Build Your Perfect Guy And We'll Reveal Your Secret Personality!


Hey girls! How many of you have an ideal guy in mind? Someone who would be optimal dating material, complete with looks, personality, and genetics? Now, how many of your ideal men are actually real?

It is so hard these days to find the perfect guy to date. Often we end up compromising something that we wish we could have. Maybe we give up height and date a smart guy who is short. Maybe we give up a guy who has a sense of humour for a guy who has the looks instead. In this quiz, you get to design the perfect guy for you! You get to design someone who has the looks you want, the personality you want, the specific features you want... you can have everything that your heart desires.

Now, this does not come without a catch. Yes, you are intrigued by this concept of being able to create the guy for you, but it is not free. You read the title correctly. After you design the man that you want, we will reveal your secret personality. This means you may learn something new about yourself and you may not like what you hear! Good luck!

Take this quiz to build your perfect guy and discover something hidden about you!

Question 1

First let's start with the face. What is the most important feature to you?

You will get your chance to design various parts of your perfect man but first you get to choose the most important facial feature in your opinion. This feature is what you notice most about a guy. You may focus on it or notice it first. Either way, it is important. What is the most important facial feature in a guy?

Question 2

Which eye color do you prefer?

Ah, eyes. Such a dreamy part of a guy. Eyes come in all shapes and sizes. Piercing blue, deep brown, coal black, emerald green. Everyone likes something different, which is good because everyone is different! Here, you get to pick your favorite. What is it?

Question 3

What color hair do you prefer?

Next up, hair. You can pick any hair colour in the world! Maybe you like someone who has the same hair color as you or maybe you like someone with different hair. Do opposites attract? Do you maybe want little blonde children? What color hair is your favorite?

Question 4

What style hair is the hottest?

Some guys can rock a buzz cut. Other guys wear man buns proudly. Some shave designs into the back of their scalp. Boys will be boys! Naturally, you will like some hair styles better than others. You can't help it! Which is your favorite hairstyle?

Question 5

What do you think of earrings on a guy?

This is slightly controversial. Earrings on a guy! Some guys can really pull it off. But then think about that time on Friends when Ross got an earring and everyone made fun of him. Everyone has a different opinion on earrings. Do you like earrings on a guy? If so, what style?

Question 6

What do you think of facial hair?

Some guys pull off full beards and some can barely grow a moustache. This would not be a problem if you prefer your men clean shaven! Or perhaps you like a sexy five o'clock shadow? Lucky for you, you get to pick whatever type of facial hair you'd like! What kind of facial hair do you like?

Question 7

Thoughts on facial piercings?

Even if a guy does not have earrings, that does not mean that he does not have any facial piercings. There are endless amounts of piercings a man can get. Maybe you like one over another or maybe you don't like any at all. Tell us here!

Question 8

What kind of grooming is most important to you?

It's important to date a guy who knows how to take care of himself. He probably washes his face and wears deodorant, but then there are some extra steps that some guys use that other guys do not. Choose something extra for your guy to do so that he is always fresh for you!

Question 9

On to the body! What is your biggest physical turn off?

Everyone has their turn ons and turn offs. It is nothing to be ashamed about! In a perfect world, you get to handpick every aspect of the guy so that there are no turn offs. Lucky for you, you get to hand pick everything now! What is one physical thing you don't want your guy to have?

Question 10

Pick something you would like

Yeah, we agree. One physical characteristic is not enough. Let's delve deeper into the details of a man. Yeah, abs are nice. Biceps too. Okay, who doesn't want a man of high stature? But it is time for the more intricate details. Pick another physical characteristic!

Question 11

What is the most important physical characteristic?

Ah, on to picking what you DO want! It is time to craft your perfect body. Don't worry, you'll be able to pick a few more physics characteristics. You can choose anything you want! Don't be afraid to be vain! Now is your chance to be as picky as you'd like. What is most important to you?

Question 12

Okay, you can pick one more physical characteristic!

You think we were only going to let you pick two physical characteristics?! You are lucky enough to get to pick a third! Choose wisely, though, since it is the last one you get to choose. What is the most important physical characteristic here?

Question 13

What do you think about tattoos?

Tattoos are slightly controversial. Some people love them and some people hate them. And then there are the diplomats who don't care! To each their own. Tattoos can look hot on a guy but it all depends on your personal preference. So does your ideal man have tattoos?

Question 14

What kind of style should your man have?

Clothes are something that everyone wears differently. People like to express themselves in the way that they dress. It is something that is unique to each individual. That being said, you usually prefer some styles over others. In this ideal scenario, what kind of style does your man have?

Question 15

What shoes do you want him to wear?

Okay, down to some specifics. When it comes to picking shoes, lots of people have varying opinions. You may be into the beaten up old sneakers look. You may be into sandals and socks. You may be into expensive shoes! No matter what it is, tell us here!

Question 16

What is your favorite type of shirt on a guy?

We have picked shoes and states a basic style preference but lucky you, you get to choose specifics too! When thinking about men's clothing, what comes to mind? What shirt makes guys look hottest? What makes biceps pop? T-shirts? Vests? Take your pic!

Question 17

Do you think jackets are sexy?

There are many different kinds of jackets that can be worn by a guy. Bomber jackets, leather jackets, rain jackets, et cetera! It's possible that you view jackets as simply another layer covering up your bae's body, but you may also appreciate each layer that adds to his look. What is your opinion?

Question 18

Finally, pick some pants!

On to the last step of dressing your perfect man. He has a hat, a shirt, a jacket, shoes... a physical appearance, too. Before we move on to personality, pick a pair of pants. It should be whichever style you like the most!

Question 19

Which of these is the most important personality trait?

The time has come to design your man's personality. Don't stress, you'll get to pick several traits. If he is perfect for you, you will pick the value listed here that you most value. He is designed for you, so be as picky as you want! Take your time.

Question 20

Pick another quality:

You have picked one quality to start with and now you get to pick another. Slowly but surely, your perfect man is being crafted by your own hands. He is like your very own Adam! You get to pick another quality now, so choose wisely!

Question 21

You may pick one final quality!

You are almost done! Your man's body is finished, his clothes are complete. It is time to put the finishing touches on his personality. You can now pick one more trait to round up his character to best suit you. Have fun picking your final characteristic!

Question 22

Which type of sense of humor is your favorite?

You have crafted the perfect man. He is exactly what you want in a significant other. Now, picture yourself laughing with him. He's cracking jokes, keeping you on your toes, and making you fall even more in love with him. Which kind of sense of humor is he using to do this?

Question 23

Is he more of an extrovert or an introvert?

Your man is funny. He is perfect. He is well-dressed. The two of you would get along perfectly. If only he was real! Now you get to decide how outgoing he is. Does he lean more towards the introverted side or the extroverted one?

Question 24

Where do you two go on your first date?

Your man is ready for you! He is complete with clothes, looks, and an incredible personality! Everything you have ever wanted in a guy is in front of you. All you have left is to go on a date. You're not allowed to chicken out! Where do the two of you go?

Question 25

Finally, what his life plan?

Okay, everything is great. Everything is final. You are happy. He is happy. You two make a great couple. Or, you would if he were real! You have successfully crafted the man of your dreams. He may be unattainable or unrealistic, but at least he's perfect! Now, the final task. What does HE want?

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