Can We Correctly Guess If You're A Parent?


Deciding to become a parent is one of the biggest decisions a person can make in life. Often, this huge life change happens by accident! But many couples and individuals carefully plan out when they want to have children, while some make the decision to not become parents at all. There are many reasons why a person might choose not to have children, such as finances (or lack thereof), wanting to focus on a career or oneself, or maybe it's just not in the cards for some people. But for so many people around the world, a child is a blessing. Whether you have one child or ten, being a parent is easily the hardest but most rewarding job there is in the world.

So knowing that, do you think the differences between a parent and a non-parent are vast? Does being a parent change you so completely that we will be able to tell just from a quiz? We are about to find out!

Obviously, experience in any area will make a person more knowledgeable about that particular area or field, so those who have had children will probably know more about children in general than those who do not have them. This is not always the case, but for the most part it is. This quiz is made up of trivia and facts about children and parenting, as well as questions about what you would do in certain parenting situations. We are willing to bet that by the answers you provide, we will be able to tell you if you are a parent or not, and if you are, exactly what kind of parent you are!

Question 1

When do children seem to be most thirsty?

Kids, especially in elementary school, always work up an appetite running around the playground or playing. They always seem to want more to eat and drink, especially if the snacks are something like Kool-Aid or chips. But what would you say the time of day is that they just can't seem to be hydrated enough (or at least, that is what they claim)?

Question 2

True or False: Sugar makes kids hyper.

When you think of sugar and children, you probably automatically assume it will make them bounce off the walls. After all, how many times have you heard parents tell their kids no sugar before bedtime? You have probably said it, yourself. But is that a myth, or is it scientifically proven to be true?

Question 3

What is a smash cake?

Do you know what a smash cake is? It is a relatively recent trend, but nowadays it is pretty common. If you are a parent, you will likely know what this is because you have probably had one, or at least known people who have. If you are clueless as to what a smash cake could be, you might not be a parent.

Question 4

How many questions does the average four-year-old ask in one day?

Although it may seem to you parents out there that the number is actually closer to one million, your inquisitive four-year-old does not ask even close to that amount of questions in a single day. Of course, many (if not most) of these questions are "Why?", but it still feels exhausting to be asked so many things!

Question 5

Are R-rated movies ok for kids?

In general, kids will not be admitted to an R-rated movie without an adult if they are under 17 years of age due to explicit violence, language, sexual content, or other mature content in a film. So most people steer clear of these movies with children to prevent nightmares or too many questions about things they are to young to understand.

Question 6

What do you do if your kid expresses an interest in a certain sport?

One of the major challenges of parenthood can be helping your kids to figure out what they love to do and what they are good at. Hobbies like sports, music, and other extracurricular activities are enriching and help them to grow in ways other than academically.

Question 7

How young is too young to wear makeup in your opinion?

It seems like kids are growing up faster than ever nowadays, while their parents are begging time to slow down and shaking their heads that their children want to grow up rather than enjoy being a kid as long as they can. But that is the reality, and wearing makeup is one thing young girls seem to want to do at a younger and younger age.

Question 8

Never give cough medicine to a child under the age of ____.

Over-the-counter cough medicine seems like the answer to your prayers when your kiddo is sick. It is heartbreaking to listen to them cough all night and get no sleep (and then you get no sleep, either). But are these medicines safe for any age, or is there a magic number when they become safe for a child to ingest?

Question 9

What strikes you as potentially dangerous about this toddler bedroom?

Does anything stand out to you about this bedroom that could potentially be dangerous for an unsupervised toddler? Hopefully a child that young would not be left alone at all, but it only takes a split second for something bad to happen. At first glance, this little girl's room is gorgeous, but what hidden dangers does it hold?

Question 10

Your kid says he is too sick to go to school. Do you believe him?

This is a situation every parent will face at some point in their parenthood. All kids want to get out of school sometimes, for whatever reason. Usually, kids just think it is boring, but there could be more going on like they are being bullied at school. So how can you tell if they are truly sick, or they are just trying to get out of going to school?

Question 11

How do you feel about your kid playing sports?

Sports play a major role in many kids' lives, and some of those kids stick with their chosen sport all the way through high school, into college, and a few of them even end up going pro. But regardless of what the kids think of sports, parents have mixed opinions, for varying reasons. What do you think?

Question 12

Pick a name for your child.

There is so much to consider when choosing a name for your child. It is one of the most important decisions, because what you choose to call him or her will be a very huge part of their life. It will follow them everywhere, and be on every piece of paper in school. It could even negatively affect them if it is too weird. People who do not have children have not had to consider all the different aspects of naming a baby. A lot more goes into it than people think.

Question 13

What personality trait is most important in a child?

This could be a matter of opinion, and depending on how one defines "important", the answer could change. But how you answer this question from the following options is telling about whether you are a parent, and if so, what kind of parent you are. It speaks to your values and beliefs in life.

Question 14

What food should you never feed your baby?

There are very strict, practical guidelines a parent or caregiver should follow when feeding their baby. For example, it is not recommended that you give your baby cow's milk as a replacement for breastmilk or formula because it is harder for them to digest. Which other food should you not give your baby?

Question 15

When is it ok to give your child a phone?

According to WebMD, while giving your child a phone is beneficial for communication and safety, it also poses risks. In children, the concern is radiation, texting while driving, lack of sleep, and more. More and more parents are getting their kids phones at a younger age. Which age do you think is appropriate for a first phone?

Question 16

Besides illness and injury, how often should you take a child to the doctor?

Before you have a baby, the amount of time you spend at the doctor while pregnant (or with your pregnant significant other) is a lot. Then babies have to be seen a few days after they are born, then every few weeks, then every month, and so on and so forth. Later on, other than being hurt or sick, how often should kids have a physical?

Question 17

True or False: Gender-neutral toys empower children

There have been many studies done on whether or not gender-specific toys have an impact on girls preferring dolls as they get older, and boys preferring trucks. Studies have shown that only allowing a girl to play with girl toys and vice-versa can have negative effects on a child. But do gender-neutral toys actually empower them?

Question 18

Your two children are fighting over a toy. What do you do?

If you have more than one child, or know someone who does, this scenario is a familiar one. Siblings who are around each other all the time are bound to want the same toy at some point, and it doesn't help that kids always want what they can't have. If their sibling is playing with something, they see it and then want it. So what do you do?

Question 19

What is the most effective punishment?

We've all either experienced it ourselves or been witness to someone else who has. I am talking about a misbehaving child. There are many ideas about how to handle a little troublemaker, and many approaches to take. What would be your style? Which do you think would be most effective?

Question 20

How long is it recommended that a time-out be?

To pull off an effective time-out, experts say you will need a designated corner or time-out chair. Do not send a child to their room where they will be easily distracted by toys. The child should reflect on his or her behavior and then explain to you why they are on time-out. But how long should the punishment last?

Question 21

What do you do when your child refuses to eat dinner?

This is a common scenario in households around the world. Kids are notoriously picky eaters, and if anything other than a grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, a hot dog, or macaroni and cheese is presented to them for dinner, parents are in for a battle. But this will not produce children who eat a healthy variety of foods. So what do you do?

Question 22

How do you handle a child who is screaming bloody murder over a tiny booboo?

Kids are oh, so dramatic. They act like it is the end of the world if they lose a toy, someone calls them a dummy head, or if they get the tiniest scratch. Sometimes they are genuinely afraid, but many times the fear is more than the actual pain so they scream and cry even though they are not badly hurt. And of course, some kids put on the theatrics for attention. What do you do?

Question 23

How much screen time is appropriate for your child, age 2-5?

This could depend on age, but for the most part, there are guidelines about how many hours of screen time per day a young person should be watching. Of course, the healthiest amount of screen time for anyone of any age is as little as possible, but in this day and age, we all have more of it than we probably should.

Question 24

Which most accurately describes you?

Every person is a mixture of many different things, so no one can fit into one neat little box like this. But if you had to pick just one from the following descriptions, which would describe you the best? It will be very helpful in determining if you are a parent, and what kind you are.

Question 25

When do babies usually learn to walk?

This is of course something that varies greatly between children. Some kids will have learned to toddle around all on their own before other kids even master pulling themselves up. But generally speaking, the majority of children learn to walk at around what age?

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