Complete This Quiz And We’ll Reveal What Your Secret Talent Is

Growing up, have you ever thought about what your talent is or rather, what your talents are? Ever wondered why you couldn’t dance as well as Amanda? Why you never won the talent show? So you tried chess, the math club, and the dance club, but still, for the life of you, couldn’t do anything naturally? So you gave up and labeled yourself talentless? Or, on the other hand, you might sing like a darn canary or shoot the bow and arrow like a true marksman, so you have no worries about your talents. Show off!

Naturally having the skill to do something that's difficult is called talent. But was everyone born with a talent that they can do effortlessly? Well, we don’t know. Take a look at America’s Got Talent, for example. Based on this show, we would be inclined to think that some talents are better than others… but is that fair? Isn't "talent" always spelled T-A-L-E-N-T? Try telling that to Simon Cowell!

Well, there's good news for those who think they're talentless. Just as a pregnant woman can’t see her toes (without much effort), the same is true for talents. Sometimes, you have to put a little extra effort into seeing or finding them.

So, do you think that you have a secret talent? You’re in the right place. Take this quiz to find out what your secret talent is.

Question 1

If you were offered a part-time job, which of these would you take?

Millions of people do part-time jobs, especially students. Did you know that your personality, in many cases, may influence the type of job you do? Let’s say, for instance, that you love and care for animals; your place to work wouldn’t be a slaughter house. I’m just sayin’.

Question 2

What kind of sport do you prefer?

Many people love sports, but in the same breath, many don't like sports. Sports have been a part of society for many years dating to as far back as 760 BC. Sports are integrated in all aspects of life, school, the Olympics, etc.

Question 3

You’re at your neighbor’s house babysitting, and their snot-nosed, red-faced bundle of joy starts bawling. What do you do?

Here’s a fun fact - Oxford Dictionary first published the word “babysitter” in their dictionaries in 1937. Babysitting has been around for ages but was referred to in various terms like “child-minding" and "childrearing,” for example. Modern babysitting began in the suburbs when the economy was booming. Teenagers needed work, and parents needed someone to watch their kids. Match made in heaven!

Question 4

Your mom gives you ten bucks. What do you spend it on?

Most kids get allowances nowadays, and some have to work their butts off doing chores and other miscellaneous tasks for it. Parents offer them this luxury for them to deal with their personal expenses. Some waste it, others save it, and well, you get the drift.

Question 5

You missed your alarm for work, and you get up late! What do you do?

It's morning already? Ugh! Better hit that snooze button. According to one study, approximately half of Americans and about 70% in the U.K. hit the snooze buttons on their alarms. According to the study, about 3.5 months of our lives are spent hitting the snooze button.

Question 6

What's your “go to” outfit?

Humans crave comfort. We all have that go-to outfit that we can’t wait to run home and put on and feel like our true selves. Some persons have outfits for Netflix and chill and snuggle time. Not everyone aspires to dress like Vogue models or even like Kim Kardashian. Rock whatever you want to. Do you, boo!

Question 7

Choose the location that speaks to you.

We all have that place, that place where we can go to and give that big sigh of relief. For some, it’s the top of a mountain, in a cave, under a tree or even in their bedrooms. Humans just sometimes need a breather to get back their Zen!

Question 8

Which hair color is pulling you in?

Some people prefer bright vibrant colors in their hair for that “WoW” factor; they just love color and try to integrate it into every aspect of their lives. They don’t let society dictate the way they should be, and they embrace what they want to be. On the other hand, some people prefer more low-key colors or shades, and that’s what makes them comfortable on an individual level. And a few prefer to match their hair color with their skin tone to complement their overall look.

Question 9

It’s your mom’s birthday party. What are you doing?

Birthdays have been celebrated from the time of the Greeks. This is a celebration of another year of life and getting older and wiser. People shower the birthday person with various gifts and well wishes. Some believe that the lit candles on the cake symbolize the light of the moon, and the smoke from them carries the wishes up to the gods in the skies.

Question 10

Which of the following would concern you the most?

Being sick is no fun; plus, it's hella expensive to see a doctor, unless you want to wait hours in the walk-in clinic. What if you could choose your sickness? Wouldn’t that be fun? However, you must still be careful to not contract viruses and to wash hands as often as is possible so as to not transfer bacteria.

Question 11

Which of these do you spend the most money on?

If “let it rain” is a part of your vocabulary, you're wasting money. We work hard to earn those coins, but it’s gone in an instant, especially when you cannot see what you used it for. Be smart with your money; you worked hard for it!

Question 12

What’s your friends’ biggest complaint about you?

If your friends complain about you a lot, it’s time to take a good long look at yourself without prejudice. Search yourself, and see if there's any truth to their complaints. Maybe there is, maybe not - who knows? But don’t let these complaints fall on deaf ears.

Question 13

Your friends always compliment you on what?

They say that friends are a dime a dozen, but you can’t buy real friends. Do your friends compliment you? Or are they negative Nancy all the time? Take time to observe the things that your friends constantly say about you and to you.

Question 14

Do you spend ridiculous amounts of time on your look?

Everyone wants to look good. So some of ya’ll spend hours trying to look like Beyoncé when you know you won’t even look like her big toe! Lol, joke. But how much time is too much? 30 minutes? 1 hour?

Question 15

Your boss decides to give you time off. What do you spend your day doing?

There are plenty people who waste their days off watching other people's lives on television. If you don’t live in the moment, then you’re wasting your precious time on this earth. Think about things that you wish to accomplish, and write them down - sort of like a bucket list but you’re not dying… yet.

Question 16

Choose a lipstick color.

Before buying lipstick, you should take care to identify the undertone of your skin. Your skin tone won't work with every color or shade of lipstick. Nobody wants to see you looking like Bozo the clown!

Question 17

You're at a restaurant. What do you order to drink?

When visiting a restaurant, how do you decide what to order? Is your order based purely on a hankering, or do you specifically choose a restaurant for something more specific? Whatever the case may be, understand what you want, and convey it clearly to the wait staff. Nobody likes a customer who orders the wrong thing then complains!

Question 18

What would be an ideal place for your piercing?

Choosing a place to pierce can be a hard decision. Apart from the general ears and navel piercing, people are now piercing almost every part of their bodies! But before piercing any part of yourself, be sure to read up on all the safety requirements and metal choices for piercings.

Question 19

Your Uber is taking forever to get to your house. What do you do to pass the time?

Uber is a taxi service that's safe, convenient, and reliable for its users. All you have to do is open your app, tap a button, and within minutes, a taxi will be at your location. In 2015, Uber was said to be worth a whopping $68 billion dollars.

Question 20

Which hairstyle would you prefer?

When we style our hair, it’s basically a reflection of our personalities. Some more outgoing and social persons might prefer a more standout hairstyle that says “I've arrived” and turns heads. Other more conservative persons might prefer subtle hairstyles that match their demeanor.

Question 21

What do you consider to be the best thing in life?

Ever heard the term "YOLO"? Well, that's correct because you only live once, so enjoy life to the fullest. As long as you have life, opportunities are endless. How you feel about yourself is basically what matters most. I mean, you're the one sleeping with yourself every single night, right?

Question 22

Which social media platform is your fave?

People like social media for a plethora of reasons. Some use it to make friends, to transact business, to build their business, and even to catfish! Yes, I went there. Just like our different preferences for food and our different tastes in wines, so, too, do our tastes in social media differ. Some might like Snapchat, while others prefer Facebook, and that’s totally fine.

Question 23

What’s your spirit animal?

A spirit animal is a guide who comes to offer love, guidance, and support during times of difficulty in your life. Many people believe in spirit animals and even wear necklaces with a pendant of their spirit animal. Do you have a spirit animal that you can look to in times of need?

Question 24

Your friend just had a rough breakup and goes to you looking for advice. What do you do to cheer the friend up?

Some friends are great advice givers. Have you ever noticed that most people who give good advice live crappy lives? Why is that? That’s like a matchmaker who's single or can’t stay in a relationship!

Question 25

How would your parents describe you?

Parents have many opinions of their kids. Some are good, some are bad, and others are just the plain truth. So, it comes as no surprise that this question was asked. Don’t you think that the opinions of your parents matter?

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