How Many Kids Are In Your Future? Pick Or Pass On These Pregnancy Foods To Find Out!

Pregnancy is no joke. It's a taxing experience both physically and emotionally. One thing to also keep in mind is the weird and wonderful foods which women crave and also need to eat during their pregnancy. It's also been said that the cravings a woman experiences are because her body is lacking in a certain vitamin or mineral. There are some reported cravings that have been a little bizarre as well, such as craving glass! But we will leave it to the experts to decide what's lacking there...

Maybe there is something to be said about the types of cravings women have in relation to the amount of children they may have in their lifetime. Perhaps strawberry ice-cream and gherkins mean that three children are on their way. Beef jerky and apple sauce as a craving may be a reflection that only one baby is on the way.

Let's also keep in mind that there are some foods that pregnant women should indulge in, and others that should be avoided. For example, fish should be carefully selected and coffee should also be limited. Raw meat and fish should probably be avoided. Dark green vegetables, dairy products and fish liver oil.

Question 1

Cheetos dipped in yoghurt

Who doesn't love a cheesy chip dunked in ice-cold yoghurt? The answer is, anyone who isn't pregnant. The thing is that most pregnant ladies enjoy strange combinations of food. Perhaps it's the cheesy flavor with a dairy twist that has ladies going bonkers for more!

Question 2

Caramel and apple slices

This actually sounds delightful - pregnant or not! Yet, some folks would not touch this meal with a barge pole. This craving also seems pretty understandable, it's a healthy, well-balanced meal after all. A little fresh fruit with a dash of caramel to sweeten the deal just a little.

Question 3

Sea sand

That's no typo. Craving sea sand is a 'thing' apparently and can be anticipated in pregnancy. There's just something about the feel of sea sand between one's teeth, it's not the same as cool sand between one's toes but hey, each to their own. It may be worth considering seeing a doctor in this case.

Question 4

Ketchup on ice-cream

Ketchup is a tomato based sauce, which literally comes from tomatoes. Ice-cream, is a cold dairy treat which is best enjoyed in various flavors like chocolate or vanilla. Ice-cream is also enjoyed with some sauce, like chocolate or caramel sauce. But what about ketchup and ice-cream together?

Question 5

Ice cubes

Ice blocks are a very common craving for pregnant ladies. It's either the feeling of crushing ice between one's teeth or the actual cold feeling that one gets. This can be considered part of a condition called PICA. This is basically the desire to eat non-food items like chalk, dirt or even paint.

Question 6

Popcorn with peanut butter

Salty popcorn is absolutely delicious, and makes one think of movies on the big screen and a giant cold drink. Peanut butter is also delicious, but something to avoid if a nut allergy is suspected... What about adding these two food items together? Mixed all together in one big bowl.

Question 7

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Craving fresh fruits and vegetables is not such a bad thing. After all, the growing baby will need all these vitamins and nutrients to grow big and strong. Fresh fruit is also really delicious, especially when it's a fruit that's in season and one of the favorites! Veggies are also yummy when cooked correctly.

Question 8

Pickles and cupcakes

A delicious and nutritious cupcake is always welcome, pregnant or otherwise! But what if we topped it with a sweet and sour pickle? Would this still seem so appetizing? This is a wise and yummy choice for some, but not so much for others. Pickles on their own could be a better option...

Question 9

Raw cookie dough

Ah! Aren't chocolate chip cookies just the most amazing snack? That with a glass of warm milk to round it off. That's possibly the option which most folks would opt for. But pregnancy changes a person. So much so that raw cookie dough may become a staple diet for a while.

Question 10

Pickles and ice-cream

Sweet and sour pickles are delicious on their own but can also be a great additive to some meals, if not most. That being said, ice-cream might not be a first choice when it comes to a dish to add pickles to. Would this be a meal to add to the pick or pass list?

Question 11

Fries and chocolate sauce

Fries are always a delicious option. These make a great meal on their own, with a burger, some hot dogs or most other dishes. There are also some yummy options which can be added like cheesy sauce, bacon bits and even some mustard. Can chocolate sauce improve this meal?

Question 12


This is another possible PICA characteristic, and after all is said and done, craving chalk in pregnancy is a very common thing. We can't say if it's a very nutritious and healthy option, but perhaps there's a reason that this is craved. Not everyone would add this to their meal plans, right?

Question 13

Tacos with pineapple

Tacos come in various shapes, sizes and flavors. Tacos are actually a Mexican dish that consists of a corn shell and a filling inside of it. There are also tons of different options when it comes to selecting a filling. These are most often savoury things. For a spin on things a little pineapple can be added to the mix.

Question 14

Mushy peas

Green peas can take some getting used to, although they are certainly not on everyone's list of favorites. These can often be found in a mix of other foods including corn. But, some folks also like to mush them down in to mushy peas and eat it just like that. Would this green dish be worth it?

Question 15

Pizza with honey

Pizza is a perfect meal but it can be a guilty pleasure. There are also tons of options to can be considered that can be mixed and matched and topped with cheese. Sweet pizza's are also becoming a 'thing' and this consists of a mix of marshmallows, chocolates and other sweet treats.

Question 16

Doggie treats and apple juice

Yip, doggie treats are also a craving some pregnant ladies seem to have. Though not ideal, or suitable, it can't be that dangerous. Of course, if barking and growling become a side effect then best to lay off those biscuits. These treats can also be washed down with a cold glass of apple juice.

Question 17

Feta cheese

Cheese comes in various shapes, flavors and even colors. They can also have their own unique smells too. This can be tricky as cheese can be a trigger for nausea, but when a craving calls, it calls. Feta cheese is something that has been reported as a popular craving for most women.

Question 18

Gravy on everything

Gravy is ideal and yummy on meat, chicken and rice. Then again, there are also some things that gravy doesn't go well with. We have heard that pregnant women have been known to crave gravy... On everything. Absolutely anything and everything on can actually think of...

Question 19


There's a story about a mom who craved pink marshmallows throughout her pregnancy. And when her daughter finally arrived the craving was gone. It turns out, that her daughter refused to eat pink marshmallows as she grew up. In fact, she'd only eat the white ones and eat around any other flavor...

Question 20

Waffles with tuna

Waffles are delicious - and that's not debatable. Traditionally these are known as a dessert around the world and are often topped with various sweet treats, including ice-cream and syrup. Tuna, is a savory food which is a type of fish... This is eaten with salads, pastas, sushi and so on. What about waffles and tuna together?

Question 21

Crispy bacon and nutella

Crispy bacon is another delicious food most people enjoy snacking on. This goes so well with eggs and a few other savory meals. Nutella is a nutty chocolate spread which is also great on various sweet treats. But what about adding the crispy bacon and nutty chocolate taste in one mouthful?

Question 22

Dishwater through a sponge

As a child, splashing around in the bath, we probably all sucked on a wet sponge. There's just something about that which has a strange feel to it. Strangely enough, there are also some cravings which include sucking the dishwater from a sponge. If this is a 'thing' let's at least hope it's clean water and not from after dishes have been washed.

Question 23


There is a stereotype that women love chocolate. It helps make everything better. Although, during pregnancy there are sudden dislikes and like to specific foods. Chocolate is one of them. Some women have reportedly become more hungry for this while others have turned away from it completely.

Question 24


Lemons are not really something which one would indulge in on its own. These are best added to some meals like fish and chips or drinks like lemonade and cocktails. But would they even be considered worth eating on their own? Some folks wouldn't dare, but other folks may really enjoy it.

Question 25


This is another snack which is great on its own or with some dip that can be added. Like chocolate, this may be a like or dislike that swaps over when pregnancy is thrown into the mix. Although chips are not considered an actual meal, they do make for a tasty snack.

Question 26


Although this is a nice extra that is added to some foods, there have been reports of vinegar being a craving for some pregnant ladies. We can't be sure if it's something one would normally drink on its own, like water, but who is going to get in the way of what a pregnant woman wants to eat?

Question 27

Red meat

Red meat is not everyone's cup of tea, yet it can be all a pregnant lady craves at some stage of her pregnancy. Ladies who have never been bothered about this before, or who have avoided it most of the time may suddenly throw their usual dish one side for a nice tender steak.

Question 28

Spicy foods

Spicy foods are another meal which have their place in society. The thing is, spicy foods can be something craved during pregnancy but when there is a baby pushing on one's stomach already causing heartburn then this is the last thing we need to add. But when the body craves it...

Question 29

Fish with pickled onions

It is no secret that pregnant ladies need to be cautious when eating fish during their pregnancy. It's best to avoid fish which isn't fresh and if it's cooked it should be cooked properly. Pickled onions can also be absolutely delicious when pickled properly. Would these two groups of meals go down well together?

Question 30

Sour cream and strawberries

Strawberries are a fruit which are delicious in fruit salads as well as green salads. Sour cream is also not really something which is eaten on it's own, but rather added to various other dishes. As we know, it's not that strange to find a pregnant lady munching on a weird meal, but what about strawberries with sour cream?

Question 31

Chicken nuggets and custard

Chicken nuggets come in various shapes and sizes. They are usually crispy and warm. Chicken nuggets are best enjoyed with a dipping sauce, like BBQ or jalapeno sauce. Custard is a sweet sauce which is enjoyed with sweet treats like apple pie and swiss roll too. Shall we try the two together?

Question 32


Here we go again with the really obscure cravings... Dirt. This is something which is also a common request when asked what to get for dinner. Dirt is not usually the first thing one looks for on the menu, in fact, it probably isn't even the last thing we look for either.

Question 33

Eggs and plum sauce

Plums are a fruit which are mostly enjoyed on their own. There is a way of making plum jam which can also be great on toast or scones. Eggs go well with most things. In fact, they make great meals for breakfast, lunch and even supper! Shall we try eggs and plum sauce together?

Question 34

Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes are the most amazing carbohydrate to add to most meals. They go well with a little sour cream or even some butter. They say that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Perhaps this is the case when one over indulges in baked potatoes? But, maybe it isn't.

Question 35

Guacamole and ice-cream

Last, but not least, we present guacamole and ice-cream. Avocados are enjoyed in many different ways, as long as they are ripe for eating. It can be paired with many meals like nachos, tacos, in wraps and salads too. As far as weird cravings go, would this be paired well with a little ice-cream?

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