Complete This Quiz And We'll Reveal Your Next Boyfriend’s Zodiac Sign

If you are the type to really pay attention to your personality based on your zodiac sign, you can use them to figure out many things about yourself and the people you interact with. Astrology can reveal a lot, from which zodiac signs are your mortal enemies to which careers would be an ideal match. These horoscopes will never steer you wrong. They are even reliable in revealing the signs you should avoid like the plague and also what signs you are most compatible with.

It is a strongly held belief that it is crucial to date only persons whose sign is compatible with your sign. According to various psychic mediums, ninety percent of failed relationships can be avoided by just sticking to the sign that is compatible with yours.

But hold on, dating an astrological sign that is not compatible with yours doesn’t mean that you are automatically doomed. Let’s face it, there are problems in every relationship that should be worked through regardless of sign. Plus there's more to astrology than just your sun sign, so you need to do as much research as is humanly possible.

So, in an effort to assist you in your search for your next boyfriend, we recommend you take this quiz and we’ll reveal his zodiac sign. Let’s get started.

Question 1

What trait do you look for most in a partner?

As humans, there are many things that we look for in partners. It’s not like we have a long list of demands, just certain traits that we would love to see in the one that we plan to date or plan a future with. Especially if we are following our astrology guidance.

Question 2

Which color attracts you the most?

Colors do a lot to the brain without you knowing it. Many chemical changes happen when our brains interpret different colors. That is how we have colors that we love and colors that we do not like so much. It is a neurological response by our brains that tells us what we like and what we dislike.

Question 3

What trait would be a dealbreaker in a relationship?

Just as we have traits that we want our future partner to have, so too do we have traits that we do not want in a partner. It is human to have likes and dislikes and voicing your dislikes to save yourself and the other person from a life of misery is totally worth it.

Question 4

What is most important to you?

We all have that one thing in life that means everything to us. We would kill for it, die for it and make the biggest sacrifices for it. What holds such importance for you in your life? Do you think that it is worth it? Well, it probably is if it is most important to you.

Question 5

How do you feel most of the time?

Depending on your personality and how you view life on a whole, this can affect how you feel on a daily basis. If you are not a happy person, you won’t have a happy outlook on life, on the contrary, if you are a positive person, you will typically have a positive outlook on life.

Question 6

Choose a pick-up line

Contrary to popular belief, men are not the only ones who use pick-up lines. Women have a reputation of being quite coy when it comes to the dating scene. Many women sit back and let the men go to them. However, sometimes, bold women take the horse by the reigns and not only start the conversation but steer it as well.

Question 7

What is your weakness?

Most people have something that gets them shaking in their boots. Whether what scares us is reality or conceptual, the response is the same. A phobia is an anxiety disorder which generates fear of an object, situation or activity that compels a person to display irrational efforts in avoiding what is feared.

Question 8

What do you think about at night before you sleep?

Lying in bed waiting on sleep to take you away can be a great feeling, but sometimes our minds are so full of thoughts that it races and we can't get a proper night's rest. But based on the life you live and the type of individual you are, your thoughts can vary a lot.

Question 9

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Everyone has stuff that they hate. Things that they cannot stand, things that get under their skin. These are called pet peeves (and no, it has nothing to do with your pet). Sure there are many bad things happening in the world, but don’t you hate it when people smack their mouths while eating?

Question 10

Pick an insult

In a verbal society like the one we live in, insults are the norm. We can assume that insults are motivated by anger surrounding issues of status or other things. Many insults are reactive; they are responses to slights done by others. Unfortunately, the narcissistic trend of insults have taken over social media by storm.

Question 11

There is nothing more attractive than a man who…

Many movies and literature give this idea that women are only attracted to men who are buff, attractive Christian Slater lookalikes. However, this is certainly not true, a woman can be attracted to many different body types and aspects of a man. It isn’t always physical, contrary to very popular belief in society.

Question 12

A fight between two guys breaks out at a party, you expect your boyfriend to…

Your man playing the hero can be a very attractive thing to witness. But do you really want your boyfriend to turn into a referee on your first date? We think not! The instinct of most partners is to keep each other safe from harm. Although some might argue that a badass boyfriend can be a major turn on.

Question 13

The perfect Valentine’s Day gift would be…

The sooner a man starts shopping for a Valentine’s Day gift the better. You want to give your lady a gift that says I love you, I appreciate you and I will forever be yours. Many men tend not to put too much thought into buying gifts, but trust us, a lady can tell when there is meaning behind a gift and it makes them appreciate it all the more.

Question 14

How do you react when conflict arises?

People disagree because they view things differently. Most conflict situations arise out of disagreements that cannot be solved amicably. People react to conflict in many different ways. How you react has a lot to do with your temperament and how you keep your cool in tense situations. Conflicts can have very negative outcomes so it is best to work together to solve what is causing the conflict.

Question 15

How do you show affection?

Everyone is different and we all show affection differently. Some show affection in quality time, spending time with the one they love and adore. Others show affection by using words of affirmation, phrases that encourage, respect and compliment their partner. Also, some people show affection through gifts and physical touch, showering their partner with expensive presents, hugs and cuddles.

Question 16

Pick a club you would like to join

A study found that kids who had leadership positions in clubs and societies in schools were most likely to have managerial positions in jobs when they left school. Having a leadership position in a club helps you to gain experience, work well with others, be optimistic and take action. Clubs basically mold you for the world.

Question 17

How would get your crush's attention?

How do you get someone’s attention when they seem to never notice you? You like this guy and he seems very oblivious to your advances. What do you do then? Well, you can walk by him until he catches your eye, make a good first impression, have an inviting body language and flirt.

Question 18

When you flirt, you’re most likely to use your…

We all have that one unique thing that we use to flirt. Usually we use the best attributes of our bodies to get the attention of that hot guy that we like or to make a very good impression so he can’t stop thinking about us. It is natural to flirt and when done in a classy way can be duly appreciated.

Question 19

What do you enjoy doing the most when you are free?

We all spend our free time differently and we all have our different niches that we enjoy. So whenever you find yourself with a bit of free time, you can spend it wisely by doing what you enjoy doing the most. In such a busy society where we hardly ever have time for ourselves, we suggest you make use of any free time that becomes available to you.

Question 20

Do you like men who make the first move?

It’s a pretty popular stereotype that men are supposed to make the first move in everything. Men are expected to approach the female, take her out, pay for the date, and propose, among other things. But times are rapidly changing and women are becoming more industrious. Thus, the lines that once separated the roles have become blurred.

Question 21

You prefer your relationships to be…

Have you ever seen some couples who thrive on drama within their relationships? They fight over the pettiest stuff just to make up afterwards. But hey, that is what floats their boat. We all have different dynamics in our relationship and how we want it to be is dependent upon what is communicated between your partner and yourself. Do what works for you.

Question 22

Which of these is most important in your day to day life?

Everyone wants to be liked, but for some if they are not liked it doesn’t matter at all. As humans we all strive to achieve something at some point in our lives. When we achieve what we strive for, our lives become more fulfilling and satisfying than it was before our success.

Question 23

Pick a song for you and your boyfriend to call your own

For some of us, music has been an integral part of our lives. So when we have relationships, it is no surprise that countless memories that we share are marked by music. According to one therapist, having a song can help to save a rocky relationship. Bet you didn’t know that!

Question 24

Pick a first date

Planning a first date can be stressful, especially if you like the person that you are going out with a lot. You feel stressed by society to find the perfect place and make sure that everything is in order. But before you go ahead and plan to do all manner of things, remember that consulting with the person you are going out with is key.

Question 25

What is your favorite genre of film?

The best way to say this is that depending on your personality, the genre of movie that you like best will reflect that. Genres that you love to watch are like a mirror of yourself. Then we have the genres that we don’t like so much. But as long as you stick to what you generally love you will be alright.

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