
Articles by Marin Johnson

Movies and TV

The Big Bad Movie Villain Quiz

Only 17% of players can beat this villain quiz. D you love movies enough to name where each of these 35 villains come from? How many of these malevolent evildoers do you recognize? The quiz only gets ...


Do You Think Like A Man Or A Woman?

Find out if you have an inner man or woman at the wheel. Who do you really get along with best? Do you really have the brain to match the body you were born with? This 5-minute quiz might surprise you...


Are You Right-Brained Or Left-Brained?

Is the left or right side of your brain dominant? Each side of the brain provides unique skills and abilities. Those with a dominant left side have great mathematical and logical talent, while those w...


Will Your Love Last? Take The Break-Up Test!

Are you a match made in Heaven? Do you two have what it takes to conquer doubts, jealousy, stress, and all of the clutter in order to have the happy ending you've always dreamed of? Test your relation...

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