This Quiz Will Guess How Many People You've Dated

Whether you like to date around or not makes little difference, as life has a tendency to throw compatible lovers your way. While you might enjoy living the single life, there might come a time when you choose against it.

Millennials get a bad reputation due to online dating, when in reality, they are the least promiscuous generation yet. As a matter of fact, most millennials would rather remain single throughout their twenties, choosing to indulge in the occasional fling on the side instead. Let's get one thing straight before starting this quiz; we're going to guess how many people you've dated, not how many people you've been with.

If there's one thing that every millennial knows, it's that dating someone and seeing someone are two very different things. Back in the day, people had to marry the first person they started seeing, as this was seen as proper. However, things are very different today, resulting in fewer marriages and divorces.

By answering a quick round of questions, you should provide us with enough data to guess how many people you've dated in your lifetime. Do you think that we can guess this number correctly? Well, there's only one way to find out!

Question 1

Which saying do you use the most?

There are many ways to express yourself in this day and age. However, the younger generation isn't fond of poetic verses, as they are more preoccupied with hilarious sayings. Which of the following sayings do you use the most?

Question 2

Which season were you born in?

When it comes down to it, your zodiac sign can have a lot to do with how many partners you'll choose to have. With this in mind, the seasons are also very significant. Which of the following seasons does your birthday fall under?

Question 3

Which chocolate bar do you prefer?

This may not seem like the most relevant question, but in the end, there is sense to everything we ask of you. In order for us to gage how many relationships you've been in, we'd like to know which of the following candy bars your heart desires.

Question 4

What do you drink on Friday night?

It's Friday night and you're ready to do something fun. You've been cooped up at work all week long and it's time for you to do you. With this in mind, which of the following beverages would you choose to drink on Friday night?

Question 5

Pick your favorite How I Met Your Mother Character.

Are you a fan of the TV series How I Met Your Mother? If not, we apologize in advance. So, without further adieu, we'd like you to choose your favorite HIMYM character out of the following options. This should tell us more than we need to know.

Question 6

Where would you rather go on a date?

When you meet someone that you're attracted to, it's only normal for you to ask them out on a date. However, where you want to go is up to you. Out of the following options, choose where you would want to go on a first date.

Question 7

How long did your last relationship last?

There are some relationships that are harder to get over than others. With this in mind, we'd like you to fill us in on how long your last relationship lasted. With this information, we can gage how long your relationships typically last.

Question 8

Where would you rather go on vacation?

If you were given a golden ticket to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? If you've never thought about this before, it's probably time that you do. We've pooled together some great options that you can choose between for the time being.

Question 9

What do you look for in a partner?

While many of us wish we could choose our partner's characteristics, we simply can't. However, if we were able to, a lot of us would wish for better communication or things like that. Out of the following options, pick what you look for in a partner.

Question 10

Do you want to get married?

Due to how the world is going and where it's headed, there are many couples who are choosing against tying the knot. While hopeless romantics may see this as saddening, the world does go 'round without wedding bells. Do you want to get married?

Question 11

Are you religious?

It's safe to say that the Western world is quickly losing its religion. But whether or not this is a bad thing is up for debate. Do you consider yourself to be a religious person? If so, you might not be interested in dating a high number of people.

Question 12

Do you have any existing online dating profiles?

When it comes to dating, are you a fan of the online world? If so, you might have realized that the internet makes dating a whole lot easier. Do you currently have any online dating profiles? Or do you find this weird?

Question 13

Are you closer to your dad or your mother?

While most of us love our parents just the same, we tend to be closer to one parents than the other. When it comes down to it, our relationships with our parents can say a lot about our relationships with our lovers.

Question 14

Do you have a car?

Most of us dream about owning a car from a very young age. The reason behind this being that owning a vehicle grants us a bigger amount of freedom. Do you currently own a car? If not, being in a committed relationship can be more difficult.

Question 15

Which age group do you belong to?

In order for us to be able to guess how many people you've been with, we need to know a little bit about you. So, with this in mind, we're going to need you to tell us about your age. Which age group do you belong to?

Question 16

Which singer do you like best?

The type of music you gravitate towards can say a lot about your personality. So, we've decided to ask you about your favorite artists. From the list below, choose which singer you like to listen to on a regular basis.

Question 17

Have you ever drunk dialled an ex before?

While we might not be proud to admit it, many of us have done something we regret while under the influence of alcohol. Have you ever drunk dialed an ex? If so, you might have a hard time letting go of the past.

Question 18

Have you been on a date in the last 6 months?

Since we're looking to put a number to your person, we thought it would be wise to ask you about your dating life. So, why don't you tell us whether or not you've been on a date in the last 6 months?

Question 19

Which social media outlet do you prefer?

When it comes down to it, many of us use social media outlets on a daily basis. However, that does not mean that we're addicted to these apps. Out of the following social media outlets, which one could you not live without?

Question 20

Did you date anyone in high school?

When you were in high school, were you the type of student who went after their crushes? If so, you might have found yourself dating a few people during this time. So, did you date anyone in high school or not?

Question 21

Do you live on your own?

It's safe to assume that people who live on their own are more prone to being in relationships. This is because bringing home a love interest when your parents are home isn't ideal. So, do you live on your own right now?

Question 22

What do you do for fun?

When you have a day off of work or school, do you relax on the couch or plan a fun activity? Chances are, if you'd rather be a homebody, it's because you're in a relationship already. So, what do you do for fun?

Question 23

Are you a flirt?

Were you voted as the biggest flirt in your high school class? If so, it's safe to say that you're a natural when it comes to talking to your crushes. If you're a flirt, you might have dated around more than you'd like to admit.

Question 24

Do you consider yourself to be an outgoing person?

Would you consider yourself to be an outgoing person? If so, you might be the life of the party more often than not. Since you know yourself more than anyone else, why don't you tell us how outgoing you are?

Question 25

How often do you drink alcohol?

The amount of alcohol you consume on a monthly basis can say a lot about who you are and what you do on your spare time. Since drinking can lead to bad choices, you might have a long list of relationships attached to the habit.

Question 26

What size is your bed?

In order for us to guess how many people you've dated, we'd like to know if you've invested in your bedroom. Out of the following option, pick which mattress size you sleep on every single night. So, what's it going to be?

Question 27

Have you ever had a one night stand?

Most people can say that they've had a one night stand. However, not everyone can say that they have them all of the time. Having an idea of how many people you've been with can help us guess how many people you've dated.

Question 28

How old were you when you first did the deed?

Back in the day, people didn't do the deed until their wedding night. But now, the older you are, the weirder it is for you to be a virgin. So, how old were you when you first did the deed?

Question 29

Would you date someone in your friend group?

Dating someone who you are friends with can be a recipe for disaster. However, it can also be the opposite. If you're friends with someone, it's safe to say that you already trust them. So, would you date someone in your friend group?

Question 30

Are you currently in a relationship?

If there's one thing that's for sure, it's that we can't base your dating-number off of your age. This is because there is such a thing as long term relationships, and these can cut your number down by half. Are you currently in a relationship?

Question 31

Have you ever been on vacation with a lover?

You know you're dating the right person when you can go on vacation together and not break up. As many people soon find out, going on vacation with someone you don't know well can be a huge mistake. So, have you done this before?

Question 32

Do you have a full-time job?

Chances are, if you have a full-time job, you might not be looking for a committed relationship. This is especially true if your job requires a fair amount of traveling. So, do you have a full-time job or not?

Question 33

Do your parents know who you’re dating right now?

Do you tell your parents everything? If so, you might want to watch what you say about your lovers, as this may someday backfire on you. Do your parents currently know about your dating situation, or do you keep that stuff top secret?

Question 34

Are you picky when it comes to who you date?

It's safe to assume that people who are picky about who they date will have a smaller number of partners throughout their life. When it comes to your lovers and relationships, would you consider yourself to be a picky person?

Question 35

Have you ever dumped anyone before?

There's nothing worse than getting dumped when you least expect it, which is why most people would prefer breaking up with someone than getting broken up with. However, dumping someone you care about is never easy either. Have you ever dumped someone before?

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