Not Even The Biggest Friends Fans Can Remember All 50 Of These Memorable Lines

Friends is a timeless classic. The show went on for a 10 season run, and fans were truly heart broken when they finally ended it. Even today it's re-runs are some of the most played shows on the air. Now with all 10 seasons on Netflix, it is almost impossible to stop re-watching this show every time we finish it. The jokes are just as funny as they were when the episodes first came out, and while fashion styles have changed drastically since this show was first released, it is always fun to go back and see the characters in their classic 90s get ups.

Is anyone here such a big Friends fan that they have been consistently watching it since it ended? If so, this quiz is a must take! To pass this ultimate Friends quiz, one will have needed to have seen every episode multiple times, and they will have needed to have been paying close attention to which characters said which jokes. We are going to list 50 of the most memorable Friends quotes, and everyone is going to have to guess who said it. By the end of this quiz we are finally going to know who the biggest Friends fans truly are!

Question 1

"No uterus, no opinion."

Throughout this show's 10 seasons, there were several pregnancies. Phoebe first carried her brothers triplets, then Rachel and Ross had Emma, and towards the end we saw Monica and Chandler's surrogate carrying their children. During one of these story lines, this quote got dropped. It is a fair point for a women to make during a pregnancy, but was it actually one of the girls that said this? Who here can remember exactly which of these characters said this line?

Question 2

"He's so pretty, I want to cry."

We are going to limit the options for this one down to just the girls. Especially in the early seasons, before any of them are married, the girls are often going on dates, just hoping to find "the one". Most of the time these dates don't end with a happily ever after, but from time to time they meet someone who is cute enough for them to try and make it work anyways. Can anyone guess which lady said these words?

Question 3

"I needed a plan, a plan to get over my man. And what's the opposite of man? Jam."

Since in this quote the speaker clearly states that they are trying to get over their man, we will narrow down the options to just the girls. One of these three ladies just went through a bad break up, and instead of the classic ice cream eating while watching sad movies, they came up with a different plan. A jam plan to be exact. This one should give itself away, so anyone who calls themselves a Friends fan should already know the answer...

Question 4

"We were on a break!"

This has to be the line that gets said the most throughout all 10 seasons of the show. At the very least it is right up there next to Joey's "How you doin" line. The line comes from a never ending argument about a situation where half the party claims the other half was unfaithful, while that half claims the couple had ended things, meaning nothing bad actually happened. The room usually splits in two over who was right about this one.

Question 5

"Why do bad things happen to good people!?"

So this quote is clearly not an original. Many characters, from many different shows have said this line. However, this line belongs to only one of the friends. None of the character are really bad people, nor does anything truly bad ever happen to them during the course of the series, but one of them was inconvenienced enough to say this line in a very frantic voice. Can anyone picture the scene? Better yet does anyone know who said it?

Question 6

"Being alone sucks!"

This is a classic line from someone in their 20's. When this show first started out all of our characters were still in their 20's, so it very possibly could have been any one of them who said it. Not even one of our characters was in a relationship that lasted the length of the entire series, so at one point or another they were each alone, and usually miserable about it. Looking at the four options listed, can anyone guess who said it?

Question 7

"Is that what a dinosaur would do?"

There is no questioning who this quote was directed at. Ross is the dinosaur guy, so naturally this line was meant for him. When one of his friends is trying to encourage him by giving him advice, they use this line to help. As a Paleontologist, Ross does not know what a dinosaur would do in any given situation, but the thought behind the quote was sweet. Can anyone remember who said it? Only one of these answers is correct!

Question 8

"So it seems this internet thing is here to stay, huh?"

So, it turns out this character was very right about this! We must remember that this show started off in the 90s, so while a line like this probably wouldn't have been written into a show today, back then it totally made sense. At one point in the series, one of the characters gets a cell phone, and that was a weird thing to see people with on TV at the time. Can anyone remember who said this retro quote?

Question 9

"I don't even have a pla-"

It may look like an incomplete quote, but it is not. The character in question was asked by one of their friends if they had a general life plan. This was the characters response. Clearly they had no plans what so ever. Not even enough to form a complete word. Luckily for the character their life seemed to turn out just fine even without a plan. Does anyone here remember this episode? Is so, can you guess exactly which friend it was that said this line?

Question 10

"Does a dog's lips move when he reads?"

Now this is an interesting question. Clearly the fact that dogs cannot read was not something the speaker was thinking about at all when they dropped this line. Perhaps they meant it in the same way someone would use the line "if a tree falls when no one is around the hear it, does it make a sound?". The context however does not matter too much here, the only thing we need to know is which of these characters said it!

Question 11

"Oh, that makes me feel so warm in my hollow tin chest."

Okay, we are going to give a big hint for this question. One of these characters does not know how to cry. There was an entire episode about it, and in that episode this quote was said. The character in question worried their friends when they found out that they had never cried during some of the world's saddest films. The speaker of the quote actually hadn't realized it was an issue, until everyone accused them of having no heart...

Question 12

"Stop cleansing my aura."

This line was, as some of you may have already guessed, directed straight at Phoebe. As a lover of all things mystical, naturally Phoebe believes in cleansing the aura. When one of her friends is going through an issue, she wants to help, so she cleanses their auras. In one of these situations, the receiver of the cleansing was not super into it. That is how this line came to be. Now, can anyone remember who actually said this quote?

Question 13

"Sometimes I like to hold stuff like this and pretend i'm a giant."

The speaker of the quote, said the line while they were holding a rather small object. The character in question has a track record for not knowing when a joke is truly needed, and this quote came from a scenario exactly like that. The character does not know that sometimes less is more, and instead they make comments about almost everything they do. Naturally this annoys their friends to no end. Which of these four is the correct answer to the question?

Question 14

"Here comes the meat sweats."

During yet another classic Thanksgiving episode, our characters were all initially upset over their being no Turkey planned for that years dinner. One of them was so disappointed that they agreed to eat the entire thing themselves, just as long as one was prepared. Well, the day came and they kept their promise. Slowly but surely they ate an entire turkey. What was even more impressive was that they asked for pie after they were done. Which of these characters got the meat sweats?

Question 15

"We swallow our feelings. Even if it means we're unhappy forever. Sound good?"

This does not exactly scream "healthy coping mechanism", but then again we all have our own ways of dealing with things, right? This character seems to prefer the idea of ignoring their feelings, over actually paying attention to them and following what they mean. Even the speaker knows this can never lead to happiness, but they are willing to give up happiness if it means avoiding an uncomfortable situation. Does anyone remember this line being said, or better yet who said it?

Question 16

"Well, the fridge broke, so I had to eat everything."

This line is pretty self explanatory. After their fridge breaks, the character in question spends the entire episode eating everything that was inside of it. Sadly, nothing inside of it looked very edible to begin with. Not only was this a good story line on its own, but the character also spent the episode trying to trick people into thinking they had broken the fridge, so they would have them pay for the damages. Does anyone know who said it?

Question 17

"I could so easily freak out right now."

In this scene one of our Friends came very close to losing their cool. Of course, through out the 10 seasons, they all lose their cool a bunch of times, but this time was a bit different. The character in question here should have freaked out, but for what ever reason they didn't. Even the character in question was surprised by their own reaction. Can anyone remember the scene we are talking about, and which of these characters it involved?

Question 18

"If you're too afraid to be in a relationship, then don't be in one."

Even though all of our characters went through their own tough relationships, it never stopped them from giving their friends love advice when ever it was needed. One of our characters got right to the point while dishing our their relationship advice. This bit of knowledge did just the trick as well, if anyone can remember the scene we are describing. Does this line ring any bells for anyone? Which of these four characters gave this honest bit of advice?

Question 19

"Not knowing when to shut up? Yep, that's my thing."

Each one of the Friend's characters have gotten themselves into trouble simply by speaking too much. One of them in particular knew this was an issue they had. Still, if we do not remember the exact scene in which this line was said, it could really have been any one of them. Did anyone know the answer right away just by reading the quote? If not, take a look at the four given options, and try to narrow it down!

Question 20

"It's a moo point. It's like a cows opinion, it doesn't matter. It's moo."

While this quote seems fairly silly, the longer you read it, the more it starts to make sense. The speaker has clearly mixed up the words "moo" and "moot", but they still seem to make the saying work. When discussing something that was of no matter to anyone, they used the line "moo point". After receiving confused looks they quickly explained what it meant. While the character is still definitely wrong about the saying, their version still seems to work.

Question 21

"They're as different as night and... later that night."

Clearly one of the friends got caught in a sentence they did not know exactly how to finish here. The expression is normally "They're as different as night and day" but something here went a little wrong. Either they couldn't remember the actual saying, their delivery was off, or maybe they realized the people they were talking about weren't as different as they thought when they started the line. What ever the reason, the question still remains...Which character said this line?

Question 22

"I am not "blah", I am a hoot!"

One of our characters went on the defensive with this quote. Someone (who is not part of their main circle of friends) called the character in question "blah". This did not go over well. The character instantly fought back, and dropped this less than heated line. To be fair, all of the friends are "hoots!", so whoever called one of them "blah" clearly hadn't seen every episode... Can anyone guess which of these four characters felt the need to state that they are in fact a "hoot"?

Question 23

"What a sad little life she must lead."

This quote was not directed at any of the Friends, but it was said by one of them. After hearing that casting directors only talk to agents, the character in question was confused. They initially thought that meant they didn't interact with anyone else day to day. Clearly that is not at all the case. This entire story line was full of good quotes, but can anyone remember which of the Friends said this one? Only one of the options below is correct!

Question 24

"I shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore."

Has anyone here ever felt this way after making a poor decision? One of the friends made a bad life choice, and decided they would be better off if the big decisions were no longer left in their hands. In the episode the character actually grants the power of making their decisions to one of their friends. Does this ring any bells for anyone? Who here can think back far enough, and remember which of these four gave up on making big life choices?

Question 25

"They're still not coming on, man! And the lotion and the powder have made a paste!"

So this one definitely needs some context. One of our male characters decided to try out a new look by buying very tight looking leather pants. After not taking the advice of their friends who told them not to wear them, the character in question wore the pants out on a date. During a trip to the bathroom, things went wrong, and they could not get the pants back on, leading them to call one of their friends for help...

Question 26

"Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to."

This character is clearly very good at being honest. When asked if they wanted to participate in what ever outing had been planned, this character wasted no time turning the offer down with this amazing response. Who hasn't dreamed of saying something like this to someone? Unfortunately, when said outside of the TV world, it may be perceived as a tad bit rude. This character certainly pulled it off though. Can anyone remember which on of these four Friends said it?

Question 27

"It's a Sunday. I don't move on Sundays."

This quote seems pretty fair. There are tons of people who reserve Sunday's for relaxing, but the character in question was absolute about not leaving the house on this particular Sunday. One of their friends wanted to take the speaker out with them on a run, but clearly that was just not happening. The speaker felt as though they needed no other explanation than this, they simply do not move on Sundays. Can anyone pick out the correct character name?

Question 28

"They don't know we know they know we know."

Now here is one that is a little tricky. We are almost positive everyone has heard this line before, but during the episode this line is said in several different ways, by several different people. This version of the quote was only said by one of the show's characters, and they are one of the four listed below. The best idea would be to slowly read the quote several times, and try to remember the situation as you go. Any guesses?

Question 29

"I'm curvy and I like it."

One of these characters is clearly very content with how they look over all. After someone made a comment to them about the amount of pizza they were eating, the character in question clapped back with this line. Nobody needs people in their lives telling them how much pizza to eat, and this character knew it! Thankfully the character that made the initial comment is not a series regular. Out of the four options given, pick out the character who said it.

Question 30

"Oh yea that's the word I use when I can't remember the real thing."

We are not going to tell you what the word they are talking about in this quote is, because that would simply make the question way too easy. The character who said the quote however, has a tendency to forget words, and use their own creations instead. Without giving away anything more, does everyone know who we are talking about here? Out of the four answers given below, only one of them is the correct one! Take your best guess!

Question 31

"That sandwich was the only good thing in my life."

This a a rather sad quote. Clearly the character in question is going through a difficult time, and they were really really looking forward to enjoying a sandwich. To make things worse for this character, someone ate their sandwich before they got to it. We can assure everyone that things worked out in the end, but we still need to know which of these characters said the line. Looking at the four options below, does anyone know the correct answer?

Question 32

"Paper! Snow!...A ghost!"

Games can be tough, and our friends proved this to be true on several different occasions. After 10 seasons we saw each of them try their hand at different games, ranging from poker, to games they invented themselves. Usually at least one of the participants struggled. This quote comes from one of these game incidents. They are trying to guess a word with only a brief description, and clearly they are all over the place. Can anyone guess the right name?

Question 33

"That was funny. Painfully funny. No, wait. Just Painful."

Considering that the bulk of this shows joke's come at the expense of one of the characters, it is actually a little surprising that something like this was only said once, and by only one character. All six friends are constantly taking shots at one another, and sometimes the jokes can get a little painful to hear we are sure. Can anyone think of the joke that lead to this line? Or even better, who the joke was aimed at?

Question 34

"That sounded so much better in my head."

This happens a lot to most people, and the characters on Friends are no different. One of them said something out loud, and it did not exactly come across the way the had wanted it to. Sometimes a thought, no matter how good it sounds in our head, just does not sound as good when said out loud. Can anyone here remember which one of our friends slipped up, and said something they pretty much instantly regretted? Only one of these is correct!

Question 35

"We better stick to the routine; we don't want to look stupid."

Any true Friends fan should know what "the routine" means with no explanation at all, but in case there are a few out there who remain unsure we will try and help you out. Two of our characters created a dance routine. It was a glorious dance routine, but they hadn't practiced it in a while. When the chance came to dance on camera, they knew they needed to use the routine to really turn some heads. Any guesses yet?

Question 36

"I'm Fiine!"

It is true, that each character probably said the words "i'm fine" at least once during the 10 seasons, but note the spelling of this specific quote. The use of the 2 I's is super important here. One of the characters is anything but fine about their ex now dating someone new, but they insist on telling everyone that they are fiine. Yes, after a few drinks they actually start saying it like that. Ring any bells? Who knows the right answer?

Question 37

"I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open."

One of our characters has a harder time than the others about keeping their true feelings hidden. After being bored about a topic that was being discussed one of our characters jumped into the conversation with this line. While they may have actually just learned this new skill, we feel its more likely that they were just so bored they needed to change the subject. Does anyone remember this scene, and obviously which of these characters actually said the line?

Question 38

"There's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me."

By the end of the 10th season most of the Friends character's had found their path in life, but before that there was 10 years worth of hard times and heartbreaks for all of these characters. At some point one of them felt as though things could not get any worse. Whether they had their heart broken, or got fired from a job, is up to you guys to remember. Once that has been figured out, guessing who said it will be a piece of cake!

Question 39

"This parachute is a knapsack!"

This line was used as a clever way to get out of a conversation the speaker did not want to be in. After being asked a question they were not comfortable answering, the character in question leaped out of their chair, and pretended to be free falling out of a plane. That is the exact scene where this line got dropped, does it ring any bells? Can anyone remember the character who used this funny line to get out of a conversation?

Question 40

"I'm glad we're having a rehearsal dinner. I rarely practice my meals before I eat."

Clearly when this line was said, the group had ventured out to attend a rehearsal dinner. We saw several marriages happen during the 10 seasons, so we must narrow down the options to gets the right answer. Could it have been one of Ross's multiple weddings? Or maybe it was said before Monica and Chandler's big day? We must never forget about Phoebe and Mikes beautiful wedding either. Can anyone remember the correct wedding, and also who said this line?

Question 41

"I knew something was wrong. My fingernails didn't grow at all yesterday."

This is certainly a bizarre quote, even for Friends. Fingernail growth as far as we know, has nothing to do with day to day problems, but who really knows, right? This character was certain they had known there was an issue, all because of their lack of fingernail growth. Maybe they were on to something? Regardless, the question remains the same...Which of these four characters foresaw an upcoming issue by tracking their fingernail length? Does anyone know the correct answer?

Question 42

"I stalk guys and keep their underpants."

We first want to point out that even though this line was said by one of our Friends, none of them actually have this bad habit. In the episode in question, one of these four characters gets caught in a situation they can't, or wont explain. What could they do? Well, they came up with this awesome line as a distraction. Not the weakest idea ever, especially considering it kind of worked! Can anyone remember the scene we are talking about?

Question 43

"I say more dumb things before 9 a.m than most people say all day."

This normally wouldn't be something someone is bragging about, but our friends tend to do things a little differently than others do. One of them in fact is well aware that their constantly flowing thoughts are usually rather dumb. At this point in the speakers life, they have come to terms with who they are, and they feel more than comfortable being honest about their down falls. This just happens to be one of them. Ring any bells? Who said it?

Question 44

"I'm gonna go get one of those job things."

For the majority of the time in the show each of our characters were employed, but there were a few times when they either got fired, quit, or just could not find work. At the very beginning of the series, one of our characters went out on their first ever job hunt. It did not go exactly as well as they had hoped, but eventually it all worked out! Can anyone here remember who it was that said this line?

Question 45

"Well, I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe that someone would tell a story that dull just to tell it."

Were going to go ahead a give a big hint for this one. The quote in question was directed straight at Ross, after one of his legendary long boring stories about science, or whatever it is he is always going on about. One of his friends had decided they had had enough, and gave it to him straight. Poor Ross, but someone really did need to tell him. Can anyone remember which Friend responded to Ross's story with this line?

Question 46

"We're gonna lift the car... and slide it out. Lift... and slide."

While the show did not last long enough for us to see any of the characters turn 50, we did get the chance to see a few of them go through a mid-life crises. One of them decided to go out and buy a sports car. Since they live in New York City, a sports car is less than practical. On their first day with the car, they get it stuck between two other parked cars on a crowded street.

Question 47

"Girls tend not to like me."

Here is a funny one. This could have easily been said by one of the guys, or one of the girls. Ross and Chandler both experience difficulties while trying to meet women to date, most often the difficulties come from the women not being interested in them. Monica and Rachel on the other hand, tend to come off as the "popular girls" which some outside females may not be crazy about. Can anyone remember which of these four actually said this line?

Question 48

"Meat on a dessert? That is not possible."

There is only one possible episode in which this line could have been said. Rachel was tasked with making Thanksgiving dessert, in one the show's legendary holiday episodes. At first things were going well for Rachel, but two of her cook book's pages got stuck together causing her to make a half trifle/half shepherds pie. Not exactly a classic Thanksgiving treat. One of her Friends just could not believe that the cook book was asking her to add these ingredients....

Question 49

"All right, I took the quiz. And it turns out I do put work before men."

This line may be a little difficult, simply because none of our characters put work before their relationships. Somehow even though they all have full time jobs (apart from Joey anyway), they all still manage to spend their afternoons hanging with their friends at the coffee house. So, needless to say their relationships never really take a hit because of the amount of time they put into their jobs. Can anyone guess which one of these characters said this line?

Question 50

"Raspberries? Good. Ladyfingers? Good. Beef? Good!"

Once again we must return to Rachel's less than appealing dessert. During that Thanksgiving episode, not everyone was as disappointed about the dessert mix up as everyone else. One of them in fact really enjoyed the meaty treat. This is the line they used to express exactly how the felt about that years dessert option. While they were still the only one with this opinion, at least Rachel got one fan out of the whole mess. Which character said it?

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