Can You Get A Perfect Score On This King Of The Hill Quiz?


Of FOX’s animated shows, King of the Hill kept the lowest profile. It was never as popular as controversial as Family Guy or as omnipresent as The Simpsons. The humor was more subtle and dryer. It took its time, like a good Texas drawl. It also didn’t help that King of the Hill’s spot on the schedule meant it was constantly pre-empted for football and baseball. However, for thirteen seasons, it was actually on, King of the Hill was one of the smartest comedies on television.

Taking place in a small fictional town in central Texas, the series was a cozy one that was both a loving satire and a cultural marker for a middle class that was disappearing even then. Despite its locale, King of the Hill didn’t make its bones being political. Its scope was small, realistic, and more concerned with the everyday. The series never talked down to its audience or judged its characters or its fans for watching it.

With “preliminary talks” of King of the Hill revival coming, we thought now would be a good time to refresh your memory and ask test how well you remember this cult cartoon classic.

Question 1

What and what accessories does Hank sell?

King of the Hill Hank America

Despite what his father thinks, Hank does not, in fact, operate a gas station. He does, however, very much love his job, having worked his way up to Assistant Manager in the fifteen years he has been working for Buck Strickland. Hank defines himself by his job, as it was something he wanted to do since he was a boy. He even only took a half day off when his son Bobby was born. Hank was briefly promoted to manager, but ruined it when he accidentally thanked Buck by telling his boss he loved him.

Question 2

What's the name of Hank and Peggy's son?

King of the Hill Bobby

Hank and Peggy had trouble conceiving for reasons we'll get into later, but eventually, they had a child. Hank was hoping for a junior athlete, but that didn't work out. Their son was more...lazy. And into fantasy and, well, not sports. He did enjoy soccer, which was like a dagger in Hank's heart. Hank always wanted a son he could connect with. Instead, they have little in common (at first), which makes Hank worry he'll have the same relationship with Bobby that Hank had with his own father.

Question 3

Who is Joseph’s birth father?

King of the Hill poster

How much Dale does or doesn't know is up for debate. Nancy did all but flaunt the affair while it was going on. Joseph looks nothing like Dale (despite the fact they have almost identical personalities). Dale seems to be subconsciously aware of the situation, given the dreams he's had about it, but there is another theory. That Dale loves Nancy and Joseph too much to break up the family and is raising Joseph as his own partially out of revenge to the man who actually fathered the boy.

Question 4

What beer do the guys prefer to drink?

King of the Hill Beer and Loathing

A traumatic incident found a drought in the guys' favorite beer. They tried to acclimate to another beer, but it didn't take. Instead of waiting for the new shipment, they drove down to Mexico, only to find out the horrible truth: the beer in Texas and Mexico had been tainted, causing vomiting and diarrhea. Peggy had just gotten a job with the company, and after her own bout with the stomach virus, blew the whistle on the company. Luckily, a new, untainted shipment reached both countries and the day was saved (if not their toilets).

Question 5

Kahn and Minh were born in what country?

King of the Hill Kahn and Minh

When the Souphanousinphones moved in next door to the Hills, it was the first Asian family they had ever been exposed to. It wasn't an auspicious start. While Connie was sweet and adorable, her parents were haughty and mean. Hailing from a large tax bracket and having lived for years in Orange County, California, they looked down at their neighbors quite a bit. Kahn himself made his disdain for Hank and Peggy specifically very clear, though over the years, that disdain turned to mild indifference that bordered friendship.

Question 6

In what fictional city does King of the Hill take place?

King of the Hill Arlen

Like the Simpsons, South Park and Family Guy, King of the Hill takes place in a fictional city. Really, in this case, a suburb. It became as much a character as anyone else on the show. Over time, businesses went out of business while others thrived, everybody was involved in everyone's business, but they also came together as a community whenever someone was in trouble. At least on Rainey street. Creator Mike Judge used the fictional setting to combine elements of places in Texas and New Mexico he grew up in, painting a broad picture of a small town.

Question 7

When did Cotton lose his shins?

King of the Hill Cotton Hill

Cotton Hill, Hank's father, is not an easy man. He's an obnoxious, loudmouthed and angry person, but also incredibly funny whether he's aware of it or not. Poor Hank always wanted Cotton's approval which was never going to happen. Eventually, all that built up into a resentful anger that Jimmy Carter (long story) attempted to mediate. When Carter asked Cotton if he would press a button that would make Hank disappear, Cotton hesitantly replied, "Not yes." This was a Christmas episode, by the way. It was very positive and life-affirming.

Question 8

What ailment does Hank NOT have?

King of the Hill Hank smoking

Hank is a very private (read: repressed) person who doesn't even like seeing his underwear on a laundry line in the backyard "for all the world to see." You could imagine he how dearly uncomfortable he gets when his medical history (repeatedly) is revealed. Or that time he wept in a movie theater because his truck was dying, but that's another story. While he can be overly sensitive to being exposed, we can't help but take his side in feeling embarrassed when one of his ailments was revealed on the local news one night.

Question 9

What does Bobby want to be when he grows up?

King of the Hill bobby hill

One of King of the Hill's longest running jokes is Hank's utter bemusement at his son Bobby. Hank is the ultimate straight-man--he's virtually humorless and a blue collar traditionalist--but Bobby is not. He's weird and cosmopolitan but (by central Texas standards). He's obsessed with going to New York or California and working in entertainment. Compare this to Hank who thinks north Texas should be considered southern Oklahoma. Bobby's strange definition of masculinity and extroverted behavior has often led Hank to sigh, "That boy ain't right." No, but he is damn funny.

Question 10

What name does Dale use as an alias?

King of the Hill Dale Gribble

Dale is a very paranoid person, going so far as to establish an longstanding alias to be a fall-guy for whatever trouble he might he might get into. Dale chose the name of an elementary school classmate who passed away. The only problem is that, twenty years later, this same classmate revealed that he didn't actually die as a child--he simply moved away. All these years of Dale using his name caused him many tax and legal problems and he wanted Dale to quit it. Dale continued unabated.

Question 11

What crime did Hank NOT commit?

Hank Hill King of the Hill

Hank and Peggy are opposites (he likes his mattress firm, she prefers extra-firm) who attracted. Yet, they still have quite a bit in common. Specifically their naivety-level, which has gotten them both in a enough trouble that they should be in prison for a long, long time. Strangely enough, if Cotton knew the things Hank had done (or was at least accused of rightly or wrongly) he might have respected his son a little more. Of course, Hank is easily embarrassed and worried over his reputation, so he (understandably) would just want to pretend these things never happened.

Question 12

What was the name of Luanne’s Christian-themed puppet show?

Luanne Platter King of the Hill

Look, no fans liked Luanne's puppet show, but we're going to remind you of it anyway because if we can't suppress the memories you can't either. Part of Luanne's arc in finding her way in the world was devoting herself to religion. Her devotion to religion was based largely on the ideas of redemption and heaven--where there would be peace. She never gave up on her parents, hoping there would be a way to get a normal family out of them. In the end, she couldn't save her parents, but she found a moral compass.

Question 13

Which character is Luanne related to by blood?

Luanne King of the Hill

Luanne is a stock character. She grew up in a trailer (not even a double-wide!) with dysfunctional parents who both ended up in prison. Luanne is desperate for normalcy and positive attention, and while she is an incredibly gifted mechanic, she ends up married with a child at a fairly young age to a man named Lucky bad teeth and a mullet who "slipped in pee-pee at the Costco." Luanne isn't the brightest of people, but she is kind and sweet, which endeared her to fans.

Question 14

What is Bobby’s favorite food?

King of the Hill Bobby

If King of the Hill does return to satire our modern era, no character would adapt as easily as Bobby. Already a pop culture junkie looking to entertain, Bobby would love social media and making YouTube videos. We could easily see him going viral, much his delight and his parents' embarrassment. Bobby always had the confidence to get him through any situation. As Hank once said, "Bobby is like mud. You can't build it up but you can't knock it down, either."

Question 15

What does Bill do for a living?

King of the Hill Bill

Bill is the most depressing out of the group. He went from being a respected high school athlete with hair life Roger Daltry to be a fat, divorced, lonely man with hair like Captain Picard. His wife Lenore left him on Christmas after years of physically abusing him, drinking heavily, and cheating. He's tried to get his life together and repeatedly failed (although it wasn't his fault every time). He's also had a nervous breakdown and attempted suicide on multiple occasions (yes, this is still a comedy). At least he has a menial job he can always rely on.

Question 16

Dale is the president of what club?

King of the Hill Dale

That Dale can make it to the presidency of any office is a scary thought. At the same time, he's not really a threat to anyone. He talks a big game but no one ever takes him very seriously. Dale has a desire for respect and security he never felt as a child and much of his reactionary feelings toward the government is a reflection of his own feelings of powerlessness. Of course, the real question about Dale is where he got that nifty hat.

Question 17

In what state was Hank really born?

King of the Hill Hank walkman

Hank is a proud Texan. He loves Texas history, he loves its culture. He even loves all the damn snakes that are running around like they own the place, but that's neither here nor there. He applied for a Native Texan license plate only to find out that his life was a lie: he was not actually born in Texas, even if he's lived there since he was eight days old. The only greater insult was that he was born in the one city he dislikes the most.

Question 18

What does Dale do for a living?

Dale Gribble Hannibal Lecter King of the Hill

Well, Dale doesn't really make a living. His wife is a news anchor for Channel 84. She brings home the money. Dale owns his own business, so he makes his own schedule. In the end, he provides enough to pay the cable bill. He spends most of his time and money preparing for doomsday, researching the Kennedy assassination, and indulging in bizarre projects. That Nancy eventually ended her affair with John Redcorn out of love for Dale is a surprise, but it turns out she's just as crazy as he is, just in a different way.

Question 19

What did Cotton name his youngest son?

Cotton King of the Hill

In his late seventies, Cotton married DeeDee, who had gone to kindergarten with Hank. They had a son shortly thereafter. Cotton, who had a son he didn't know about in Japan, and a son in Arlen he didn't like, thought this was his second chance at getting it right. The usually unpleasant and cold Cotton was adorable with the little baby, who he showed a clear doting and indulging affection for. Hank loved his little brother as well, but was still rankled by Cotton's show of preference.

Question 20

The Hill Family cameoed in what animated series?

Hank Hill and Bobby Hill

Having characters cameo in other series is fairly common these days, but didn't happen very often in the 90s. At the time King of the Hill premiered, FOX wanted to give them a big push. Creator Mike Judge had previously worked on another animated show on the network, and as a sign of appreciation, the show had the Hill family cameo in their series. The Hills attended an elementary school football game that their team lost. Hank shakes his head and says, "We drove two thousand miles for this?"

Question 21

How many men did Cotton kill?

Cotton Hill King of the Hill

Sure, he has three kids. Sure, he managed to land a wife much younger than him. Sure, he managed to walk again despite not having any shins. But there is one thing Cotton is most proud of: the amount of people he killed during World War II. He mentions it at least once in nearly every appearance he makes in the series. There's even a dedicated flashback to all the times he said it when some asked Hank what Cotton is most proud of.

Question 22

Bobby defended himself by…?

King of the Hill Bobby

The problem with being a fat white lump is that you're an easy target for bullies. Tired of being forced to literally eat dirt, Bobby decided to join a self-defense class. Unfortunately, the only one still available was a Women's course. The instructor showed the women (and Bobby) that when a thief attempts to rob you, they should yell: "That's my purse! I don't know you!" Bobby used this as a battle-cry, confusing bullies before he would attack them. Of course, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and although he won some respect, Bobby started becoming a bully himself.

Question 23

What hobby do the guys enjoy?

King of the Hill Hank Dale Bill BoomhauerKing of the Hill Hank Dale Bill Boomhauer

As big-city folk, we don't really understand how people spend their time in the suburbs. On King of the Hill, the guys drink beers in the alley and hang out, which sounds fun. The rest of the time, it's kinda weird. They think home-care and related chores are fun. Now, we can't speak to the entirety of Texas--maybe it's just the people of Rainey street--but that doesn't sound fun. Regardless, Hank, Dale, Bill and Boomhauer really enjoy the upkeep (well, Bill not so much--the depression takes a lot out of him).

Question 24

Where is Peggy originally from?

Peggy Hill

While the series always maintained which state Peggy originally hailed from, their continuity was never clear on how and when certain things happened. They established she came from a different state where she lived on a farm. However, her mother later claims to have never lived in Texas despite seeing her in several flashbacks. Peggy's age when they moved to Texas also kept changing. Regardless, upon returning home for the first time in years, Peggy and Hank had to help her mom fight out celebrities from turning their town into another Cannes. It was a strange episode.

Question 25

What and what accessories does Junichiro sell?

Junichiro and Hank Hill

Despite having the personality of a hornet, Cotton Hill got around. After getting his shins blown off (and beating an enemy soldier to death with his remaining stump), Cotton convalesced in a Japanese hospital, where he fell in love with a nurse named Michiko. Their son Junichiro was born nine months later, but Cotton didn't know he existed for nearly fifty years. Hank and Junichiro has a surprising amount in common, including sharing a narrow urethra and being the assistant manager at their respective companies. However, in what industry does Junichiro work?

Question 26

What club do Kahn and Minh want to join?

Kahn and Minh King of the Hill

Kahn and Minh are social climbers, but don't have the funds or the social grace to get into the ultra high-end, Asian-exclusive country club in Arlen. Their attempts at wooing Ted and Cindy Wassanasong are cloying and obvious, but at the same time, if you ever saw this country club, you'd understand why the Souphanousinphones are so desperate to join. The club has a beautiful golf course with man-made rivers interspersed throughout. There are heated pools with music playing beneath the water, and amenities to make you feel like you matter. It's a delightful piece of manufactured heaven.

Question 27

Who was Bobby's first girlfriend?

King of the Hill Bobby girlfriends

Despite being a weird little bully magnet, Bobby remained outgoing, positive and very much interested in girls. They, of course, proved to be a major weakness for him. He was often led astray by girls who would use him or mistreat him. While Bobby would eventually recognize what was happening, he would also protect these girls if they were in trouble. While definitely a late-bloomer, his comedic timing and charm always seemed to make him a hit with the ladies--even a few good ones.

Question 28

Which one of these actors did NOT voice a character on King of the Hill?

Hank Hill marijuana

Despite not being the force of nature/pop culture phenomenon that The Simpsons were, King of the Hill managed to attract the same caliber of A-list talent to lend their voices to characters on the show. They would play school teachers, family members, themselves, or other strange roles large and small. Over the years, the series saw actors like Johnny Depp, Dennis Hopper, Renee Zellweger, Sally Field, William H. Macy, Reese Witherspoon, Mary Tyler Moore and Kathleen Turner. The list goes on, but with all the stars in Hollywood, they couldn't get everybody.

Question 29

Which country singer stole Peggy’s song?

King of the Hill Peggy knitting

Look, it's Texas. Of course country music is going to get involved. Peggy submitted her song to a famous country singer only it to be rejected. At a country music festival, she heard this musician playing her song and using her backstory like it was his own (referencing the big feet and all). When confronted, Peggy did the only thing she could think to do: punch his lights out. She didn't get the song rights or the money, but it was cathartic.

Question 30

What is the brand of cigarettes Dale smokes?


Dale Gribble loves very few things: his wife Nancy, his son Joseph, Mountain Dew and cigarettes. You'd be surprised how often those things become intertwined. Dale is also very paranoid, which is why he's an ardent gun collector and doomsday-prepper. He can't fight, but he is wiry, and keep a pocketful of sand on him at all times for self-defense (naturally). Despite his paranoia, he's surprisingly naive and easily fooled. His wife was running around on him for over ten years; Joseph isn't his actual son, but Dale remains totally unaware of this.

Question 31

What is Boomhauer’s first name?

King of the Hill Boomhauer

Boomhauer is the fast-talking, heavy accented womanizer of the group. Likely because of his unintelligible patois, there are only a handful of episodes that focus on him. We know his father was a doctor, he has a brother, and he loves classic cars and fishing. He's also surprisingly wise, though often clumsy. This is all somewhat disconcerting when in the series finale it was finally revealed that Boomhauer is a Texas Ranger. A clumsy man who is impossible to understand who has a gun. That sounds safe.

Question 32

What crime did Peggy NOT commit?

King of the Hill Peggy crazy

Like we said, Peggy can be overly confident and naive. It's a combination that has been a recipe for disaster on more than one occasion. As realistic as King of the Hill was, sometimes its characters were put into situations that could have (and sometimes should have) had them locked up for a decade or two. Peggy is guilty of all but one of the crimes in the answer section, and while these were crimes that were largely accidental, a judge and jury probably wouldn't see it her way.

Question 33

What is Kahn’s nickname for Bobby?


Kahn's dislike for the Hills magnified when his daughter Connie started dating Bobby. Kahn much preferred she be with Chane Wassanasong, the son of the affluent Wassanasong family, so that he and Minh could climb the social ladder. Chane was an athlete and a decent student, where Bobby, well, looked more like a bowling pin and had grades like Jimmy Wichard. Kahn was harangue and badmouth Bobby as much as possible, which was one of his favorite pastimes anyway. While Bobby and Connie did eventually break up, it wasn't because of Kahn's interference.

Question 34

What career did Peggy not have?

King of the Hill Peggy

Peggy is often a hard character to like. A self-important egomaniac, Peggy's arrogance and abrasive attitude has gotten her into trouble and hasn't endeared her to many people, especially Dale. It stems from her mother who constantly micromanaged and put her down. Now, Peggy has launched into the other direction. However, while she isn't self-aware, it has made her tough enough to readily dive into anything. She's had many and often disparate careers and has succeeded in virtually all of them. Peggy's an incredibly smart woman, she just shouldn't dance in the end zone as much as she does.

Question 35

Hank and Bobby do NOT share an interest in…?

King of the Hill Bobby thanksgiving

Some of the strongest episodes of King of the Hill focused on the struggle Hank and Bobby had in bonding. However, after 13 seasons, they did have a lot in common already and the plot became stale (Bobby seemed to vacillate between liking and disliking sports whenever the plot required it). They've had some very strange hobbies in common, proving both that Hank desperately wanted to understand Bobby and that Hank himself was weirder than he let on which was gratifying for Bobby.

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