Could You Be A Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?

Spider-Man actors Maguire Holland Garfield Marvel Spidey

There are very few characters in the world who have the recognizability of Spider-Man, the everyman superhero that first ignited the comic book movie craze as we know it today. Back in 2002, no one could have ever predicted how huge Sam Raimi's movie was going to be, or that it would sequels, reboots, and imitations for the next two decades. All these years later, audiences still thrill to the adventures of Peter Parker and his web-spinning alter-ego.

However, as time has passed, there have been a few different actors who have all taken on the Spider-Man role, and each one of them has brought their own spin to it. Each version of this classic Marvel superhero has its fans, but all of them stay true to the basic idea of a working class kid just trying desperately to balance his regular life with his sworn duty to protect other people, because of his knowledge that with great power, there must also come great responsibility.

Because everyone relates to Peter's struggle, on some level, everyone sees a bit of themselves in the character. However, which Peter Parker are you the most like? Are you more of a Tom Holland, or a Tobey Maguire? More Amazing, or Spectacular? Well, let's find out, as we discover the answer to this question: Which Spider-Man Are You?

Question 1

What were/are you like in school?

Everyone knows that Spider-Man's story has to begin in high school: the story of Peter Parker is also the story of a boy becoming a man, right? However, back in high school, Peter certainly wasn't the coolest kid around, by any stretch of the imagination. Which of these descriptions best describes what you were like back in school?

Question 2

Who is your best friend?

Let's not name names or anything like that, (*cough* Harry *cough*) but in relation to your own life, without trying to make direct comparison to the Spider-Man movies, describe your best friend to us. What is your best friend's personality like? If you have a few best friends, pick whichever one matches one of the below descriptions the most accurately.

Question 3

How would you describe yourself?

We're not talking about what OTHERS think of you: we'll come back to that later. We're talking about how you see yourself, deep down. Which of the below descriptions most accurately represents your feelings about yourself, if you had to pick one of them?

Question 4

How would OTHERS describe you?

Okay, so now that we've covered what you think about yourself, take a step back and consider what others probably think about you. Try to be honest with yourself, and make an assessment on what sort of opinions your friends, family, fellow students, coworkers, and so on might have about your personality.

Question 5

What is holding you back right now?

Something is keeping you from accessing your full potential, or from being FULLY happy... or if nothing else, just making your overall life a bit less happy than you would like it to be. Tell us, what is the problem in your life that you feel is most holding you back from where you want to be?

Question 6

What's your mother like?

Tell us about your mom, or at least, about the woman who was the most LIKE a mother to you throughout your life. What was her personality like? What sort of role did she play in your life? Choose the answer that sounds the most like your mom, for better or worse!

Question 7

Your boss

Somebody tells you what to do, whether they pay or not... though hopefully they do pay, since you spend all those hours snapping photos of yourself in the Spider-Man costume. So tell us, which of the below descriptions most accurately represents your relationship with your boss?

Question 8

Your biggest strength

Spider-Man Civil War

Now, when we talk about strengths, we do have to stipulate that we really don't mean the fact that due to that radioactive spider bite, you can lift up a Volkswagon. We know, we know. Rather, we mean as far as your personality. Which of these qualities is your greatest strength?

Question 9

What haunts you?

Somewhere along the way, you've managed to wrack up some mistakes, and you probably feel guilty about them, at least every once in a while. Or maybe there's something else that always bothers you -- something you never had anything to do with. Either way, let us know what haunts you the most.

Question 10

Your dreams and aspirations?

What do you hope for out of life? What are you aspiring to be, to do, what changes do you hope to create out there? Let us know the biggest dreams, goals, and aspirations of your life, the best that you can describe them, in one of the answers listed below. Let's hear it!

Question 11

Describe your regular day-to-day life

When you're not busy throwing yourself off of skyscrapers and swinging all around town, which of these situations sounds the most like your everyday, regular, boring old life? Pick the one that most accurately describes your situation, for better or worse, though we know a few of them might match to varying degrees.

Question 12

How much physical abuse can you take?

Answer this carefully, because we'll tell you right now, being Spider-Man comes with a lot of physical abuse. Not just punches from the badguys, either. You'll be required to lift things you can't lift, rip your body in two, hold up entire trains, and so on. Seriously, it's going to get painful. Do you think that you can handle it?

Question 13

What sort of place do you live in?

You've got to hang up your webs at some point of the night, whether you want to or not. Even Spider-Men and Spider-Women need sleep, after all. So, wherever you happen to live and pay the rent on, pick the option below that sounds the most like your flat, pad, house, or what have you.

Question 14

Your sense of humor

If you got a bunch of superheroes together for dinner, Spider-Man is the one that everyone would remember, if only because he's famous for constantly talking people's ears off. He's also famous for letting out a constant barrage of quips when he takes down his many foes. How would you describe your sense of humor?

Question 15

What was your bully like?

Peter Parker Bully

Even if you were more popular at your high school than Peter was at his, the chances are that at some point in your life or school career, you had to deal with being bullied. Most people get bullied, at some point. Which of these descriptions sound the most like the bully you might have had at one point?

Question 16

How do you feel about being Spider-Man?

When you decided to become a superhero, you picked up one of the hardest jobs on the planet. Not only that, but out of any superhero you decided to be, you picked Spider-Man: the regular guy who has the really hard life. It's going to be a challenge to balance your dual lives, how do you feel about that?

Question 17

Your love interest

You must have known this was becoming. If there's one superhero whose life has always been a romantic soap opera, it is definitely the web-slinger. That's an element that has definitely stayed true in the movies, which have shown Peter pining over, dating, or breaking up with a number of love interests. In YOUR life, which of these descriptions matches the person you feel romantic feelings toward?

Question 18

What is your love interest's dad like?

If there is one thing that has, so far, been true about all of Peter Parker's movie love interests so far, it's that they've all had important and/or complicated relationships with their fathers, as had Peter. What about you? Whether your love interest's dad is a father-in-law or just someone you've met once, describe which situation seems the most like yours.

Question 19

Preferred hair color in a partner?

Comic books have often given characters bright hair colors (or blue hair) to distinguish between characters. When it comes to your attraction to the opposite sex, which of the following hair colors do you like the most on a person that you are attracted to, if you had to pick only one?

Question 20

Your biggest character flaw?

There's no doubt that Peter Parker is a great guy, who tries to do the best he can. The chances are, if you're into superheroes, you're probably also a great person, trying to do the best that you can. However, everyone has flaws. What do you think is your greatest one?

Question 21

Your worst mistake

Young Spider-Man

Hey, yeah, a lot of ones like this: but that's because this is a Spider-Man quiz, after all! If you had to go back through your life, and isolate that you think was the biggest, most tragic mistake that you have made, what do you think would pop out first?

Question 22

Do you work well with others?

Spider-Man has always been kind an outsider, in regard to the superhero community, but he does have friends like Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and the Human Torch, and he has been a member of the Avengers. What about you? How would do you work with people in a group? Is it something you enjoy, or are you more of a loner?

Question 23

Who do you look up to?

Everyone has got to have a role model, whether that role model is a real person or a fictional character. However, speaking of real role models, go back through your life and determine who has inspired you the most, and tell us what your relation to that person is.

Question 24

Your greatest achievement

In your life, while there have probably been a lot of hardships, there have probably also been some major achievements that you're really proud of, right? With the answers listed below, choose the one that best describes your biggest achievement in life so far. Spin a web, any size!

Question 25

How you use your intelligence?

Peter Parker Spider-man

In one of the Spider-Man movies, a major villain -- before they become a villain -- says the now-classic line "Intelligence isn't a privilege, it's a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind." How do you feel about that? You're obviously quite an intelligent person, since you're taking this quiz, but tell us how you use your intelligence.

Question 26

The first thing you'd do if you got powers?

Spider-Man and Gwen

Okay, try to remember yourself at a younger age, and try to pretend that you hadn't yet learned the whole lesson about great power and great responsibility. Let's say that you're a 15 year old kid, and after getting bit a radioactive spider, you find out that you've got super powers. What would probably be your first move, realistically?

Question 27

Favorite non-Spider-Man movie?

Pick a favorite movie out of the ones listed below. If you know why you're asking this, then... well, you get it. If you don't, don't worry about it. Just go through the movies listed below, and if you have seen any and/or all of them, let us know which one you like the best.

Question 28

Who would you reveal your identity to?

Hey, it's tough being a superhero and not having anybody in the world to talk about it with. If you became a masked vigilante, with your costumed face all over the TV screens, would you tell some of your loved ones? Would you tell anyone? Or would you keep it a secret from everyone in your life?

Question 29

Have you ever been a jerk?

Peter Parker is probably one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, but sometimes when he puts on that mask, he can be one sarcastic, wisecracking guy, and makes some mean comments. What about you? Are you always a nice person, or in all honesty, have you kind of been a big jerk sometimes?

Question 30

What kind of archenemy would really get under your skin?

Spider-Man villain Venom Doc Ock Green Goblin Vulture

Let's face it, if you're going to be a superhero, the truth is that you're going to make some major enemies. These bad guys are going to threaten everyone and everything you hold dear, and you'll be the only thing holding them back. Based on the personality descriptions below, try to figure out which of the following types of villain would most disturb you, and most get under your skin.

Question 31

Your hobbies?

Now sure, you spend most of your time either swinging around on webs, going to work, or taking classes. But when you do have some downtime, what sort of hobbies do you partake in? We'll exclude science stuff, since that applies to every Spider-Man, but other than that...

Question 32

Your photography experience

Well hey, since we just covered hobbies, let's talk about one that all of the Spider-Men have done to different extents: photography! Since we're in the age of Instagram, you probably practice photography to some extent, so tell us what your experience is, before you go ahead and apply to the Daily Bugle.

Question 33

How angry do you get?

When you think of angry superheroes, you probably think of the big green guy, or maybe the guy in the bat costume. But Spider-Man's had some pretty angry moments from time to time, and if we want to see what kind of Spidey you really are, we want to understand your anger management.

Question 34

What would make you give up being Spider-Man?

Because Peter Parker is such a normal person, he sometimes questions whether it is the wisest decision in the world to go swinging around in a costume. Wouldn't you? As a result, he has sometimes been known to throw his costume in the garbage and retire for a little bit, before his responsibility instincts kick in. What might make you retire as Spider-Man for a bit?

Question 35

Gadgets, or no?

Okay, you've reached the final question, so it's almost time to figure out what sort of Spider-Man you really are! So, as Spider-Man, you have been gifted/curses with some powerful natural abilities. Would you add onto those abilities, perhaps by creating new tools and weaponry? Or would you stick with what you have?

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