If You Can Name 100% Of These TV Shows, You're Super Feminine

Whether you like it or not, it's a fact of life that much of the entertainment industry is set towards trying to garner a specific audience, as they know that this will give them the most money possible. It's because of this that you will often see certain genres being marketed towards certain people. For this quiz, we're going to take a look at the huge number of television shows that we think have been written or marketed in some way to appeal to a female audience, and thereby attract more of them into the audience.

We've pulled together some of the most feminine shows out there, as well as some that became known for having a large female audience, whether alongside the male audience or on their own. A lot of this relies on stereotypes, but then so do the shows in question, so we're only playing the same game that they are. If you can get 100% on this show, then we think you're super feminine because your television entertainment is based mostly on shows that were created, written or marketed with women in mind.

So, think that you're one of the most feminine people out there? Want to find out just how feminine your television tastes are? Well, it's time for us to find out!

Question 1

Can You Name This TV Show?

This is the sort of show that many women might have a hard time identifying with, but they can always find something to hold onto. For its time, it was seen as relatively progressive by some, but as many shows from the time have seen, it didn't really last. It uses stereotypes of women to build a set of characters, but to be honest, they can be pretty accurate with some things. Four women trying to adapt to new relationships, new jobs, and using each other as their lifelong partners, what show are we talking about?

Question 2

Can You Name This TV Show?

Every now and then television is able to throw out a show that becomes iconic, a true look at what pop culture can become at its most famous. This show is timeless to many people, and while a modern audience has shown that some of the writing among the seasons is certainly problematic in a present day context, that hasn't stopped the audience coming back for more all the time. This is one show that hasn't been revived and we're glad for it.

Question 3

Can You Name This TV Show?

While this show certainly has an interested dramatic conceit at the foundation of its writing, we do feel that it usually falls back on talking a relatively boring backdrop and making it dramatic to get across its narrative. That being said, it does manage to be funnier than a lot of the same shows that it is often grouped in with. We're not saying that we could sit and watch every season of this thing but if somebody was watching it around us, we imagine it would make us at least chuckle.

Question 4

Can You Name This TV Show?

There seems to be somewhat of an obsession with the past when it comes to modern television shows, as people tune in in their droves to watch people act in reprehensible ways that you could no longer get away with. We think it has something to do with wanting to see what life was like during a time that none of us were alive. It's as if we've been handed a time machine, a chance to see a world now gone.

Question 5

Can You Name This TV Show?

Over the past decade or so there has been a push from television to start providing shows for the millennial female, something that will relate to women who just can't understand why anybody would watch the shows that the generation before them did. It has brought in the old trope, the young female character who is trying to figure herself out but knows what should be considered right and wrong in this world. She's willing to fight for it and make it funny at the same time.

Question 6

Can You Name This TV Show?

Okay, before delving into what the show is actually about, we can address some of the criticism behind it. Some people find the main characters of the show to actually be quite whiny. But then again if you follow the fad of people bashing on older shows you will unfortunately, find opinions on some of your most beloved shows to put a bit of a damper on your happy memories of watching them. That's what this show does. It shoes a relationship between a very supportive and down to earth mother, with her hard working, studious and over achieving daughter.

Question 7

Can You Name This TV Show?

We always thought it was funny how shows about hospitals seemed to be able to turn what is essentially a difficult and depressing job into this huge drama. Unsurprisingly, the shows would often have to start writing in more and more insane scenarios, usually at the expense of realism, which ended up turning many people off them. That being said, people are turning up to watch this sort of stuff to see how the characters interact and they identify with the struggles of the characters, even if they've never set foot in an ER.

Question 8

Can You Name This TV Show?

In a way, female writers started to rebel from the way they were being portrayed on television by writing in flawed characters, people who were just as extreme and ridiculous as the male characters on television. They were able to show how insane women could become by taking it to the extreme, throwing out women who were, by all standards, pretty hilarious human beings. This was them showing that the double standard in television could go on no longer. We can all be absolutely hilarious, and fab at the same time.

Question 9

Can You Name This TV Show?

We're not sure why this happened, but there was a period of time in television history where shows that portrayed the rich in a different kind of light, started to gain popularity. We imagine that some people watched these as some sort of weird escapism, looking at a life they could never dream of leading due to their financial standing in the world, but at the same time find something to relate to and realize they have just as many problems as us.

Question 10

Can You Name This TV Show?

Some television shows prove that these forms of entertainment can be used for something more than just making the audience happy or excited. The drama in this show comes from the fact that it highlights a world that we could one day live in if we're not careful. While it may have been adapted from a book, this show took it one step further, going a lot darker than the book ever went to highlight the problems with sexism in the modern world.

Question 11

Can You Name This TV Show?

Just like people like to follow the life of rich people and see how they can related to them and all their drama, sometimes a gem of a show appears that shows us how life can be as a commoner. This show follows one of the main characters falling from grace and her literal fortune after her father was caught due to his going around the law tendencies. Caroline then meets Max, who is the opposite as her and had a pretty terrible childhood. They manage to meet at common ground and keep the struggle real, and hilarious.

Question 12

Can You Name This TV Show?

There are some areas of the entertainment world that, for some reason, seem to have been taken over almost entirely by men. Certain genres such as fantasy and sic-fi were really just the domain of men for so many years, but over the past two decades, writers seem to have been trying to overturn this and show that women have a place in these genres too. Sure, they've got a lot of work left to do, but we've come a long way in that time, and this one shows exactly why there should be more female leads out there.

Question 13

Can You Name This TV Show?

If you were asked to highlight a modern show that has done the most to try and get across the point that women are imperfect human beings as well, while throwing off all of the tropes that have been handed to women over the years by television, you would be hard pressed to find another more appropriate than this. Whatever you may think of the woman who created the show, it is hard to deny that this show succeeded in what it set out to do.

Question 14

Can You Name This TV Show?

This show definitely didn't get the views that it maybe should have. It follows Rachel Bilson (Summer from The O.C.) as she tries to navigate her way through a small town and a small town mentality. A stranger offers her the chance to uproot and work with him in Alabama and when she gets there she finds out he has since passed and left his practice to her. She has to adapt to a new place as the head doctor and of course deal with Southern hospitality along the way.

Question 15

Can You Name This TV Show?

The want to subvert stereotypes can be best done by taking the framework that has been set out by others before you and turning it on its head, thereby bringing out the hilarity and ridiculousness of those stereotypes in the process. This is what the creators and writers of this show have done, while also bringing a form of television entertainment to an audience that probably had spent very little time with the genre beforehand. A great piece of work.

Question 16

Can You Name This TV Show?

With the advent of Twilight, this sort of dark and gothic styling seemed to suddenly pop up everywhere in every show that was exclusively marketed to girls and young women, as if they were unable to enjoy anything that didn't have that aesthetic anymore. The vibe seems to be here to stay which has been proven by how many people still tune into this type of TV show. This family takes over Orleans and settle in trying to make a life for themselves, but they are not like the others and we desperately, want to be just like them.

Question 17

Can You Name This TV Show?

It's well known by us all that there is very little creative originality in the world of television and film, but sometimes people take it to the absolute extreme. If you think this show follows a very familiar premise, well, you would be right. And can you blame them? If it ain't broke... Don't try to fix it. So it follows the life of a stressed mother, a chill dad, and three kids that are making their way through every day life with their siblings. We know, it's very familiar.

Question 18

Can You Name This TV Show?

Having a strong female character at the centre of your show, one that has been betrayed by a man and forced to step up to keep things together, is a trope but an interesting trope nonetheless. If done right, you can really make a point about the strength of women in the real world and how they're able to carry just as much if not more than a man on their shoulder. A very important message during our modern times.

Question 19

Can You Name This TV Show?

We'll never truly understand what it is about medical dramas that somehow bring the audiences running. We understand why cop dramas are able to pull in the numbers as they show off a job that is, in real life, a pretty unpleasant and dramatic reality. But if you think about it caring for your loved ones would bring those exact emotions out of us. It would make us cry, laugh, celebrate, and mourn. Good news can be a life saved, and bad news a life lost. Those kind of stakes are worth paying attention to.

Question 20

Can You Name This TV Show?

In the world of entertainment, if people seem to be getting bored of the hot new thing of the moment, the best thing you can do is keep trying with that genre but mess with the formula somewhat, bringing in something shallow but new that other people haven't tried yet. Now this show didn't just show the regular strong male vampire and weak female character dynamic, instead it brought our beloved vamps to town and made them kind of normal around all the other characters on the show.

Question 21

Can You Name This TV Show?

Women in comedy, just like women everywhere some would argue, are still seen as an anomaly, as if it's only men who are able to make people laugh. Anybody who has actually spent the last few years watching the best comedy on television will know that this just isn't true, and we were always ecstatic that this show managed to make it on screen and help prove that women are just as funny as men, if not more funny in fact.

Question 22

Can You Name This TV Show?

While this show may not be for everyone, we have to admit that we like the fact that it was adapted from a woman's actual life and turned into an entertaining television show. The first thing this show wants to do is make you laugh or entertain you in some way, but that doesn't mean it isn't also giving you a dramatised look at what some women actually live through in this world. We don't have enough shows about female prisons.

Question 23

Can You Name This TV Show?

Using women in political television shows, whether they be comedic or dramatic, is a brilliant choice if you ask us. Women still face a lot of pushback in this world, especially in a male dominated area like politics, so there's a lot of ground to cover if you have good enough writers. You can make something that is smart, funny and actually makes a good point to the audience about how there is still a long way to go in our society.

Question 24

Can You Name This TV Show?

Some people out there think that if something isn't broke then you shouldn't have to fix it, but in the world of television this will often lead to things never really changing. Take a look at this show about a bunch of friends in their twenties trying to figure out who they are and who they want to fall in love with, each of them with very distinct personalities and interests. Is this ringing any bells yet? Because it should!

Question 25

Can You Name This TV Show?

Look, we're just going to come out and say it because all of the answers have something to do with this so it doesn't give the answer away. This is a show about vampires and how they may have infiltrated your group of friends, and even become your lover, with you never being the wiser. They lust for blood may eventually give it away, but honestly, when they look like these guys, I'm sure you can let that slide. Name this vampire drama!

Question 26

Can You Name This TV Show?

This show may have never gotten the appreciation that it deserved, but man, while it was on, did we sure enjoy it. It follows Courtney Cox, Monica from Friends, just in case you were living under a rock, and her neighbours, best friends, ex husband, new lover, and son, through their adventures over an over-sized glass of wine named Carl. This show seems to be very light hearted and set up perfectly for a couple of laughs, but they do have some serious issues, and in the end, they show that love and support definitely prevails.

Question 27

Can You Name This TV Show?

At the time, we imagine that having a show with two female characters at the centre aimed almost entirely at young women was actually pretty progressive. Nowadays you probably wouldn't think twice about it, but these two were able to figure out life at high school without the help of boys, and actually ended up having to help out their one male friend on a regular basis. Both of the characters had their own distinct personalities as well which was impressive.

Question 28

Can You Name This TV Show?

Okay, people can argue it as much as they want, but this show truly was iconic. We saw Calista Flockhart as the leading lady and her very obvious struggles as a female lawyer trying to be a part of an absolute Boys club. But, as great characters usually do, she had a lot more to her than just law. She used her compassion and her kindness to fight for her clients, and she tried to find love where she could. This is also one of the earliest on screen appearances of our man Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr.

Question 29

Can You Name This TV Show?

There are certain creatives and writers out there who make a conscious effort to give people from a minority background a chance on the screen, something that a lot of white men out there object to. While we agree that a show should not be hindered by the want to place minority figures on screen, we would argue that this has actually never happened and is just an excuse by some to try and keep things the same way that they've always been.

Question 30

Can You Name This TV Show?

No matter how much we drill a concept into the ground in the entertainment world, for some reason there are always things that people are going to tune in and watch. One of those things is the odd couple scenario, in which two people from different worlds or societal groups and pushed together with hilarity ensuing. This concept has been done so many times over the course of human history and yet we still somehow manage to find it funny.

Question 31

Can You Name This TV Show?

Minorities creating their own shows, writing them and then starring in them is very much proof of the misrepresentation being taken back into the hands of those that are wanting to be represented. Believe it or not, this isn't yet part of the norm, so to have this woman push her own work through the system and have it receive any form of success is a fantastic achievement that we should all respect her for. If you haven't seen this show, it's well worth a look.

Question 32

Can You Name This TV Show?

This show was definitely very popular with the younger female population, and as much as men wouldn't want to admit it, they were totally into it too. This is one of those shows that follow the lives of the rich and problematic, but instead of making them famous through tabloids, they have a source that reveals information of them to the public. This causes a lot of tension amongst the sometimes disingenuous characters as they try to keep their relationships intact with an critical omnipresent over-watcher revealing all their deepest secrets. XOXO

Question 33

Can You Name This TV Show?

We have to say that we like this form of writing that has one huge narrative arc over an entire series but also sees smaller mysteries being solved for the audience within each episode. It's a good way to keep an audience satisfied while also making sure they come back for more. It's as if you're always giving them something to hang onto but never giving everything away until the final episode. A great way of keeping young women hooked as well.

Question 34

Can You Name This TV Show?

This show follows the life of 5 girls as they are threatened by an all knowing, masked crusader, trying to ruin their lives. It is an extremely dark show taken to the extreme of threats on their lives and even at times, murder. The girls are, not always by their own fault, involved in major drama and try to defeat the big baddie with the help of their loved ones. When even the police are corrupt, how do you find help?

Question 35

Can You Name This TV Show?

We live in a world where nothing is ever truly finished. This is the age of the revival, so if your favorite television show looks like it won't be lasting too long now, don't be surprised if they end up bringing it back to make some cash at some point in the future. That being said, this can be a real shame sometimes, as the writers end up ruining what you once loved, not being able to capture what you enjoyed about the show before it was ended. But, hey, this is not the case here! Updated and just as good.

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