Play "Never Have I Ever" And We'll Guess How Big A Diva You Are

There are a number of women in the celebrity world that have been categorized as divas since their behind-the-scenes antics have been quite noteworthy. While all celebrities seem to have a reputation for being catered to and sometimes being seen as quite demanding, there is a big difference when it comes to true divas in the entertainment industry. From actresses that have over-the-top demands for appearing on daytime talk shows to music artists that have a catty attitude towards their peers, it's interesting to see how some of the rich and famous have transformed after an abundance of fame and fortune.

While some people think of being a diva as a positive thing, others can see it as something that is truly negative in a personality. Yet, those in the celebrity world can view it as a badge of honor. Being described as a diva can show that there is a huge amount of prestige that goes along with that description. Find out how much of a diva you are by playing the "Never Have I Ever" game and see how your own personality and tendencies can correlate with those in the celebrity world. While it may not entail drinking, it is definitely just as fun.

Question 1

Have you ever forced other people to help you walk in high heels?

Walking in high heels is a skill that not every woman has mastered. Yet, true divas never let that stop them because they can always force someone to help with remaining stable. Have you ever forced other people to help you walk in high heels?

Question 2

Have you ever gone to the hospital, only to find out that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you?

Typically, people don't rush over to the hospital unless there is something truly wrong. Yet, not everyone can gauge their health in the same way. Have you ever gone to the hospital, only to find out that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you?

Question 3

Have you ever gone out dancing in sneakers?

Sneakers aren't generally thought of as dancing shoes and they're certainly not the style of women trying to get dolled up for a night out on the town. Yet, not everyone gets hung up on the fashion norms. Have you ever gone out dancing in sneakers?

Question 4

Have you ever endangered someone else in order to take an amazing selfie?

Taking selfies can sometimes be hazardous to people's health. There have been a number of different instances that have made the news because someone got hurt or died while trying to take a selfie. Have you ever endangered someone else in order to take an amazing selfie?

Question 5

Have you ever posted a photo where your friend is blinking but you look great?

Selfies are hugely popular on social media but some people don't care about what their friends may look like in the photo as long as they look their absolute best. Have you ever posted a photo where your friend is blinking but you look great?

Question 6

Have you ever been accused of being a cougar?

While men constantly date younger women and avoid certain nicknames, women that date younger men seem to be instantly labeled a "cougar." While some see it as a badge of honor, others aren't so happy about it. Have you ever been accused of being a cougar?

Question 7

Have you ever worn your swimsuit to the grocery store?

Although grocery stores aren't exactly the ideal place to wear a swimsuit, there are some people that just like to have that added bit of attention no matter where they go. Have you ever worn your swimsuit to the grocery store?

Question 8

Have you ever asked someone to carry you on the beach?

Going to the beach is a time-honored activity that people of all ages seem to enjoy. Yet, there are some people that don't have the same sort of carefree attitude about frolicking on the beach. Have you ever asked someone to carry you on the beach?

Question 9

Have you ever had a vow renewal ceremony?

It takes a special kind of person that wants to go through the entire wedding process more than once since planning a wedding is known to be one of the most stressful events in a person's life. Have you ever had a vow renewal ceremony?

Question 10

Have you ever posted your personal drama on social media?

Although social media sites are supposed to help with communicating with friends and family all over the world, many people use it to help give attention to the personal drama in their lives. Have you ever posted your personal drama on social media?

Question 11

Have you ever posted a “duck face” selfie?

There is a huge trend for people to post photos of themselves online with a pouty look that many have referred to as "duck face." While it definitely helps to create a poutier look in the lips, some people find it ridiculous. Have you ever posted a “duck face” selfie?

Question 12

Have you ever tried to actively limit your social circle?

There are some people that like to have a giant entourage around them at all times but there are others that feel much more comfortable having a smaller social circle. Have you ever tried to actively limit your social circle?

Question 13

Have you ever been told that you act like a child?

One of the biggest characteristics of being categorized as a diva is the way a person deals with disappointment. Resorting to child-like behavior is definitely something that a diva has perfected. Have you ever been told that you act like a child?

Question 14

Have you ever rolled your eyes right in someone’s face?

Some people have the ability to hold in their frustration and perform their shadiness on a low key level. Yet, there are others that simply can't help themselves when it comes to rolling their eyes. Have you ever rolled your eyes right in someone’s face?

Question 15

Have you ever been told that you get “hangry”?

"Hangry" is a new term that has made its way into regular conversation in recent years because it describes people that get noticeably angry whenever they're hungry. It's actually more common than you'd believe. Have you ever been told that you get “hangry”?

Question 16

Have you ever been told that you are seriously crazy?

It's actually quite common for people to categorize women as completely crazy since that is basically the go-to response for any man that is describing an ex-girlfriend or wife. Yet, not all of the female population can be crazy. Have you ever been told that you are seriously crazy?

Question 17

Have you ever been described as shady?

Being described as shady isn't exactly a compliment since it insinuates a devious part of someone's nature. Yet, there are so many people that have a major shady streak that appears in their regular lives. Have you ever been described as shady?

Question 18

Have you ever been told that your claws come out when you’re angry?

There are some people that are able to truly control their emotions, even when they have completely lost their temper. Yet, there are others that become practically ravenous when they're angry. Have you ever been told that your claws come out when you’re angry?

Question 19

Have you ever been so drunk that you didn’t know what was happening?

While it's commonly accepted that drinking alcohol can be a great way to relax and unwind, some people take their drinking habits to a completely different level. Have you ever been so drunk that you didn’t know what was happening?

Question 20

Have you ever been told that you aren’t apologetic?

They say that it takes a big person to be able to apologize and it definitely does take a certain amount of strength to be able to admit that one is wrong. Have you ever been told that you aren’t apologetic?

Question 21

Has anyone ever accused you of having too big of an ego?

One big characteristic of being categorized as a diva is being described as having a big ego. When an individual thinks so highly of themselves that people have to remark on their ego, that is definitely not a good sign. Has anyone ever accused you of having too big of an ego?

Question 22

Have you ever been accused of depending on your bank account too much?

While everyone can agree that it's far better to have money than to live without it, it's important to understand that a person's happiness shouldn't be solely dependent on the size of their bank account. Have you ever been accused of depending on your bank account too much?

Question 23

Have you ever been accused of being lazy?

While everyone seems to have moments in their lives when they just don't want to do anything, there is a huge difference between the occasional lack of motivation and bouts of extreme laziness. Have you ever been accused of being lazy?

Question 24

Have you ever been accused of being too opinionated?

Many people think of having a strong opinion as being synonymous of being strong-minded but it's not always seen as a positive attribute. Some people think of being overly opinionated as being quite arrogant and pushy. Have you ever been accused of being too opinionated?

Question 25

Have you ever been caught checking your man’s phone?

While everyone can agree that trust is an essential part of being in an honest and healthy relationship, some people can find it difficult to completely put their trust into their partner. Have you ever been caught checking your man’s phone?

Question 26

Have you ever been accused of giving too many dirty looks?

Some people have the ability to completely regulate their facial expressions regardless of what they might be feeling. Yet, there are many other people that can't simply hide their disdain. Have you ever been accused of giving too many dirty looks?

Question 27

Have you ever been accused of watching too much reality television?

When reality television first appeared on the small screen, there were many people that criticized it for not being true entertainment. Yet, there are others that think of it as their favorite genre to watch. Have you ever been accused of watching too much reality television?

Question 28

Have you ever been accused of holding onto grudges?

While everyone can agree that holding onto a grudge can be extremely detrimental to maintaining relationships, it can be difficult for some people to simply let go of the things that have bothered them. Have you ever been accused of holding onto grudges?

Question 29

Have you ever been accused of cyber bullying or encouraging others to bully on your behalf?

There once was a time when people could only bully others when they're face to face but the Internet has changed all of that. Have you ever been accused of cyber bullying or encouraging others to bully on your behalf?

Question 30

Have you ever been accused of overspending?

There are some people that are able to budget their finances regardless of how much income they have coming in. Yet, there are others that can't seem to budget their money despite how much income they have coming in. Have you ever been accused of overspending?

Question 31

Have you ever been carried because you were too tired to walk?

There are some areas in the world where walking can become an extremely grueling endeavor. From oversized amusement parks to hiking trails that seem to never end, it can be difficult for those that aren't used to so much exercise. Have you ever been carried because you were too tired to walk?

Question 32

Have you ever worn over-the-top jewelry inside the pool?

When it comes to going swimming, many people think of it as an activity that doesn't require a huge amount of accessories. While people generally keep small earrings on while swimming, seeing someone with full-on jewelry at the pool is almost comical. Have you ever worn over-the-top jewelry inside the pool?

Question 33

Have you ever worn full makeup to the gym?

Generally, people go to the gym in order to get their sweat on with a great workout. Yet, there are some people that can't go to the gym without a full face of flawless makeup. Have you ever worn full makeup to the gym?

Question 34

Have you ever gone on vacation without posting photos of it online?

Anyone with a social media page understands that some people can use it to brag about their travels. From photos of drinks by the beach to feet in the sand, some people need to show others pictures of their travels. Have you ever gone on vacation without posting photos of it online?

Question 35

Have you ever been manipulative over social media?

Social media has often been criticized because it can be used to share negativity to others in a way where everyone can witness it all go down. Some people use this to their advantage to further criticize others. Have you ever been manipulative over social media?

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