Hey Guys! Take The Quiz To See Who's The Most Alpha

Whenever we turn on the TV, go to the movies, or flip through a magazine, we’re bombarded with images of being an alpha male. These are the guys that save the day, get the girl, and have an enviable style about them. They’re characters like Tyler Durden from Fight Club, Maximus from Gladiator, and 007 from the James Bond films.

While it’s totally normal to want to be these character, it’s not exactly that realistic. But that doesn’t mean someone’s still not an alpha male in their day-to-day life already.

Being an alpha male isn’t so much about sporting a thick five o’clock shadow and packing on pounds of muscle (though that certainly wouldn’t hurt). It’s more so a type of confidence and a willingness to take charge of the situation, whether it be asking a woman out or applying for a dream job. And of course, there are still a number of stereotypes that go along with being an alpha male, like having a fondness for sports and an overall interest in other "manly" things.

So while there's no real shame in being a beta (or even an omega), let's see who has what it takes to call themselves the ultimate alpha!

Question 1

Pick an exercise.

Of course, everyone — not only alpha males — should try to work out regularly. And even though many people don’t relish going to the gym, there are countless exercises that someone could engage in and some are bound to be more enjoyable than others. So out of these four, which one would you rather do?

Question 2

Pick a way to chop down a tree:

No matter what type of tool you’re using, chopping down a tree seems like a pretty manly task to partake in. But if you were actually given the option, would you rather chop a tree down with an ax and be that much manlier? Or save yourself some much needed time and energy and just go for the chainsaw?

Question 3

Best type of facial hair:

While there was a time when it was considered very manly to be clean shaven, these days, facial hair seems all the rage. But of course, there are still a number of styles that a person could play with — if they’re able to grow facial hair at all that is. But if all were possible, which one would you go with?

Question 4

Pick the better genre:

Of course, comic book movies can also be categorized into the genre of action. But they often contain a number of fantastical and out-of-this-world elements. So do you enjoy this added flare, or would you rather have something that feels a lot more like it’s grounded in reality, like John Wick or Atomic Blonde?

Question 5

Is it better to follow the instructions or just figure it out?

There are plenty of guys out there who quickly dispose of the assembly instructions. After all, you might feel a lot more accomplished after figuring something out totally by yourself. But is it necessarily more manly to go without the assembly instructions? Or is it just more of a waste of time?

Question 6

Pick a breakfast.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for good reason too. Not only will a good breakfast give you some much-needed energy first thing in the morning, but it will also determine how your body will process calories throughout the remainder of the day.

Question 7

Coffee is best:

Of course, plenty of people still need a caffeine boost on top of their daily breakfast. So if you’re a coffee drinker, how do you prefer to take your cup of joe? Do you try to shave off some unnecessary calories by drinking it black? Or do you need to make it a bit more palatable with some cream and sugar?

Question 8

Ideal way to ask someone out on a date?

What separates many alphas from betas in a lot of peoples’ minds, is the ease at which alphas can end up getting dates. But these days, there are plenty of outlets to meet people — some which will inevitably lead to more success than others. So by which of these means would you rather ask someone out?

Question 9

Who's the better date:

Speaking of dates, which one of these A-list actresses would you rather go out with? While Scarlet Johansson has been one of the most talented and profitable actresses in Hollywood for over a decade, Gal Gadot has certainly won her fair share of people over in recent years thanks to her portrayal of Wonder Woman.

Question 10

Who’s more alpha?

Speaking of superhero, both Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill have starred alongside each other in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League (though it also looks like they may both be splitting ways with the DCEU). While both men are undeniably in amazing shape, do you think that one is slightly more alpha than the other?

Question 11

Cats or dogs?

Most people think of dogs as a much manlier animal for a guy to have. They’re also a great way to help start up a conversation with women while taking the dog out on a walk. But they’re also a ton of responsibility, which might make a cat a sightlier easier pet to have for many people.

Question 12

Pick a TV show to watch?

While shows like Game of Thrones might seem pretty manly these days, not that long ago a show about dragons and magic would have been seen as something for strictly nerds to enjoy. Of course, the show’s far share of violence and adult content has earned it a more mainstream audience. But maybe you'd rather still watch something else.

Question 13

Rather go hunting or fishing?

Both hunting and fishing don’t enjoy the popularity that they used to in decades past. Of course, most people in the developed world don’t have to rely on these endeavors in order to acquire food. But that doesn’t mean they’re still not enjoyable or educational hobbies to have. Especially if you want to enjoy high-quality meat/ fish.

Question 14

Best sport?

One of the manlier things a guy can do is take an interest in sports, whether that be enjoying it from the comfort of one's couch or actually suiting up and getting out there on the court/ field. Of course, whether you’re a fan or an athlete will go a long way in determining what your favorite sport actually is.

Question 15

Backpack across Europe or go on a Caribbean cruise?

Europe and the Caribbean are two extremely popular travel destination. While each offers up their fair to see, backpacking would certainly be a lot more involved of a trip than simply paying for a cruise. So would you rather do something a little more adventurous? Or kick back and enjoy the sunshine?

Question 16

Rather go camping in a tent or a cabin?

Enjoying the great outdoors is something that everyone should partake in, alpha males included. And no doubt one of the best ways to do this is to send yourself on a camping trip. Of course, not all camping is created equal. And many times, the people who enjoy hiking in will look down on those who show up in their RVs.

Question 17

Rather have a date with…

Both Margot Robbie and Blake Lively are two of the most stunning blondes working in Hollywood today. No doubt anyone would consider themselves lucky to go on a date with either lady. But if the choice was totally yours, would you rather go out with the star of The Wolf of Wall Street or the star of Gossip Girl.

Question 18

Ideal first date?

Most people see the first date as an opportunity to get to know the basics of one another and see if there’s any reason to set up a slightly more involved date at some point down the line. But would you rather just cut to the chase and plan a romantic dinner together?

Question 19

Rather go surfing or jet skiing?

Surfing is not something that can be taken up lightly. Many people will have to get in hours, if not days of practice before they ever have the chance of standing up on a wave. Meanwhile, jetskiing is far easier to master, with many companies renting them out to people after a short training course.

Question 20

Who’s more alpha?

At the start of their careers, both Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Gosling were known for appearing in romance movies. Of course, both have gone on to appeal to more male-skewed audience with appearances in movies like Drive and The Revenant. But do you think one is more alpha than the other?

Question 21

Rather wear a bowtie or a neck tie?

Most people think of a bowtie as a bit on the nerdy side — Bill Nye the Science Guy is probably one of the most notable bowtie wearers of today. But having a preference for bowties could also just mean you look really good in a tux. After all, plenty of A-list celebrities wear them at award shows.

Question 22

Pick a way to workout.

Aside from just deciding which muscle groups and exercise you’re going to partake in, you can also switch up the location of each workout. For instance, while some people need the gym to get themselves in the mood to workout. Others would rather break a sweat inside the comfort of their own home.

Question 23

Pick a music genre.

You can tell an awful lot about someone by their taste in music alone. While you can also do this with the type of movies and TV shows a person enjoys, music tends to be a lot more personal and specific — and it also seems like there’s a lot more of it out there to choose from.

Question 24

Ideal footwear?

Of course, most people will end up having a pair of each of these at their house to wear depending on the occasion. But do you have one that you would rather wear all the time? For instance, do you prefer the breathability of a pair of sandals over the durability and support that a pair of boots would offer?

Question 25

Preferred way to spend a Friday night?

When most people think of a typical alpha male, they probably imagine them spending their Friday nights either on a date or with a group of guys out on the town. But does this sound like your ideal way to wind down after a work week? Or maybe you’d rather kick back and do a something a little more low key.

Question 26

Ideal legwear?

Even if you’re someone who looks darn good in a suit, we doubt that most people relish wearing dress clothes around. They’re not exactly the most comfortable, after all. Not to mention that you always have to worry about getting something on them. So what type of legwear would you rather have on at any given time?

Question 27

Rather go paint balling or play Call of Duty?

Paintballing may look fun on a TV show, but for those who have actually played, they know that it can be extremely painful. Of course, that’s what also makes participating so thriller. Or maybe you’d rather get the thrill of combat with your friends from the safety of a Call of Duty game.

Question 28

Pick a card game to play.

The older you get, the more you may find enjoying activities that you once considered “boring” — like playing cards with your friends. So would you rather play a card game that involves a little more skill and stakes, like Poker, or stick to something that is just pure entertainment that involves little thought, like Uno.

Question 29

Rather have a date with…

Two very attractive brunettes, both Megan Fox and Mila Kunis have enjoyed successful acting careers on the big and small screen. More recently, Mila Kunis popped up in this year’s R-rated comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me. Meanwhile, Megan Fox finished up her role as Regan on New Girl, which ended last year.

Question 30

Who’s more alpha?

There’s no denying that both Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Vin Diesel are in far better shape than most people. But many may not have realized that Diesel is actually a nerd at heart who largely got interested in acting thanks to his love for Dungeons & Dragons. But does that automatically make him less manly?

Question 31

Pick a means of transportation.

Most people just end up getting whatever they can afford for their first car… which sometimes means sticking with a bike. But if money wasn’t an option, which one of these would you rather drive around in? Something that’s still environmentally conscious, like a bike? Or something far more many, like a pick-up?

Question 32

Rather drive a standard or automatic vehicle?

On top of what top of vehicle you want to drive, you’ll also need to decide if you’d rather drive a standard (also known as a stick shift) or an automatic. Of course, the former takes a lot more skill to perfect, but it can also be a lot more engaging of a driving experience.

Question 33

Rather go scuba diving or snorkeling?

If you’re already venturing out to the deep sea to do some underwater exploring, would you rather just go the extra mile and learn how to scuba dive? The sights would definitely be a lot more impressive? Or are you more than happy to stick to the surface where fresh air is never in short supply?

Question 34

Rather have a home theater or a workshop?

Plenty of guys can’t wait to get a house of their own simply so they can have a man cave. So would your ideal man cave be for watching movies and playing video games on a giant screen TV, or would you rather have a garage or shed decked out with tools so you can work with your hands.

Question 35

Rather play chess or checkers?

Chess is an undeniably harder game to master than checkers, as each piece has a different move set, and the object of the game isn’t to outright destroy the opponent, but to just make it impossible for them to move their king. But maybe you’re the type of person who likes to keep board games for pure enjoyment.

Question 36

Rather work out with free weights or resistance bands?

If you’re someone who’s looking to build muscle, then you’ll probably want to stick with free weight — which engage a lot of secondary muscles that are needed to stabilize your body throughout the exercise. Meanwhile, you can still get in a great workout with resistance bands, especially if you’d rather just stay in lean shape.

Question 37

Rather work on a car or put together a Lego kit?

You don’t need to be a genius to figure out which one of these activities is a lot more manly. But that certainly doesn’t mean that you’d rather work on your car than do something a little more frivolous. After all, there’s no wrong answer, just one that some people might consider a little more alpha than the other.

Question 38

Rather go on vacation to a national park or a tropical beach?

For most people, vacation is about kicking back and trying not to think about work. But for others, this is one of the few times that they can step out of their comfort zone and do some serious exploring. So would you rather have a more laid back vacation on the beach? Or get out there and climb some mountains?

Question 39

Rather have a date with…

There are plenty of A-list actresses who are attractive, but not all of them have earned the critical acclaim that Natalie Portman or Jennifer Lawrence have enjoyed. Both have earned Academy Awards in their lifetime at relatively young ages. But is there one actress that you would rather meet in person more than the other?

Question 40

Who’s more alpha?

When it comes to action movies, Tom Cruise certainly has the leg up on Brad Pitt — who is more known for his dramatic work. But is doing your own stunts necessarily make you more alpha than the other? Or does once being married to both Jennifer and Angelina Jolie actually give Brad Pitt the slight edge?

Question 41

Rather go sky diving or bungee jumping?

Overall, they say that bungee jumping is safer than sky diving. But in the grand scheme of things, both activities are fairly safe when accompanied by a trained professional. Even still, most people will spend their lives staying away from both of these never-racking activities. But which one would you rather do?

Question 42

Pick the better action movie franchise.

These movie franchises are all headed up by alpha males indeed — at least, when it comes to the characters. But while all of these movie franchises can be entertaining in their own right, there’s a good chance you like one over the other. So do you prefer the action classics? Or something a little more modern?

Question 43

Best way to eat a steak?

Red meat isn’t necessarily something you want to indulge in on a daily basis. Or ever, for that matter. But if you’re already going to enjoy a steak, you might as well enjoy it the right way. While most chefs would say that means medium rare, when it comes to personal preference, there’s no wrong choice.

Question 44

Best way to shave?

Even if you’re not exactly the hairiest guy, at a certain point in your life you’re going to have to end up shaving your face. For some people, it even has to be done every day. So which one of these methods sound ideal to you? Ones that are easier, or ones that require a little more skill?

Question 45

Ideal number of times to work out in a week?

We hate to say it, but it would be pretty hard to be an alpha male without working out at least a few times a week. But this is how often most people should be working out anyway. So do you have an ideal number of workouts you try to get in every Sunday through Saturday?

Question 46

Ideal length of each workout?

However, even if you’re someone who works out every day, these workouts might not actually be doing a whole lot if they’re only 15 to 20 minutes apiece. Getting your heart rate up for an extended period of time is the number one way to stay in shape after all. So what time limit do you try to shoot for?

Question 47

Pick a board game to play.

Even the most manly men of all time still need to enjoy a little entertainment. And what better way to spend time with friends and family than by putting down the electronic devices and breaking out a board game? So out of these four popular games, which one would you rather play (and hopefully win).

Question 48

Preferred way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

Though it’s still part of the weekend, most people’s Sunday afternoons are a lot different than there Friday nights. This is usually the time that most people like to start preparing for the week to come, whether that be recuperating from the weekend or getting some chores out of the way.

Question 49

Rather have a date with…

The two most famous Emma’s in Hollywood, both Emma Stone and Emma Watson are known for being able to star in any number of genres. While Emma Stone started off in comedies like Superbad, she’s since enjoyed more dramatic work. Meanwhile, Watson has popped up in everything from Harry Potter to This is the End.

Question 50

Who’s more alpha?

Though they may be getting up there in years, few would deny what outstanding action stars both Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson are. They also both seem like they’d be very manly men off screen as well. But does one of them strike you as more alpha than the other?

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