Can You Match The Tattoo To The Celeb?

Our generation is obsessed with inking our skin.  It's a great way to show what really means the most to us, what makes us happy, and periods of our life that we never want to forget.  Tattoos are a way to express ourselves creatively while not wasting our breath at all.  From inking our memories on our skin to dedicating a whole tattoo to someone we love.  Celebrities are no different; there are tons of celebrities out there on the red carpet, and you've probably seen their tats, but some might have a few hidden you never even knew about!

Do you think you'll be able to guess this celebrity ink and who it belongs to? You'll have to think hard because this 50/50 quiz will have you on the edge of your seat while testing your Hollywood knowledge.

Question 1

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This tattoo has a bit of extra humour mixed in, which narrows it down quite a bit because only a few individuals would get something like this! This 'Better At 70' tattoo will surely probably make an impact when they actually turn 70 years old. I can't wait to see it then, how about you! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 2

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Covered in tattoos, like these small little memories, this is an amazing and modern way to make an impact with your ink but still not be covered head to toe! While some people really dislike this style, it does have a sense of charm that you don't really see that often. Don't you agree? This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 3

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This very traditional and delicate tattoo has been probably one of the most famous body art on this quiz. This woman, actress, and model had this tattoo done years ago, traditionally hand poked. She endured hours of pain, each dot creating the final tattoo you see here. Do you think you would ever do something like this? This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 4

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This individual has a ton of tattoos, always getting small little pieces of ink that really does tell a major story--from their doggy tattoo to a logo of famous brands! It's their body and it's their choice if they want to get a bunch of small tattoos, instead of a classic and old school sleeve of ink. This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 5

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I am totally in love when it comes to this tattoo. This detailed lion portrait really does capture the essence of this Hollywood star. They are a very bold individual, so it's very easy to see how they would get an image like this on them forever. Let's hope it reminds them to be confident! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 6

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I just love how bold this tattoo is. It's a black work tattoo from a woman who shaved her head. That might give it away if you recognize this top model! She doesn't shy away from her bold confidence with this look. It makes her take center stage - not only with her buzzcut - but the huge tattoo no one even knew about it. This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 7

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This cute and very delicate tattoo is the perfect addition to this outgoing star. This small star tattoo really does make a bold statement when photographed and it's so unique, it's making me want a small tattoo as well! She just pulls it off so well! Would you end up getting something like this too? This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 8

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This very classic-looking black tattoo will make you take a look back at the start of tattooing. Even I haven't seen her flaunt this tattoo before. Maybe because, ever since she went on her Twitter rampage, she's lost a lot of credit when it comes to her image and overall career. Hopefully, she can work on herself just like getting tattoos! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 9

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

While she might not be in the news all the time like she once was, growing up on all the television shows, she has grown up quite a bit and is now pursuing her own career goals. In the process, she's accumulated a ton of ink and this is just one example of her tattoos! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 10

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

While she might not be everyone's ideal person when it comes to the Hollywood A-listers, this starlet has made huge news with this head tattoo that reads "stories...". She came out and said that she got it because she wants everyone to take a moment and realize that every single person has their own unique story. This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 11

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

These matching tattoos are between two people you might not guess right away. They are the perfect editions between two people that always wanted to remember the other. This Ying and Yang tattoo might come off simple, but it does really showcase the unique dynamic these people have with each other. Super cute! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 12

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This tiny, delicate tattoo is the perfect choice for anyone looking to get ink but has never gotten a tattoo before. This Hollywood model has made an impact with such a small tattoo. Maybe it's because she actually has the same tattoo on both feet. It makes her very noticeable and makes her stand out from the crowd! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 13

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I just love how this look is all pulled together because of her tattoos. They're highlighted by her strappy shoes, and they really do make a huge impact no matter where she goes. This bold black and white tattoos are a huge design contrast and they look totally stunning on this Hollywood star! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 14

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I love this moth tattoo; it's simple and very bold. How it's positioned on her back really makes everything symmetrical, and it's almost like a built-in accessory with any outfit or dress. I'm sure she gets tons of comments and compliments on it too - I think we totally approve of this ink! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 15

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This simple, yet classic tattoo looks so good when paired with a tailored and fitted blazer and suit! If you're having a hard time guessing who this individual is, just remember that they are seriously covered from head to toe with tattoos, so it shouldn't be too hard figuring out who this stylish man is! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 16

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I am in LOVE with this glow-in-the-dark tattoo; what an amazing idea to get a lightsaber to glow in the dark! I can imagine being entertained by this tiny tattoo for hours. Can you imagine, if you had a kid, they'd never stop messing with it? Totally genius ink! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 17

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This little tattoo really shows how dedicated this Hollywood star is to Vegemite! Even though a lot of Americans think that food spread is totally gross, good for her for getting a tattoo and showing the world that she loves this nasty food! I know I would never get this inked on me. This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 18

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

The Jenners and the Kardashians are always making a huge impact over every little thing they do in the world. Even if one of them gets a little bit of ink - a tiny and hidden tattoo - the world will find out about it and copy them. I can't believe how dedicated their fans are! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 19

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This brand-new and fresh tattoo of David Bowie is inked on a very dedicated fan, but not just any fan. This is a woman who has dedicated her life to music and even creates some of the most famous music on the planet. I just love how it turned out, and I'm sure he would love it too! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 20

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Another simple tattoo that has everyone talking - a tattoo that someone from the Jenner or Kardashian family has on their body. As soon as they got this ink, everyone went crazy because they wanted a red ink tattoo too! Maybe it's just something in the family, but they all love to get unique and trendsetting tats! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 21

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Throwback to 2009, anyone? This anchor tattoo had everyone talking way back when, but now, it's a bit dated when compared to tattoos on trend at the moment. This anchor tattoo might be cute but all it does is remind me that hipsters still actually exist. Good for them either way! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 22

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I love how many emotions have gone into the tattoos this celebrity has. All of his tattoos really do have a story and he's spoken about them many times in TV interviews, but when it comes down to it, his confidence has been his main inspiration when it comes to his family, career, and life. This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 23

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

This tattoo has really made a huge difference in this star's life. This tattoo is dedicated to her father so, every time she sees her hand daily, she can think of him. Plus, by having this tattoo, she knows that he'll always be with her no matter what or where she is in life. This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 24

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

What a simple and chic-looking piece of ink. This tattoo has struck many discussions because he continuously refuses to speak about the meaning behind it. He keeps it secret and, while we respect that, we wouldn't mind knowing what it really does mean to him. Obviously, it must mean a ton if he's refused multiple times! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

Question 25

Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

I just love how bold and beautiful these black work tattoos of birds are. While this individual isn't in the spotlight 24/7, she does pop up every once and a while when she shows up on the red carpet, always making a huge statement with her bird tattoos! Very unique and a beautiful idea! This generation is simply obsessed with getting ink. It's no different for the A-listers on the red carpet! Can you guess who this hot tattoo belongs to?

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