Couples Who Fail This Relationship Quiz Are Definitely Over

You are either here because you think your relationship is perfect, or you think it's falling apart. You want to test yourself and your partner and see if you have what it takes to stay together forever. These days, with most marriages ending in divorce and most relationships lasting less than a few months, it's hard to have hope. But if you really believe in yourself, your partner, and your relationship, anything is possible? Or is it? Every relationship is different. We all have different hopes, dreams, and ways of living. The fact that we're different is a good thing, and it's the only way we can even have unique relationships. But there are a few things that are deal-breakers, no matter who you are or what you've been through. In this quiz, you'll find out if there are any deal-breakers in your relationship and what is holding you together.

The relationship quiz is best taken with your partner so you can hear both sides of the relationship. Sometimes, we'll have our vision clouded or become bias. If you need to take it alone, the results may not be as accurate, but the quiz was designed to get as close as possible

Try to answer as honestly as possible for an accurate result. Do this and we'll tell you whether or not you'll make it! We just hope you can make it to the end of the quiz, because if you don't then you are 100% over before it even starts!

Question 1

When is it okay to flirt with other men/women?

Flirting means something different to each couple and each individual. Although you two are going steady, you might still play around with other people. Some couples think it’s totally innocent while others think that it’s unacceptable. When do you think it's okay to flirt with someone that isn't your partner?

Question 2

Are either of you friends with your exes?

This can be a tricky subject, and it's a hard thing to agree on. Some people get jealous while others think it's just wrong. If given the chance, would you think it was totally cool to be friends with an ex or do you think that's a definite no-no?

Question 3

How do you feel about your partner's friendships with the opposite gender?

There's this thing about being exclusive that gets couples going mad. While most women feel like their man having female friends is uncalled for, most men will see it as nothing to worry about. Where do you two stand on the debate?

Question 4

If you won the lottery this week, what would you do?

Winning the lottery can be a life changing experience for anyone. In fact, it no doubt will change your life one way or another. If you were to be given a winning lottery ticket, what would you do with the money?

Question 5

Describe your relationship in one word.

Although there are a million words you can use to describe your relationship, we need you to pick just one. Don't think about it too hard, just go with your gut instinct. Let each word turn into a feeling in your heart.

Question 6

If the two of you need relationship advice, who do you talk to?

Everyone fights and everyone has their own issues. These issues often need to be worked through away from the situation. It really depends on the two people in the relationship. As a couple, whenever you need advice, who do you go talk to?

Question 7

Put these four priorites in order.

Crazy Family

Priorities are the number one thing that causes problems in relationships. Whether it's because of money, lack of time, or mixed up feelings, things are bound to get messy. Together, the two of you need to put these three priorities in order, from the most important to the least.

Question 8

How well do you know each other?

Getting to know each other is the first step in a successful relationship. You may know just the simple things like what you like to drink. Or you may not even know what color the other person's eyes are. How well would you say you know each other?

Question 9

How often do you agree?

You can probably say how often you agree with each person you have a relationship. You and your brother might disagree 99% of the time while you and your BFF are like twins. How often do you two agree with each other?

Question 10

How long should you go together before moving in or getting married?

Moving in together is a big step. It means you two are committed enough to envision a future. While some people skip to getting married, the idea is still the same. You are way past exclusive, you are thinking about forever. How long should you date before reaching this point?

Question 11

What would you do if you got pregnant unexpectedly?

What, no baby shower? Getting pregnant is something that happens when the couple involved isn't careful enough. At times, it can even happen no matter how hard you try. If you were to end up pregnant, what would you do?

Question 12

How often do you say I love you?

Saying I love you is key to many relationships. Some people don't need it, while others thrive off of it. There are tons of ways to show your love, but how often do you just tell each other you love them?

Question 13

If you could only do one of these things with your partner, what would it be?

There are so many things that are important to relationships. Seeing each other, looking each other in the eyes is one way to connect and build attraction. Touching each other is a way to show your love and relieve stress. If you could only choose one of these things, what would it be?

Question 14

How secure are you in the relationship?

jealous girlfriend meme

Security is crucial, but not many knows what it actually means. Say that you find out your love is keeping texts from you, you could assume they are cheating, that they are innocently talking to another girl, or that they are planning you a surprise. How secure are you with them?

Question 15

When do you act differently?

Oftentimes, people will act tense around their boss or try to impress their friends to the point of annoying their SO. When you see the real person, it's hard to accept anything else. When do either of you act different than normal?

Question 16

Who is the best kisser you've ever encountered?

Kissing is just what you do with the person you're with. It can be awkward at first, but you eventually get into a groove. Then it's fun and a great way to connect. If you had to answer, who would you say is the best kisser in the world?

Question 17

Which of these would you say you two are as a couple?

Your attitude can change the world. Whether you see the world for what you think it is, always think the worst of people, or try to see the best, it really does matter. As a couple, which of these would you say you are your partner are?

Question 18

Who is your best friend?

Your best friend is the person you feel most comfortable with in the whole world. The person that you can tell anything to and you know that they will tell you the truth, but that they will also be there for you no matter what. Who do you consider your best friend?

Question 19

Do you like each others's family?

Family is forever, or so they say. Whether you are married or not, it often feels like your SO's family members are your in-laws. They are almost always involved in one way or another. How do you honestly feel about each other's family?

Question 20

Do you enjoy listening to your partner talk?

If no one ever talks, then there is a problem, that's obvious. But as to who does most of the talking, that's another thing. Nevertheless, do you actually like listening to your partner talk about their day, dreams, or just nonsense?

Question 21

How important is your appearance?

As in, how hard do you try to look good for each other? While some people are obsessed with their appearance no matter who they are with, others depend on their lover for affirmation. How important is your appearance in your relationship?

Question 22

How does your partner make you feel?

We all have our ups and downs, but we're talking about in general. You've just had a long day at work, and you come home to be held by your lover. What one word would describe how you feel in their arms? If your answer isn't here, try to pick the closest one.

Question 23

Who makes the decisions?

Making decisions is something that will happen in any relationship. Where do you eat? Where do you live? When do you meet up? There are tons of questions, no matter what your relationship is like. In general, who makes the decisions?

Question 24

Which position do you most often find yourself in?

So you don't want to go out tonight and she does. So supper isn't ready and you're both hungry. These things happen all the time. Although most couples have their arguments and disagreements, when it comes down to it, where do you usually end up?

Question 25

Do you believe in soulmates?

According to Noah Webster, a soulmate is, "a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner." It can be a family member or even a friend. However, what we mean is do you believe that there is one person out there for you to spend forever with romantically?

Question 26

What would your love story be called?

Let's say a book or movie was written about your love story. It will start from the time you met and end sometime in the future. If this happened, what would be a fitting title? Pick the one that you connect to the most.

Question 27

What is the role of a wife?

Since the dawn of time, the standard role of a wife has changed dramatically. In some relationships, it has stayed the same, while in others it has evolved into something completely different. What do you two believe her role is?

Question 28

Which Disney couple are you most like?

We won't give off everyone's favorites like Bell and the Beast or Rapunzel and Flynn. We're going to pay tribute to some rather unpopular picks. Which of these random Disney couples reminds you of your own relationship the most?

Question 29

What does love mean?

There are tons of quotes on what love is, but right now we're going to focus on how it pertains to one simple word. Sorry. As in, when in a relationship and in love, which of these should you live by? Love means...

Question 30

What do you do most often together?

What you do together doesn't mean a lot right? All that matters is that you're together. You probably do a lot of different things (most likely all of these), but which of these things would you say you do the most?

Question 31

What love song should be your anthem?

Every couple needs a "song" to call their own. It's one that you can connect to and always makes you smile. What song is the closest to a song you would consider "your song"? We're talking lyrics only as everyone has different preferred genres.

Question 32

When is lying okay?

Liar, liar, pants of fire! We used to chant it as kids, but nowadays, we lie to our boss, coworkers, and sometimes even our friends if we feel threatened. But when it comes to your SO, when is it okay to lie to them?

Question 33

How do you feel about animals?

Life is precious in any form, some might say, while others are elitists in some way. As far as humans go, we know how you feel. But when it comes to animals, as a couple, how do you feel about them? Do you guys agree on it?

Question 34

What do you do with your money?

Money problems are the number one reason marriages end. You likely already knew this, but are you the one in a thousand? Everyone deals with money in their own way as a couple. When it comes to money, how do you decide what to do?

Question 35

Finally, do you think your partner is attractive?

Attraction isn't everything, that's true. But every relationship has it to some extent. You may think they are a supermodel and you may think that they are tolerable. Just remember to be honest when you answer. So in your relationship, do you think that your partner is attractive?

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