Find Out How Many People You'll Date Before Finding The One

The older you get, the harder it becomes to find a romantic partner. However, if you believe in soul mates, you'll never give up the search. Many of us are currently dating someone who we think is the one for us, but in the end, there's no way of knowing if this is the truth. All we know for sure, however, is that the older we get, the smaller our dating-pool becomes.

If you believe that you are meant to be with one person and one person only, then surely you're aware that finding them can take some time. As a matter of fact, you might already have met your soulmate, but you just don't know it yet! In the end, you could meet your soulmate today but not be ready for them, because at the end of the day, most of us have to date other people before being ready to commit to our other halves.

You might think that dating someone who isn't your soulmate is pointless, but it's not. While it may seem like a waste of time, you're actually learning about who you are and what you want, which will help you form stronger bonds in the future. Are you ready to find out how many people you'll date before finding the one?

Question 1

How would you describe your love life?

We don't want to make you feel bad about your current situation, but we do need to know what it is. So, if you don't mind, why don't you tell us what your love life is like? Don't worry, ours isn't perfect either!

Question 2

How many people have you dated so far?

Since we want to reveal how many people you'll date before meeting the person of your dreams, we do need to know about your past. So in order to help the process, why don't you come clean about how many people you've dated?

Question 3

What was your status in high school?

High school is a hard time for everyone, even though some people may appear to have it easier than others. Finding out who you are and what you want can be tough! So, what was your status in high school?

Question 4

Do your relationships usually last over a year’s time?

The younger you are, the more likely you are to jump into a relationship. However, as you get older, you start to cherish your single years. Do your relationships tend to last under a year, or are you a fan of the long term?

Question 5

Would you settle for someone if you were still single by 35 years old?

Being single is both good and bad, but we can all agree that not many people want to be single forever. If you want to have a family one day, your clock might start ticking once you're in your thirties.

Question 6

What’s your ideal date like?

Depending on your confidence levels, you might see going on dates as nerve wracking. However, it's important to try and enjoy yourself from time to time. So, what's your ideal date like? We won't judge if it's Netflix and chill!

Question 7

Do you connect to others easily?

Chances are, if you're able to connect with people on a deeper level, you might find yourself in a relationship with the wrong person. However, there's nothing wrong with being an empath, as long as you learn how to stay true to your own emotions.

Question 8

Do you have any toxic people in your life right now?

Believe it or not, but holding onto toxic people can stop you from meeting the love of your life. If you're holding onto bad energy, you might as well be emanating it! Do you have any toxic people in your life?

Question 9

What’s your biggest regret?

We all have regrets in life, but some of ours are worse than others. Now that you're older and wiser, is there something that you wish you would have done differently? So — bummer alert — what's your biggest regret in life?

Question 10

Have you ever dated someone you didn’t really like?

When you're a teenager or a young adult, it's normal to jump into a relationship without thinking too much about it. However, not many adults would do this, as their time is precious. Have you ever dated someone for the hell of it?

Question 11

Are your parents asking you to settle down?

There's nothing worse than having parents who push you into getting married or having children. Luckily, it's the 21st century, so you call the shots! Are your parents pestering you to settle down? If so, it's best that you refrain from doing so unless you're in love.

Question 12

Have you lived abroad? If so, for how long?

Have you ever packed up your belongings and traveled the world on a work visa or a scholarship? If so, it's safe to assume that you met some love interests along the way. So, how long did you travel abroad for?

Question 13

Have you always believed in soulmates?

Some people believe in soulmates form the get go, and others don't. However, somewhere down the line you might meet someone who changes your views on this matter. Have you always believed in soulmates? Or do you consider this to be a fable?

Question 14

What’s your current relationship status?

In order for us to tell you what you want to know, you need to reveal a few facts about yourself. So, why don't you tell us what your current relationship status is? This will help us reveal your number.

Question 15

When you’re unhappy in a relationship, how long do you wait before breaking it off?

There is nothing easy about breaking up, which is why a lot of people prolong this action for as long as possible. However, when your heart isn't in it anymore, it's best to stay true to yourself. So, how long would it take you to break it off?

Question 16

Complete the following sentence… If at first you don’t succeed…

Most of us know what the ending to this sentence is. However, not everyone is going to agree with it. So, in order for us to get a grasp on your personality, why don't you complete this classic sentence?

Question 17

How important is it for you to get married?

Have you always wanted to get married? If so, it's safe to assume that you wouldn't date someone who had no interest in this form of commitment. So, how important is marriage to you? And would you break up with your SO if they didn't feel the same?

Question 18

What would you do if your lover didn’t want to get married?

If you found out that the person you were dating had little to no interest in getting married, would you still continue dating them? If so, we just hope that you aren't wasting your precious time. So, what would you do in this scenario?

Question 19

Would you date someone who already has kids?

Would you ever date someone who had children from a previous relationship? If so, it's safe to say that you're of the open-minded variety. Believe it or not, but your soulmate might already have kids of their own. Does this scare you?

Question 20

When it comes to dating, do you like to waste your time?

This question might sound weird, but it's perfectly reasonable. All too often, people engage in relationships that they know are never going to amount to anything. Do you enjoy dating around for the sake of it? If so, let us know!

Question 21

Do you take dating seriously?

When you meet someone that you're interested in romantically, do you immediately start picturing a life with them? If so, it's safe to assume that you take dating very seriously. So, what are your views on dating around?

Question 22

What is most important in a relationship?

In order for a relationship to be healthy and happy, you and your partner need to have some common ground. From the list below, pick which option you find to be the most crucial in a relationship. Heads up — there's no bad answer!

Question 23

How long would you date someone before making it official?

Back in the day, you basically had to marry someone in order to see them exclusively. But today, things are very different as people would rather 'see' each other than date. How long would you date someone before wanting to make it official?

Question 24

Has an unexpected person ever confessed their feelings for you?

Have you ever wondered if any of your friends or coworkers had a crush on you? If so, it's probably because they were giving you some signals. Has anyone ever confessed their feelings to you, or is this scenario more than unlikely?

Question 25

Would you date one of your friends?

Chances are, if you have any friends that you're attracted to, you wouldn't hesitate to hook up with them if you got the chance. However, doing this could complicate your friendship. So, would you date one of your friends or not?

Question 26

Are you still in love with one of your exes?

There is nothing worse than being in love with someone who you used to date. As this means that they no longer want to kick it with you. Do you still have feelings for any of your ex-lovers? If so, you should try telling them how you feel.

Question 27

What’s your worst flaw when it comes to relationships?

When they said that nobody is perfect, they weren't kidding. With this in mind, it's only normal for you to have some flaws when it comes to dating. So, pick which flaw corresponds to your love life the most.

Question 28

Do you know your worth?

This question might strike you as weird, but in the end, it's necessary to our findings. People who know their worth are less likely to fall for someone who doesn't respect them. So, do you know what kind of love you deserve?

Question 29

Are you a social person?

If you're a social person, you probably make it a point to go out with your friends on the weekends. Should this be you, your chances of meeting love interests is a lot higher than the average antisocial person.

Question 30

When you like someone, how do you let them know?

Do you currently have a crush on someone? If so, you might be trying to figure out how to tell them about it. Coming clean about how you feel for another person is never easy, but it's usually worth it.

Question 31

You’re in a relationship and your ex texts you, do you tell your partner about it?

Do you have an ex-lover who simply won't let you go? If so, they might be sending you late night texts from time to time. If you were in a relationship and this happened, would you tell your current partner about it?

Question 32

Have you ever been in love before?

It's perfectly normal for teenagers to have big crushes on certain people, but whether or not you would call this love is up to you. Have you ever been in love before? If so, tell us about it why don't you?

Question 33

What can’t you live without?

Life is a funny and curious thing, which is why a lot of us have no idea what is going on. If you had to choose something that you couldn't live without from the list below, which one would you choose?

Question 34

Would it surprise you to find out that you’d already met your soulmate?

Researchers have said that the average person meets their soulmate before turning 21 years old. With this in mind, would it shock you to find out that you already knew your SO? While this may seem very young, it's the truth!

Question 35

When's the last time you went on a date?

Isn't going out on dates just the best? If you can't agree with this statement, then surely you've never been on a good date in your life. So, when is the last time you went out on a date? Don't worry, we don't judge!

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