On A Scale Of 1-10, How Much Common Sense Do You Have?

There is a popular saying that “common sense is not so common.” It’s a strange saying, and one that has puzzled many people. After all, shouldn’t everybody possess common sense? And what is common sense anyways?

Well, the dictionary defines common sense as a good sense and good judgement in practical matters. Basically, common sense is the ability to judge a situation. It’s the ability to be logical.

Unfortunately, nowadays very few of us seem to possess any logical thinking whatsoever. This is partly the fault of the way we were brought up and partly the fault of our education system that rewards students for learning things off for exams as opposed to nurturing, testing and rewarding their ability to solve problems on the spot.

Indeed, those people who possess common sense are often baffled, angered and disappointed by other people’s inability to think on their feet. It seems that nowadays common sense is almost a superpower thanks to its rarity.

So, how much common sense do you have? Can you think quickly on your feet? Can you solve practical and logistic questions? Do you know enough about the world you live in? Well, take this quiz and find out! We’ll tell you exactly how much common sense you have!

Question 1

What is heavier – 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of rocks?

Only those who have common sense will get this question right. So, how much common sense do you have? Do you know which is heavier – a 100 pounds of feathers or a 100 pounds of rocks? Go ahead and choose the right answer, we trust you’ll get this one right.

Question 2

What is the capital of Russia?

Russia is a huge and powerful country that is nowadays almost always in the news. Thus, you should have no excuse for not knowing its capital city. Is it Moscow? Saint Petersburg? Kiev? Or Minsk? Go ahead and choose the right answer.

Question 3

What is tall when it is young and short when it is old?

How good are you at riddles? Some people are great at them, others are terrible. So, which are you? Can you guess the above riddle – what is tall when it is young and short when it is old? It is a person with an illness, a candle, a clock hand, or a dog?

Question 4

True or False – 0.9999.... = 1?

Math is one of the main subjects thought in school. Some of us hate math, others love it. What about you, do you love math or do you despise it? Either way, do you know the answer to the above question? It’s quite logical so we hope that you do.

Question 5

When did World War I start?

Here we’re testing your knowledge of history. History is another one of those core subjects taught in school so we are pretty certain that you’ll have no trouble getting this question right. After all, World War I is quite an interesting topic.

Question 6

Is tomato a vegetable or a fruit?

Some people love tomatoes and some people hate them. However, no one can dispute their nutritional value. But do you know whether tomatoes are a fruit or a vegetable? This question is quite tricky but we nonetheless believe that you’ll get it right no bother.

Question 7

What is the official language of Austria?

Austria is a beautiful country that is on the border with the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is known for its classical music composers, delicious cakes and beautiful Christmas markets. But do you know what the official language of Austria is?

Question 8

If you have a bowl of 5 bananas and you take away 2, how many bananas do you have?

Once again here we are testing both your math skills and your common sense. So, if you have a bowl of 5 bananas and you take away 2, how many bananas do you have? Do you have 3 bananas? 5 bananas? 2 bananas? Or no bananas?

Question 9

On average, how many spiders does a person eat during his or her sleep?

Spiders are quite disgusting and scary. Indeed, many people are terrified of spiders and want nothing to do with them. However, it is said that a person eats a specific amount of spiders in their sleep. Do you know how many spiders a person eats during his or her sleep on average?

Question 10

What is the answer to this equation? 6 ÷ 2 (1+2) =

If you love math, you’ll have no trouble answering this question. And indeed, even if you hate math you might still get this question right. After all, it’s a pretty simple equation but you’d be surprised to learn how many people get this one wrong.

Question 11

What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

When was the last time you glanced at a dictionary? Do you use it often? And do you know what the answer to the above question is? It’s pretty simple and logical so we are sure that you either know the answer already or that it won’t take you long to figure it out.

Question 12

True or False – avocado is a berry

Avocados have become pretty trendy lately. You see avocado toast in every second post on Instagram but even though avocados are pretty delicious many people still hate them. But we’re not asking you whether you love or hate avocados here – we’re only interested in knowing whether you think the above statement is true or false.

Question 13

What is the difference between these two words – “noon” and “noon”?

Do you know what the difference between the above two words is? Or do you think that they are both exactly the same? Choose the correct answer for this one and we’ll let you know how much common sense you really have!

Question 14

Where is Senegal?

How good are you at geography? We’re hope that you’re pretty good because the above question is geography related. So, do you know where the country Senegal is located? Is it located in West Africa, North Asia, or Spain? Or perhaps it doesn’t exist?

Question 15

How old is the earth?

The earth is very old, but how old exactly do you know? Geology buffs will love this question! Is it 2018 years old, 4.543 million years old, 4.543 billion years old or 4.543 trillion years old? This is a pretty basic question so we are quite certain that you’ll get the answer to this right.

Question 16

A farmer has 10 sheep. All but 4 are killed by lighting. How many sheep does the farmer have left?

Here we have another math problem which requires you to use your common sense. So, if a farmer has 10 sheep and all but 4 are killed by lighting, how many sheep does the farmer have left? Do you know the answer to this very simple question?

Question 17

What is the biggest fish in the world?

Almost everyone in the world loves one type of animal or another. Most people love cats and dogs. Unfortunately, very few people love fish. But if you’re one of those few people who do love fish, you’ll have no trouble answering this question correctly.

Question 18

Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the biggest mountain in the world?

Nowadays Mount Everest is regarded as one of the highest mountains in the world. As far as mountains go, it is pretty spectacular. But do you know what the biggest mountain was before Mount Everest was discovered? Was it K2, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Logan or Mount Everest?

Question 19

Catnip affects ...

We’ve all heard that cats absolutely love catnip. But do they really enjoy this mint shaped plant so much? And if so, is it just house cats that enjoy catnip or it is other cats, such as lions and tigers, too? Or, perhaps, catnip affects other types of animals also, such as elephants and sharks?

Question 20

What is the biggest planet in the universe?

Even if you’re not an astronomy buff we’re pretty sure that you’ll have no trouble answering this question. So, do you think that the biggest planet in the universe is the earth, Jupiter, Venus, or Neptune? Go ahead and choose the correct answer, we promise we won’t judge you.

Question 21

What color is the blood inside your body?

When we bleed externally our blood is red. However, if you look at your veins on your arms you will notice that they are blue. Thus, some people don’t actually know what the color of our blood is when it is inside our bodies. In your opinion, is the blood inside our bodies blue, red, transparent or greenish blue?

Question 22

True or False – fortune cookies were invented in China

Who doesn’t love fortune cookies? They’re a tasty little snack but they also come with a “fortune telling” message inside them, hence their name. We’re sure that you’ve eaten many fortune cookies in your lifetime, but do you know where they were invented?

Question 23

In a one-storey blue house everything was blue – the walls, the people living there, the pets, the food. What color were the stairs?

Imagine this: there’s a blue one story house where everything inside it is blue, including the walls, the people who live there, the pets and even the food. What color in your opinion are the stairs in this house? Are they blue, colorless, yellow or do the stairs not exist at all?

Question 24

How many months in a year have 28 days?

A world with no calendars would be a much different world. We wouldn’t be able to tell the months of the year and some of us wouldn’t even be able to tell the seasons. Thankfully, we have calendars. So, do you know how many months in a year have 28 days?

Question 25

Which sentence is correct – “for all intents and purposes” or “for all intensive purposes”?

You know those people who mishear certain phrases and then use the phrase wrongly? We kind of hate them and we’re sure that you do too. Therefore, we’re pretty certain that you know the answer to this question. Which is correct – “for all intents and purposes” or “for all intensive purposes”?

Question 26

Who is the President of Germany?

How interested are you in politics? If you’re very interested then you’ll know the answer to this question. If you’re not interested in politics at all, then go ahead and guess the correct answer – who knows, your common sense may just be on your side.

Question 27

Narwhals, also known as sea unicorns, don’t exist.

We’ve all heard of narwhals – strange sea creatures that are also known as sea unicorns. Some of us have even seen pictures of them. They look quite fake and thus many people believe that they do not actually exist. What about you, do you think narwhals are real or not?

Question 28

How many times can you take 5 from 25?

Do you know the answer to the above question? If your common sense is good, we’re sure that you’ll get this question right. So, how many times can you take 5 from 25? 1 time, 2 times, 5 times or 10 times?

Question 29

A man walked into a restaurant and a waiter said “Good morning Admiral”. Why did the waiter call the man “Admiral?”

Imagine this scenario: a man walks into a restaurant and a waiter says “Good morning Admiral” to him. But why does the waiter say that? Why does he call the man “Admiral”? Can you guess? Those who have a good common sense will have no trouble answering this question.

Question 30

Mary’s mother has three daughters. One is called Jennifer, the other one is called Natasha. What is the name of the third daughter?

If Mary’s mother has three daughters and one of them is called Jennifer and the other one is called Natasha, what is the name of the third daughter? Can you guess the answer to this simple logical question? Is it Jennifer, Caroline or Mary? Or is it impossible to tell?

Question 31

Where do peanuts grow?

Who doesn’t love peanuts? They’re a tasty nut that make a great snack. Plus, without peanuts there would be no peanut butter! But do you know where peanuts grow? Do they grow on trees, in the ground, inside flowers, or on bushes?

Question 32

"Could’ve" is a contraction of...

Some people have no idea what word contractions stand for. Do you know what word contractions mean? For example, do you know whether “could’ve” stands for “could have” or whether is stands for “could of”? Or perhaps it stands for neither? Or, in your opinion, can it stand for both?

Question 33

Christopher Columbus never set foot where?

If you’ve paid attention in history class you’ll have no trouble getting this question right. And even if you didn’t pay attention in class we’re sure that your common sense will help you answer this question. So, Christopher Columbus never set foot where?

Question 34

Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?

Do you think it’s legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister or not? If you have even the slightest bit of common sense you will understand this question and you will choose the correct answer. So go ahead, think about the question, and pick the correct answer.

Question 35

If there are 12 fish and half of them drown, how many fish are left?

Imagine this: there are 12 fish in a fish bowl and half of them drown. How many fish are you left with? Are you left with 6, 10, or 12 fish? Or are you left with no fish at all? Once again this is a very logical question so think about it carefully and pick the correct answer.

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