Can You Pass The Impossible IQ Test?

Most people tend to think that they are smarter than their friends or family. We all think that we know more than those around us which is sometimes true and sometimes very untrue!

So, how smart do you think you are? Do you think that you have a high IQ? If so, then take this impossible IQ test and prove us your knowledge! In the quiz below we have combined a number of different questions, including questions that focus on topics such as history, geography, nutrition, logical thinking and general knowledge.

We sometimes think that people with a very high IQ are extremely knowledgeable in one specific area or topic. That is, of course, totally untrue. Truly intelligent people - and those with a high IQ - will know a little bit about everything. That is what makes them particularly smart!

Question 1

How many months in a year have 28 days?

Every month of the year, has, confusedly, a different number of days. Some have 28 days, some have 30 days, and still others have 31 days. On leap year, we also have a month with 29 days! All of this serves to make our planning process much more challenging since very few of us know how many days each month has. But do you know how many months in a year have 28 days? Go ahead and choose the answer from the options outlined below.

Question 2

True or False – the unicorn is Scotland's national animal

Nowadays we all know that there is no such animal as a unicorn. However, back in the day people sincerely believed in the existence of these mysterious animals and bought many items that were supposedly made from unicorns in the hopes that they would heal them or bring them luck. Indeed, the existence of unicorns was not disproved until 1825 when the scientist Baron George Covier said that it was not possible for an animal to have a split hoof and only a single horn coming from its head.

Question 3

How many states are there in the United States?

This one's so simple that we have no doubt that everyone will be able to answer this question no problem. So, do you know how many states are there in the United States? Are there 48 states, 50 states, 52 states or 53 states in America? If you can't recall the answer try and remember the American flag. It has a very specific number of stars on it, one for each state. Also, just to be clear: federal districts such as DC are not included in this number.

Question 4

What country does this flag belong to?

Can you recognize the country by its flag alone? If you are a geography buff then we have no doubt that you can. However, we don't want to exclude anyone from this question and we certainly don't want geography buffs to get ahead so this flag is of a country that is well known both in America and around the world. Its flag is made up of three stripes, the top one being white, the middle one being blue and the bottom one being red.

Question 5

5, 7, 8, 9 – Which is the odd one out?

Remember these math questions you would encounter in school? They may seem simple at first glance but upon further inspection they prove harder than one previously thought. However, this one is a pretty simple one so you should be able to guess it no problem. So, which number, in your opinion, is the odd one out? Is it number 5, number 7, number 8, or number 9? Go ahead and choose the answer you think is correct from the options below.

Question 6

Where did the Boston Tea Party take place?

The Boston Tea Party was a famous event in history so everyone who has ever taken a history class or read a history book should be aware of it and know where exactly it took place. The event was staged as a protest against taxation during which Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea into the sea. So, where did the Boston Tea Party take place? Did it take place in London, Boston, Paris or Edinburgh?

Question 7

What is the capital of Texas?

Capital cities are not exactly easy to remember so we won't judge you too harshly if you get this one wrong. It is difficult enough to remember capital cities of the various countries in the world but it is even more challenging to try and remember the capital cities of all the states in America seeing how there are so many of them! So, which city, is in your opinion, the capital of Texas? Is it Austin, Phoenix, Denver or Atlanta?

Question 8

When did Titanic sink?

You don't have to be a history buff to know the answer to this question. Indeed, anyone who has seen Cameron's iconic film Titanic will know this one. Back in the day, Titanic was one of the largest ships ever built and everyone wanted to be on it. Tragically however, it collided with an iceberg and sank, killing more than 1,500 people due to the lack of lifeboats available. So, do you know the year in which the Titanic sank?

Question 9

What color is your blood?

This question may seem deceptively easy at first glance. However, upon further consideration you may realize that it is slightly more difficult than you initially thought. So, do you know what color is our blood? Is it red, blue, green, or grey? While the blood that gushes from our wounds is undoubtedly red, it looks blue, dark green or even grey when one looks at their veins. So, what color is it really? Choose the answer you think is correct.

Question 10

What is the name of the longest river in the world?

The names of rivers and lakes are also incredibly difficult to remember mainly because there are so many of them in the world. Luckily for you, in this quiz we are not going to ask you anything mad - such as to identify the name of the 6th largest river in the world - but that doesn't mean that this question is easy. Indeed, often times it is the simple questions that stump us the most. So, what is the name of the longest river in the world?

Question 11

Where in Italy does pesto come from?

Pesto is a delicious Italian sauce that is usually made from crushed garlic, pine nuts, salt, basil leaves, Parmesan cheese and Pecorino cheese. All of these ingredients are blended together, making a delicious green paste that goes incredibly well with pasta. However, while pesto is usually made using basil leaves - hence its color - you can also make red pesto using dried tomatoes, parsley and chilli along with the above classic ingredients. There's no denying that pesto is delicious, but do you know where it comes from? It origin is usually noted on the jar or the tub it comes in.

Question 12

Which of the below animals is the odd one out?

This is one of those games where you have to guess the odd one out. So, which one of the below animals is the odd one out? Is it the cat, the elephant, the giraffe or the snake? Once again, these questions may seem deceptively easy at first glance but it takes some thinking to realize the correct answer. There is one feature that ties three of the below animals together. The fourth animal doesn't have this feature which means that it is the odd one out.

Question 13

How many times a day is a broken clock correct?

Were you ever late somewhere because your clock or watch stopped and you thought that it was much earlier? It is incredibly annoying when that happens because it means that the clock or the watch in question needs to be fixed. This question comes from a very popular phrase so you should have no excuses for not knowing this one. So, how many times a day is a broken clock correct? It is 0 times, 1 time, 2 times or 4 times? Go ahead and choose the answer you think is correct.

Question 14

What is the most read book in the world?

Are you a lover of books? Then you should know the answer to this question - what is the most read book in the world? This particular book also happens to be the highest selling book in the world. Is it, in your opinion, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James, the Bible or The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien? You've probably read this book yourself or at the very least, you probably know someone who owns a copy of it.

Question 15

Are dolphins fish or mammals?

There's no denying that dolphins are one of the cutest sea animals ever and thus it comes as no surprise that they cause much excitement when they appear in areas populated with humans. But do you know whether they are considered fish or mammals? Dolphins are widespread but most of them do prefer the warm waters of tropical climates. Unfortunately, dolphins are threatened by hunters, by catch (catching certain types of animals and fish unintentionally while fishing), habitat loss and marine pollution.

Question 16

When did World War I start?

World War I, also known as "First World War", the "Great War" as well as the "War to End All Wars" was a war that was started in Europe and which lasted for four years. As a result of the war, around 9 million combatants as well as 7 million civilians lost their lives. Today, it is known as one of the deadliest conflicts in history. But do you know when it started? Did it start in 1904, 1912, 1914 or 1918?

Question 17

True or False - enamel is the hardest substance in the body

Enamel is the hard substance that covers our teeth that is mostly made up of minerals. Its main purpose is to protect our teeth from any damage, especially the damage we may incur when we are chewing our food. But do you know whether the above statement - enamel is the hardest substance in the body - is true or false? You don't have to be a practicing dentist to know the answer to this question and since there are only two answers available you have a pretty good chance of getting this right even if you don't know the answer for sure.

Question 18

Which elements is water made up of?

No human being could live without water. Indeed, water is one of the most important substances in the world. It is not only humans that need water in order to survive, animals and plants need it too. This means that without water there would also be no food. But do you know much about this very important substance? For example, do you know which elements water is made up of? Is it made up of hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen and fluorine, helium and oxygen or hydrogen and chlorine?

Question 19

A baker’s dozen is how much?

We all know how much a dozen is but how much is a baker's dozen? In other words, how many buns would you get if you asked for a dozen of them in a bakery? Would you get 11 buns, 12 buns, 13 buns or as many as 14 buns? Go ahead and choose the answer you think is correct from the options below and if you are not sure then go ahead and make a guess - who knows, you might just be right!

Question 20

Who wrote Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear?

Do you know who it was that wrote the plays Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear? Was it George Eliot, Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare or John Milton? The above tragedies - as well as a number of other famous plays by the author - are known worldwide and are often part of the school curriculum. Therefore, we have no doubt that you know the answer to the above question. Thus, go ahead and choose the answer from the option below that you think is correct.

Question 21

What is the capital of Germany?

We've already mentioned that capital cities are incredibly hard to remember and indeed only real geography buffs will know the names of all, or almost all, of the capital cities of the world. For this question, we'll stick to European countries. So, do you know the name of the capital city of Germany? Is the capital of Germany Munich, Berlin, Hamburg or Cologne? Pick one of the answers below and if you are not sure go ahead and make a guess.

Question 22

Can you name this dictator?

Can you name the dictator you see in this image? Is it, in your opinion, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini? As you doubtlessly know, dictators are those political leaders who possess absolute and total power of the state. The state that is ruled by a dictator is thus known as a dictatorship. All of the below dictators are incredibly famous but only those who are possess a truly high IQ will be able to match the name to the picture.

Question 23

Are Cheetahs and Desert Cats the same animal?

There are two types of cat families in the world - "Pantherinae" and "Felinae". Big cats, such as tigers, lions and leopards belong to the "Pantherinae" family whereas small cats such as pumas, cheetahs and domestic cats belong to the "Felinae" family. Indeed, there are many types of cats out there and some of them have numerous names which can sometimes make it hard to identify them. For example, do you know if cheetahs and desert cats are the same animal? Or are they two different types of cats?

Question 24

Which of the below countries has the highest population in the world?

According to the latest statistics, there are currently 7.6 billion people living in the world. That is, without doubt, a lot of people. But the world is a large place which means that some parts of the world are more heavily populated than others. For example, Iceland has a population of around 340,000 people that live in an area of 40,000 squared miles making it incredibly sparsely populated. But which of the below countries has, in your opinion, the highest population in the world?

Question 25

When did World War II start?

World War II, which is also known as the "Second World War", lasted for exactly 6 years and 1 day. But do you know when exactly did it start? Did it start in 1932, 1936, 1939 or 1944? The war was fought by two opposing military alliances known as the Allies and the Axis and is nowadays known as the deadliest conflict in human history. Indeed, it is estimated that the war resulted in around 50 to 85 million deaths, many of which were civilian.

Question 26

Which country does this flag belong to?

Here we have another question where we ask you to identify a country by its flag only. So, do you know which country does this flag belong to? Does the flag represent Greece, Mauritania, France or Germany? The flag is known as the "sky-blue-white" as well as "blue-white". It is made up of nine horizontal stripes that alternate between blue and white. The top left side of the flag has a smaller blue square on it with a white cross inside it.

Question 27

What year was President Kennedy killed in?

John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States of America. As a President, he was well loved by his country's citizens and remains popular to this day. Unfortunately, he never finished serving his term because he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while on a political trip. A man named Lee Harvey Oswald was suspected of the assassination and was duly arrested. However, Oswald was never prosecuted because he was murdered by a nightclub owner named Jack Ruby. To this day, Kennedy's assassination remains a mystery as many conspiracy theories have been proposed.

Question 28

What two colors make green when mixed?

Everyone knows that if you mix certain colors you will get a different color. So, do you know what two colors make the color green when they are mixed? Is it red and blue, blue and yellow, purple and orange or blue and orange? This is a tough question but we have no doubt that you will get it right. So, what are you waiting for, go ahead and choose the answer that you think is correct from the options available below.

Question 29

Which of the below is the largest ocean in the world?

How are you at geography? We've asked you a few geography related questions before but here we have another one which we hope you will find relatively easy. So, do you know which of the below is the largest ocean in the world? In your opinion, is the largest ocean in the world the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean? Go ahead and choose the answer that you think is correct. And if you don't know, simply make a guess!

Question 30

True or False – Prussia is a country that still exists today

We just had a geography related question so now it is time to move onto history. History buffs will love this one but even if you don't like history very much you should still know the answer to this question. So, in your opinion, is the above statement - Prussia is a country that still exists to this day - is true or false? Since there are only two answers available there is a good chance that you'll get this one right even if you don't know the answer for sure.

Question 31

What is the capital of Russia?

Nowadays Russia features heavily in the news which means that we all know quite a bit about the country. So, do you know the name of the capital city of Russia? Is the capital city the beautiful St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Samara or Moscow? Geography buffs will find this question simple but you should really know the answer to this question even if you hate geography. So, what are you waiting for, go ahead and choose the correct answer from the options below.

Question 32

What is ivory made from?

Ivory is a hard, white material that is often used for making beautiful carvings as well as for the manufacture of piano keys and billiard balls. Ivory is quite expensive for there is huge demand for it and it has been used and valued for centuries. But what exactly is ivory made from? In your opinion, is the valuable ivory made from copper, elephant tusks, lead or wood? Go ahead and choose the answer that you know (or think) is correct!

Question 33

Which of the below foods is NOT a source of vitamin D?

Having a high IQ is not just about knowing historical and geographical facts. It is mostly about being able to think logically and knowing important facts about the world and everyday life in general. For example, do you know much about nutrition and the vitamins that can be found in various foods? If so, you will do great in this one. So, which of the below foods is NOT, in your opinion, a source of vitamin D? Is it egg yolks, mushrooms, tuna or bananas?

Question 34

What is the currency of Japan?

Japan, also known as the "Land of the Rising Sun" is an island nation that is located on the Pacific Ocean. It is a beautiful country and one that everyone should visit at least once in their life. But if you're planning your visit, do you know what kind of currency you should bring with you? Should you bring Japanese Dollar, Rupee, Renminbi or Yen? Since many countries have different currencies it can be difficult to remember them all but do give this a try.

Question 35

What percentage of your body is water?

We've already mentioned in a previous question just how important water is to us. Indeed, without water humans wouldn't even be able to survive. And it's not just human who wouldn't survive - animals and plants wouldn't make it either. As humans, we are actually made up of water. But do you know how much water is in us? Are humans made up of 20% of water, 40% of water, 60% of water or 85% of water? Go ahead and choose the answer you think is correct.

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