Anyone Who Can Get Over 60% On This Common Sense Quiz Is Probably A Genius

What exactly is common sense? Well according to the dictionary the official definition is "good sense and sound judgment in practical matters". But is it something that we can learn? Is it something that our parents teach us? Is it something that we learn at school or is it just something that some folks are born with and some aren't?

It would seem that common sense is not just a way of thinking or a way of acting, but a combination of the two. People with common sense stay curious about the world around them and the more knowledge they gain about it, the better they are able to manage. They are the folks who are always prepared and always ready with a logical answer. They might not always have book smarts but when it comes to being sensible and making good decisions, they are the ones we want to have in our corner. They are able to think outside the box and be creative with their problem-solving.

For today's quiz, we want to see who has the most common sense. We've prepared a list of general knowledge and logic questions and we want to see if anyone can get 100% of them right - good luck!

Question 1

How many months of the year have 28 days?

Remember when we were young and the years seemed to take forever to go by? The time between the start of the year and Christmas seemed endless and those 365 days felt like an eternity. Well, that sure starts to change once adulthood arrives. Now the days and weeks are so jammed packed that the years seem to whizz by faster and faster. Not even our calendars are able to keep up! Talking about calendars, how many months of the year have 28 days?

Question 2

At what temperature does water freeze?

Okay, it's time to find out who was paying attention in science class and who spent all their time making jokes instead. Next up we are talking about water, which as we know can be found in different states. A liquid, a vapor (steam), and of course, a solid, in the form of ice. Now we don't need to know what temperature ice freezes at in order to make it, but let's see who can tell us the answer anyway. At what temperature does water freeze?

Question 3

Unscramble these letters to form a word: A-M-N-N-O-O-S-U-Y

So tonight we've turned off the TV, everyone has packed away their phones and we've agreed to have an evening of board games. First up on the list of games is Scrabble, and after dealing the letters we end up with these. We've won the dice throw so we get to put the first word down on the board and wouldn't it be amazing to use all our letters on the first turn? What word can we make with these letters?

Question 4

What is the largest planet in our solar system?

Will our generation live to see the first humans colonize Mars? At the rate that things are moving right now, it seems a real possibility! How long will it be before we can choose which planet we'd prefer to live on, or before we'll be able to take a cruise through the solar system for our next vacation? It's an exciting time to be alive, that's for sure. So we better make sure that we know where everything is! What is the largest planet in our solar system?

Question 5

In the northern hemisphere, the sun rises in the...

One of the trickiest parts of life is learning to live with the fact that we don't know what is going to happen in the future. People are going to come and go, we might move from place to place, our fortunes might change for the better, we just never know what lies in store for us. There are very few certainties in life, but that's also what makes it so exciting! One thing is for sure though, the sun will always rise in the morning.

Question 6

In the northern hemisphere which direction does water flow down the drain?

The best part of traveling isn't just seeing new places and meeting new people, it's all the little things that you learn about the world along the way. It's a chance to see how other people live, how the world works, and how diverse it can be. Those who have traveled might have noticed that depending on which hemisphere they're in, water runs out of a plughole differently. In the northern hemisphere which direction does water flow out a plughole?

Question 7

How many ounces in a gallon?

Why do we need units of measurement? Well, try to imagine a world without them. Who would we order drinks at the drive-through? How would we buy milk? How would we make cakes without knowing how much of each ingredient was needed? Units of measurement make life easier for everyone although they do differ depending on where you are in the world. While most other countries use liters to measure volume the USA uses the gallon. How many ounces in a gallon?

Question 8

What goes up and down yet stays in the same place?

Okay, now it's time for a little brain teaser! Don't think too hard on this question because the answer is actually very simple. We might find ourselves using these on a regular basis (depending on where we live and work (and how lazy we are). Using them is very good for us but it can get tiring after a while. Has anyone managed to guess what the answer is yet? What goes up and down, yet always stays in the same place?

Question 9

At what temperature does water boil?

With the way that modern humans live today, it's very easy to overlook all the luxuries we have. It's not hard to overlook the fact that we have warm, clean homes that keep us safe and access to things like food and water. We take all these things for granted. We can have a hot shower whenever we please and we don't need to worry about first getting the water warm. But if we had to boil the water first, what temperature would we need to heat it to?

Question 10

What can we never eat for breakfast?

Sometimes being an adult can be pretty stressful. Actually, it's pretty stressful most of the time but there are certain perks that do come with being a grown-up. We can come and go as we please for starters, no-one can tell us what to do or who to see, and we can spend our free time doing whatever we choose. We can also eat whatever we want to because we make the rules. But what is the one thing we can never, ever eat for breakfast?

Question 11

What goes up but never comes down?

According to the law of gravity whatever goes up must surely come down. If we throw something up into the air, it will return to earth eventually, that sort of thing. But that's not to say that everything that rises will eventually come down. There are some things we would like to decrease but it's just impossible - and this is one of those things! Has anyone guessed it yet? What is the one thing that goes up but never comes down?

Question 12

How many cups are in a gallon?

We've got a birthday coming up and there's plenty of planning to do! We've already decided on a theme for the party but now we need to plan the snacks, order (or perhaps even bake) the cake and organize refreshments. As it's summer perhaps it would be nice to make a few gallons of lemonade to keep everyone hydrated but we'll have to work out how much we will need based on the number of guests. How many cups are in a gallon?

Question 13

What has a head and a tail but no body?

Okay, it's time for another little riddle. This is not a trivia question but to get it right we need to think out of the box a little. But it's not always that easy, is it? We can't always control what answers our mind chooses to give us, and most of the time we over-complicate the question in our minds. Just keep it simple for this one! What has a head and a tail but no body? Tip: you can use it to make a decision too!

Question 14

Which is heavier? 100 pounds of rocks or 100 pounds of wet feathers?

We've just bought a new house and we got it for a steal but there is a little bit of a problem. The reason it was going so cheap is that it needs a little bit of work... The property is located out in the country and it needs clearing out before we can even begin to look at the renovations. First on the list is getting rid of all these rocks and feathers (where did they all come from?). Which is going to be heavier?

Question 15

What is always coming but never arrives?

We can get ourselves into quite a rush sometimes can't we? There always seems like there is so much to do and never enough time to do it all. We are always thinking about the future and making plans and sometimes we get so busy doing that that we completely miss out on the present moment. It's important to slow it down sometimes and just enjoy whatever is happening. Think about this for a moment: What is always coming but never arrives?

Question 16

What is the symbol for gold?

When we look at gold, we see one thing: prosperity. Even small amounts of gold are very valuable so if someone has it, that means they must be doing well financially. Either that or they have some wealthy family and friends! We associate gold with wealth, which is why we use it to make jewelry. We even use gold flakes and sprinkles on food to make it look more impressive! But who paid attention in science class? What is the symbol for gold?

Question 17

Which word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?

In order to solve this word puzzle, our readers will need to be able to put these letters together in their minds. Here are a few clues about the answer: most of us have dreamed about running away to one of these for a little peace and quiet. Some of us may have visited one and some of us even live on one. We tend to associate them with palm trees. white sands, and crystal clear waters. Anyone guessed it yet?

Question 18

How much oxygen is in the air we breathe?

Many of us take the air we breathe for granted because we know it will still be there tomorrow. But without this air, and the oxygen that's in it, life would not be possible for us. Thanks to all the trees and plant life on the planet (which produce oxygen) we have an environment that is perfectly suited to us. Now if we can just look after it, everything should be fine! That shouldn't be too hard right? How much oxygen is in the air we breathe?

Question 19

What is 15% of $260?

Some students find math very boring while others are fascinated by numbers. Sure some of the math skills we learn in school never help us in our daily lives as adults but learning how to work with numbers is very important. Adults who know how with numbers can work better with money and be more successful than those who can't even work out a tip without a calculator. Let's do a quick calculation: if we want to leave a 15% tip for a $260 bill, how much would that be?

Question 20

What do we find in the middle of nowhere?

Hands up those who've ever gotten lost? Okay, that's almost everyone! Getting lost can be a really frustrating experience but it happens to us all, even with the help of GPS. Maps can become outdated and sometimes we might find ourselves in a place that is off the map completely. And that's usually when we find ourselves having to ask for directions (even though we really don't want to). Think about this for a moment: What do we find in the middle of nowhere?

Question 21

What has an eye but cannot see?

Life without our eyes would be difficult, yet we often take them for granted. We could surely get along without a sense of smell (for example) but not being able to see what is happening around us would not be very nice at all. And when we think about all the wonderful things we are able to do thanks to our vision, we really should be a little more grateful for our peepers. Which of these has an eye but cannot see?

Question 22

Choose the best way to extinguish a small grease fire:

This morning we decided to make breakfast. It's not something we do very often but we thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone in the house if they could wake up to a mouth-watering cooked meal. So we popped the bacon in the oven, cracked a few eggs into the pan and started cooking up a storm. But someone has been neglecting their cleaning duties and the grease-encrusted oven has just caught fire. Now we need to think quick!

Question 23

Where in the human body would alveoli be found?

Our bodies are quite incredible when we think about it. Every second they are performing all sorts of functions and keeping everything running smoothly with very little help from us. We don't need to think about digesting our food or breathing, our bodies just do everything automatically. These amazing biological machines that we call our bodies can perform all these complex functions thanks to the cells and structures that make up our internal organs. Where in the human body would we find alveoli?

Question 24

In a blueberry falls from a tree when the wind is blowing south-east, where will it land?

We've been spending way too much time inside over the past few weeks so this weekend we've decided to break away and get back to nature. We've decided to go camping with our friends and we've all agreed that no devices are allowed. Instead, we just plan to enjoy each others company, sit around the fire and chat (perhaps tell a few ghost stories), and maybe even play a few board games. We might even just sit and watch the trees sway in the wind...

Question 25

What is the symbol for helium?

When we think of helium the first thing that comes to mind is balloons. We all know that if you inflate a balloon with helium it will float, which always looks cool. They float because helium is much lighter than air. The second interesting fact about this gas is that if we breathe a little of it in the sound quality of our voice changes and sounds more high-pitched (and it's usually hilarious!) On the periodic table, what is the symbol for helium?

Question 26

Try solve this riddle: "They are dark, always on the run, and without the sun there would be none. What are they?"

It's really easy for our brains to become lazy, especially when we don't give them much to keep busy with. If we are doing the same things every day, driving the same route, seeing the same people, doing the same tasks it's easy for our brains to switch over into autopilot. That's why it's important to challenge our minds every now and again with puzzles or quizzes (like this one) to get the old noggin working again. Think about this riddle for a moment before choosing an answer.

Question 27

Which is correct: For all intents and purposes OR For all intensive purposes?

Nobody wants to sound silly when they talk. We all want people to think that we are intelligent and we know that people judge us based on the words and phrases that we use. But if we are not careful, and we simply to try repeat phrases that we've heard other people use, we might end up saying something that doesn't make a lot of sense. This phrase means "in every practical sense" but which is the correct version of this maxim?

Question 28

What is 200 feet in meters?

In the USA feet and inches are generally used to measure height and shorter distances. In other parts of the world, the base unit of length is the meter. The meter is defined as the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in one second. Depending on where we find ourselves in the world we might need to work feet into meters or vice versa but how many people actually know the ratio? Perhaps only those with common sense!

Question 29

What color is cyan?

The world is a colorful place and we have the perfect tools to experience it: our eyes! The human eye can see roughly 10 million different colors, thousands and thousands of different shades all made up from the seven basic colors of the rainbow. These are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Most of these different shades have names and it's almost impossible to know them all. But some folks might! Let's see if anyone knows what color cyan is?

Question 30

What is the next number in this sequence? 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...

Almost everyone likes puzzles. Some of us prefer the type of puzzles that we find in games, others like the jigsaw type and for those of us who really like to challenge our brains there are number puzzles and games like Sudoku. Finding the pattern in a group of numbers can be quite thrilling and there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of getting it right. Let's see if anyone can get this one right - what would the next number in this sequence be?

Question 31

What is a lumen?

There are different units of measurements for different things and most people don't know them all. That's because we usually only concern ourselves with learning about the things that interest us, or that we use on a daily basis. Now the lumen is a unit of measurement that we commonly use but not everyone knows exactly what it means. But maybe some of you will. And those will be the people on their way to a perfect score on this quiz! What is a lumen?

Question 32

I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I?

It's time for another riddle again! Most of us end up doing the same things every day and this doesn't require much help from our brains. In fact, our brains get so used to doing the same tasks over and over again that we almost go into autopilot. This is why sometimes we can't remember driving to work or washing the dishes - we do them almost automatically. That's why it's good to keep our brains active and thinking and riddles are ideal for this!

Question 33

How many countries are there in the world?

Who doesn't like to travel? What could be more interesting than meeting new people, seeing new places, and experiencing new things? We all love to travel because it helps us grow and makes life feel remarkably exciting! If we could, we'd like to see every country on Earth, however, time and money usually stand in our way. Because there are quite a few countries in the world and it would take really solid planning to get to them all. How many countries are there?

Question 34

How many 9s comes between 1 and 100?

We are our readers to try and work this one out without looking up the answer or writing it out. Again this is a number problem that requires logical thinking, it's actually quite simple but we do need to think outside the box just a little. Here's a quick clue - the number 9 might appear in the first or second position and might sometimes even take up both positions. Anyone who manages to get this one right definitely has loads of common sense!

Question 35

Wedding gifts should be wrapped in what color paper?

We've been invited to a wedding and this is a traditional wedding so we better make sure that we've brushed up on our etiquette. We better make sure that we know which knives and forks to use when we sit down to eat to avoid embarrassment and how to behave appropriately. We also need to check and see where the bride is registered for gifts and buy something off her list. When it comes to wrapping wedding gifts which colors are traditionally used?

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