If You Fail This Quiz, You're Definitely A Blonde

We've all heard plenty of "dumb blonde" jokes before in our lives. Is there any actual truth to this stereotype. Many of us with blonde friends will jokingly say that yes, it is true that all blondes are dumb. But many of us will also admit that blonde people are often some of the most intelligent people we know. Jokes and stereotypes like these don't just spring out of nowhere, however, and they're must have been some reason a joke like this spread around. What often springs to mind when you think "dumb blonde" is the so-called "bimbos," the brainless individuals who seem to enjoy their own ignorance. But many of these people actually dye their hair blonde, so is their ignorance really a reflection on blonde people as a whole?

It's clear that there's only one real way to find out. That's right, a quiz. If you're blonde, you can take this quiz to find out if there really is any truth to this rumor. Ace the quiz, and you'll prove them all wrong. Fail, and you'll have to accept the fact that you really are just another dumb blonde.

And if you're not blonde? Well, after taking this quiz, you might just find out that you have some blonde genes hiding in there somewhere..

Question 1

If your're digging a hole that is 10 feet deep with a diameter of 3 feet, how much dirt do you think there is in the hole?

Here's one question that might stump you. It seems easy enough - just try to figure out how much dirt, or soil, there is in the hole. We've already given you a few valuable pieces of information, but you need to really read over this question quite a few times before you understand how to properly answer it. It's an interesting question because we've all been in this situation before - digging a hole, that is. But do you know how much dirt there is?

Question 2

Which Word Is Spelled Incorrectly In The Dictionary?

Here's another question that might just stump you. We all know that a dictionary is one of the most useful tools you'll ever come into contact with. Many people have actually read the dictionary, and they're vocabulary and overall intelligence increases as a result. It might not be the most interesting of reads, but it's one of the most useful things you can scan through. But there is one word spelled incorrectly in the dictionary. Do you know what it is?

Question 3

What Would You Find In The Innermost Core Of Human Bones?

The human body is a very interesting and complex thing, and learning more about it can be overwhelmingly complicated. That's why only the most intelligent people go on to become doctors. They need to know everything there is about our bodies, and there's enough information packed into our frames to fill an entire galaxy. Our bones are some of the most complex features, and they show just how much we've evolved over the years. But do you know what you'd find in their cores?

Question 4

True Or False, DNA Is In A Double Helix Shape

DNA is another part of us that is incredibly complex. DNA is the building blocks of life, the information that is encoded to make a living thing. This information is condensed into a tiny, microscopic code, and we're just beginning to understand what that code actually means. Ventures like the human genome project have given us a much deeper understanding about what genes do what and how we can manipulate them. But is it true that DNA is in a double helix shape?

Question 5

True Or False, Our Ears Help Us Balance

Our ears are another part of our body that separate us from other organisms with their amazing complexity. True, we don't have as good of hearing as some other animals, but that doesn't mean that our ears aren't extremely advanced. Dogs, for example, can hear a much larger spectrum of sounds than us. Our ears are the things which bring music to our ears, and we can hear others communicate with them. But is it true that ears also help us balance?

Question 6

True Or False, Our Skin Is Not Considered An Organ

Another part of our body that everyone is familiar with is the skin. The skin is an easy feature to get familiar with, because it's on the outside of our body for all to see. Skin is actually a lot more complex than you might think. We need skin to absorb vitamins from the sun, as well as sweat and absorb toxins. Additionally, our skin's condition is a great indicator of our overall health. But is it true that skin is not considered an organ?

Question 7

What Is The Study Of Plants Known As?

Plants are some of the most interersting organisms on this planet. They might not be the most mobile of living things, but they are deceptively complex. Plants are also some of the most varied life forms, with plants of many different types and species. Plants are spread to almost every corner of the globe, and each species has adapted to fulfill a vital role. One example is the venus fly trap, which has actually adapted to eat insects. But what is the study of plants?

Question 8

Which Of The Following Is NOT An Element?

The purest substances on Earth are known as elements. These molecules are made up of only one type of substance. There are many elements known to us, although some are more widespread than others. Some are present when we breath in the air, and others can be found deep within the crust of the Earth. However, there is often some confusion when it comes to what exactly IS an element. Which of these following things is NOT actually an element?

Question 9

True Or False, Iron Is The Most Common Metal On Earth

Metals are very important to us in so many different ways. Some metals are actually crucial to our health. Iron, for example, is found in the blood and without high enough levels of this metal, our health seriously suffers. Magnesium is another example of a metal that is required for good health. But metals are also essential to humans when it comes to building and tool-making. This has been true for thousands of years. But is it true that Iron is the most common metal?

Question 10

The Biggest Tidal Waves Are Known As...

Humans love the ocean and many communities have a strong relationship with the waters and beaches. Many communities depend on the ocean for fish and other resources. And many of us simply want to enjoy all the fun things that the ocean has to offer. Waves can be a great source of enjoyment when we go out surfing. But waves can also be incredibly dangerous, especially when they get to a huge size. But what are the biggest tidal waves known as?

Question 11

What Is An Omnivore?

Diet is very important in the natural world, and an animal's diet dictates how it acts and interacts with the world around them. Their choice of food will force them to adopt certain tactics to make sure that they get the food they need. Us humans don't need to try as hard to get our food, because we can simply go to our local grocery stores to find our food. But do you know what the word "Omnivore" actually means?

Question 12

What Is The Highest Mountain On Earth?

The Earth is home to some spectacular mountains, and almost every continent has some amazing peaks that people love to climb. People have always maintained a strong relationship with their local mountains. Some cultures even view certain mountains as holy, worshiping them in the same way as they would a god. But there is one mountain on Earth that is much larger than any other, and this one is one of the most popular destinations for mountain climbers around the world...

Question 13

At Its Closest Point During Its Orbit, Which Planet Is Closer To Earth, Mars Or Venus?

Mars and Venus are two planet that people have been very interested in since the ancient times. Aside from the stars, these two planets are some of the brightest things in the night sky. Mars and Venus also have a place in our ancient history as gods, and people worshiped them in the past. In real terms, Mars and Venus are the two planets which are closest to Earth. But do you know which of the two planets is closest?

Question 14

What Is The Latin Name For Our Sun?

Our sun is the singlemost important thing to our life here on Earth. It provides us with warmth, and it also helps plants grow, which is the most important food source on this Earth. People have worshiped this huge star for many years, dating back from when we first started to understand the world around us. There have been entire religions devoted to sun worship in the past. But do you know what the Latin name for our sun is?

Question 15

True Or False, Goats Can Create Milk

Goats are some of the strangest, funniest creatures around. If you've ever been to a petting zoo or a farm, you know how crazy these animals can get. For the longest time, these animals symbolized frivolity and celebration, and were closely associated with wine. Their head and body is also associated with satanism and occult symbols like the baphomet. But today, these animals are extremely useful to have around on a farm. But is it true that goats can create milk?

Question 16

True Or False, Kelvin Is A Measure Of Temperature

Science is considered to be one of the few areas in which different countries can all collaborate using the same scientific language. Science is a universal concept and does not vary based on culture or nationality. That's why many scientific words are in Latin, which is considered to be a universal or neutral language that all can understand. Strangely, the same not be said for units of measurement, which seem to vary greatly from country to country. Is it true that Kelvin is a measure of temperature?

Question 17

Which Of The Following Was NOT An Ancient Culture?

Ancient cultures are a mysterious look into our past, and many people devote their entire lives to studying these mysterious past cultures. By studiying them, we can learn more about ourselves, and where we really came from. Some of these cultures were incredibly advanced, and many of them still hold inticing mysteries that are still unsolved to this day. We are learning more and more about them ever single day. But do you know which of these was NOT an ancient culture?

Question 18

How Many Atom Bombs Were Dropped On Japan During WW2?

World War Two was one of the most devastating periods in human history. Many millions died, and the world was awakened to an even more brutal style of war than had previously been seen in World War One. New technology such as the atom bomb surfaced to shock the world. But in truth, far more people died from the fire bombing of Japan than they did from nukes. But do you know how many nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan?

Question 19

Who Was The First American President?

American should be able to get this question without much trouble. It's a well-known fact that American children are taught extensively about their own history and culture when they go through the school system. This is the same as in any country - the educational focus is primarily on the nation around you, at least as far as history goes. Many other people will probably be able to get this question, though. So who was the first president of the USA?

Question 20

If You Are Traveling On A Flat Road At 67 Mph, How Far Would You Get In 60 Minutes?

Everyone loves to go fast these days. All across the world, car culture has become pretty big, and fast cars are now a major status symbol. Cars are seen as a 'must-have,' even though they're incredibly expensive to run, and do damage to the environment around them. Soon enough, we might have to switch to an alternative means of transportation. But most people will understand the basics of this question, even if they've never driven before. Do you know how far you'd get?

Question 21

What Is The Latin Name For Our Moon?

Our moon is another astronomical feature in our night sky that has been the subject of countless legends, stories, myths and religions over the many years of the human race. This rock in our orbit actually appears during the day as well, and we managed to land people on the moon many decades ago. The moon is also the subject of many conspiracy theories, some of them quite shocking. But do you know the Latin name for this planet's moon?

Question 22

True Or False, With Modern Technology, We Could Recreate The Pyramids Of Giza If We Wanted To

The pyramids of Giza represent one of the most entrancing mysteries of our time. These pyramids have existed for many thousands of years, although many other researchers believe they have existed for MUCH longer than mainstream science indicates. There is also evidence that the actual builders of the pyramids, especially the great pyramid, is unknown. Who built these pyramids? Perhaps the greater question is WHY or HOW. We don't really know how these structures were built. But is it true that we could recreate the pyramids today if we wanted to?

Question 23

What Does IBM Stand For?

IBM is one of the biggest countries in the world, and many of you are no doubt familiar with them. You'd have to be living under a rock NOT to know about this computer company, and many of you have either purchased or used their products over the years. They emerged as the giants of the computer industry very early into the rise of computing and the internet, and they've been riding that wave ever since. But do you know what IBM stands for?

Question 24

What Is The Latin Name For Our Earth?

Our Earth is the planet we call home, and many of us take it for granted. In the ancient times, we used to worship the planet and the natural world. We would worship female deities that would represent the planet, the so-called mother earth goddesses. Back them, we had a very specific name for the planet in one corner of the globe, and that word is still used in some circles today. But do you know the Latin name for the Earth?

Question 25

Identify This Animal

Any normal person is familiar with a wide range of animals, as most animals are super cute, especially mammals. Most of us are obsessed with animals as kids, and we amass a huge wealth of knowledge when it comes to the various organisms in the animal kingdom. Some animals we see as our favorites, while others we don't really care about. Well, these animals in particular are loved by many but they're considered pests in their country. Can you identify them?

Question 26

Identify This Flag

This flag will be easy for many to identify, as it comes from one of the most well-known countries in the world. This country has a long and illustrious history, and you can clearly see that in the old crest displayed here on this flag. The country today is not as powerful as it once was, but there was a time when this nation's empire stretched around the globe. The question remains - can you identify this particular nation's flag?

Question 27

What Body Of Water Separates England And France?

England and France are two nations that have a very closely related past. The two countries have been at odds with each other on numerous occasions, and England has been invaded by France on at least once occasion, and the two nations have been enemies in the past. But for two nations that have hated each other in the past, perhaps the most surprising thing is that the countries are separated by an extremely small body of water. What is this called?

Question 28

True Or False, Whales Have Gills

Whales are some of the most majestic and wonderful creatures known to man, and we have long admired their noble presence in the seas of our planet. Whales come in all shapes and sizes, and they also seem to have their own language or method of communication underwater. You also get the sense that these animals are very intelligent in relation to most other animals, and they have strong social bonds with each other. But is it true that Whales have gills?

Question 29

What Is The Fastest Land Mammal?

Land Mammals are extremely varied, and the surface of our planet is now dominated by all kinds of different mammals, including us humans. These mammals have adapted to almost every different type of environment you can think of, from the baking sands of the desert to the freezing tundras and ice sheets of Antarctica. There are a few niches that mammals have filled with ease. One of which holds the honor of being the fastest land mammal. But which animal is this?

Question 30

What Are Spider Webs Made From?

Spiders are some of the most interesting creatures on this earth, and they have long been immortalized in countless ancient songs, traditions, and legends. They are generally portrayed as cold and evil, but the truth is that they provide a vital service to our planet and indeed many of our human settlements. They actually spin webs and capture and kill flies and other disease spreading insects, doing us a great service in the process. But what are these webs made of?

Question 31

True Or False, No Dinosaur Species Was Capable Of Flight

Dinosaurs were some of the most incredible creatures that ever walked the Earth. Before the age of the mammals, these gargantuan reptiles reigned supreme. If they never went extinct, we never would have had our chance, and the dominant life form might well be some kind of super-intelligent reptilian humanoid. Reptiles and dinosaurs were evolving very quickly at the time of their demise, and they had adapted to fill a wide range of niches and roles. But is it true that no dinosaur ever evolved to fly?

Question 32

After Two Yellow Cards In Soccer, What Happens To The Player Who Received Them?

Soccer is considered to the "world game," and for good reason. It is by far the most popular sport in the world, and many countries follow the game with a near religious devotion. Aside from following your local team, most countries have enormous pride in their national team, and the world cup is always a major event on the planet. The rules are a little bit complicated, at least for the outside viewer. What happens when a player gets two yellow cards?

Question 33

Which Of The Following Is NOT An Example Of A Tree?

Trees are some of the most varied and interesting living things on this planet. They are also some of the oldest living organisms on the planet. At old age, they can reach to enormous heights and wide widths. These trees are silent witnesses to the passing of the centuries, and they stand like nature's noble temples. They might not be so silent, however - recent research suggests that trees can actually communicate with each other. But which of these is NOT a tree?

Question 34

Which Recent Virus Is Spread By Mosquitoes?

The world is plagued with diseases, and more seem to come forth with every coming year. Although it's possible to get vaccinated for certain diseases and viruses, you can never stop the unpredictable nature of new viruses mutating and making themselves known to man. One of the most recent viruses is actually spread by mosquitoes in certain climates, and it's causing quite a scare due to it causing birth defects. But do you know what the name of this virus is?

Question 35

True Or False, It Is Possible For Two Parents With Brown Hair To Give Birth To A Blonde Child

Well, by now you should have a pretty good idea of whether or not you're actually blonde. But is there any truth to the whole "dumb blonde" stereotype? Many people comment on how blonde people are rare. It's true that blonde people aren't commonly seen especially in countries outside of Scandinavia. And many people dye their hair blonde, so you can never really tell how many blonde people there actually are. But is it true that it's possible for two blonde parents to give birth to a blonde child?

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