If You Don't Ace This Toddler Quiz, It's Time To Get A Nanny

From a young age, women are taught about motherhood and everything it entails. While some young boys will play with cars and figurines, most little girls will hug a baby doll to their chest and copy their mothers. While this can be seen as cute, more and more parents are encouraging their daughters to play with toys, and not pay too much thought to the promise of motherhood.

Motherhood is something we can never prepare ourselves for, as it is the ultimate sacrifice. However, most of us were born wit the desire to one day hold a baby in our arms and call them ours. While some mothers will become professionals in no time, others will struggle with what it means to be a mom. In the end, there is nothing wrong with needing a little help, which is why many mothers choose to hire a nanny or a part-time babysitter.

In an ideal world, every mother would be entitled to maternity leave, but sadly, this isn't the case. In fact, most American women are back at work within a few short weeks of giving birth, which can make hiring a nanny necessary.

If you can pass this toddler quiz, it'll be obvious that you've never needed a nanny in your life.

Question 1

When do toddlers start talking?

There's nothing more special than having a baby, however, each and every day you get to watch your baby grow becomes the most special one of all. Since babies gurgle at most, it's always a proud day for a parent when their toddler starts repeating certain words. Did you know that toddlers can learn a new word every few hours or so? If you didn't, now you do! Just remember; a toddler's brain is a sponge, so watch what you say around them.

Question 2

Which question is every toddler’s favorite?

If you're thinking that this question makes no sense, allow us to reason with you. Sure, a toddler might ask an abundance of questions every single day, but there is one that always manages to resurface. In truth, many parents start to lose it after being asked this question more than 3 times in a row. But this won't stop a toddler from wanting some answers. Do you know which question is every toddler's favorite? If so, choose the right answer already!

Question 3

Should you monitor what your toddler watches on TV?

Back in the day, parents had to kick their kids out of the house to get rid of them for a few hours. But today, all a parent needs is to turn on the television if they want some good old peace and quiet. However, doing this on a daily basis can have bad effects on a toddler, as they will be receiving their main education through a television set. Children are sponges, which is why TV can be both good and bad for them.

Question 4

When should you bring a toddler to the hospital?

There is nothing scarier than hearing your child cough at night, which is why a lot of parents don't hesitate to rush to the hospital when their kid gets sick. While doing this is great, bringing your baby to the doctor for every little hiccup can be expensive and unnecessary. After a few months or years, new parents become accustomed with what a minor illness is, and what needs immediate medical attention. When should you bring a toddler to the hospital?

Question 5

How many hours of sleep does a toddler need a night?

Did you know that a newborn baby sleeps up to 18 hours a day? If so, it's safe to assume that you know everything there is to know about babies and toddlers. As a baby gets older and wiser, their need for sleep begins to diminish. Before long, these babies turn into toddlers, and nap times start disappearing. If you know everything there is to know about toddlers, you'll be able to tell us how many hours of sleep a toddler needs a night.

Question 6

True or False: A toddler can understand a word’s meaning without being able to speak it.

When you look into your toddler's eyes, you can clearly see that they are focusing on your face and taking in their surroundings. However, they are unable to utter a word until their developmental stage heightens. Nevertheless, mothers and fathers continue to talk and sing to their toddlers, as this can help them become interested in speaking. Do you think that it's possible for a toddler to understand language without being able to speak it? If so, let us know!

Question 7

Do toddlers dream?

Have you ever wondered whether or not babies and toddlers dream like adults do? If so, chances are you researched this matter and now know the answer. While it is true that most people dream, not everyone is able to remember their dreams clearly, as this can take a lot of practice. However, as many of us have come to find, toddlers are still tuned in to a higher power, which allows them to see or understand things in a different light.

Question 8

Where should you put your toddler’s car seat?

Do you remember when Britney Spears got caught driving with her kid in her lap? If so, you'll remember how much backlash she received for her actions. While driving this way is dangerous, the older generations did as they pleased, and most people turned out just fine. Today, however, the rules are serious and reinforced, so it's crucial for parents to obey them. Do you know where the most ideal place to attach a car seat is? If so, choose an option.

Question 9

What do toddlers hate?

Toddlers are very vocal about their needs and wants, which is why some parents preferred it when their children couldn't speak at all. Unfortunately for them, however, language comes with a silver tongue, making toddlers unstoppable. Toddlers are known for having outbursts and feeling particularly aggravated, as they can't yet achieve everything they want to. If there's one thing that every toddler hates to do, however, it's one of the following options below. So, do you know what every toddler hates or not?

Question 10

True or False: Toddlers shouldn’t help out in the kitchen.

Have you ever noticed that toddlers are huge copycats? If so, you might have started cleaning the house on a daily basis to get them to follow suite. As many parents have come to find, toddlers can be very picky when it comes to meals, which is why keeping it simple may be best. Regardless of this, some parents end up pushing their kids into eating certain foods. Do you think that it would be a good idea for a toddler to help out in the kitchen?

Question 11

Why do toddlers put everything in their mouth?

If adults acted like babies did, the world would be a disastrous place and everyone would be sick all of the time. This is due to toddlers having the need to put everything they can into their mouths. While some people may think that this is due to teething, it actually isn't. It can take months or years for a baby to realize that not everything tastes good — but once they do, this dirty habit will be broken forever.

Question 12

What is the meaning behind the term “Terrible Twos”?

Most mothers like having a baby in the family, as this is one of the only times when children enjoy being held by their mothers. As many mothers have come to find, after a few short years, their babies will grow up and start acting independently. Before this can occur, however, babies need to go through a stage of their own. Do you know what the term 'terrible twos' means? If so, why don't you let us know what it means?

Question 13

True or False: Your toddler will mimic your actions — whether you like it or not.

If there's one thing that every parents knows all too well, it's that their babies are always watching them. You might think that your toddler's blank stare means that he's not paying attention, but you'd be wrong to assume so. At the end of the day, toddlers are sponges, meaning that they enjoy copying everything they see. However, not every parent is going to have this issue. Do you think that toddlers copy the actions of others — whether they like to or not?

Question 14

Is it important for toddlers to be physically active?

If you have a toddler at home right now, they're probably taking a daytime nap or causing havoc. In the end, there's no in-between when it comes to the terrible twos. Have you ever wondered where your toddler gets his energy from? If so, you should know that their cells are working overtime to help their body grow, causing them to need to expense as much energy as possible. Regardless of this, some parents don't think that physical activity is good for young toddlers.

Question 15

When does a child stop needing daytime naps?

When you were a kid, did you hate taking daytime naps? If not, it's probably because you thought that you were too old for them. Funny enough, most toddlers end up growing up and craving nap times like never before. Being an adult is hard, but in the end, at least we won't have a mental breakdown if we don't get a morning nap. If you're the parent of a toddler, surely you'll know when your kid stops having the need for naps.

Question 16

True or False: Toddlers are brutally honest.

If this question doesn't make you laugh, you definitely have a nanny at home right now. As many people have come to know, kids sometimes say the most savage things of all. This is due to them not having a filter around strangers, and not knowing how to react in social situations. Sure, kids can be savage, but they aren't always honest either. This can make trusting everything they say a major faux-pas. Do you think toddlers are brutally honest?

Question 17

Is it important to vaccinate your child?

There are millions of people in this world who refuse to vaccinate their children, as they believe this to be a bad and dangerous idea. However, doctors cannot stress how important giving your baby shots can be. In the past, young children used to pass away from the smallest colds and flues, but thanks to vaccinations, this seldom occurs today. Regardless, some parents choose to take a chance and skimp out on vaccinations, as they are terrified of what these vaccines can do to their kids.

Question 18

At what age does a toddler start drawing?

From a young age, children are drawn towards bright colors, shapes, and activities. With this in mind, it isn't surprising to hear that the average child shows interest in drawing from an early age. In order to help your toddler develop some key skills, encouraging them to hold a pencil and draw lines on a piece of paper can be a good idea. However, make sure to keep a close eye on them or else your walls might take a beating.

Question 19

Can toddlers keep a secret?

Have you ever told a toddler a secret and lived to regret it? If so, join the club. Most mothers find out very early on that their children are their eyes and ears. This means that most children will come home and blurt out every single detail of their day, down to who said what and who was with who. This can make it hard for people to trust toddlers, as they clearly have no filter. So, can a toddler keep a secret?

Question 20

At what age should you start potty training your child?

It is every parents' dream to potty train their toddlers as early as possible, as this means not having to change diapers anymore. However, forcing your kid to use the potty can have negative effects on them, hence why most parents wait until their kids reach a certain age. Learning something new can be a big deal, which is why a lot of toddlers encounter stress when trying to potty train. Remaining clam and supportive is the best thing a parent can do.

Question 21

When should you start teaching your toddler manners?

There are few things worse than raising rude children with bad manners, which is why most parents make it their priority to teach their children good manners. However, not everyone is dedicated to being a good role model, which can lead to them swearing in front of their toddlers and enforcing bad mannerisms. In order for you to raise a respectful and calm kid, you need to act this way yourself. When should a parent start focusing on their child's behavioral issues?

Question 22

Why do toddlers need to follow a daily routine?

Being born is no joke, which is probably why none of us remember this action. While it is said that children do not remember the first few years of their life due to having amnesia as a baby, others believe that we just block it out. From the second a baby is born, they are trying to grasp at their surroundings and make sense of the world they have just entered. Do you know why it's so crucial for them to follow a daily routine?

Question 23

How can you influence your toddler to enjoy reading?

If there's one thing that every parent wants for their child, it's for them to have an easy time at school and maintain good grades. Doing this can be hard to do nowadays, however, as technology is the only thing on a toddler's mind. If you want your kid to end up being an intellectual, there are many ways for you to do this. The best way to get a toddler interested in learning is to get them interested in reading.

Question 24

True or False: A child is ambidextrous until the age of 2.

In order for you to be able to answer this question correctly, you need to know what the word ambidextrous means. If you don't know what this means, however, allow us to explain it to you. An ambidextrous person is someone who can write with both their left and right hand. However, their writing capabilities should be the same with both hands. Do you think that babies are born using one hand more than the other, or that this develops over time?

Question 25

Why do toddlers have better hearing capabilities than adults?

Did you know that babies and toddlers can hear better than the average adult? If not, now you do! Although little known, children are born with 'newer' ears, meaning that they haven't had their hearing tarnished by noise pollution and other things. This causes them to be able to hear better than us, but it's not the only reason why. Most parents know the reasoning behind this, as they have read it in a baby book or two. So, what's it going to be?

Question 26

Which of the following actions should a parent prevent their toddler from doing?

Toddlers aren't the easiest people to control, and this is due to them reacting to events by impulse. As many moms have come to find, telling a toddler not to do something can lead them to doing the exact opposite. Since toddlers (and humans) are curious by nature, telling them not to do something is a bad idea. Regardless, there are some habits that parents need to break before they become permanent. Out of the following options, what should a parents prevent their kid from doing?

Question 27

When should you start brushing your toddler’s teeth?

You might not be fond of flossing and brushing your teeth, but most people are even less fond of huge dental bills. As many of us surely know, the dentist can be extremely expensive, causing some people to choose extractions over restorations. In order for your kid to form good habits, teaching them how to properly brush their teeth will be a given. In the end, no kid wants to get a filling done, as this can be traumatizing.

Question 28

How should you handle a tantrum?

There are few things worse than bringing your toddler to a populated area and having them throw a tantrum. Since most people do not understand what tantrums are, they are quick to judge the toddler's parents. However, doing this is never a good idea, as adding fuel to the fire can prolong a toddler's tantrum. Out of the options below, choose which one you would apply in order to get a toddler to stop throwing a tantrum. Don't worry, we won't judge.

Question 29

When should your child learn how to swim?

Parents want what's best for their children, which is why they try to teach them how to swim and ride a bike from an early age. However, if there's one thing every parent should put some stress on, it's swimming. In the end, it's super important for kids to know how to swim, as this can save their life in a precarious situation. Learning how to swim may be scary, but most toddlers will be excited to take on the task.

Question 30

True or False: Toddlers don’t have kneecaps until the age of three.

This question might baffle you, and if it does, it's quite clear that you have a nanny at home right now. Before having a baby, a lot of mothers make it a point to read every baby book on the market, as this can help them gage what they're in for. While this question might sound weird, it's perfectly normal! So, can you tell us what the right answer is — or are you Googling the answer as we speak?

Question 31

True or False: Toddlers grow in their sleep.

Have you ever experienced growing pains? If so, it's safe to assume that you became tall very quickly. While the majority of people don't experience growing pains, some will never forget the feeling. Have you ever wondered when it is that your toddler grows? If so, you might have taken the time to research this matter on your own. Should this be the case, you'll be able to tell us what we need to know. So, do toddlers grow in their sleep?

Question 32

How big is your toddler’s stomach?

Have you ever wondered why your toddler doesn't like to eat big meals? If so, you might have made the time to research this information on the internet or in a baby book. As many of you know, your stomach has the ability to grow and shrink itself to new sizes — this all just depends on how much you eat on a daily basis. When it comes to toddlers, however, their need for food can seem quite sporadic, and here's why.

Question 33

How can you enhance your toddler’s listening skills?

The last thing a parent wants it to raise a child who has issues with authority and listening to others. In other words, it's everyone's fear to have a child who has no respect for their elders or peers. In order to stop this from happening, many parents choose to act a certain way in front of their children, as this can influence their personality and mannerisms. How would you enhance your toddler's listening skills? Choose an option from the list below.

Question 34

True or False: It’s normal for children to be picky eaters?

Do you have a hard time feeding your toddler? If so, you might lose your mind every single time your toddler tells you that he's hungry. Making food for a big group of people can be challenging, but making food for young children can sometimes seem impossible. If there's one thing that evert kid loves, however, it's chicken nuggets and Ketchup. Would you say that it's normal for toddlers to be picky eaters, or that some people are just born this way?

Question 35

True or False: Toddlers love a good mess.

Have you ever wondered why toddlers and young children typically find themselves surrounded by mess and clutter? If so, it's safe to assume that you're the mother of a messy little toddler. While most toddlers are prone to finding themselves in messy situations, this doesn't necessarily mean that they enjoy being dirty. In the end, every parent knows whether or not this statement is true, as their child makes it obvious. Do you know whether or not toddlers enjoy a good mess?

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