If You Pass This Quiz, You're Officially Smarter Than Your Friends

In every group of friends, there's always the "smart one." This person is often the voice of reason in the group, giving everyone sound advice and warning the entire group against stupid decisions. If you're the smart one, you'd definitely know it. But the thing about people is that they often think they're the smart one in the group when they're really not. Well, there's only one way to find out if your brain is the biggest out of all your friends. Take this simple quiz, and we'll see how your intelligence stacks up to the rest of the group.

You'll need to share your results with your friends, and only then will you be able to see who's the brainiest of the bunch. This quiz will test every brain cell that you've got, and topics range from science, general knowledge, animals, and much, much more. You'll need a well-rounded sense of intelligence to ace this one, not just expertise in one subject. Could it be that you're the brains of the operation? Or are you just a dim-witted follower who thinks you're smart? Take this quiz to find out... But don't blame us if your friends laugh at your low score...

Question 1

The Solar System Was Formed 4.6 _________ Years Ago

Our Solar System is our cosmic neighborhood, if you will - the small collection of planets, moons and asteroid belts that we call home. Over the many years of human development, we have had the chance to study our solar system extensively, although we still don't fully understand it - nor are we sure about what's in it. There are many more mysteries to uncover, but there's one thing that we're pretty sure about - its age. But can you fill in the blank?

Question 2

What Is Curry?

Curry. You may have heard this being mentioned from time to time. Your friends may have talked about it, or you may have seen it written in advertisements or in books. But just what IS curry? It seems to be all the rage, especially among more adventurous and cultured individuals. But for those who don't know what curry is, they can feel a bit lost when this concept is brought up in a conversation. But do you know what Curry is?

Question 3

Red Blood Cells Carry…

Red blood cells are some of the most important cells in the human body. These blood cells are amazing when you look at them up close, and in this picture we can see their true microscopic shape and form. There are countless diseases and ailments that can arise when red blood cells are not performing properly, and this can be quite traumatic. But there is one thing that red blood cells carry which is incredibly vital to survival. What is this?

Question 4

What Cosmic Occurrence Carries The Name “Halley?”

There are many different amazing things currently residing in our cosmos, and we haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to discovering all of them. Planets, moons and stars litter the galaxy like grains of sand on a beach. There are simply too many of them for most people to even comprehend. But some of these things have been witnessed by humans for thousands of years. One of which carries the name "Halley." But what is this thing known as?

Question 5

What Is The Currency Used In England?

They do things a little bit differently "over the pond," and it takes some getting used to if you ever visit England. Of course, some of you call England your home, and if so then you will find this question quite easy. One of the big differences between England and other parts of the globe is that they use a different form of currency. This currency has a different name. But do you know what the currency is called in England?

Question 6

True Or False, Pumpkins Are Technically Fruits

Pumpkins might not be the most popular food to eat, but every year we get obsessed with these strange, round things, as Halloween approached. You've probably carved a "Jack-O-Lantern" at least once in your life, and you may have even tasted the sweet deliciousness that is pumpkin pie. Yum. In addition, pumpkin seeds are actually considered a "superfood," packed with all kinds of amazing nutrients and vitamins. But what ARE pumpkins exactly? Could it be that Pumpkins are actually... fruits?

Question 7

True Or False, Infants Blink Less Than Adults

Most of us don't remember being an infant, and there's a cloud over our early memory that we just can't access. But what's certain is that during this time, infants are absorbing and experiencing the world for the first time. It must be a lot to take in. You can really see the wonder in babies' eyes as they stare around at everything unfolding before them. But what about infants' eyes is actually different to our own? Is it true they blink less?

Question 8

When will the wind erode the footprints on the moon?

Putting humans on the moon was one of our greatest ever feats. Sure, there are some conspiracy theorists that will tell you it never happened, but the general consensus is that we really did achieve this major feat. It's been a long time since we set foot on the moon, however, and people are starting to wonder when (or if) we'll ever go back. Will the footprints of past astronauts still be there? How long will it take before the wind erodes them?

Question 9

France, Spain And Germany Are All Part Of The ____________ Union

In this day and age, Europe is going through some major changes. Even 100 years ago, Europe was nowhere near the level of integration and cooperation that it currently enjoys. Back in the day, Europe was divided by Monarchical lines, with kings and queens of various nations fighting with each other for supremacy. Today, nations are making agreements with each other, signing treaties, and entering into Unions that allegedly protect and benefit them all. But can you fill in the blank?

Question 10

True Or False, Vegans Are Allowed To Eat Eggs

Vegans are becoming more and more common these days, as people become more and more conscious about what they eat, and more importantly, where it comes from. Vegans not only argue that their choices are healthier, but also more ethical and benevolent towards animals. Those who are vegan will be able to answer this question correctly right away, but those who are less familiar with the "rules" of being vegan might struggle a little. Are vegans allowed to eat eggs?

Question 11

Antibiotics Help Fight…

Antibiotics are undeniably one of the greatest achievements of medical science. These drugs can perform all kinds of amazing functions, and have saved countless lives since their introduction. One of the first antibiotics was penicillin, which comes from a type of mushroom. Antibiotics can even help people who have received organ transplants, as the antibiotics slows or prevents the body's immune system from rejecting the foreign tissue. But what exactly do antibiotics do? What specific thing are they designed to fight?

Question 12

Technically, Pluto Is Now Considered To Be A ________ Planet

Pluto is one of the most controversial and mysterious planets today. It's mysterious because it's very far away from the Earth - so logically we don't know as much about it as we do the other planets. But it's controversial for a completely different reason. Time and time again, scientists have argued about how exactly to classify Pluto, as it has some pretty big differences when compared to other planets. The debate rages on even to this day. But can you fill in the blank?

Question 13

What Is The Currency Of Mexico?

Mexico is a very interesting country with a vibrant culture and beautiful weather. Because of this, it's one of the most popular tourist destinations around the world. Even though Mexico shares a border with the USA, their countries are extremely different. Aside from the cultural differences, they also have a different type of currency. This unit of currency is typically much weaker than the US dollar, meaning things are cheaper in Mexico. But do you know what Mexico's currency is called?

Question 14

George Washington Is On Which US Paper Money Bill?

George Washington is one of America's most celebrated and early presidents in history. He was one of the people who crucially led the resistance effort against the imperialist British regime, and in the end he also went on to become a very interesting president. Presidents of his caliber are chosen to be on the paper US money bills, and so everyone knows the face of these amazing presidents, whether they know it or not. But do you know WHICH bill George Washington is on?

Question 15

Diamonds Are Made Of…

Diamonds are some of the most valuable substances on Earth, and they are used in all kinds of different applications. But the most common is in jewelry, where the diamond is frequently seen on earrings, necklaces, and of course engagement rings. This tradition of using diamonds in engagement rings goes back hundreds of years, although some see it as something of a conspiracy. Despite popular belief, diamonds are NOT rare, and are commonly found in the Earth's crust. But what are they made out of?

Question 16

Which Two Elements Make Up Water?

Water is another one of the most precious substances on Earth, and unlike diamonds, we would die if we didn't have it. Water is tasteless, and has no scent, but drinking it can be more refreshing and satisfying than drinking the finest, most expensive beverage. There's nothing that can really replace it, and that's why it's such a tragedy that so much of the world's population goes thirsty without access to clean drinking water. But do you know which two elements make up drinking water?

Question 17

True Or False, There Is Ice On Mars

Mars represents one of the biggest mysteries and one of the biggest challenges to the human race. There has been endless speculation about what happened to the surface of Mars, and what kind of planet it once was. Was it teeming with life in the same way Earth is now? Some scientists seem to think so. Some even think there might still be microbial life on its surface. It could be there. But do you know if there's ice on Mars?

Question 18

With Inflation, Does Money Increase In Value Or Decrease?

Most people are blissfully unaware of how the economy actually works, and see it as a complex and abstract system that they'd rather not worry about. As long as they keep getting their paychecks, they're happy. But so much of what happens in the economy affects people directly, whether they realize it or not. This is especially true when it comes to corruption, which is sadly rampant these days. But what about inflation? Does money increase or decrease in value?

Question 19

Human Beings Exhale…

Human beings might depend on Oxygen to live, but when that air leaves their bodies as they exhale, the gas is in a completely different form. The molecular structure of the gas has changed, and that gas can no longer be inhaled by humans. That is why without adequate air supply, people suffocate on cramped areas like submarines or spaceships. But plants love the gas that we exhale, as they actually breathe it in, just like we breathe in oxygen. Do you know what this gas is?

Question 20

Hydropower Is The Process Of Generating Electricity From…

There are many different methods of harnessing power, and some of the most promising and interesting methods involve using the Earth's natural energy to provide electrical power. These methods are so exciting because they're completely clean, unlike burning fossil fuels or generating nuclear energy. Hydropower is one example of these types of energy, and many cities and areas depend on Hydropower for the majority of their electrical supply. It's a great source of energy, but do you know where it actually comes from?

Question 21

Which Country Has More Tornadoes Than Any Other Country In The World?

Tornadoes are a frequent occurrence all over the world, but some countries never even see them (except on the news, of course). Other countries aren't so lucky, and seem to get more tornadoes than any other country in the world. Tornadoes are pretty devastating, and can cause widespread destruction and problems for the communities facing them. It's not uncommon for tornadoes to completely demolish houses, especially those that are less sturdy, such as trailer homes. But which country experiences the most tornadoes?

Question 22

True Or False, Shekels Are The Currency Of Israel

Israel is a country that is extremely unique, and it's presence in the Middle East is one of the strongest. The nation is strongly nationalist, divided from the rest of the region over ethnic lines. The country is proudly considered the homeland of the Jewish people, and as such the culture there is something you won't find anywhere else in the entire world. There are many cultural differences, but one of note is their money. But is it true that the currency in Israel is the Shekel?

Question 23

What does Hippopotamus mean?

Hippopotamuses are some of the most interesting creatures in the world, and there's a lot more to them than meets the eye. Although Hippopotamuses might seem fat and slow, the truth is that they can run much faster than a human being when they're at full charge. And while that may seem unlikely, remember that hippos are actually the most deadly animals in the jungle, responsible for more deaths than any other creature. But do you know what the word "Hippopotamus" actually means?

Question 24

The Earth’s Core Is Made Of…

There have been plenty of fictional works about a journey to the center of the Earth. It's very mysterious and much less accessible to us than even the moon. The more you drill, the hotter it gets. Some have speculated that there are whole underground societies that we'll never encounter, or some that actually rule the world in shadow. Most people just stick to the crust and the mantle though. But do you know what's at the very center of our blue planet?

Question 25

A Scientist Who Studies Physics Is Known As A…

Richard Dawkins famously once quoted a scientific journal by saying, "Science is interesting and if you don't think so ---" well, we can't say the WHOLE quote here, but he had some choice words. Not everybody has to be interested in science, but for those who are, there are plenty of fields in which they can exercise that interest. From physics to biology to chemistry to mathematics, there's plenty to learn about. So, do you know what we would call a person who does physics for a living?

Question 26

What’s The Fastest Land Animal In The World?

Some might argue that the fastest animal in the world is a dog who heard the food bag open, but they would, in fact be wrong. There are plenty of super quick animals on land, in the air, and in the sea. This particular animal though, has no competition when it comes to sheer speed. Did you know though, that humans are actually among the best distance runners in the animal kingdom? We might not get there fastest, but we definitely go furthest!

Question 27

When copper ‘rusts,’ it turns...

Rust is a chemical process by which metal atoms interact with oxygen atoms to produce a new material. Many substances oxidize in this way, but the term "rust" is generally applied to metals. Iron turns a dark orange reddish brown color (or rust) when exposed to air and usually water. Copper, brass, and bronze go through a similar process but they change into a much different color. No doubt, you've seen it before. Just think of a roof on an old building or a really old penny!

Question 28

The Currency Used In Japan Is The…

Japan is an amazing country. They're incredibly technologically advanced and export tons of cool products as well as media. There are few people today who still think anime is only for losers and just about everybody probably has something that was either created or made in Japan. It has a gorgeous countryside too and a diverse culture. Did you know that their ATMs work with fingerprint scanners? It's like living in the future! But do you know what their currency is called?

Question 29

The Only Mammals That Can Achieve Sustained Levels Of Flight Are…

Birds and fish definitely have something over most land-dwelling mammals and reptiles. They can move in three dimensions to get to wherever they're going. Just imaging how much time you could save if instead of having to go down surface streets and wait for traffic! There is one type of mammal though, that has discovered the secret to sustained flight. This question is basically a gimmer, but be careful when you're answering. One of the answers below might be deceiving.

Question 30

True Or False, Strawberries Aren’t Even Technically Berries

Strawberries have long been considered a delicacy and a real treat all over the world. If you've ever tasted them, you know just how sweet and tasty these things really are. They grow on vines, and they can be pretty tough for farmers to manage. But if they do it properly, they can look forward to a massive harvest of some of the most delicious fruits known to man. You can make all kinds of treats from them - including jam. But is it true that they're not even berries?!

Question 31

What happens first? Lightning or Thunder??

Lightning and thunder are linked together as one phenomenon, although they are two very different things. It's true that one is caused by the other, but they are somewhat unrelated. Thunder is caused by rapidly expanding air, which breaks the sound barrier, causing a loud bang. But does this happen before or after lightning is seen? Some of you may know that you count the seconds after thunder is heard to know how far away lightning is. But which comes first?

Question 32

True Or False, Cranberries Bounce When They’re Ripe

Cranberries are another popular berry that are farmed all across the world, although there are huge cranberry farms in the USA. These farmers literally wade through water, where the cranberries float in huge numbers and pools. Cranberries can be eaten raw, or dried like raisins and eaten as a snack. Alternatively, they can be made into Cranberry juice, which is one of the most nutritious and healthy beverages. But before all that, the cranberries must ripen. Is it true that they bounce when ripe?

Question 33

Who Does Most Of The Hunting, Male Or Female Lions?

Lions are some of the most magnificent creatures in the natural world. Watching them hunt is a strange feeling. On the one hand, you feel sorry for the animals that they eventually catch and eat. But on the other hand, you can't help but admire the raw power and determination of the lions as the hunt down their prey. Hunting for lions is not an equal affair however. One gender does most of the hunting. But is it the females or the males?

Question 34

What’s The Hardest Known Substance To Man?

There are many substances on this Earth that are incredibly hard. Such things are in high demand, as we start to make more and more items, tools, and structures that need to be able to stand the test of time. Sometimes, we create these substances in laboratories or factories, and the hardness we achieve is pretty insane. But other times, the hardest substances are actually naturally occurring metals and minerals. Do you know what the hardest substance known to man is?

Question 35

True Or False, The Skin Of Polar Bears Is White

Polar Bears are another spectacular type of creature known to man, and these animals are sadly quite threatened and endangered. Their numbers are low, but hopefully that will change due to conservation efforts. Polar Bears are well-known for their white fur, although their hair follicles are actually slightly transparent, not totally white! But have you ever wondered what's underneath that beautiful white fur? One would assume that if the polar bear's fur is white then the skin is too... right?

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