In The Sink

Like we said a few times in this quiz and you probably know if you have some little ones running around, when you have kids you virtually have now free time to do anything. This includes laundry and doing dishes! Yeah thats right when you have kids you don't even have time to do those boring chores that you once whined about doing. You will miss those quiet days of washing dishes and folding your laundry that you once thought were pure torture.

Question 21

Went To The Grocery Store In Your Pj's

Going to the grocery store is another one of those tedious tasks that you don't realize weren't that bad until you have to drag three little kids, or even just one, with you. When you were younger you might have dresses up a bit for the grocery store in hopes of seeing the cute checkout clerk or at least thrown on a pair of jeans. But have you ever been so frazzled from your crazy little ones that you didn't even get dressed?

Question 22

Forgotten To Eat A Meal

Eating is a wonderful thing. It is something that can make you feel better when you are depressed or upset so who the heck would forget to eat a meal? Well sometimes when you are super busy or very tired it can be easy to prioritize other things over eating such as picking up your kids or ever sleeping. So have you ever been so tired or so busy that you actually forgot to grab something for dinner or lunch?

Question 23

Been So Tired That You Don't Know How You Got Home

Having kids is exhausting. There is no way around it. Even when they are older and sleep through the night they will still tire you out by the end of the night, tire you out to the point that you never thought was possible. You may even find yourself in your driveway after work and not know how the heck you managed to get home safe when you were basically sleeping with your eyes open. Has this ever happened to you?

Question 24

Watched The Same Movie 1,000 Times

Kids are creatures of habit and once they find a movie or TV show that they like they will watch it over and over and over again until you can recite the entire thing forwards and backwards. So have you ever had to watch the same movie over and over again in order to keep your little ones quiet and entertained for a bit so that you could relax and maybe even get a little housework done? If not you're lucky!

Question 25

Gone Weeks Without Making Your Bed

Now this one can apply to a lot of different groups of people, not just moms. A lot of teenagers or college students can probably answer yes to this one because they are always looking to go out with friends or cram for exams. But moms also fall into the routine of not making their bed because they are always on the go and carpooling their children to school or other activities, never mind cooking dinner and getting the kids down.

Question 26

Gone Months Without Seeing Your Friends

If you are young or are extremely close to your group of friends this may seem like a total nightmare that would never happen or apply to you. But once you become a full adult who has a job, responsibilities and not to mention children it can feel impossible to make time for friends when you are constantly taking care of other people. If anything you find yourself gravitating towards those who have children as well because they understand your struggles.

Question 27

Gotten Way Into A Little League Game

When something involves your kid, it will instantly become way more important. Before you had kids you probably never imagined that you would be THAT mom at the little league games who is screaming at the ref and chanting their little one's name, its all for fun anyway right? Well when that is your little human up there it changes completely. Any homerun they get seems like a world championship and if they get out its definitely a wrong call.

Question 28

Cheered At A Middle School Concert Like You Were At A Rock Concert

Once again, when something involves your child it takes it to a whole new level. Your little one playing a few notes on a violin or getting a saxophone solo will become the topic of every conversation you ever start for the next year. So it only makes sense that you will scream like you just saw the hottest musician on the scene come on stage. So have you ever cheered loudly and obnoxiously at your little ones school concert?

Question 29

Forgot What Day Of The Week It Was

If there is one thing thats for sure about being a parent, its that kids will keep you nice and busy. So busy that you may forget things that you never thought were possible such as to wear shoes and what day of the week it is at any given time. This can be detrimental if your kids are in sports or other activities because you may end up at soccer when you were meant to be at music lessons or maybe dance.

Question 30

Used Most Of Your Paycheck For Bills

Now this one probably goes for met adults but if you have kids then your bills are most likely a whole lot higher then those who don't. Kids require a lot and depend on their parents to supply them with every single thing that they need. So have you ever gotten paid on Friday only to turn around and use pretty much all of your paycheck to cover bills and day to day expenses? This especially sucks if you're a single parent.

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