Describe Your Pregnancy And We'll Name Your Baby

When you think about it, it's pretty unfair that we don't get to name ourselves at birth. Sure, our parents do their best to give us nice names, but sometimes they miss the mark. In the end, getting stuck with a name you don't like is the worst, which is why giving your kid a proper name is essential. So, now that you hold this responsibility, it's time you start thinking about naming your unborn baby.

Do you believe that a newborn is given his/her personality at the moment of their conception? If so, you're probably afraid to give them a name that won't match their persona. Fear not, however, as you'll be able to gage their personality by the way they act when in the womb. Chances are, if your baby doesn't kick a lot and is fairly calm, they'll be of peaceful nature. Whereas if your baby keeps you up at night with his/her kicks, they might just become a party animal when they grow up.

In the end, a mother will be able to attribute a proper name to her infant. But in case she faces some difficulties along the way, we'll be here to provide some awesome recommendations.

Question 1

Was your pregnancy planned?

Getting pregnant isn't something that is always planned, but luckily it's always worth it. When it comes to your pregnancy, were you actually trying to conceive or was it an unplanned little miracle? Don't worry! We know you'll love your baby regardless.

Question 2

How long did it take you to get pregnant?

There are some women who try to have a baby for months or even years before actually managing to conceive. And there are others who get pregnant when a man looks at them. Did it take you a long time to conceive?

Question 3

Is there a history of twins in your family?

Are you secretly hoping that the doctor is going to tell you that you're having twins? If so, it's probably because you want to kill two birds with one stone. Do you have any twins in your family? If so, the odds might be in your favour.

Question 4

Is your belly growing more quickly than normal?

Have you been noticing that you're gaining more weight than your other pregnant friends? If so, you might soon find out that you're having twins or a baby with a huge head. Every woman gains weight differently during her pregnancy.

Question 5

How often does your baby kick?

Does your baby keep you up at night with his/her non-stop kicking? If so, you might be growing a highly energetic baby in your belly. When it comes to your baby's kicking regiment, how much would you say is too much?

Question 6

How far along are you?

Depending on how far along you are, you might already know the gender of your baby. While some parents want to leave this as a surprise, others simply can't wait to know. After all, how will you decorate your baby's room if you don't know their gender?

Question 7

How did you partner react when you told him/her the news?

When a couple isn't ready to have a child, finding out that they are pregnant can seriously stress them out. After some time, however, they'll get used to the idea and actually start feeling excited. How did your partner react to the big news?

Question 8

Did you keep your pregnancy a secret at first?

Sometimes, being pregnant can come as such a shock that a soon-to-be mother decides to keep her situation to herself for a while. Did you have to hide your pregnancy from anyone at first? If so, let us know!

Question 9

Did you have trouble conceiving?

When couples face conception issues, they tend to blame themselves for it, but in reality, it's no one's fault. Sometimes, nature just has a funny way of making you work for something. Did you experience any difficulty getting pregnant?

Question 10

Did you experience bad morning sickness?

We've all heard tales about morning sickness, but no one really knows just how bad it can be until they experience it firsthand. For some pregnant women, morning sickness doesn't exist. But for others, it is a very real and harsh reality.

Question 11

How did you tell your family that you’re pregnant?

When you found out you were with child, did you start thinking of creative ways to tell your family about your situation? Some couples get grandpa and grandma shirts made for their parents, and others just call them up and tell them the news.

Question 12

Do you have gestational diabetes?

It's every woman's fear to find out that she has developed diabetes throughout her pregnancy. While this isn't a common occurence, many mamas have learned the hard way that eating healthy while pregnant is a virtue. So, did you encounter this issue?

Question 13

Can you sleep lying down?

Believe it or not, but some pregnant women face complications that prevent them from sleeping in their beds. Instead, they are required to sleep in a sitting position for months on end. Are you currently enjoying the comforts of your mattress?

Question 14

Have you been experiencing bad mood swings?

It goes without saying that a pregnant woman is going to go through some emotional stages throughout her pregnancy. However, some may have bigger mood swings than others. If your partner is walking on eggshells around you, you might be more moody than you think.

Question 15

What part of your body is gaining the most weight?

No two pregnancies are the same, which is why no matter how many baby books you read, you won't know how your body is going to react until it does. While the lucky ones manage to only gain weight in their belly, others gain weight in their arms, faces, and feet.

Question 16

Are you having a happy pregnancy?

It has been said that when a mother is unhappy during her pregnancy, her baby might start to feel the same types of emotions. On the other hand, when a mother is happy during her pregnancy, her child should also feel the same way.

Question 17

Do you enjoy being pregnant?

For some, the thought of getting pregnant sounds horrible, and this is due to how many diet restrictions they are going to have to abide to. Not being able to drink coffee, smoke, eat sushi, and have a glass of wine for 9 months can be seen as torture.

Question 18

What are you craving the most?

When a woman is pregnant — anything goes. What this means is that she might start eating weird food combinations despite never having tried them before. What has been your addiction throughout your pregnancy? Don't worry, we don't judge you!

Question 19

Did you smoke before getting pregnant?

Smoking cigarettes is a disgusting habit, but that doesn't stop people from partaking in it. Some women find out that they are pregnant and need to quit smoking cold turkey — which is extremely difficult. Have you ever smoked before?

Question 20

What age group do you belong to?

It's safe to say that younger mothers have a knack for giving their babies mainstream names, which is why we need to know just how old you are. This way, we'll be able to give your baby a name that you won't wrinkle your nose to.

Question 21

Are you going to have a baby shower?

While it is customary for a pregnant woman to have a baby shower, a lot of couples are choosing to forget about this ritual. While throwing a baby shower is a great way to receive baby presents, some couples find it to be too much work.

Question 22

Now that you’re pregnant, what bothers you the most?

You've probably heard of all the problems women encounter while pregnant, but you might not have believed in them until now. Now that you know how it feels to be pregnant, what annoys you the most about your pregnancy?

Question 23

Does your belly have any dark lines on it?

Depending on how far along you are, you might have realized that you have a dark line forming on your belly. If so, you're probably wondering what this is. Well, before you freak out, just know that it's perfectly normal and is simply caused by hormonal changes.

Question 24

Are you getting stretch marks?

Show us a mother who doesn't have any stretch marks and we'll give you a standing ovation. All this to say that stretch marks are a perfectly normal occurence for women who are growing a baby in their belly.

Question 25

Is your belly high up or down low?

You're probably sick and tired of hearing about old wives tales, but you're about to hear another one. Apparently, when a pregnant woman's belly is high up this means she's carrying a girl, and if her belly is on the lower side, she's carrying a boy.

Question 26

Are you experiencing heartburn?

During pregnancy, a woman's body begins to change at a drastic rate. In response, her digestive system might start taking a hit and certain foods might become upsetting. Have you been experiencing some major heartburn issues? If so, we feel for you.

Question 27

How often are your bathroom visits?

If there's one way to measure your health, it's through your um, leavings. Pretty gross stuff right? Well, there's no need to be ashamed since you'll be changing diapers regularly soon, so just spill the beans. Have you been noticing a change in your bathroom routine? If so, let us know what it is.

Question 28

Is your doctor suggesting a C-section?

It goes without saying that a C-section is a major operation that should only be carried out as a necessity. If you're a candidate for this procedure, your doctor will tell you early on and a date will be chosen.

Question 29

How energetic do you feel?

Has your pregnancy managed to suck the life out of you? If so, you probably can't wait for it to be over. While some women report feeling tired and ill, others end up feeling energetic and happy. So, how do you feel?

Question 30

Is your partner being supportive of your needs?

It goes without saying that a pregnant woman can act irrationally from time to time. Regardless of this, it is her partner's duty to take care of her and listen to her complain like there's no tomorrow. How is your partner holding up?

Question 31

On a scale of 1 to 4, how bad do your feet hurt?

Many pregnant women complain about how wide and chubby their feet get during their pregnancy, and with good reason! Not many women expect their ankles and toes to gain weight, but this is a very common occurence. Do your feet hurt?

Question 32

Are you scared to give birth?

This may sound like the most ridiculous question in the world, but it isn't. While it is obvious that a lot of women are scared to give birth, it's important to trust in your body as it knows what it's doing.

Question 33

Have you noticed that you’re losing more hair than usual?

There are some women who report major hair loss throughout their pregnancy. While it may seem alarming, it's perfectly natural, as hormonal changes can cause hair loss. There's no need to worry, however, as your hair loss will stabilize after pregnancy.

Question 34

How many kids do you want?

This question should really be, is this your last time around? Not everybody loves being pregnant and not everybody necessarily wants to go through it again. However, lots of people do! So, what kind of family do you see in your future?

Question 35

How much weight have you gained so far?

Every woman is going to gain a different amount of weight during her pregnancy, which is why comparing yourself to others is never a good idea. Most women tend to gain 30 to 40 pounds during their 9 month journey.

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