Can You Pass An O.W.L. Exam From Hogwarts?

Those of us who know Harry Potter can name almost anything about the characters and can nitpick the differences between the books and films with ease. We know the differences between a Muggle and wizard, and that it takes more than just book-smarts to survive seven years at Hogwarts. The journey of a wizard is about friendship, bravery, and even survival. But there are also spells to learn, classes to take, and professors to get along with (or not!). Despite how fun and dangerous it can be to be a wizard, it's also full of rules and regulations. One of the most annoying is the Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations necessary to get from one grade to the next.

Yep, Hogwarts wizards and witches are subject to the same annoying tests us ordinary Muggles are subject to, lest they face the consequences. Plus, Hogwarts had some subjects that were very difficult, such as Defence Against The Dark Arts, Muggle Studies, and Herbology. In a way, watching our favorite wizards take tests makes us relate to them better and makes magic seem like something you can just study. But hey, a real Harry Potter fan can pass an O.W.L. exam. So give it a try!

Question 1

Match the term to this definition.

This particular type of magic focuses on altering what something does and not what it is. It can last longer than a spell and is not the same as a transfiguration. An extremely powerful form of magic, it can change the fate of an object or creature. Some of these last hours, others last a month, and others last a lifetime. Others can There are also dark versions of these that are known by different names. This type of magic is a:

Question 2

Which of these is NOT a feature of a werewolf?

A werewolf is a human that turns into a wolf when there's a full moon. The cause of this condition is lycanthropy, an infection that's also known as werewolfry. Though they're similar to wolves, there are fundamental differences between them. The infection spreads whenever a werewolf bites a human. No record exists of a werewolf that has had a child except for one instance. There are several ways to identify humans who become werewolves during a full moon. Which of these isn't one of these features?

Question 3

What is the incantation for the charm that slows moments down?

Besides just changing memories or properties of objects, there's a charm that can change the properties of time. It's been used by Quidditch players, Albus Dumbledore, and Hermione Granger. This charm allows moments to slow down and has helped wizards save lives, make time slow down for better decisions, and even improve Quidditch games. It has the effect of making things slow down as if they're sinking through water so that people can see a moment more clearly. What's the incantation?

Question 4

Which of these charms does NOT conjure any form of fire?

Many charms exist that can conjure fire or certain forms of it, such as sparks, flames, or fireballs. These can be used for many purposes, including duels, defense, and even attacking someone else. However, they can also be used for survival skills such as cooking, providing lighting during certain situations, and even warmth during the cold season. Some of these charms even allow the fire to freeze and stay in place or provide the sensation of tickling. Which is not one such charm?

Question 5

The following are examples of what type of spells?

In duels, these spells are often used in self-defense. Uttering them correctly allows the spell caster to remove another wizard's wand, while others make them feel different for a while. These spells can also stun or petrify someone. Some of these require a clear sight of the person one is targeting, while others require concentration. A wizard must also be prepared to be on the receiving end of these spells depending on their situation. What type of spells are these?

Question 6

What is the meaning of "Ehwaz"?

The subject of Runes is mostly theoretical and involves the study of ancient magical scriptures. Only two English language translations of some of its words are known. It requires a special dictionary and textbooks in order to study completely. The symbols in this alphabet are often used as stand-ins for letters in the Latin alphabet. Though this system is ancient, it does appear in the modern wizarding world. There are two words often used in it; however. One of them is Ehwaz. What does this mean?

Question 7

What is the result of this dark magic?

This type of dark magic is not usually taught at Hogwarts, though students can learn how to fight it when needed. It involves splitting one's soul into parts so that one may place this part of their soul in an object. However, splitting one's soul requires murder, because it is unforgivable and splits one's soul from within. It was a type of magic used by Voldemort in order to stay alive because he feared death. What is the result of this magic called?

Question 8

Which is not an exception in Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration?

Just like Muggles are ruled by laws of math and physics, wizards also have principles that explain the limits to their magic. Though the use and purpose of objects can be changed in Transfiguration, Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration explains what happens when someone tries to transfigure. There are five exceptions to this law that can help wizards better understand how to control things around them. Which of these is not an exception according to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration?

Question 9

What's the name of this plant?

Herbology deals with the study of mundane plants and fungi that could be used for potions, or that have magical properties on their own. In their fifth year, Hogwarts students are able to study more dangerous plants as their studies progress. One such plant is used in potions or even some wizard food products. It contains sharp teeth and must be handled with care. It is known to attack its owner if it's not properly taken care of. It's called:

Question 10

This plant is deadly if not handled with care.

This plant contains vines that often try to grab onto whoever is nearest to them. Its spikes contain a deadly poison and its bite can be fatal if one is not careful. Although Hogwarts has a strict code of conduct, students are allowed to swear loudly as a sign of distress if the plant tries to strangle them. Stunning the plant often helps decrease its danger, and students can also opt for severing its arms in some situations. Name this plant!

Question 11

Identify this Mediterranean plant.

Native to the Mediterranean, this plant can be eaten by a witch or wizard so they can grow gills. This allows a person to better process oxygen underwater for about an hour. Its effects on salt and sugar water are still debated by herbologists. It resembles slimy green rat tails and its texture is similar to kelp. Because the plant is harmless and has little effects when used in very small doses, it can also be used to make drinks. What is it?

Question 12

Identify this creature by its description.

In Defence Against the Dark Arts, students learn how to care for injuries caused by dark magic, and how to deal with dark creatures. One such creature can be good or bad depending on whether or not a charm has been placed on them. They usually begin their lives as statues used for decorative or specific architectural purposes and feature monstrous designs. Though legend states that they're sentient as a natural quality, said sentience is usually caused by a charm or spell placed on them. This is called a:

Question 13

What is this creature called?

This creature loves jokes and pranks but can be a nuisance when out in the open. It's important to be able to control them when they're in a large group, and this can be an impossible task unless one is a skilled wizard. It bears live young and has a shrill voice that isn't understood by humans. This creature is small and bright blue and has a lot of strength of a creature of its diminutive size. What is it called?

Question 14

What is this unforgivable curse called?

There are three Unforgivable Curses in the wizarding world. This one is known to be one of the most powerful because it's difficult to tell how it impacts another person and can even be used as an alibi in certain situations. However, it can be defended against. When used correctly, a person who casts the spell can control another human being and force them to do things against their will. Those with a strong will have been known to resist this curse, which is called:

Question 15

What is this dark creature?

A wizard must be prepared to defend themselves against magical creatures of all kinds. Some of them have no ill intentions but may have no way to control their powers. Other creatures are dark by their very nature. This creature is a cadaver that is awakened by the spell of a Dark Wizard. They're similar to zombies and are made to do someone else's bidding. They are skeletal in appearance and usually have cloudy eyes that display no signs of current life. What is their name?

Question 16

The Polyjuice Potion CANNOT be used to transform into a:

The Polyjuice Potion contains a complex blend of ingredients that must be added in two parts. The potion must also brew for a month before it is ready. It contains leeches, lacewing flies, and a piece of the person one wishes to transform into. It can be used for good, but also for nefarious purposes. The potion may also take on the properties of the person the wizard is about to transform into. However, the Polyjuice Potion cannot be used to change into a person who is:

Question 17

How many uses of dragon's blood are there?

The uses of dragon's blood were apparently discovered by Albus Dumbledore, but Ivor Dillonsby claims to have discovered several of these uses beforehand and that Dumbledore made a lot of reference to his previous research. Because of how difficult it is to acquire it, dragon's blood is quite expensive to buy and has many magical properties. Dumbledore was such a connoisseur on the subject that he was able to tell what it was through taste. How many uses of dragon's blood exist?

Question 18

Which concept governs Golpalott's Third Law?

Golpalott's Third Law is used to create antidotes to poisonous potions. It explains that a cure (antidote) for a blended poison can't be made by simply finding the cures for each separate poison and then blending them. Professor Slughorn explains that potion makers must instead find an individual ingredient that changes each poison in a way that resembles alchemy. This allows one to create an antidote from the blended poison. Which concept explains how Golpalott's Third Law works in this instance?

Question 19

At what age does a unicorn's horn grow in?

Unicorns are some of the purest creatures on the planet and are well-known and revered by wizards and Muggles alike. Their horns and hair have various uses. Born gold in color, they change into a silver color as they grow. Dark Wizards often drink unicorn blood to prolong their life, but this leads to a cursed life. In Care of Magical Creatures, students learn about the biology of unicorns, including their growth into adults. At what age does their horn grow in?

Question 20

Thestrals are known as what type of omen?

Thestrals resemble horses in their basic anatomy, but they have reptilian characteristics, wings that resemble those of a bat, and skeletal figures. It is rare to see one and they must be handled by very experienced wizards. Their figures are also one of the corporeal forms of the Patronus Charm. They're lured by the smell of blood and don't have pupils. Thestrals also live in herds and can be trained to understand commands. They're wrongly considered what type of omen?

Question 21

An expert at Divination is also known as:

Divination is an elective course at Hogwarts, and Albus Dumbledore eventually decided it should no longer be taught. However, Sybil Trelawney was hired because he wanted to protect her from Dumbledore. Some methods used to gather facts about the future include reading tea leaves, Tarot cards, using a crystal ball, and interpreting the meaning behind a prophecy. Many dismiss this as not being an accurate science, but that's because Divination requires that one see out of their Inner Eye. An expert at this is called a:

Question 22

Which subject allows the use of the internet for research?

The vast majority of wizards live in their own worlds and use no electricity, modern services or even stationery that humans are used to. This class teaches people why such things are necessary for non-magic folk. At Hogwarts, students use older textbooks, and oral and practical lessons to apply their knowledge. This makes much of modern technology unnecessary for wizards. However, there is one subject that allows wizards to use technology such as the internet, in a rare display of its use in wizard folks. This is called:

Question 23

Which event occurred in 1289?

In History of Magic, students learn about how they came to be the wizards and witches they are today. This includes learning about past wars, the creation of spells, and how their ancestors survived among the Muggles for such a long time without getting discovered. Many events occurred that allowed magical law and the Ministry of Magic to exist. One event must be studied by all students in their second year and it occurred in 1289. What was this event?

Question 24

Which is one of the properties of the Elder Wand?

The Elder Wand is one of the Deathly Hallows and was thought to be a fable for a long time. It was first mentioned in "The Tale of the Three Brothers." Someone who owned the Elder Wand along with the two other Hallows (Invisibility Cloak and Resurrection Stone) would be known as the Master of Death. Because it contains the hair of a Thestral, the wand itself can only be seen and mastered by someone who has seen death. Name another property of the Elder Wand:

Question 25

What does a Patronus actually represent?

A Patronus is complicated and can take on a corporeal form of an animal that a wizard has an affinity to. It's extremely complicated and some people can only form an incomplete Patronus that isn't as protective. There is no other defense against Lethifolds and Dementors and could also be used to send messages. Some may also use an uncorporeal Patronus so they can hide from the general public. A wizard must think of a happy memory in order to conjure it, but what does the Patronus ultimately represent?

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