Take The Quiz To See How Smart Your Kids Will Be

You know that your kids are the most special in the world, but are they brighter than average or maybe even geniuses? If you suspect that you might be raising the next Einstein you need to take this quiz to really get a barometer of their potential brainpower!

This quick and easy quiz will reveal the hidden intelligence of your kiddo using psychological statistics that have been studied over many years. Across all cultures, no matter where in the world you are, there are certain 'tells' that indicate without a doubt that your child is a future MENSA member. We'd all like to think that our kid is destined for greatness, and now you can find out if he or she is predisposed to genius tendencies, is a run of the mill smartypants, or a simply a regular child.

Signs of smart kids start early, even in infancy, so it's never too soon to start assessing your little bundle of joy's habits and behaviors to see if he or she is a genius in diapers. So if you are ready to see if your darling son or daughter is going to cure cancer or write the next literary masterpiece, let's get started!

Question 1

Do they have a good memory?

Does your child have a memory like a steel trap, or are they more like a goldfish? Let us know if your little one is able to retain and remember information and we'll let you know how exceptional they are!

Question 2

Do they have a big personality?

When your child comes into the room, does the whole world know? Is their personality at least eight times their actual size, or are they a little more introspective and introverted? Let us know your tiny tot's style from the choices below.

Question 3

Can they speak more than one language?

If you're raising a bilingual baby it could speak volumes about whether or not they're brighter than their peers. Let us know if your child can comprehend Cantonese, English, and Spanish with equal clarity, or if they understand one language.

Question 4

Are they curious?

Does your child have an insatiable need to know everything about everything? Are you constantly answering "why" things work the way they do, or is your child content to accept the world as it is? Let us know if your child is extra curious!

Question 5

Can they draw people?

This is a question for the really little kiddos, but it's a good indication of your child's creative tendencies. Is your toddler a master of abstract art, or do they tend to draw human figures? Let us know what defines your artists!

Question 6

Are they night owls?

Most babies have trouble sleeping through the night, so we're looking for more extreme examples of insomniac babies. Are you averaging two hours of sleep per week because your little bundle of joy just will not rest for an hour? Or does your baby doze delightfully?

Question 7

Is it their way or the highway?

Is your child the most stubborn person you've ever met? If you have a pint-sized inflexible little human on your hands, you have a clue about your child's intelligence! Let us know if your kiddo is flexible or stubborn!

Question 8

Are they musically inclined?

Does your child take to musical instruments like a fish to water? Have they been making their blocks into tiny drums since they learned to crawl? Let us know if your child has shown an early interest in all things musical.

Question 9

Do they have common sense?

The old joke is that common sense should be called "uncommon" because not many people have it. Is your child one of the few that do? If he or she is able to exhibit common sense at a young age, let us know.

Question 10

Do they hang out with older peers?

Is your child hanging out with an older crowd already? If your bouncing baby prefers the company of toddlers for his or her play, you have a clue into whether or not their intelligence is above average. Let us know!

Question 11

How self-disciplined are they?

Does your child need to be reminded of his or her chores, or do they accomplish tasks automatically? Let us know if your kiddo is able to operate completely independent of reminders, or if they need a little nudge here and there.

Question 12

Can they process abstract things?

Is your child able to string together abstract complicated concepts to come up with logical outcomes, or are they more of a linear thinker? Let us know if your child can process abstract information, or if they're firmly grounded in reality!

Question 13

Do they color outside the lines?

Does your child follow the rules or do they like to color outside the lines, both literally and figuratively? Let us know if your child likes to stretch creative boundaries and make their own masterpieces, or if they follow the lines.

Question 14

Are they imaginative?

Does your child have a fully realized fantasy world that he or she resides over? Do they have imaginary friends, or create fantastical stories out of thin air? Let us know how big your child's imagination is from the choices below.

Question 15

Do they have an interest in science?

Is your child blinded by science, and simply can't get enough of formulas and test-tubes. Let us know if your baby girl or boy is in line to grow up to be the next Bill Nye the Science Guy!

Question 16

How tall are they?

Your child's height, or lack thereof, is an insight into whether or not they have an especially bright mind. Get out the measuring stick and tell us if your kiddo is tall or not, and we'll tell you if they're brighter than average!

Question 17

Are they funny?

Is your child the ultimate jokester who is constantly cracking everyone up? Let us know if every bone in their body is a funny one, and if they are constantly playing pranks and making you laugh. Is your child a little comedian?

Question 18

Do they lie?

This question is strictly for the very young kiddos, as we all know that older children and teenagers lie to get out of trouble. Has your little angel started fibbing at a very young age, or is he or she 100 percent honest?

Question 19

Do they notice changes?

If you get a new haircut or start driving a new car, will your little one notice? Do they respond to changes in their environment and pick up on every little variation? Let us know how observational your kiddo is.

Question 20

How are their building skills?

Does your child see a pile of blocks and automatically start to build a tower that could rival any of the world's greatest skyscrapers, or are they more interested in other toys? Let us know if your kid has the itch to build.

Question 21

How do they deal with boredom?

Boredom is an unfortunate part of life, and kids are no exception. We all live with it! Studies have shown that even babies aren't immune to the tedious effects of boredom. How does your child combat being bored out of their minds?

Question 22

Do they like a healthy breakfast?

This is a tricky one because we know that you're always going to feed your kids healthy food, but do they actually enjoy it? Let us know if your kids love the sight of oatmeal and healthy fruit or if they scream for sugar.

Question 23

Do they have a big vocabulary?

Is your child a walking thesaurus bursting with tons of vocabulary words, or is their linguistic range a little on the smaller side? Let us know if your child has a huge vocabulary or if they just know the best words to communicate with.

Question 24

Are they messy?

Does your kiddo value order and cleanliness, or are they happily messy? Let us know if your child causes a tornado of clutter and stickiness wherever they go, or if they prefer to keep themselves and their surroundings relatively clean.

Question 25

Are they extremely emotional?

Is your little one a ball of emotions that come gushing out of him or her at all times, or do they have a pretty tight lid on their emotional range? Let us know if you have an empath or stoic on your hands!

Question 26

What was their birth weight?

Was your little boy or girl a chunkster as a newborn, or did they have a low birth weight? Believe it or not, birth weight has been tied to cognitive function, so their first weigh in could signify high intelligence.

Question 27

Do they display leadership?

Some kids are born to lead, and others are born to follow. Both types are equally great and what makes the world go round! One type is tied to increased intelligence. Let us know below if your child is the dominant type, or more passive.

Question 28

Do they have a lot of hobbies?

Is your child passionate about all sorts of things, and loves to engage in tons of hobbies? Are they focused on one or two favorites and really don't have much time for anything else? Tell us about your kid's hobbies.

Question 29

Do they struggle in school?

This question is for the older children, so give your best educated guess if your kids are under the age where they would attend school. We're curious how their grades are overall. Are they straight As, failing, or somewhere in between?

Question 30

Do they sleep well?

This question is a little different than whether or not they sleep through the night. Regardless of when your little angel lays his or head down to sleep, let us know if they're able to get a good rest in.

Question 31

Can they carry on a conversation?

Of course, there's a sliding scale here based on how old your little prince or princess is, so think of it in terms of good conversation as opposed to what their peers talk about. Let us know if you have an excellent conversationalist on your hands.

Question 32

Are they able to solve problems?

No child or toddler will be able to solve the world's problems, but when it comes to day to day questions, are they able to think things through and come up with ways to circumvent or solve problems?

Question 33

What is their focus like?

When you communicate with your child, do you notice that they are intensely focused on you or is their mind a million miles away? Does your little one tend to have laser focus or scattered attention? Let us know below!

Question 34

Are they always on the move?

Does your little angel have trouble sitting still, and you're always catching them wiggling or crawling to explore some new space? Tell us about the mobility of your kiddo and we'll let you know if they have high intelligence.

Question 35

Is your child a bookworm?

Has your kid had a great love of books even before they learned how to read? Do you clearly have a little bookworm on your hands? Let us know what your little one's relationship with the written word is.

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