Hey Charmed Fans, Try The Phoebe Halliwell Quiz That Only Cole Can Pass!

Attention Charmed fans! We've got a Charmed quiz just for you!

This one is all about the once youngest sister, who we later found out is actually a middle child.

We guarantee that the only person who will be able to get 100% on this quiz is her former love and former best friend Cole Turner. That's a gutsy claim to be making, right?

This means that we are convinced that even her sisters, Prue, Piper, and Paige, won't be able to ace this quiz.

Phoebe could keep a lot of things from them but she could not keep these things away from Cole. He was her go-to person.


So with that being said, Cole Turner, even with his faults that affected their relationship, is the only one who knows Phoebe 100% inside and out. He is the only person who would be able to get 100% on this quiz.

Do you want to prove us wrong? Go ahead and take this quiz. We bet that most of you won't score higher than 75%. Go on, prove us wrong. We know you want to.

Question 1

When was Phoebe Halliwell born?

Phoebe Halliwell was the third child of Patty and Victor. Patty is a witch and Victor is a mortal with no magical powers. However, he knew that Patty was a witch. Currently in 2018 she would be of the age of 42 years old. Her mother ended up dying when she was still very young and Phoebe's unable to remember most things about her. She was raised mostly by her grandmother since her father was out of the picture. When was Phoebe Halliwell born?

Question 2

Who was the first Charmed Sister to accept her Powers?

The Charmed Ones were born with Magical Powers. However, when they were younger their mom and their grandma decided to bind their powers to allow the girls to lead a normal life. They would not know about their powers until they were adults. However, by then their mom and grandma had died. The Charmed Ones were left with little to no answers about Magic, except what was found upstairs in the attic. Who was the first Charmed Sister to accept her Powers?

Question 3

What was Phoebe's first power?

When the show first began the Charmed Ones did not initially know of their powers or the fact that their powers would get stronger overtime. When they were "Charmed," each sister ended up with a different power. Piper got the power to freeze moving objects/people. Prue got the power to move things. And Phoebe got...? Phoebe's power was the only power to be passive VS her two sisters' powers which were active. What was Phoebe Halliwell's first power?

Question 4

What were all of Phoebe's Powers?

This question is based on the entire series of Charmed. Every witch had their own Powers and the Charmed Ones were no exception. Piper had: Molecular Combustion (slowing down/Freezing), along with deviation and acceleration. Prue had: Telekinesis (Moving objects with her mind) as well as astral projection. Paige had: Telekinesis/Orbing. She was half whitelighter so she was also able to orb from place to place and she was able to look after other witches like Leo watched over them. What were all of Phoebe's Powers?

Question 5

Where did Phoebe first meet Cole?

Phoebe and Cole were a main addition to the show. Upon his arrival, there was no doubt that Cole would be a continuous character. Cole appeared throughout several seasons of the show while Phoebe was there from beginning to end. During this time a lot of things happened between the duo. However, there is one significant thing every true fan should remember and that is how Phoebe Halliwell and Cole Turner originally met each other. Do you remember the exact location where Phoebe and Cole met each other?

Question 6

Why did Phoebe almost kick Cole in his first episode?

This comes from Season 3, Episode 1. It is titled "The Honeymoon is Over." It is also the same episode where Cole and Phoebe first meet at the vanquishing site and then several times throughout the episode. During the episode, he ends up running into Phoebe for the second time. This time it ends up being outside of the university that Phoebe attends. Stuck in that moment, Phoebe tried to kick Cole. What was the reason behind Phoebe wanting to kick Cole?

Question 7

How did Phoebe find out who her soulmate was?

Anyone who has watched all the seasons of this show, know that Phoebe's deepest desire is to find true love. With this in mind, she did anything in her power to find out who she would end up with in the future. While the main question remains as; "How did Phoebe find out who her soulmate was?" We can give the answer to the information she got. Apparently, her soulmate's first name is supposed to start with the letter "C".

Question 8

Why did Phoebe lose her powers?

Sometimes Magic ends up getting exposed to mortals (non-magical). When this happens, there is a chance that the situation will be very hard to Cleanup. If there is a justification as to why the "The Cleaners" had to cover up for the Charmed One's, they take over and erase mortal's memories. If and when that happens the Charmed Ones will be under close watch to ensure this does not happen. Are you able to remember why Phoebe lost her powers?

Question 9

How did Phoebe find out Cole was a Demon?

Phoebe and Cole got together in Season 3 and during this time Phoebe realized that Cole was actually a Demon. In his demonic form he was primarily known as Balthazar. Piper, Phoebe and Prue (at the time) were on a search to find Balthazar. They came close to finding him and vanquishing him. When they were close, Phoebe found out who Cole really was. How did she find out that Cole was the Demon that they almost killed and the one they have been searching for?

Question 10

How did Phoebe lose her baby?

In season 4 there was some Dramatic plot twists. Phoebe Halliwell and Cole became an item and ended up moving in together. This meant the Charmed Ones were no longer living under the same roof but were still making it work. Phoebe started to feel unwell and she ended up getting some blood work done and found out she was pregnant. However being a Charmed one, and Cole being a Demon...this baby would have had the ultimate power. One she was not able to handle and she ended up losing her baby. How did Phoebe lose her baby?

Question 11

Was Phoebe good or evil in her past?

Phoebe is known as a "Good Witch." She is a Charmed one and uses her magic to work with her sisters, in order to make this world a better place to live. She has travelled to the future and the past. But in the past a secret was revealed about her and her sisters regarding her family history. Do you remember what it was, that was revealed? If you do, you would know if Phoebe was a good or a bad witch. Was Phoebe good or evil in her past?

Question 12

What does Phoebe find while researching?

While Phoebe is going to University. She's studying for the exams. However, one person keeps coming to mind. This person is Cole Turner. He is very private about his life and does not give her detailed information. This leaves her with so many unanswered questions. While Phoebe is researching at the library the clerk pulls out something that intrigues Phoebe, but also confuses her. What does the clerk pull out that makes Phoebe concerned, and wonder what more Cole could be hiding?

Question 13

How many times did Phoebe die and get revived?

Phoebe has died a numerous amount of times through out the series. A few of the memorable ones to be named are. In season 1 Episode 22, Phoebe gets repeated flashes of being killed by a Warlock. The Warlock is trying to kill the Charmed ones, but every time it fails Tempus (a Demon who turns back time) resets the clock. Due to this, Phoebe was killed and revived. How many times in the series did Phoebe die and get revived?

Question 14

What was Phoebe's first job?

We know what Phoebe's powers are by now and we know that she has used them for good. However, she also used her powers for personal gain. One of the times she did that, is when she used them in order to have a job. But she did not realize the consequences that could have happened. One of them being, who would believe her? Season 1, Episode 4, we see her working in a hotel Lobby. What was Phoebe's job at the Hotel Lobby?

Question 15

What was Phoebe's alias?

The Charmed Ones were fed up of their identity and just wanted to live a normal life. They ended up using an Alias to become Demon free and to live a normal life. Paige was the only one who was unable to live this normal life because of her Whitelighter side making her need to attend the witches who were in Danger. Paige's alias was Jo Bennett. Piper's alias was Jenny Bennett. What was the alias that Phoebe went as?

Question 16

Which sister did Phoebe work for?

In the series of Charmed. We learn that Phoebe has three sisters and that she is the second youngest. The oldest is Prue, who worked in an Art Gallery. viewing art and figuring out how much they are worth. Next is Piper who owned a night club and was running Magic School with Leo. Paige is the youngest. She's a Social Worker and a teacher in Magic School. One of these sister's offered Phoebe a job as a secretary. Which sister did Phoebe work for?

Question 17

What job made Phoebe famous?

Phoebe has been a Charmed One, she has also been a secretary and a psychic. However, there was one job she did after she finished University that helped her get famous. When she ended up famous, it took up a lot of her time and she was struggling with being a Charmed One. However, there was a bright side to Phoebe getting famous. She got famous for helping out a lot of people through many different situations. Why did Phoebe get famous?

Question 18

Who was Phoebe's second husband?

Her first husband was Cole Turner. The half human/half demon who eventually turned into The Source of All Evil. Her second marriage came at a time where Piper, Phoebe and Paige had to fake their own death. This guy ended up going to Phoebe's funeral and admitted his love for her. Under her alias as Julie Bennett, Phoebe ended up chasing him. They ended up getting married. She revealed her true identity which caused them to eventually go their own ways. Who was Phoebe's second husband?

Question 19

Who did Phoebe marry and have kids with?

At the end of the Series. Phoebe was able to find true love. It did not come alone, she had help. She had closed off drastically with love and relationships due to her past. So this person was sent to her in order to help her find the true love. Throughout the time, Phoebe and this person ended up falling for one another. It was almost restricted because of who this guy was. But in the end everything worked out and they ended up spending their life together with kids. Who did Phoebe marry and have kids with?

Question 20

What was Phoebe's nickname in high school that she hated?

Everyone has a lot of nicknames growing up as a kid. Some of which they love and are okay with. While there are others they really hate. Phoebe was no exception to this rule. Phoebe had a bunch of nicknames growing up and throughout the series. One included Phoebe's, which we saw the sisters calling her throughout most of the series. Another one was Julie Bennett. A name she used with a whole new identity. There was one nickname that she absolutely hated. What was Phoebe's nickname that she hated?

Question 21

Which Goddess did Phoebe turn into?

In Season 5, episode 23 and 24, the episodes are titled "Oh my Goddess," part 1 and part 2. The Charmed Ones have to go vanquish the Titans. But they are on their own due to the fact Leo is turning into an Elder. In these episodes Paige turns into the Goddess of War. Piper turns into the Goddess of Natural Elements who uses her Goddess Powers as vengeance towards the Elders for taking Leo. Which Goddess does Phoebe turn into?

Question 22

What kind of Teenager was Phoebe?

Every teenager goes through their phases. This does not mean their teenager phase represents who they become as a person when they get older. There are certain types of phases one can go through. The rebellious phase where you refuse to do anything you are supposed to and usually have an attitude. There is the nerd phase where you study endlessly. There is the sweet phase, where you are sweet to everyone. There are so many more that it is not countable. What kind of Teenager do we learn that Phoebe was?

Question 23

What was Phoebe's fear?

We find out what Phoebe's major fear is in Season 1 when she is forced to face it along with her sisters. Prue makes fun of her: "Phoebe Halliwell: Earthquakes give me the jeebies. Prue Halliwell: Would that be the Phoebe Jeebies? Prue Halliwell: Oh, you know. It's the comedy stylings of Prue Halliwell." Phoebe sees her grandmother vanquish this Demon. But, since those years, Phoebe had always been scared just because she did not understand what it was that she saw. Since she was younger, she'd always be able to remember a rhyme. And this rhyme helped her vanquish this demon. What was Phoebe's fear?

Question 24

Which sister did she switch powers with?

Phoebe accidentally/temporarily cast a spell which ended up having her switch her powers with another sister. She no longer had premonitions. Instead she was able to move things with her mind. When a Demon came, she struggled with the power. We learn that Phoebe has the hardest power of them all as it takes a lot to be able to live through most of the premonitions. And Phoebe realized that even when she complains about not having an active power, she misses hers in the end. Which sister did she switch powers with?

Question 25

How many kids does Phoebe have in the future?

We know Phoebe has gone through a lot throughout the series. Just to name a few things, she had two failed marriages, lost a baby and one of her sisters died. However, Phoebe finally finds true love and she ends up with a Cupid named Coop. But we also learn more about Phoebe's future. Her and Coop have kids and they are all girls. Phoebe follows the tradition of choosing a name for them that starts with the letter "P." How many kids does Phoebe have in the future?

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